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Corruption is an endemic societal problem with profound implications in the development of nations. In combating this issue, cross-national evidence supporting the effectiveness of the rule of law seems at odds with poorly realized outcomes from reforms inspired in the academic literature. This paper provides an explanation for such contradiction. By building a computational approach, we develop three methodological novelties into the empirical study of corruption: (1) modeling government expenditure as a more adequate intervention variable than traditional indicators, (2) generating large within-country variation by means of bottom-up simulations (instead of cross-national data pooling), and (2) accounting for all possible interactions between covariates through a spillover network. Our estimates suggest that, the least developed a country is, the more difficult it is to find the right combination of policies that lead to reductions in corruption. We characterize this difficulty through a rugged landscape that governments navigate when changing the total budget size and the relative expenditure towards the rule of law. Importantly our method helps identifying the—country-specific—policy issues that complement the rule of law in the fight against corruption.


This study investigated the relationship between corporate efficiency and corporate sustainability to determine whether firms concerned about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues can also be efficient and profitable. We applied data envelopment analysis to estimate corporate efficiency and investigated the nonlinear relationship between corporate efficiency and ESG disclosure. Evidence shows that corporate transparency regarding ESG information has a positive association with corporate efficiency at the moderate disclosure level, rather than at the high or low disclosure level. Governance information disclosure has the strongest positive linkage with corporate efficiency, followed by social and environmental information disclosure. Moreover, we explored the relationship between particular ESG activities and corporate financial performance (CFP), including corporate efficiency, return on assets, and market value. We found that most of the ESG activities reveal a nonnegative relationship with CFP. These findings may provide evidence about voluntary corporate social responsibility strategy choices for enhancing corporate sustainability.  相似文献   

We develop a model where insiders?? decision to manipulate earnings is linked both to their stake and to corporate governance. We show how earnings manipulation affects analysts?? forecasts and institutional trading. More precisely, whenever there is ??excessive?? earnings manipulation, we observe less optimistic analysts. Furthermore, institutions exhibit positive feedback trading behavior and appear to ??front-run?? analysts?? errors. Finally, companies with strong corporate governance are less prone to these phenomena, being able to avoid the detrimental effects of insiders?? incentives. We then provide strong empirical evidence to support our model.  相似文献   

It is valuable to evaluate contemporary employment law on industrial action and trade unions, and employment protection, in relation to the 19th‐century law of combination, and master and servant. Such a historical comparison, despite differing language and legal sanctions, focuses attention on the goal of legal ‘reform’—the drive to control workers' collective organisations and enhance the managerial prerogative in order to consolidate employers' capacity to determine the terms of the contract of employment or for services, and the content of the pay–effort bargain, that is, the real subordination of labour. It is a form of class struggle from above.  相似文献   

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines corporate governance as, "the way in which boards oversee the running of a company by its managers, and how board members are in turn accountable to shareholders and the company." In recent years the issue of corporate governance and committees related to it and their impacts on corporate performance have continued to gain widespread prominence in the capital market economy. Corporate Governance Rating is meant to indicate the relative level to which an organisation accepts and follows the codes and guidelines of corporate governance practices. The purpose of the paper is to examine the rating reports of 27 companies which have obtained the corporate governance rating by rating agencies. The study highlights that the "stakeholders" sections of the reports are the most powerful part of the reports whereas the "board of directors" sections are the weakest. Potential areas for improvements are also identified.  相似文献   

To what extent is public debt private liquidity? Much policy advice given in the aftermath of the financial crisis rests on the assumption that increasing public debt relaxes borrowing constraints of private households. This is the case for ad-hoc debt limits, which are exogenous to public policy. Instead, if debt limits are fully endogenous, as e.g. in the case of the natural borrowing limit, public debt has no impact. We assume that borrowing limits arise because of limited contract enforceability and are therefore determined as equilibrium outcomes. Using an incomplete markets economy in which households are subject to uninsurable earnings shocks, we show that public debt provides some liquidity, but less so than it would if constraints were imposed ad-hoc. We show that generating borrowing constraints as an equilibrium outcome substantially alters the answers to other important questions, such as for the welfare effects of government debt or its impact on real economic activity.  相似文献   

In this article, by integrating the institutional theory, leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, and stewardship theory, we propose a model of subordinate stewardship behaviors in organizational hierarchies and the resultant hierarchical governance structures. First, we develop propositions suggesting that the quality of LMX (supervisor–subordinate) is determined by three antecedents: leader characteristics, subordinate characteristics, and internal organizational context. The quality of LMX, in turn, affects the subordinate stewardship behaviors. Second, by integrating institutional theory and stewardship theory, we propose that the interaction between isomorphic pressures and the level of subordinate stewardship behaviors may result in four distinct types of hierarchical governance structures: isomorphic stewardship, isomorphic controls, firm-specific controls, and firm-specific stewardship. These governance mechanisms reflect the internal drive toward subordinate stewardship, while complying with the external norms of isomorphism. Thus, different types of governance structures may exist between and within firms. Implications of this model are discussed here.  相似文献   

The origins of contemporary supra-national power go back to the second British Empire, which, unlike the first, faced organized labor as a potential revolutionary force. The formation of the Rhodes–Milner Group was meant to better manage the formation of the public mood, and the Boer War in South Africa demanded close integration of imperial affairs. A central figure in the Rhodes–Milner Group, Lord Esher, was also the architect of the Committee of Imperial Defense, created to take up the latter task. Esher's idea of a secretariat confidentially preparing solutions to issues of the day before they emerged in the public domain was introduced into the structure of international organizations after World War I and the Russian Revolution. Escher also laid the foundations of today's model of transnational politics in which groups such as Bilderberg or the Trilateral Commission and many others, shape certain areas of consensus before the public is allowed to make its voice heard. In this process, the circumvention of democracy has assumed the nature of an outright assault on it. In the process the World Economic Forum, formally joining forces with the United Nations, has become the most visible supranational body applying direct rule.  相似文献   

On Jan. 1 st, 2007, Chinese public companies commenced the implementation of one basic and 38 specific accounting standards. A significant feature of these new standards is their focus on fair value (FV) and fair value measurement (FVM). Company interviews and training sessions designed to promote understanding of the new accounting regime have revealed a number of problems relating to both theoretical understanding and practical application. This paper proceeds as follows. It commences with a discussion of the development of FV and FVM concepts by examining IAS 39, FAS 157, FAS 159 and CAS. There follows an analysis of the current status of FV and FVM theory and application. The paper concludes with an exploration of some related problems arising within the FV theoretical framework and its practical application.  相似文献   

The concept of reporting nonfinancial information within the annual report, so‐called Integrated Reporting (IR) is a rising topic in reporting practice. Supporters claim that IR provides a better view regarding the value creation of a firm. This study investigates the value relevance of IR and the influence of certain characteristics such as assurance. Thus, this paper contributes to the existing literature by examining the actual advantages for firms when adopting an IR approach. The Ohlson model is applied for the market valuation of 50 companies of the STOXX Europe 50 between the years 2010 and 2016. The results of this study support the cost‐concerned school by showing a negative influence on the market value. Nonetheless, the study suggests that the quality of the reports is relevant for market valuation, as the negative effect is mitigated by the quality of the reports.  相似文献   

Working capital always being disregard in financial decision making since it involve investment and financing in short term period. However, it is an important component in firm financial management decision. An optimal working capital management is expected to contribute positively to the creation of firm value. To reach optimal working capital management firm manager should control the trade off between profitability and liquidity accurately. The intention of this study is to examine the relationship between working capital management and firm profitability. Cash conversion cycle is used as measure of working capital management. This study is used panel data of 1628 firm-year for the period of 1996-2006 that consist of six different economic sectors which are listed in Bursa Malaysia. The coefficient results of Pooled OLS regression analysis provide a strong negative significant relationship between cash conversion cycle and firm profitability. This reveals that reducing cash conversion period results to profitability increase. Thus, in purpose to create shareholder value, firm manager should concern on shorten of cash conversion cycle till optimal level is achieved.  相似文献   

This study addresses work–family conflicts and job attitudes of white-collar single women and the ensuing work-related attitudes in a developing country context. After an overview of gender roles in Arab society, several hypotheses were advanced and tested. Although married females reported higher family–work conflicts than single females, the latter group faced a host of strains, which are presented and analyzed. Despite being educated, single females were underpaid and their upward mobility seemed to be significantly hampered. They reported lower job satisfactions and had high intentions to leave their organization. Implications for further research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Optimal communication networks allow the knowledge workers to get high job performance. As knowledge workers are increasingly relying on the online interaction, it is important to understand how online and offline communication networks respectively enhance job performance. An empirical study is performed using data collected from 103 knowledge workers in a high-tech company. The results show that job performance of knowledge workers is positively influenced by online communication network properties and negatively influenced by offline communication network properties. The positions of knowledge workers within the offline whole communication network negatively moderate the above effects, such that the relationships between job performance and communication network properties are weaker when a knowledge worker occupies a central position. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops an ordonomic approach to the governance of sustainable business model innovation (SBMI). We clarify the distinctive roles of optimization and governance for the management of sustainable value networks and develop a sustainability cube as a new management tool for the governance of SBMI. Our cube helps management to identify and overcome social dilemmas within value networks, i.e. to form and reform relevant business relationships, thus creating and tapping second-order win-win-win potentials. Furthermore, our cube encourages management to interpret negative externality problems as “missing markets”, i.e. as an entrepreneurial challenge and as a business opportunity to serve as yet unmet needs. Finally, our cube offers an avenue to develop and strengthen the specific management competencies that foster a successful governance of SBMI.  相似文献   

Most study concentrating on family and non-family companies is conducted overseas with little research carried out in Malaysia. This study examined the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on family and non-family controlled companies' performance. The sample size of this study is 730 companies listed on Bursa Malaysia from 2003 to 2007. The findings reveal that corporate governance mechanisms influence the family and non-family controlled companies' performance. But not all corporate governance mechanisms are significant. The significant variables differ between family and non-family controlled companies. Thus, regulators need to be vigilant that family and non-family controlled companies practise differently and to set different code needed for each type of families.  相似文献   


A critical omission in employee creativity literature is lack of a clear understanding of why and how employee–organization exchange (EOX) affects employee creativity. We collected three-phrase data from 384 employees working with 64 supervisors in Guangdong Province, China. Results of Mplus (using design-based modeling approach) suggest that (i) need satisfaction mediates the EOX-creativity relationship, (ii) leader-member exchange (LMX) enhances the positive EOX-need satisfaction relationship, (iii) creative self-efficacy (CSE) neutralizes the positive need satisfaction-creativity relationship, and (iv) the indirect effect of EOX on creativity via need satisfaction is stronger for employees with high quality LMX and with low CSE. Using inducement-contribution framework, the study integrates social exchange and self-determination theories to explicate the mediating role of need satisfaction in the EOX-creativity relationship. Further, the study contributes to the understanding of the EOX-creativity relationship by examining the boundary conditions of LMX (as a synergistic enhancer) in the first stage and CSE (as a neutralizer that diminishes gains) in the second stage of indirect effect.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of various large-scale surveys of human resource specialists, there has been little research focusing specifically on the top cohort of HR practitioners. In addition, the surveys offer little insight into the ambiguous, but important questions associated with the strategic management process in large, complex corporations. This article reports a study of the qualifications, work histories, role orientations and strategic contributions of the most senior HR specialists in the New Zealand business sector. These elite practitioners typically demonstrate a 'dual background' in specialist HR activities and line management, and strongly subscribe to Legge's notion of 'conformist innovation'. As in the United Kingdom, they tend to focus primarily on the management of managers and, to a lesser extent, the management of industrial relations. Their work is increasingly integrated with other spheres of the business such as quality management. Whether their contribution is regarded as 'strategic' depends on the model of strategic management that informs the question. This paper argues that the survey-based studies have inappropriately adopted 'outside-in' models of strategic management which privilege marketing notions and assume that 'formulation' is more strategic than 'implementation'. The work of these senior HR specialists is more fairly assessed under a conception of the strategic problem which balances external and internal concerns. Given the present realignment of strategy theory, the challenge facing these HR specialists is that of developing frameworks for corporate planning and performance analysis which attribute a more central role to the critical elements of HRM.  相似文献   

This study examines the corporate dialogic uses of four types of social networking sites (SNSs) (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn) with the public and their differences by industry type. The results suggest that corporations have integrated SNS uses, and use SNSs in different ways according to the characteristics and purposes provided by each SNS. In most cases, retailers and communications and transportation companies actively use SNSs and frequently interact with the public. In addition, Facebook was the leading tool for the dialogic feedback loop, as the dialogic interaction index of Facebook was much higher than that of Twitter.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of introducing a common corporate language in cross-border mergers is to integrate two previously separate organizations and facilitate communication. However, the present case study of a cross-border merger between two Nordic banks shows that the common corporate language decision may have disintegrating effects, particularly at organizational levels below top management. We identify such effects on performance appraisal, language training and management development, career paths, promotion and key personnel. Our findings show that top management needs to work through the consequences of the language decision upon those who are expected to make such a decision work.  相似文献   

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