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Review of Industrial Organization - By allowing the supplier to contract simultaneously or sequentially with asymmetric retailers under Bertrand competition, we analyze the welfare implications of...  相似文献   

我国金融排斥的城乡二元性研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
针对金融排斥的城乡二元性展开分析,从城乡互动耦合的新角度剖析排斥的空间差异与诱致要素。在构建城乡金融排斥二元性指数的基础上,利用模糊曲线法证实各诱致要素的复合因果关系及贡献弹性差别。研究结果表明,技术、收入、教育等各要素对城、乡金融系统的作用渠道及影响强度不同,因此,其金融包容措施应各有侧重;城乡金融地域系统存在空间溢出效应,二者互补而非互斥,互相关联而非互相割裂,二元性的削弱应充分发挥城市的扩散效应,并推进农村金融的加速度发展;金融排斥存在积极和消极两个方面,政府作为自组织而非他组织主体,干预重点在于金融沙漠,同时应尊重市场规律,引导社会责任的实现。  相似文献   

程春燕 《华北电业》2001,(11):21-22
当前,由于电力基建市场招投标还不规范,所以建筑工程领域内不断出现违法违纪事件,外包工程已成为腐败滋生和蔓延的“肥沃”土壤,广大职工对此反映十分强烈。如何杜绝这类事件的发生除健全法制、规范招投标外加强外包工程的审计也是重要措施之一。本文就外包工程的现状以及存在的问题进行剖析,并就如何加强外包工程的审计工作进行一些粗浅探讨。一、工程外包的必要性1.作为施工企业,在施工过程中,受工期、工作量、施工顺序等影响,对劳动力的需求有很大的波动性。没有工程,正式工都得“窝工”待岗,有了工程,加上包工队都忙不过来…  相似文献   

开放式机房自动化管理系统的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于目前教学单位微机室的人工管理存在着一定的弊端,削弱了其作为现代化教学的自动化程度,本文在调研与分析的基础上提出了由人工管理到自动化控制的可行性方案。该系统可实现划卡上机的功能,以及磁卡的挂失、解挂失和换新卡的功能,并能实现学生上机信息的浏览、查询、统计以及各种报表的打印输出,大大简化了管理程序,为教学的有效进行提供了帮助。  相似文献   

We use an incomplete-contract approach to compare contracting out by a public sector agency with the delegation of contracting out to a public-private partnership (PPP) that is a joint venture between private and public sector agents. The PPP maximizes a linear combination of profit and social benefit. Such delegation may be desirable to curb innovations that reduce the cost of provision but also reduce social benefit. Delegation may be undesirable for innovations that increase social benefit but also raise costs. Our results are explained in terms of the shadow cost of public funds and the negotiating stance of the PPP.  相似文献   

本论述了我国对外工程承包公司面曲的挑战和对策,并系统地分析了两种生产组织方式优缺点。针对我国对外工程承包公司的自身特点,指出了今后应采用的生产组织方式。详细论述了电子商务是实施横向联合生产模式的有效战略。对于增强我国承包公司的竞争力有重要的理论意义和较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

20 0 0版ISO/DIS 90 0 0族标准中提出的八项质量管理原则 ,是在 94版基础上新增的一个重要内容。通过对这八项质量管理原则在实验室管理中的适用性进行探讨 ,阐述了这八项质量管理原则不仅是贯彻ISO 90 0 0族标准的组织改进质量体系的指导 ,也为按实验室认可准则建立质量体系的实验室 ,提出了一个不断完善和改进其质量体系的管理思路 ,是可以在实验室管理中充分运用的准则。  相似文献   

Based on a large sample of 5,756 Russian‐speaking freelancers from an international online labour market, this study provides rare quantitative evidence of the external labour market where freelancers act under constant threat of client‐side opportunism. We explore how the formalization of agreements, social embeddedness and mode of communication are associated with the incidence of opportunism and further possibilities of resolving problems caused by agreement violations. Social ties and face‐to‐face contact appear to be better safeguards against opportunism in freelance contracting, which is largely informal. The study has important implications for the debates about non‐standard work, online labour markets and job quality in the new economy.  相似文献   

注意合同缔约过程中的损害责任   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国1999年10月1日起施行的新合同法,新增加规定了合同成立之前的缔约即谈判或协商过程中的损害责任。这是过去几个合同法所没有规定的。由此过去人们也就没有在意这方面的问题而追究这方面的责任。现在新合同法有这方面的规定,我们就不能不注意这方面的问题。因此,对这一新规定有个基本了解,是完全必要的。  相似文献   

The fluctuations in fuel prices over the past decade led a number of government agencies to introduce price adjustment clauses in procurement contracting. Those clauses were primarily designed to reduce contractors’ uncertainty without considering the impact of such initiatives on bidding and the budget. We analyze a newly constructed, detailed panel of observations on bids for construction contracts and compare bidding behavior across periods and projects, and across items within projects. Estimates from a difference‐in‐differences approach, indicate that bidding becomes more aggressive and less dispersed after the implementation of this policy. The difference is more pronounced when we consider itemized bids than overall project bids. Alternative techniques of regression discontinuity and nonparametric estimation are applied and yield consistent results.  相似文献   

We find that, conditioning on industry of assignment, cleaners and security guards who participate in activities organized by contract companies earn 15 and 17 per cent less, respectively, than workers in those activities organized in‐house. These estimates are hardly affected by the inclusion of a set of jointly statistically significant exogenous variables. We can expect that most of the productive traits that characterize a task are transferred to the contractor in the process of contracting out a cleaning or security task. Thus, our findings are hard to rationalize by a simple competitive labour market setting where the law of one price holds.  相似文献   

The case of the postal workers in Britain is examined in order to develop our knowledge of intra‐union oppositional groupings. Such groupings within the postal workers are shown to have influence as the result of the 'strategy' of a small number of activists within largely conducive circumstances of internal strife and worker combativity. However, they do not accord to our normal understanding of factions, being better characterized as shifting and temporary networks and alliances.  相似文献   

The attrition of trade union organization and collective bargaining in the UK is accepted as having been a principal feature of industrial relations since 1980, but there is no general agreement as to the causes. This paper explores trade union disarticulation and exclusion in a 1979–98 study of the Transport and General Workers' Union Road Transport Commercial trade group, which organizes in the road haulage industry. It emphasizes the importance of the legal framework established by the Conservative government in inhibiting union power at a time of the ongoing restructuring of road haulage, providing companies with the opportunity and incentive to exclude trade union organization and fragment union bargaining power.  相似文献   

Land use Controls: The Case of Zoning in the Vancouver Area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper explores the relationship between rezoning and changes in observed property values and the ability of zoning to mitigate externalities. Three separate methodologies are used in three locations in metropolitan Vancouver to examine these issues. Our results imply that rezoning does not necessarily lead to changes in land use and value. Further, no evidence was found to support the assertion that there are significant negative externalities due to incompatible land uses in residential property markets. Based on these results, we feel it is reasonable to question the continued use of zoning in developed areas of urban regions.  相似文献   

近年来总承包模式在我国建设工程领域得到迅速推广和广泛应用.总承包企业建立施工分包商库,有助于快速选取适合的施工分包商、提高项目的运作效率和降低项目风险,最终顺利实现项目目标.文章结合施工企业特点,选取企业层面指标,基于熵权方法确定各指标权重,运用灰色关联分析方法构建选择模型.通过实证分析,说明该选择方法简易可行、客观公正,可以作为总承包企业选择施工分包商建立分包商库的方法.  相似文献   

Rey and Tirole [Handbook of Industrial Organization. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2005)] considered a model in which a monopolist sells to downstream firms using nonlinear contracts. They showed that banning price discrimination fully restores the supplier’s ability to leverage its monopoly power by enabling it to commit not to offer side discounts. I show that the situation changes when the supplier competes against a fringe of less efficient rivals rather than being a monopolist. Then banning price discrimination may cause per-unit prices to fall and welfare to increase. The dominant supplier can take advantage of a strategic bargaining effect: reducing the per-unit price makes the outside option of buying from the fringe less profitable, allowing the dominant supplier to extract more bargaining surplus through the fixed fee.  相似文献   

马星  郭卿 《国际石油经济》2009,17(10):41-43
以中国石油工程设计公司北京分公司承担苏丹国家石油公司sudapet总部大楼总包工程为例,指出国际总包工程在投标阶段应重点关注7种风险并加以防范:工作范围的鉴别、业主推荐专业分包商的选择、业主推荐供货商的确定、税务风险、当地市政管网连接费用的不确定性、业主及咨询商的背景、施工设备的选择及施工方法的规定.在识别和规避投标阶段风险的基础上,在项目运作过程中还应重视对变更的识别以及对工期补偿的有效记录和索赔.  相似文献   

Using 1997 data for Japanese cities, we examine the relationship between union density and outsourcing in local government. We also test the hypothesis that cities where employees are represented by the more radical of the two local civil service unions will have less outsourcing than cities where the less critically oriented union dominates. The results of the analysis support the central hypothesis that union density is negatively correlated with outsourcing, but they do not support the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

A major focus of the Conservative government's employment policy since 1979 has been the reduction of union power within the labour market, the employment relationship and as representatives of a separate ‘labour interest’ in society ' union exclusion. The principal impact of the legislative changes is to deny workers access to resources of collective power, thereby commensurately increasing employers' discretion to determine the terms of the employment relationship. When forming new subsidiaries and establishments, or purchasing non-union subsidiaries, employers have been able to resist unionization and recognition except on their own terms, but comparatively few have terminated existing union recognition agreements, preferring to marginalize the role of unions through the adoption of partial exclusion policies ' joint consultation, direct communication, performance-related pay, and the fragmentation of common employment and bargaining.  相似文献   

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