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公司首脑人物或领导集团的使命感和战略思维,往往是公司发展的核心推动力量。这个力量可能集中在一个人身上,由这个人的战略思维去启动、指挥、协调公司的行为,如董事长、总裁或某个铁腕人物等。这个力量也可能集中于一个领导团队,由这个团队形成的战略思维去启动、指挥、协调公司的行为,如董事会、总裁办公会或某种铁腕式的决策群体。不论在什么情况下,外部环境的演进、内部关系的变化或公司目标的调整,总会通过公司内个体的或群体的战略思维表现出来。公司发展的战略思维主要有定位思维、路径思维、协调思维和持恒思维等,而其卓越性就在于…  相似文献   

Strategic behavior is crucial for strong firm performance, especially in competitive environments. Thus, designing a good strategy is a key issue for firms. Designing a strategy requires a combination of strategic thinking—which involves analyzing a firm's strategic environment, defining a vision of its future, and devising new ideas to out-think competitors – and strategic planning – which implies using these ideas to formulate a business plan. Although many firms excel at strategic planning, few devote enough resources to strategic thinking, which results in strategic insanity (i.e., firms repeatedly applying the same strategies with the expectation of different outcomes). To foster a strategic environment within a firm, firm managers and other workers must show willingness for active involvement in a firm's strategic decisions. Nevertheless, not everybody has the skills to do so, as many firms lack work force training programs. This study shows, experimentally, how training affects firms' strategic behavior. The starting point is two groups of individuals with initially equal qualifications who play in a sequential game whose rules hinder the calculation of equilibria. The members of only one of the groups previously receive a treatment entailing a process of training and learning that aims at fostering strategic thinking. The results point to a significant increase in the number of strategic decisions in the treatment group in sharp contrast to the control group, confirming the initial hypothesis (i.e., the positive impact of training).  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Success in business ecosystems that include well-established companies and new ventures requires collaboration and competition, a task that demands strategic thinking to leverage a firm's resources and capabilities. Strategic thinking and the entrepreneurial activities in an ecosystem influence one another in a cycle that perpetuates and even sparks innovation. These interactions vary significantly across four types of business ecosystems—Orchestra, Creative Bazaar, Jam Central, and MOD Station—and determine the success and failures of new ventures and established companies. The nature and effect of the dynamic interactions in a business ecosystem can have profound implications for organizational success.  相似文献   

关于企业战略管理的几个问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前国内有效实施战略管理的企业寥寥无几,许多红极一时的企业或因战略选择失误,或因战略实施不当而陷入了困境,如巨人、秦池、爱多……。那么,企业在进行战略管理时,应该以什么作为思维出发点,充分考虑哪些因素,遵循什么原则呢?一、选择正确的战略思维是企业战略管理的前提企业战略管理考虑的是如何利用自身的有效资源,在充满竞争的环境中满足顾客的需求,从而实现价值的创造。这样,资源、竞争和顾客三者就构成了企业战略管理的战略思维出发点。所谓选择正确的战略思维是指企业综合考虑其所处的环境以及企业自身的实力,选择资源、竞争和顾客…  相似文献   

Developing a management framework to guide strategic thinking in changing markets is increasingly critical for researchers and executives in coping with the complex and rapidly changing global business environment. Conventional training and practices have too often led strategy researchers and executives to assume a stable competitive box around existing businesses, not recognising the effects of radical and increasingly disruptive change on markets and competitive space. New strategic thinking logic and initiatives require a conceptual framework to guide obtaining information, perceptive interpretation of strategic issues and trends, and choice of the right strategic initiatives. The conceptualisation begins by determining the market-based strategic capabilities needed to identify the nature and scope of determinants of market changes. These changes must be identified, driven by new competition, new business models, and creativity and innovation. Understanding fast changing markets requires identifying new market space, conducting strategic segmentation analysis, and determining customer value requirements. Finally, this knowledge guides strategic vision and formulation and implementation of market-driven strategies for changing markets. The framework is based on conceptual logic and empirical findings from multiple disciplines including marketing strategy and strategic management  相似文献   

2008年,一场金融危机席卷全球,全世界各个行业都受到冲击,其中尤以汽车行业最为明显,福特汽车不得不出售旗下亏损的沃尔沃子品牌,这次经济危机对国内车企也是个考验,但同时也是个机遇,吉利抓住了这个机遇,达成了并购沃尔沃的协议.本文通过对吉利并购沃尔沃后可能存在的风险进行了分析,进而提出吉利发展的相关建议.  相似文献   

Potentially, owner manager creativity is a major source of competitive advantage within small businesses. However, whilst smallness of operation bestows possible benefits and advantages which can facilitate or assist owner manager creative thinking and development activities, it also brings with it potential unique problem-types which can severely impact growth and squeeze out owner manager propensity to be creative and innovate. Within this article, we utilise Personal Construct Theory to demonstrate the complexity of the small business strategic learning and management processes in dealing with such a problem context, and the nature and role of owner manager creativity within these processes. Case study insight is used to demonstrate the ways in which creative owner managers are able to set themselves free from currently constraining existing personal worldviews and unfold and converge new ideas and produce alternative personal constructions of innovative development opportunities.  相似文献   

Under the fierce pressures of the fast changing environments that characterize emerging economies, firms must develop dynamic capabilities to survive the competition. This study examines how strategic orientation helps build dynamic capability and its contingencies in China's emerging economy. A survey of 380 firms indicates strategic orientations are important drivers of adaptive capability, a key element of dynamic capabilities. The effectiveness of strategic orientations is contingent on market dynamics. In particular, when market demand becomes increasingly uncertain, customer orientation has a weaker impact, whereas technology orientation has a stronger effect on adaptive capability. As competition intensifies, both competitor and technology orientations build adaptive capability more effectively.  相似文献   

传统中低轨小卫星群的移动自组织网络中,卫星采用半双工载波侦听/碰撞规避协议(Carrier Sensing Multi-access/Collision Avoidance,CSMA/CA)接入控制信道。为避免半双工模式“盲听”对碰撞感知存在的延时,提升接入效率,卫星需要工作在碰撞检测和数据接收同步进行的全双工模式;同时由于卫星通信特点,残余自干扰带来的不完美碰撞检测不可忽略。针对以上需求,设计了一种全双工CSMA/CA协议,对接入流程和参数进行了详细描述;研究了自干扰抑制度和检测门限等与虚警率、漏检率的数学关系;推导了系统吞吐量的解析表达式,并仿真探究了初始竞争窗口长度等参数的优化设计准则。仿真结果表明,通过合理选取参数,该协议能在存有不完美碰撞检测的情况下,实现吞吐量的提升。  相似文献   

Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) display several unique properties in relation to the ways in which their international business operations are organised and managed. Their seemingly puzzling ‘light-touch’ integration approach can be significantly understood from a strategic ambidexterity perspective: on the one hand, the ‘light-touch’ enables the exploitation of the targets’ existing knowledge bases; on the other hand, elements of the ‘light-touch’ facilitate the exploration of the new knowledge arising from the collaboration between targets and acquirers. However, an important theoretical gap remains: why do Chinese companies deploy such a strategic ambidexterity approach in their post-acquisition integrations? This paper aims to fill this gap by proposing Mid-View thinking as a micro-foundation of strategic ambidexterity in integration management from a cultural and philosophical perspective. To illuminate our conceptualization and argument, we conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with CEOs/high-level managers of acquired German companies. Communication approach and organizational control—as two critical aspects in integration management—reveal how Mid-View thinking can serve as a micro-foundation of strategic ambidexterity. We conclude this paper by presenting its theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and future research directions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the patterns of optimal tax rates and borrowing in a developing country characterized by a costly tax collection. Its access to the international credit market is determined by the efficiency of the tax system, the relative bargaining power of creditors, and the outstanding debt. Country risk modifies considerably the pattern of taxes and borrowing in recessions. The tax rate exhibits strong counter-cyclical patterns in economies operating close to the credit ceiling, whereas the tax rate exhibits very few cyclical patterns in economies operating on the elastic portion of the supply of credit, where country risk factors are absent.  相似文献   

In a model with search generated unemployment and heterogeneity on both sides of the labor market, exporting firms are bigger and pay higher wages than other firms. Moreover, there is imperfect persistence in the decision to export and liberalization increases the wage gap between high- and low-skill workers. Openness can increase aggregate productivity in export-oriented markets while generating within-firm productivity losses for the weakest firms. In contrast, openness can lead to within-firm productivity gains for the weakest firms in import-competing industries.  相似文献   

A simple two-country model is constructed in order to show how imperfect competition can form a basis for trade. Under the assumption of Cournot-Nash behaviour, it is demonstrated that trade will lead to a bilateral welfare improvement when countries are identical in all respects. When countries differ in size, trade will always increase total world real income, but the large country may experience a welfare loss. Increasing returns to scale in the production of the monopolized good complicates the situation further, but it generally remains true that trade increases world real income.  相似文献   

While no indices currently exist for investors to measure and compare periodic returns on lodging properties—unlike for other classes of real estate—there is a model in the works that may remedy the situation.  相似文献   

实际中认知中继网络的频谱检测不可能完全正确检测频谱状态,次级用户传输会对主用户传输产生干扰。在分布式协作频谱检测和集中式协作频谱检测情况下,研究了认知中继网络中非理想频谱检测对主用户干扰性能的影响。在瑞利信道下推导了非理想频谱检测条件下主用户干扰概率的数学表达式。最后,仿真结果证明了理论分析的合理性,并表明非理想频谱检测会对主用户产生较大干扰,而中继节点数目的增加可以明显降低干扰概率。  相似文献   

Production cost can be influenced by previous sales in an uncertain way. In reality, production cost may decrease in the number of initial buyers due to the learning effect, or increase in the number of initial buyers due to the quality-improving pressure from negative comments of unhappy users. Taking this uncertainty into account, this paper studies the optimal intertemporal pricing strategies of a firm when selling to strategic customers in two periods where production cost in the second period randomly changes with the number of buyers in the first period. Our results suggest how firms should adjust their optimal pricing strategies under different market circumstances.  相似文献   

This article develops a map to analyze the dynamic forces that influence the structure and development of 3G (third generation) wireless communications value networks. The analysis builds on the Strategic Value Assessment Model (Fine, et al. [Fine, Charles H., Vardan, Roger, Pethick, Robert, El Hout, Jamal. Rapid-Response Capability in value chain Design. MIT Sloan Manage Rev 2002, 43(Winter): 69–75.]) and utilizes a qualitative System Dynamics mapping approach. The map focuses on the driving forces affecting user adoption of 3G services, focusing on customer dynamics, competitive dynamics, and technology dynamics. To analyze adoption of 3G services by customers, the articles maps the dynamics of (1) network investment and user population, (2) entry of service innovators as well as price competitors, (3) the effects of positive network externalities arising from a larger user population, (4) price compression as lower willingness-to-pay users adopt 3G services, (5) scale economies in terminal costs and prices, and (6) new content development as a draw to new users. Applying inductive systems diagrams hypotheses are integrated into a causal loop map and tested with data collected at 15 communications-industry workshops attended by 190 participants in Europe. The map aims to deepen the understanding of the possible evolutionary paths of the 3G wireless value network. The article seeks also to assess which future scenarios are plausible and what dynamic triggers might make them likely.  相似文献   

Two approaches can be distinguished with respect to modelling entrepreneurship: (i) the approach focusing on the net development of the number of entrepreneurs in an equilibrium framework and (ii) the approach focusing on the entries and exits of entrepreneurs. In this paper we unify these approaches to arrive at a model explaining the equilibrium and actual number of entrepreneurs and the entry and exit rate of entrepreneurs simultaneously and consistently. We apply our unified approach to the Netherlands using self-employment data for the 1960–1999 period. We find error-correction of about 20% per year and a very different situation in terms of disequilibrium before and after the early 1980s. Periods of high unemployment appear to be characterized by both high entry and high exit rates.  相似文献   

战场高速运动目标往往具有高威胁性,现有天基电子侦察手段对此类目标的定位跟踪能力已经难以适应现代战场感知需要。通过研究时差频差定位原理,在现有双星体制基础上构建了三星时差频差定位体制;同时结合卡尔曼滤波算法,实现了对空中高速运动目标的定位和速度估计。经计算仿真,系统对空中高速运动目标的定位精度达到了几公里量级,速度估计误差达到了10 m/s量级,充分验证了方法的工程可行性。通过上述改进,大幅扩展了天基时差频差系统的应用范围,将有力提升天基系统的战场感知能力。  相似文献   

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