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构建了企业社会责任、企业声誉和员工满意度的关系模型,以西北工业大学深圳地区和西安地区MBA班工程硕士学员为调研对象,欲探讨现阶段企业员工对企业社会责任的认知状况。通过构建结构方程模型,实证分析发现:企业社会责任对企业声誉有显著正向影响;企业声誉对员工满意度有显著正向影响;企业社会责任不直接对员工满意度产生影响,而是通过影响企业声誉后对员工满意度产生作用。  相似文献   

基于声誉机制的企业社会责任研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐佩  朱玲娴 《价值工程》2012,31(5):111-112
本文从企业战略层面的各个角度和企业经营者声誉评价层面来对基于声誉机制的企业社会责任进行文献回顾,发现研究的层次不够深入,不够成熟,实用性也待进一步研究。  相似文献   

李胜苗 《价值工程》2012,31(30):148-149
本文多视角的观点探讨企业竞争优势的构建机理,将企业社会责任作为契合点,详细论述企业社会责任如何影响企业内外部环境因素进而构建企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

This paper explores how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can incentivize political actors to increase firms' political access. Taking a discursive institutional perspective, I argue that the types of access negotiated depend on how political actors co-construct the multiplicity of CSR meanings. To study this process, I focus on the empirical case of the European Union (EU), offering a novel analysis of event observations, policy documents, and interviews with Commission officials, Euro-parliamentarians, and other stakeholders. I find that the value of CSR is highly contested in the EU political arena. I then elucidate four discursive strategies through which political actors interactively refined, reframed, and reinterpreted the meaning of CSR and its relevance for firm access in ways beneficial to their perceived interests. The findings highlight the importance for nonmarket strategy studies to conceptualize CSR as a co-constructed idea and access as negotiated, putting the micro-dynamic relationship between firms and political actors centre stage.  相似文献   

何岫芳 《价值工程》2014,(17):161-162
食品安全事件多发凸显食品企业社会责任缺失,且构成行业重大挑战与社会突出问题。文章对如何解决企业责任缺失问题进行了探索。  相似文献   

Firms typically present a mixed picture of corporate social performance (CSP), with positive and negative indicators exhibited by the same firm. Thus, stakeholders' judgments of corporate social responsibility (CSR) typically evaluate positives in the context of negatives, and vice versa. Building on social judgment theory, we present two alternative accounts of how stakeholders respond to such complexity, which provide differing implications for the financial effects of CSP: reciprocal dampening and rewarding uniformity. Echoing notable findings on strategic consistency, our US panel study finds that firms that exhibit uniformly positive or uniformly negative indicators in particular dimensions of CSP outperform firms that exhibit a mixed picture of positives and negatives, which supports the notion that stakeholders' judgments of CSR reward uniformity.  相似文献   

企业生命周期阶段与其社会责任战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李颖  薛俊妮 《价值工程》2012,31(2):103-104
随着世界经济的高速发展,深层次的环境问题和社会问题日益凸显。企业社会责任问题已成为国内外理论和实践研究关注的焦点。本文在肯定可以从企业战略的视角下考虑企业社会责任的承担和其对社会责任体系的建立有积极作用的同时,运用生命周期理论,分析企业在不同发展时期的发展战略和相应的企业的社会责任的承担,希望促进企业的综合竞争力的提高和推动社会责任体系的完善。  相似文献   

尚振生 《价值工程》2013,(26):135-137
本文在通过分析国内外企业社会责任的履行情况,然后从利益相关者、公司绩效、核心竞争力、贸易与投资、可持续发展战略六个视角分析企业社会责任履行对企业未来发展的影响,并得出我国企业预长远发展就必须加强社会责任意识。  相似文献   

本文从企业财务关系中企业社会责任意识的缺失对社会和谐、社会主义市场经济秩序、企业文化等五个方面的影响讨论了企业社会责任的重要性及其缺失可能带来的后果。  相似文献   

宁雪 《企业活力》2011,(9):73-77
可持续发展是中国的发展战略之一,但其三要素中的社会要素是经常被忽略的部分。作为社会要素的一个方面,近年来食品安全等问题的发现,深刻反映了企业社会责任的重要性。强调企业的社会责任既是符合中国科学发展的适时之举,又是实现企业永续发展的必然环节,必须结合现状,寻求履行企业社会责任的未来发展之路。  相似文献   

王守霞  程馨  任姣 《价值工程》2015,34(9):8-10
战略性企业社会责任(SCSR,Strategic corporate social responsibility)是将企业社会责任与公司战略管理相融合的新研究方向,近年来引起了学术界的广泛关注。SCSR以企业的长远利益为出发点,强调"共享价值",是既不同于CSR战略管理,又不同于传统型CSR的新议题。本文在区别传统型CSR和战略性CSR的基础上对后者进行了系统的研究,尝试从概念界定、价值创造途径、实证研究三个方面对SCSR进行综述,并提出SCSR的价值创造动力机制模型,以期为今后的相关研究提供一条思路。  相似文献   

马尔科姆.波多里奇卓越绩效模式产生距现在20多年了,经过多次修订,如今的卓越绩效准则中,利益相关者是一个重要的概念,而企业社会责任是卓越绩效的核心价值观之一。文中研究的是利益相关者和企业社会责任两者的本质以及它们之间的关联。  相似文献   

企业的社会责任与相关会计问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从经济学的角度分析了企业社会责任的内涵和约束机制,强调了企业社会责任制度建设和制度约束的重要性,同时也提及了企业社会责任他律作用下自律的必要性,突出表述了企业社会责任是均衡利益的要求,是权益保护原则和平等交易规则从微观向宏观扩展的结果,揭示了会计行为的社会责任属性,并对企业社会责任与会计学相关问题主要方面的关系进行了框架性分析,开扩了会计研究的视野。  相似文献   

李弘  王耀球  刘洪松 《物流技术》2011,(17):163-167
剖析了企业社会责任及其内涵,阐明了基于企业社会责任的新型供应链管理模式,并通过对供应链内部的博弈分析,解释了供应链的稳定性;分析了随需应变动态供应链的发展特征,构建了新型的供应链运行框架。将利益相关者理论应用于企业社会责任,依据供应链企业利益相关者在社会责任中的不同作用,提出了供应链企业利益相关者关系架构,并围绕企业社会责任揭示了三者之间循环改进、提升供应链企业社会责任的机理。  相似文献   

Socio-political issues and environments are becoming more complex and challenging. In this introduction to the special issue on ‘The Management of Socio-Political Issues and Environments: Organizational and Strategic Perspectives’, we take stock of the burgeoning research on how firms interact with socio-political actors and environments over the last few decades, specifically research on Corporate Political Activity and Corporate Social Responsibility. We then argue that the socio-political environments and actors with which firms interact are in a state of flux, such that issues are more interrelated and dynamic, and actors are more diverse and demanding. As such, we propose a new concept of corporate socio-political engagement (CSPE), which represents a more holistic perspective to understanding complex interactions among firms and their social/political stakeholders, incorporating and transcending conventional notions and tactics documented in the extant nonmarket strategy literature. Using a two-dimensional framework that captures the identity of socio-political actor or the nature of socio-political issues (political, social, or both) as well as the relevant level of analysis at which the interactions unfold, we showcase the contributions of the special issue articles to this research agenda. Finally, we discuss and specify future research directions for revealing the multifaceted nature of CSPE.  相似文献   

自从上世纪90年代初跨国公司开始对中国企业进行社会责任相关验厂活动以来,越来越多的国外社会责任标准及相关的认证活动进入中国。但是,企业社会责任标准作为国际社会责任运动的一种基本方式,在中国虽取得一定的发展,整体推行效果却不甚理想。而国际标准化组织社会责任国际标准ISO26000的发布,又给这些标准的推行带来不确定因素,使社会责任标准推行面临新的考验。  相似文献   

市场经济是契约经济,企业社会责任管理的主要方式是契约管理,其中以有形的文本契约为主,心理契约作为文本契约的有益补充,对企业绩效发挥重要作用。企业社会责任管理是全面的责任管理,涉及股东、债权人、员工、顾客、政府和环境,同时,企业社会责任是全方位的责任管理,包括经济责任、法律责任和道德责任。因此,实施企业社会责任的心理契约管理,要全面、全方位地把握。  相似文献   

Growing recognition that communication with stakeholders forms an essential element in the design, implementation and success of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has given rise to a burgeoning CSR communication literature. However this literature is scattered across various sub‐disciplines of management research and exhibits considerable heterogeneity in its core assumptions, approaches and goals. This article provides a thematically‐driven review of the extant literature across five core sub‐disciplines, identifying dominant views upon the audience of CSR communication (internal/external actors) and CSR communication purpose, as well as pervasive theoretical approaches and research paradigms manifested across these areas. The article then sets out a new conceptual framework – the 4Is of CSR communication research – that distinguishes between research on CSR Integration, CSR Interpretation, CSR Identity, and CSR Image. This typology of research streams organizes the central themes, opportunities and challenges for CSR communication theory development, and provides a heuristic against which future research can be located.  相似文献   

通过对中国物流行业较有代表性的两家企业的CSR报告内容分析,提出中国物流行业企业社会责任报告体系编写方法,其内容主要包括报告背景、公司治理、责任管理、责任绩效披露、第三方审验说明等。  相似文献   

There has been a growing emphasis on the importance of a long-term perspective in academia and practice. Yet understanding of the interdependency of those factors – the temporal preferences embedded in organizations and in societal values as well as the influence of temporal orientation of investors – remains limited. We theorize whether and how a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR) is affected by the societal temporal orientation, its time horizon, and its investors' time horizon. Using a global sample, we confirm that CSR activity is higher when a country has a long-term orientation culture, when the firm has a long-time horizon, and when the controlling institutional investor has a long-term investment horizon. We also find that the national culture's long-term orientation heightens the effect of a firm's long-time horizon on its CSR. Further, our results show that the effects of temporal orientation are more pronounced in environmental than in social CSR.  相似文献   

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