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我国税务机关在税源监控工作中注重静态的数据,而对纳税人动态的涉税信息不能及时掌握,为此作者提出信息化是监控的前提、要建立纳税人重大事项汇报制等多途径的网络体系,同时也要得到纳税人的积极配合。  相似文献   

税源是税收收入的最终来源。从广义上说,税源是物质生产部门劳动创造的国民收入;从狭义上说,是指各个税种确定的课税对象。这里我们讨论的是对狭义税源的控制。税源控制是税收征管的基础和重要环节,提高税源控制能力是加强税收征管的客观要求。在社会主义市场经济条件下,税源控制能力的高低是衡量税收征管水平的一个重要标志。税源控制能力强,国家税收流失就少,反之流失就多。  相似文献   

我国税源监控存在的问题及完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晶 《财政监督》2005,(11):29-30
税源监控指的是税务机关根据税收有关法律、法规,通过系统的、规范的、现代化手段和方法,对税源进行全方位的监测、管理和信息跟踪,并分析预测税源发展变化趋势,有效地防止税款流失的一系列税收管理活动。税源监控是税收征管的基础,贯穿于税务管理的全过程。加强税源监控是税收征管科学化、现代化的需要,也是构筑“多元申报、集中征收、分类管理、重点稽查”征管模式的需要。  相似文献   

庄胡蝶 《安徽税务》2003,(12):15-16

税源监控是基层税收管理的生命线,也是防范税收管理风险的有效手段。笔者结合基层税源管理的工作实践,从确定管理目标、制定质效标准、选择监控方法、实行过程控制等几个方面来阐述提高税源监控质效、防范税源管理风险的路径和手段。  相似文献   

2008年以来,为落实税源管理“科学化、精细化”要求。强化税源管理。提高税源监控能力。减少国家税款流失。祁阳县地税局以省、市局在该局进行地方税税源监控管理平台试点运行为契机,将推广运用税源监控管理软件与做好纳税评估工作进行无缝隙链接.以地方税税源监控管理平台为依托。强化了纳税评估工作。全面提升了纳税评估绩效。得到了省、市局领导的充分肯定。  相似文献   

新“征管法”的实施为税收征管奠定了良好的法律基础,按信息一体化的专业化管理新格局,如何结合新《征管法》加强税源控管是基层税务机关面临的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

International Tax and Public Finance - The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) introduced the most significant changes to the US international tax system in decades. The law changes have been...  相似文献   

该文从资本管制目标和手段等方面介绍了资本管制的国际经验,并以智利为例,就该国资本流人管理对实际汇率和宏观经济稳定的有效性进行实证分析,结论认为,资本管制从短期看是有效的,从长期看是无效的;在资本持续大量流人的环境下,不协调的宏观经济政策会直接影响到资本管制的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates personal income tax (PIT) mimicry at the international level. It is the first to empirically investigate the extent to which PIT mimicry varies along the tax schedule and the first to include nations which are not part of the OECD. We use data on international personal income tax schedules from the world tax indicators to estimate marginal and average tax rates at various multiples of per capita gross domestic product (GDP). These tax rates are then used to estimate the extent to which countries respond to their neighbors’ PIT policy. We find evidence of PIT mimicry using a balanced panel of 53 countries over 24 years. This finding is strongest for tax rates at lower multiples of per capita GDP and survives several robustness checks.  相似文献   

Female labor force participation: an international perspective.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article gives an international perspective in regard to female participation in the labor force. In most countries women contribute less than men toward the value of recorded production. Social environment, statistical inconsistencies and methods of recording labor all contribute to this inequity. In Britain for instance, women caring for the household duties are in some studies considered to be part of the labor force and in other studies they are not. Further, internationally, women often find themselves in casual, temporary, or seasonal work that goes unrecorded. Defining what "labor force participation" constitutes is a key starting point to any survey. At what age is one considered employable? What constitutes a person "actively seeking" employment? Economists often try to explain labor force participation rate by age, sex, race and income groups and use this information to cite trends. The income-leisure model theorizes that choice of work or non-work by women is based primarily upon wages for work vs. wages for non-work. This theory sees non-labor income exerting a negative influence. Empirical evidence, however, suggests that women will choose work if wages are good regardless of any non-work benefits. Because most men are permanently in the labor force, estimates of labor reserves and projections of supply focus mostly on women. International generalizations are often misleading since trends vary widely among countries. During the last 20 years the global female participation rate has remained almost constant, but this is misleading. The percentage of working women in industrial countries increased 10%; developing countries showed a decrease of 7%. Female rates are often tied closely to shifts in the overall economy, (e.g., a transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy often sees a drop in female labor because subsistence jobs are lost). Of course the ability of women to bear children and the social expectations regarding child care often play a role. It is common in western industrialized countries to see drops in female participation during childbearing years. Countries with the lowest female participation rates are those with strong religious views about women in society, (e.g., Catholic and Muslim countries).  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate to what extent tax incentives are effective in attracting investment in Sub-Saharan Africa. We test the neo-classical investment theory prediction that tax incentives, by lowering the user cost of capital, raise investment. Next to tax incentives, we also estimate the impact on investment of other investment climate variables that are under direct control of the government, such as the transparency and complexity of the tax system, and the legal protection of foreign investors. In developing countries these variables might be as important as or even more important than the tax variables themselves.  相似文献   

Institutional changes inevitably impose adjustment costs on firms while also generating benefits. However, empirical evidence regarding the adjustment costs of institutional changes is limited, with much of the focus centered on benefits. Using data on China’s A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2018 and the nation’s staggered adoption of the “business tax to value-added tax reform” (hereafter, “VAT reform”) as a natural experiment, we examine the impact of this reform on a particular corporate cost: audit fees. We find audit fees to be 8.11% higher for VAT reform firms than for non-VAT reform firms. This difference does not exist before or after the reform year. That is, it is only observed in the year of VAT reform implementation. This indicates the existence of an adjustment cost specifically related to the VAT reform. Furthermore, we observe larger fee increases among firms audited by Big 4 international audit firms, firms that require more audit work, firms that are more complex, and firms with weak internal controls. From the audit pricing perspective, we provide evidence of the economic consequences of tax reform. The corporate adjustment costs that arise from institutional changes deserve more attention from decision-makers.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine corporate carbon performance globally from the perspective of country-level dispersion. The average carbon performance of listed companies in the non-OECD countries increases more after the Paris Agreement than that of listed companies in the OECD countries. However, under an increasing trend of average country-level carbon performance, the dispersion of corporate carbon performance is reduced more in the OECD countries vis-à-vis the non-OECD countries. In addition, international equity ownership is negatively associated with the dispersion of country-level corporate carbon performance in the post-Paris Agreement period. This finding supports our conjecture that sophisticated foreign investors from developed countries exert a significant positive influence on the carbon management efficiency of domestic firms in developing countries.  相似文献   

In recent years, international taxation has received significant public and scholarly attention, and has been high on the international policy agenda. In this context, the work of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has been central in reforming the international tax system. This paper is based on the keynote address delivered to the 2017 International Institute of Public Finance Annual Congress on 18 August 2017 in Tokyo by David Bradbury of the OECD, and highlights the OECD’s global tax agenda and how it can advance inclusive fiscal reform. The paper covers three major areas of the OECD’s work. First, it reviews the advances made by the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project to reduce BEPS, and the ongoing work to address the tax challenges of digitalisation. Second, it reviews the initiatives involving the exchange of taxpayer information, and the development of new standards on Automatic Exchange of Information and Exchange of Information on Request by the OECD. Finally, the paper considers how these international initiatives provide policymakers with more domestic tax policy options and recommendations on how tax systems can be better designed to achieve inclusive growth.  相似文献   

王海波 《保险研究》2011,(2):108-115
作为解决保险交易信息不对称的制度之一,保险人说明义务制度需要和保单通俗化之间互动和衔接;作为格式条款法律控制体系中的一部分,说明义务制度也需要和格式条款控制的其他方法形成衔接.同样保险人说明义务制度内部也需要达到一般说明和明确说明的区分和协调.上述角度的研究对于评价以及完善我国保险人说明范围、履行和法律效果是一种有益的...  相似文献   

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