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We propose an approach to find an approximate price of a swaption in affine term structure models. Our approach is based on the derivation of approximate swap rate dynamics in which the volatility of the forward swap rate is itself an affine function of the factors. Hence, we remain in the affine framework and well-known results on transforms and transform inversion can be used to obtain swaption prices in similar fashion to zero bond options (i.e., caplets). The method can easily be generalized to price options on coupon bonds. Computational times compare favorably with other approximation methods. Numerical results on the quality of the approximation are excellent. Our results show that in affine models, analogously to the LIBOR market model, LIBOR and swap rates are driven by approximately the same type of (in this case affine) dynamics.  相似文献   

We provide a general and flexible approach to LIBOR modeling based on the class of affine factor processes. Our approach respects the basic economic requirement that LIBOR rates are nonnegative, and the basic requirement from mathematical finance that LIBOR rates are analytically tractable martingales with respect to their own forward measure. Additionally, and most importantly, our approach also leads to analytically tractable expressions of multi‐LIBOR payoffs. This approach unifies therefore the advantages of well‐known forward price models with those of classical LIBOR rate models. Several examples are added and prototypical volatility smiles are shown. We believe that the CIR process‐based LIBOR model might be of particular interest for applications, since closed form valuation formulas for caps and swaptions are derived.  相似文献   

We derive analytic series representations for European option prices in polynomial stochastic volatility models. This includes the Jacobi, Heston, Stein–Stein, and Hull–White models, for which we provide numerical case studies. We find that our polynomial option price series expansion performs as efficiently and accurately as the Fourier‐transform‐based method in the nested affine cases. We also derive and numerically validate series representations for option Greeks. We depict an extension of our approach to exotic options whose payoffs depend on a finite number of prices.  相似文献   

We examine the performances of several popular Lévy jump models and some of the most sophisticated affine jump‐diffusion models in capturing the joint dynamics of stock and option prices. We develop efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for estimating parameters and latent volatility/jump variables of the Lévy jump models using stock and option prices. We show that models with infinite‐activity Lévy jumps in returns significantly outperform affine jump‐diffusion models with compound Poisson jumps in returns and volatility in capturing both the physical and risk‐neutral dynamics of the S&P 500 index. We also find that the variance gamma model of Madan, Carr, and Chang with stochastic volatility has the best performance among all the models we consider.  相似文献   

The Market Model of Interest Rate Dynamics   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A class of term structure models with volatility of lognormal type is analyzed in the general HJM framework. The corresponding market forward rates do not explode, and are positive and mean reverting. Pricing of caps and floors is consistent with the Black formulas used in the market. Swaptions are priced with closed formulas that reduce (with an extra assumption) to exactly the Black swaption formulas when yield and volatility are flat. A two–factor version of the model is calibrated to the U.K. market price of caps and swaptions and to the historically estimated correlation between the forward rates.  相似文献   

Most of the existing pricing models of variance derivative products assume continuous sampling of the realized variance processes, though actual contractual specifications compute the realized variance based on sampling at discrete times. We present a general analytic approach for pricing discretely sampled generalized variance swaps under the stochastic volatility models with simultaneous jumps in the asset price and variance processes. The resulting pricing formula of the gamma swap is in closed form while those of the corridor variance swaps and conditional variance swaps take the form of one‐dimensional Fourier integrals. We also verify through analytic calculations the convergence of the asymptotic limit of the pricing formulas of the discretely sampled generalized variance swaps under vanishing sampling interval to the analytic pricing formulas of the continuously sampled counterparts. The proposed methodology can be applied to any affine model and other higher moments swaps as well. We examine the exposure to convexity (volatility of variance) and skew (correlation between the equity returns and variance process) of these discretely sampled generalized variance swaps. We explore the impact on the fair strike prices of these exotic variance swaps with respect to different sets of parameter values, like varying sampling frequencies, jump intensity, and width of the monitoring corridor.  相似文献   

We aim at accommodating the existing affine jump-diffusion and quadratic models under the same roof, namely the linear-quadratic jump-diffusion (LQJD) class. We give a complete characterization of the dynamics of this class by stating explicitly the structural constraints, as well as the admissibility conditions. This allows us to carry out a specification analysis for the three-factor LQJD models. We compute the standard transform of the state vector relevant to asset pricing up to a system of ordinary differential equations. We show that the LQJD class can be embedded into the affine class using an augmented state vector. This establishes a one-to-one equivalence relationship between both classes in terms of transform analysis.  相似文献   

We consider interest rate models of the Heath–Jarrow–Morton type, where the forward rates are driven by a multidimensional Wiener process, and where the volatility is allowed to be an arbitrary smooth functional of the present forward rate curve. Using ideas from differential geometry as well as from systems and control theory, we investigate when the forward rate process can be realized by a finite-dimensional Markovian state space model, and we give general necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of the volatility structure, for the existence of a finite-dimensional realization. A number of concrete applications are given, and all previously known realization results (as far as existence is concerned) for Wiener driven models are included and extended. As a special case we give a general and easily applicable necessary and sufficient condition for when the induced short rate is a Markov process. In particular we give a short proof of a result by Jeffrey showing that the only forward rate models with short rate dependent volatility structures which generically possess a short rate realization are the affine ones. These models are thus the only generic short rate models from a forward rate point of view.  相似文献   

The Gaussian Affine Term Structure Model (ATSM) introduced by Duffie and Kan is often used in finance to price derivatives written on interest rates or to compute the reserve to hedge a portfolio of credits (CreditVaR), and in macroeconomic applications to study the links between real activity and financial variables. However, a standard three‐factor ATSM, for instance, implies a deterministic affine relationship between any set of four rates, with different times‐to‐maturity, and these relationships are not observed in practice. In this paper, we introduce a new class of affine term structure models, called Bilinear Term Structure Model (BTSM). This extension breaks down the deterministic relationships between rates in structural factor models by introducing lagged factor values, and the linear dependence by considering quadratic effects of the factors.  相似文献   

We provide a general and tractable framework under which all multiple yield curve modeling approaches based on affine processes, be it short rate, Libor market, or Heath–Jarrow–Morton modeling, can be consolidated. We model a numéraire process and multiplicative spreads between Libor rates and simply compounded overnight indexed swap rates as functions of an underlying affine process. Besides allowing for ordered spreads and an exact fit to the initially observed term structures, this general framework leads to tractable valuation formulas for caplets and swaptions and embeds all existing multicurve affine models. The proposed approach also gives rise to new developments, such as a short rate type model driven by a Wishart process, for which we derive a closed‐form pricing formula for caplets. The empirical performance of two specifications of our framework is illustrated by calibration to market data.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of options written on the quadratic variation of a given stock price process. Using the Laplace transform approach, we determine semi‐explicit formulas in general affine models allowing for jumps, stochastic volatility, and the leverage effect. Moreover, we show that the joint dynamics of the underlying stock and a corresponding variance swap again are of affine form. Finally, we present a numerical example for the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model with leverage. In particular, we study the effect of approximating the quadratic variation with its predictable compensator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pricing and hedging of typical life insurance liabilities for an insurance portfolio with dependent mortality risk by means of the well‐known risk‐minimization approach. As the insurance portfolio consists of individuals of different age cohorts in order to capture the cross‐generational dependency structure of the portfolio, we introduce affine models for the mortality intensities based on Gaussian random fields that deliver analytically tractable results. We also provide specific examples consistent with historical mortality data and correlation structures. Main novelties of this work are the explicit computations of risk‐minimizing strategies for life insurance liabilities written on an insurance portfolio composed of primary financial assets (a risky asset and a money market account) and a family of longevity bonds, and the simultaneous consideration of different age cohorts.  相似文献   

The paper examines equilibrium models based on Epstein–Zin preferences in a framework in which exogenous state variables follow affine jump diffusion processes. A main insight is that the equilibrium asset prices can be computed using a standard machinery of affine asset pricing theory by imposing parametric restrictions on market prices of risk, determined inside the model by preference and model parameters. An appealing characteristic of the general equilibrium setup is that the state variables have an intuitive and testable interpretation as driving the consumption and dividend dynamics. We present a detailed example where large shocks (jumps) in consumption volatility translate into negative jumps in equilibrium prices of the assets as agents demand a higher premium to compensate for higher risks. This endogenous “leverage effect,” which is purely an equilibrium outcome in the economy, leads to significant premiums for out‐of‐the‐money put options. Our model is thus able to produce an equilibrium “volatility smirk,” which realistically mimics that observed for index options.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose semiclosed-form solutions, subject to an inversion of the Fourier transform, for the price of VIX options and target volatility options under affine GARCH models based on Gaussian and Inverse Gaussian distributions. We illustrate the advantage of the proposed analytic expressions by comparing them with those obtained from benchmark Monte–Carlo simulations. The empirical performance of the two affine GARCH models is tested using different calibration exercises based on historical returns and market quotes on VIX and SPX options.  相似文献   

This paper provides a numerically accurate and computationally fast approximation to the prices of European options on coupon-bearing instruments that is applicable to the entire family of affine term structure models. Exploiting the typical shapes of the conditional distributions of the risk factors in affine diffusions, we show that one can reliably compute the relevant probabilities needed for pricing options on coupon-bearing instruments by the same Fourier inversion methods used in the pricing of options on zero-coupon bonds. We apply our theoretical results to the pricing of options on coupon bonds and swaptions, and the calculation of "expected exposures" on swap books. As an empirical illustration, we compute the expected exposures implied by several affine term structure models fit to historical swap yields.  相似文献   

The analytical tractability of affine (short rate) models, such as the Vasi?ek and the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) models, has made them a popular choice for modeling the dynamics of interest rates. However, in order to properly account for the dynamics of real data, these models must exhibit time‐dependent or even stochastic parameters. This breaks their tractability, and modeling and simulating become an arduous task. We introduce a new class of Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) models that both fit the dynamics of real market data and remain tractable. We call these models consistent recalibration (CRC) models. CRC models appear as limits of concatenations of forward rate increments, each belonging to a Hull–White extended affine factor model with possibly different parameters. That is, we construct HJM models from “tangent” affine models. We develop a theory for continuous path versions of such models and discuss their numerical implementations within the Vasi?ek and CIR frameworks.  相似文献   

Dai and Singleton (2000) study a class of term structure models for interest rates that specify the short rate as an affine combination of the components of an N‐dimensional affine diffusion process. Observable quantities in such models are invariant under regular affine transformations of the underlying diffusion process. In their canonical form, the models in Dai and Singleton (2000) are based on diffusion processes with diagonal diffusion matrices. This motivates the following question: Can the diffusion matrix of an affine diffusion process always be diagonalized by means of a regular affine transformation? We show that if the state space of the diffusion is of the form for integers satisfying or , there exists a regular affine transformation of D onto itself that diagonalizes the diffusion matrix. So in this case, the Dai–Singleton canonical representation is exhaustive. On the other hand, we provide examples of affine diffusion processes with state space whose diffusion matrices cannot be diagonalized through regular affine transformation. This shows that for ), the assumption of diagonal diffusion matrices may impose unnecessary restrictions and result in an avoidable loss of generality.  相似文献   

Many of the most widely used models in finance fall within the affine family of diffusion processes. The affine family combines modeling flexibility with substantial tractability, particularly through transform analysis; these models are used both for econometric modeling and for pricing and hedging of derivative securities. We analyze the tail behavior, the range of finite exponential moments, and the convergence to stationarity in affine models, focusing on the class of canonical models defined by Dai and Singleton (2000) . We show that these models have limiting stationary distributions and characterize these limits. We show that the tails of both the transient and stationary distributions of these models are necessarily exponential or Gaussian; in the non-Gaussian case, we characterize the tail decay rate for any linear combination of factors. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear combination of factors to be Gaussian. Our results follow from an investigation into the stability properties of the systems of ordinary differential equations associated with affine diffusions.  相似文献   

This study develops and estimates a stochastic volatility model of commodity prices that nests many of the previous models in the literature. The model is an affine three‐factor model with one state variable driving the volatility and is maximal among all such models that are also identifiable. The model leads to quasi‐analytical formulas for futures and options prices. It allows for time‐varying correlation structures between the spot price and convenience yield, the spot price and its volatility, and the volatility and convenience yield. It allows for expected mean‐reversion in the short term and for an increasing expected long‐term price, and for time‐varying risk premia. Furthermore, the model allows for the situation in which options' prices depend on risk not fully spanned by futures prices. These properties are desirable and empirically important for modeling many commodities, especially crude oil. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 30:101–133, 2010  相似文献   

Many peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms are transforming their business model from sharing for free to renting with or without in‐person interactions. How will these changes affect consumers’ participation in peer‐to‐peer sharing of personal items? The work studies consumers’ choice among three business models that vary on two dimensions: “free versus renting” and “with or without in‐person interactions.” The novelty is to consider that consumers’ choice can be driven by their perceptions of relationships among peers, which are shaped by the business models of sharing platforms. Perceptions of communal sharing (CS) relationships among peers are found to differ across business models and to predict consumers’ choice among the platforms above and beyond the economic and social benefits that consumers seek. Interestingly, perceptions of CS are not only found to explain the choice of a sharing for the free business model over the two others, but also the choice of renting with in‐person interactions over renting without in‐person interactions. For managers of peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms, this means that renting does not make sharing completely similar to traditional market exchanges as long as in‐person interactions are involved. For scholars, this calls for more work on the factors that bring about perceptions of CS.  相似文献   

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