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中匈经贸额再创新高 根据匈牙利中央统计局公布的数据,2005年,匈中贸易额达到39.8亿美元,同比增长22,1%,创历史最高水平,其中,匈进口额为35.8亿美元,同比增长24.3%,出口额4.0亿美元,同比增长2.8%。中国已成为匈牙利在亚洲的第一大贸易伙伴。  相似文献   

高峰 《国际广告》2011,(11):130-131
1996年,阿联酋仅有2000多华人。十余年来,迪拜的无限商机吸引了大批来自中国上海、香港以及东北三省和浙江、福建、江苏、广东等地的华商聚集。据说现在都奔20万去了,中国人在阿联酋的影响越来越大、阿联酋与中国联系越来越紧密。一个突出例证:迪拜有个名叫“龙城”的地方,中国人到了那里仿佛回到了故乡。  相似文献   

余滢 《商业时代》2011,(26):35-36
保障服装物流的畅通是促进服装集散地服装业迅猛发展的基本要求。本文通过对服装集散地之一的湖南省株洲市服装业的实证调查,分析我国现有的各种物流配送模式,提出构建专业的服装配送中心的观点。并在此基础上,对服装配送中心的定位、选址决策、平面布局及功能设计等关键问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

匈牙利战略位置重要。它位于欧洲地理中心,通达欧洲各地,物流便捷。匈政局基本稳定,经济结构比较合理。2008年人均GDP为1.53万美元,属于中等发达国家。匈加入欧盟后,成为欧盟5.2亿人口大市场的一部分,劳动力、资金、产品和服务可存欧盟市场内自由流动,有利于外国企业立足匈牙利,向整个欧盟市场辐射。匈牙利政府重视外资对经济的拉动作用,建立了比较完善的法律体系。根据欧盟的规定,为引资提供各类鼓励措施,符合条件的项目还可以获得欧盟资金的支持。  相似文献   

匈牙利战略位置重要。它位于欧洲地理中心,通达欧洲各地,物流便捷。匈政局基本稳定,经济结构比较合理。2008年人均GDP为1.53万美元,属于中等发达国家。匈加入欧盟后,成为欧盟5.2亿人口大市场的一部分,劳动力、资金、产品和服务可存欧盟市场内自由流动,有利于外国企业立足匈牙利,向整个欧盟市场辐射。匈牙利政府重视外资对经济的拉动作用,建立了比较完善的法律体系。根据欧盟的规定,为引资提供各类鼓励措施,符合条件的项目还可以获得欧盟资金的支持。  相似文献   

文采 《中国市场》2009,(12):64-65
<正>近几年,匈牙利的中国批发商城如雨后春笋般拔地而起,而且规模大、档次高,可与当地的大型购物中心媲美,为在匈华商提供了经商的绝佳场所。但是,商城的进驻率并不高,一是如此高档的商城和全欧式管  相似文献   

钟信 《中国市场》1998,(7):23-25
<正> 粮油市场,米面价格回升,大豆、油价格下降 我国粮食连续三年获得大丰收,今年夏粮又获得历史上第二个丰收年,国内粮源不断增加,供应充足,储备增加,库存上升。1—4月份粮价下  相似文献   

(接上期)   市场期望   市场的期望基于市场上产品的特点以及适用的标准和认证.表6列举了对几种产品的期望.市场对每种产品有其自己的期望.对特色、标准及认证的强调依品而有所不同.   ……  相似文献   

The Indian market has got flooded with Chinese goods that pose a great threat to indigenous businesses. Despite increase in bilateral trade, the relationship between India and China continues to be marred with suspicion, animosity and distrust. Therefore, it becomes meaningful to understand how the consumers distinguish between domestic and Chinese goods. The study examines the relationship between ethnocentrism, customer animosity, social status and personal self-esteem and their impact on purchase intention towards Chinese imports. The results indicate that the attitudes and behaviour of consumers in an emerging nation differ greatly from their counterparts in developed nations. Contrary to expectations, the relationship between ethnocentrism and customer animosity is not significant. Personal self-esteem and customer animosity impact the purchase intentions of Indians while ethnocentrism and social status do not have any such influence. The study seeks to expand the existing literature on purchase intention of foreign products and also help the marketers design their marketing mix strategies.  相似文献   

Central European economies are undergoing radical reforms changing from central planning to free market economies. If these changes are to be successful, there is a need for their govemments to liberalise legislation to allow privatisation to take place and to allow and encourage foreign investment in the countries. Potentially the most effective form of foreign investment is the participation of Western companies in the business of the country enabling development of the market and the local understanding of the methods of business in free market economies. Whether and to what extent this participation takes place depends on the macro-environmental climate and the specific market environments in the countries. This paper addresses both of these issues and is based on a twelve month study of marketing conditions in Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. In the first part the macro changes taking place are explored and the overall attractiveness assessed by comparison with the published literature on the market entry strategies. The conclusion is that Hungary is the most attractive of the three countries concerned for Western company investment in terms of political stability, economic development and performance, cultural unity, and lower legal and geo-cultural similarity.  相似文献   

MERKUR 集团的经营情况斯洛文尼亚麦乐库(MERKUR)集团是斯洛文尼亚境内最大的五金交电产品批发和连锁零售商成立于1896年前身是一家五金产品贸易批发商.目  相似文献   

The 3rd Mudan Cup China International Auto Exhibition (Vietnam & Cambodia) was held in January 28, 2005 in Phnom Penh Hotel. This is the first debut of Chinese autos in Cambodia. 11 buses, 12 seats tourism vans, cargo vans and trucks and 9 motorcycles of different brands showed Cambodians the real Chinese famous brands and high-quality automobiles. The 3rd "Mudan Cup"China International Auto Exhibition Tour was organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of China, Department of Media and Press of CCPIT, Cambodia Tang Ren International Co., Ltd.,Cambodia Kaide Trade Co., Ltd. andChina Grand River Group.  相似文献   

Centrally planned economies usually prefer larger plants and firms to smaller ones. After the twin oil shocks of 1973 and 1980 it is widely recognized that strengthening the small-firm sector is a prerequisite to revitalize the Hungarian economy. One of the striking conclusions of this paper is that the small-business sector in the Hungarian economy is smaller than that of any other industrialized country.  相似文献   

Nationwide consumer research was conducted in 2014 on consumer perceptions, purchasing practices, and consumption of rabbit meat. The questionnaire revealed that respondents basically found rabbit meat healthy; however, better knowledge of positive physiological effects would lead to increased consumption. Transforming public awareness may also include the criticism of housing systems suspected to be “humanitarian.” The experiment-proven conditions, in which—in contrast to human empathy and preconceptions—rabbits indeed feed well and are “happy,” should be presented to the public.  相似文献   

近年,中德两国之间的知识产权纠纷有逐渐增多的趋势,影响了两国贸易的顺利发展。为了加强企业知识产权保护意识,减少不必要的法律纠纷,使产品顺利通关。了解德国海关知识产权保护的"查扣"措施并加以防范是企业当务之急。  相似文献   

Fast Company, the highly-respected and award-winning US-based monthly magazine, has ranked Huawei the fifth most innovative company in the world for 2010, behind only Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google. Huawei was the only new-entrant to the list of the top five most innovative companies.  相似文献   

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