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天津市现代天骄农业科技有限公司成立于2008年3月13日,截至2014年7月,企业经历了6年的发展历程,集团总投资1.4亿元,产业分布在两个产业园区,食品生物产业园区占地187亩,饲料养殖产业园区占地56亩,规划布局合理、环境幽雅、建筑宏伟,集团下设一个12万吨的现代化畜禽饲料厂,一个24万吨的现代化水产饲料厂,种猪饲养场一家,兽药公司一家,贸易公司一家,  相似文献   

近年来。天津市经济和信息化委员会大力实施品牌战略,积极推进品牌高端化发展,丰富品牌文化内涵。提升品牌科技含量和附加值,增强品牌竞争力。加快品牌集团化建设,整合品牌资源,建立品牌体系,逐步做实集团旗舰品牌。促进品牌规模化,引导资源向优势品牌集中,打造一批千亿、百亿品牌。培育品牌国际化。实施品牌国际化战略,推动更多品牌走出去,形成一批具有国际竞争力的自主品牌。截至目前。天津市工业企业拥有国家品牌培育试点企业16家,天津市品牌培育试点企业50家。国家名牌24个,国家驰名商标103个:涌现出一批品牌建设成效显著的企业.每个工业企业都有着一段品牌背后的感人故事……  相似文献   

The British Empire reached its territorial peak less than a century ago in 1920 when one could walk from South Africa to Kuwait and not set foot in a country in which English was not the language of government. By 1959, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, and other countries were no longer within Britain's imperial fold. In the space of little more than 30 years, the British Empire suffered a precipitous decline and collapse that left the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland little more than the rump successor state of a once great empire. Yet, imperial attitudes lingered and have an undue influence on British life, culture, and politics up to the present day. Through the lens of pivotal moments in the world since World War II, this article examines the breakup of the British Empire and how the vision of empire lives on in the context of global populism.  相似文献   

在美国,硅谷和华尔街被称为两大资本天堂,所不同的是,一笔很小的投资如果受到风险资本的追逐,在硅谷就可以迅速成长为一个规模可观的企业,而华尔街却不能。也正是如此,黑石及黑岩的起家过程在华尔街被称为另类。在华尔街,史蒂夫·施瓦茨曼和劳伦斯·芬克的名字如雷贯耳,他们二人被人并称为“黑石双雄”  相似文献   

Inflation and Growth: Stories Short and Tall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the stories that economists tell about the growth effects of inflation. Informal accounts are common, but there are few models that get to grips with the effects that are probably central. Partly as a result of this, and partly as a result of many econometric problems, much of the empirical evidence remains unconvincing. The paper assesses the various contributions, and suggests possible improvements.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the choice of valuation model affects the forecast accuracy of the target prices that investment analysts issue in their equity research reports, controlling for factors that influence this choice. We examine 490 equity research reports from international investment houses for 94 UK-listed firms published over the period July 2002–June 2004. We use four measures of accuracy: (i) whether the target price is met during the 12-month forecast horizon (met_in); (ii) whether the target price is met on the last day of the 12-month forecast horizon (met_end); (iii) the absolute forecast error (abs_err); and (iv) the forecast error of target prices that are not met at the end of the 12-month forecast horizon (miss_err). Based on met_in and abs_err, price-to-earnings (PE) outperform discounted cash flow (DCF) models, while based on met_end and miss_err the difference in valuation model performance is insignificant. However, after controlling for variables that capture the difficulty of the valuation task, the performance of DCF models improves in all specifications and, based on miss_err, they outperform PE models. These findings are robust to standard controls for selection bias.  相似文献   

今年,北京6688电子商务公司总裁王峻涛注定又要过一个繁忙的春节。“我对公司2007年的发展很满意,2008年的开头也很不错,一月还没结束,我们就已经签下一摞单子了。”  相似文献   

This paper presents stories of adversity, as voiced by those that live and work with panic attacks. Respondents of this exploratory, phenomenological study, conducted in Sydney, Australia, shared their experiences of living and working with panic attacks. Two themes (and five sub-themes) of their reported lived experiences are presented here, including: A Changed Life (including sub-themes of: a seismic shift; a creeping change, and not knowing); and, Being Alone (with sub-themes of: withdrawing from the world; and professional non-support). Amidst their experiences of panic-related adversity, the 18 respondents reported trying to maintain—often without success—their working lives and selves. The often profound implications for employees working with panic are discussed, including the urgent need for further research.  相似文献   

在利用PKPM-SATWE软件对带转换层的复杂高层结构进行设计计算过程中,通过对结果参数进行分析和控制,提出了该类结构的平面及竖向布置的设计要点。  相似文献   

abstract Drawing on social constructionist theory this paper applies discourse analysis to ten narratives told by service delivery staff in one distribution network. The analysis looks at how the narratives construct the organization through their constructions of self (the narrator), customer and manufacturer and their constructions of the relationships linking these three sets of actors. The paper argues that the narrators construct the self either as an organizational customer or an organizational partner. The two constructions locate conflict either within the organization or at the customer–organizational boundary respectively. The implications of this are suggested. Contrasts between the manner in which organizational members construct the self as customer or partner and the construction of the organizational member in the internal customer literature are highlighted and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper commences by considering that the current global climate of terrorism and human suffering demands a more critical consideration of flawed expectations. Addressed here is the flawed expectation of consistency in organizational life. Work life narratives from people with unseen chronic illness, that is, illness that is ongoing, may not be treatable or curable, and cannot be seen by colleagues, are considered to portray the problematic outcomes of expectations of consistency. Respondents of this phenomenological study demonstrate that expectations of consistency, from themselves and others, were unreasonable as their responses to situations and their illness demands varied from day to day and minute to minute—a problem for one working in the rational workplace. What is concluded is that recognition of the postmodern perspective, especially its appreciation of the multiphrenic qualities in these peoples lives, may assist understanding of these people's experiences, as well as the experiences of other traumatized individuals. Adherence to flawed expectations may make things worse.  相似文献   

中国移动通信集团广西有限公司桂林分公司(以下简称桂林分公司)以削度工程、示范工程、人才工程、品牌工程、知识工程这五大文化工程为落脚点,将意识上确立、制度上保障、宣传上创新、行为中实现等4个内容作为有力支撑点,在营造企业文化氛围,树立企业形象,锤炼企业精神方面进行了有益的尝试和探索,使企业文化在桂林分公司有效落地.  相似文献   

如何以人为本,完善和提升企业人才管理机制,为企业提供长久持续的竞争力将成为企业必须关注的重要课题。文章以中国移动通信集团广西有限公司柳州鱼峰分公司创建“青年文明号”工作为立足点,研究探讨在创建“青年文明号”工作中员工的思想意识、行为素质以及参与工作的积极性方面的情况,运用统计分析理论以及运筹学原理进行分析、改进,并结合PDCA循环理论不断进行完善,最终达到提升整个公司员工精神面貌、完成公司绩效目标的目的,为创建“青年文明号”工作提供有力的科学依据及方法。  相似文献   

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