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Using data from micro, small, and medium firms in Australia, the paper exams changes with size toward more enunciated and prescribed practices; (2) the changes in HRM in small and medium‐sized firms begin early in the growth process and proceed at a faster rate than during the latter growth phase; and (3) the adoption of formal HRM practices at the managerial level lags behind that at the operational level at the smaller firm sizes.  相似文献   


One of the important features of human resource management (HRM) theory is that organizations need to develop HRM practices that are supportive of the organization's business practice. The HRM practice of an organization defines the role behaviour of its employees. Service organizations are unique and distinct from manufacturing organizations. Thus, service organizations need to develop the appropriate role behaviour. Empirical evidence shows that service organizations in the U.S. develop HRM practices that are distinct when compared with manufacturing firms. This study examined the extent to which this is also true in Malaysia. It also subjected this relationship to a more rigorous scrutiny by also controlling for the influence of other variables known to affect HRM practice.  相似文献   

在制造商服务化进程日趋加剧的背景下,集成解决方案提供商的成长却面临着制造商-客户关系资源依赖的现实瓶颈。基于国内外集成解决方案、资源依赖理论两方案的研究成果,本文提出基于制造商-客户关系资源依赖的制造商服务化进程影响机制模型及其假设。一是从组织外部视角研究制造商服务创新问题,二是应用资源依赖理论解释趋于纯市场关系的组织行为。这为更好地解释我国制造商服务化进程中的现实问题提供了独特的思路,也为后续的定量研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The Dynamic Role of Small Firms: Evidence from the U.S.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a conceptual and empirical account of the dynamic role of SMEs in the U.S. economy. Evidence is provided to show that SMEs are important sources of employment growth and innovation. For example, the net employment gain during 1990–95 is shown to be greater among smaller firms than among larger firms. Furthermore, while large firms often produce a larger number of patents per firm, the patenting rate for small firms is typically higher than that for large firms when measured on a per-employee basis. It is noted that public policy is shifting away from traditional measures which were based on a static conception of industrial organization and thus emphasized anti-trust, regulation and public ownership solutions, towards measures which are geared towards supporting the dynamic role of SMEs. These measures focus on providing an enabling environment for enterprise start-ups, job creation, knowledge spillovers and technological change.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to determine the joint impact of intra-firm factors and inward foreign relationships on the status and stage of the outward internationalisation process of firms from small open transition economies. These factors and connections include firm's production capacity, experiential knowledge, psychic distance to target markets, inward international involvement (including foreign ownership and supply relations), and spillover effects. According to the empirical evidence, the inward internationalisation of Estonian manufacturers has considerably facilitated their export intensity.  相似文献   

The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper contributes to the existing research by integrating the notions of organizational learning and entrepreneurial orientation into the body of international entrepreneurship. Our primary framework combines learning theory and the new venture theory of internationalization to study the extent to which small and medium-sized companies engage in international activities. We found that the firms’ international learning effort and entrepreneurial orientation are positively associated with internationalization intent whereas domestic learning effort is negatively related with internationalization intent. Overall, our results suggest (1) that intensive knowledge renewal and exploitation regarding foreign markets and the internationalization process itself may increase internationalization by affecting the perceptions of opportunities offered by further international expansion, and (2) that firms with an entrepreneurial mindset may be more likely to develop a long-term, substantial presence in the international arena, compared to firms that are more reactive or conservative.  相似文献   

Achieving a consistent market orientation is a challenge for entrepreneurial manufacturers. This research seeks improved understanding of how internal process management assists and hinders small growing manufacturers in achieving the responsiveness component of a market orientation. Under process management, firms implement internal systems, procedures, and performance measures to improve performance and responsiveness to changing markets. Benefits include improved market sensing, two‐way communication, and coordinated responses to market demands. Despite the potential benefits, researchers question whether the internal structure and control of process management will improve responsiveness in entrepreneurial firms. Process management may conflict with the organizational cultures, agility, and responsiveness of entrepreneurial companies. Research results identify how process management assists and hinders the responsiveness component of market orientation in small manufacturers. Management implications and strategies for coping with growth challenges are presented.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate and theoretically explain the process of trust formation in high risk e-business.

Methodology/approach: The interpretive case-based approach has been used in this study. Inductive analysis of interview data helped to develop the process model of trust formation in the context of business-to-business e-market transactions by two small firms.

Research implications: This research explains how and why trial outcomes influence trust formation. The findings also indicate the importance of the trialing process as a legitimate means of determining trustworthiness of the other party and the e-business platform. These findings add to the existing body of knowledge on trust in e-business and have important implications for further research.

Practical implications: The practical implication is that if sponsors of business-to-business e-markets can support initial trials, it would foster trust and lead to more active usage of e-business methods.

Originality/value/contribution: This research shows that trust formation in high risk e-business is a dynamic process, influenced by changes in risk perceptions from repeated trial outcomes in initial stages, a departure from prior variance studies with assumptions of static perceptions of risk and trust.  相似文献   

We explore the factors influencing the internationalization of small family firms. Based on interviews with six family firms in Singapore, we highlight the importance of (1) family harmony, (2) trust in external relationships, (3) social and business networks, and (4) organizational resources and capabilities in the internationalization process. We show how the socioemotional wealth factors of trust and harmony affect networking and resources, which in turn affect internationalization. We find that initial internationalization through exports is enabled through trust in family networks, but the typical family characteristics of a desire to maintain family harmony and distrust of outsiders have a negative impact on network creation and resource development, which constrains the extent to which the firm internationalizes beyond exporting. In order to move from the first stage (exports/similar markets) to the second stage (joint ventures/different markets) of internationalization, less emphasis on trust and family harmony accompanied by more emphasis on building external networks and resources may be necessary. We propose a new model of internationalization of family firms based on our findings. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

传统的内部控制建立在审计视角基础之上,难以适应竞争激烈的市场环境和动态变化的市场需求。现有的内部控制研究主要从契约理论角度进行,侧重于交易属性,缺乏对企业生产属性的考虑,且普遍忽略了对企业能力的分析,无法解释企业内部控制异质性等现象。本文在契约和能力视角下对企业的内部控制本质、目标、功能、方式、对象、权力配置和控制环境等进行了探讨。契约和能力视角下的企业内部控制是价值导向的,其控制方式及控制权的动态配置机制能提高组织的自适应性和学习能力,适用范围更广。本文拓展了内部控制的内涵。  相似文献   

中小企业人力资源管理存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
人力资源管理是企业发展与成功的关键因素,在当今社会受到了广泛的关注和重视。而中小企业作为一个特殊的群体,在目前的人力资源管理方面尚不够成熟、完善,已经成为制约中小企业快速发展的瓶颈之一。中小企业要想获得可持续的发展,并在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须结合自身的实际,把握人力这个重要资源,采取积极有效的人力资源管理策略,为企业的发展服务。  相似文献   

中小高科技企业人力资源管理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
朱益军 《商业研究》2001,(10):30-32
实践证明,掌握高科技的人是实现经济增长方式转变的动力。中小高科技企业由于激励机制不健全、缺乏规范的人员培训体系及绩效考核体系等缺陷,阻碍了公司的发展壮大。中小高科技企业对此要采取相应对策,对人力资源企业业务进行虚拟管理、柔性管理,完善报酬激励机制,以此实现企业效益最大化。  相似文献   

Research on financial constraints of very small firms is scarce because it is difficult to observe and measure their transactions. Previous studies on small enterprises in post-communist countries have focused either on the effect of financing constraints on business growth (Budina et al., 2000, Economics of Transition 8(2), 453–475; Bratkowski et al., 2000, Economics of Transition 8(1), 101–116) or on the effect of property rights (Johnson et al., 2002, American Economic Review 92(5), 1335–1357). This paper provides evidence on both. It turns out that financing constraints and property rights considerations affects investment in firms of different age differently. Younger firms face higher information costs and their expansion is more dependent on the availability of internal funds than is the expansion of older firms. This paper also finds that while the financial sector did not channel funds to the most successful businesses, there is evidence that loans were given to firms that had more transparent transactions. Results also indicate that the security of property rights does not influence investment in young firms, which is interpreted to mean that only the most efficient entrepreneurs entered the market. In older small firms, investment is negatively influenced by the index of security of property rights suggesting that these firms might have “secured” their property rights by bribes. Improvements in the security of property rights, therefore, would help more micro enterprises to be born as well as decrease transaction cost of established enterprises.   相似文献   

The relationship between the size, age and growth rate of firms is examined for a large sample of micro and small firms in Sweden. These firms have between 1–100 employees and operate in a geographically concentrated area. Micro and small firms are dominant in the industrial structure and thus their growth patterns are crucial to the economic growth of the region. The period of study is of particular interest because it allows us to evaluate the effects of various regional development policy programs on the growth and formation of firms. The data is an unbalanced panel covering the period 1993–1998. We allow for the exit and entry of firms. The growth rate is defined in terms of the number of employees, sales and assets. In the estimation of the growth rate we control for various factors characterizing the sample firms, their capital structure, performance, human capital, and local labor market conditions. Our results show that the relationship between the growth, size and age of firms is very sensitive with respect to the method of estimation, functional form and definition of growth and size.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological approach for the evaluation of innovation capabilities in small software firms. The methodology is based on the assumption of a relationship between specific resources managed by small software firms and their innovation capabilities. Within the proposed methodological approach, a model for the quantitative analysis of innovation capabilities is presented. In order to show how the methodology can be applied to concrete situations, three case studies of small firms operating in the software sector and information services are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

There is a widely recognised tendency for conventional measures of R&D activity to under-estimate the R&D investments of small companies. This arises due to small firms' emphasis on developmental rather than fundamental research, and because this activity is often informally organised. International survey evidence suggests a greater degree of formality in the organisation of R&D in German small firms. This reduces the likely degree of under-estimation of German small firms' R&D activity relative to that in the U.K. As a result, aggregate R&D figures may be under-estimating the true level by 13.9 per cent in the U.K. and 2.4 per cent in Germany. This is equivalent to around half of the historical difference between aggregate levels of business R&D in the U.K. and Germany.  相似文献   

Xiang  Yi  Jia  Ming  Zhang  Zhe 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,176(4):629-646
Journal of Business Ethics - Although previous studies primarily claim that government-dependent firms can actively engage in compliance activities in order to achieve political legitimacy, access...  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between organization contextual variables and human resource management (HRM) practices in small firms. The proposed model is based on an integration of theoretical perspectives, including the resource-based approach, institutional theory, transaction cost economics (TCE), and concepts from strategic management. The model is explored empirically, with qualitative and quantitative analyses of data collected from a sample of sixteen small Dutch firms. Specific contextual variables examined include company size, the presence of a collective labor agreement, having a large firm associate, either as supplier, purchasing group or franchiser, and the company's strategic orientation toward growth (growth strategy). An important finding is the significance of having a large firm associate. Companies with a large firm associate are more likely to report having employer-based training programs. As predicted, company size is associated with more formal HRM practices, including greater regularity of performance appraisal and greater likelihood of employer-based training. A weak relationship is found between a more growth-oriented strategy and greater formality of these two HRM practices. Predictions based on collective labor agreements are not supported. The paper concludes that the findings warrant further research on the relationship between organization contextual variables and the formalization of HRM practices, although a clearer definition of the latter variable is needed in future research.  相似文献   

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