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宇欣 《中国纺织》2009,(9):10-10
以中小企业为绝对主体的纺织服装业,在今天挣脱困境、企稳回暖的的关键时期,又开始迎来新的利好信息。8月19日,国务院常务会议审议并通过了六项扶持中小企业发展的措施,其中包括:完善政策法律体系;切实缓解中小企业融资难;加大对中小企业的财税扶持;加快中小企业技术进步和结构调整;支持符合条件的中小企业参与家电、农机、汽车摩托车下乡;加强和改善对中小企业的服务。其中,对困难中小企业的阶段性缓缴社会保险费或降低费率政策执行期延长至2010年底。为切实缓解中小企业融资难,鼓励各地建立小企业贷款风险补偿基金,对金融机构小企业贷款按增量给予适度补助。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了高职教育创新创业人才培养体系建设发展的现状,对高职教育创新创业人才培养体系建设发展中存在的问题进行了探讨,并针对这些问题提出了从政策支持、培养模式变革、师资队伍建设几个方面来解决,为高职教育的创新创业人才培养体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

近日,国家经贸委、中国人民银行和国家税务总局等部门纷纷推出优惠政策,为建立中小企业贷款担保服务体系“保驾护航”。财政部长项怀诚表示,这一中小企业贷款信用担保体系,将是“以国家产业政策为导向、以财政财力为支撑、以专业担保机构为运作主体、以商业银行网络为基础、以中小企业为主要服务对象的、能够有效地控制、分散和分解风险的贷款信用担保体系。”另据国家经贸委中小企业司有关负责人透露,国家现在正抓紧制定支持中小企业尤其是解决直接和间接融资及信用担保的措施,鼓励科技创新,重点扶持高新技术企业,有关政策不久可望…  相似文献   

中国就业岗位开发与创业扶持政策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文根据对北京、上海和苏州三个试点城市及其他10余个城市实施积极就业政策的调查及国际比较,初步评估了中国实施积极就业政策尤其是针对国有企业下岗职工的创业扶持政策的成效和局限。文章认为,中国在特殊背景下实施积极就业政策是必要的,效果也是比较显著的,但随着劳动就业形势的变化,对积极就业政策的实施效果有必要进行认真的评估,并在此基础上进行适当的调整。  相似文献   

多项支持连锁业发展政策将出台悉,一系列支持我国连锁业发展的政策近日将由国家有关部门陆续出台。据了解,这些政策包括:国家经贸委将把物流配送中心建设、连锁企业信息化建设等,列入国债贴息项目给予重点支持。各级流通主管部门也将对开展连锁经营、物流配送和电子商务的企业给予必要的扶持,重点支持效益好的企业拓宽融资渠道,通过增资扩股、股票上市等途径募集社会资金,扩大经营规模;通过资产重组、划拨等多种方式鼓励改造工业企业的闲置厂房、设备和批发、储运企业的仓储设施,发展商品配送中心等。一些部委也提出了支持连锁业发…  相似文献   

创业环境是指与创业活动相关联的因素的集合,包括宏观环境(行业环境)和微观环境(营销环境)。创业活动的难易程度、活跃程度在很大程度上受到本地区创业环境的影响,本文基于国际上通用的GEM理论模型,从金融支持、政府政策、政府项目支持、创业教育与培训、研究与开发转移、商业环境、市场开放程度、有形基础设施、文化与社会规范等9个方面对淮安市的创业环境进行综合评价、研究,以分析淮安创业环境存在的问题,进而提出优化淮安创业环境的对策与建议。  相似文献   

小额担保贷款主要是根据国家有关促进就业政策,针对符合贷款条件的创业人员在自谋职业、自主创业或合伙经营与组织起来就业过程中面临的资金困难,由各级政府设立小额贷款担保基金,经指定担保机构承诺担保,通过银行发放并由政府给予一定贴息扶持的政策性贷款。本文通过探索政策性小额担保贷款模式,促进大连市小额担保贷款工作有序进行,以创业带动就业,有利于发挥创业的就业倍增效应,调动劳动者创业的积极性和主动性,同时也为劳动密集型小企业扩大生产、增加就业岗位创造条件,对缓解就业压力具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

大学生创业教育缺乏政策法律和社会环境支持,创业教育体系不完善。创新创业教育应由高等学校为主体向高校、企业与社会一体化主体转变,应由政府主导向政府推动与市场拉动相结合机制转变,创业教育还应建立推拉机制、资金保障机制和科学的创业教育评价机制。  相似文献   

小企业是经济中的重要组成部分,也是最有活力和创新精神的一部分.本文拟从小企业的界定、小企业的经济地位及国家对小企业的政策扶持等方面对中美小企业作一比较研究.  相似文献   

在资源瓶颈压力下,中国加快全球资源布局,支持企业“走出去”找资源的政策也越来越多、越来越密集地在出台,新出台的政策也越来越具体到企业层面。最近,商务部与财政部公布的一项新政策。将采取直接补助和贷款贴息的方式,对企业境外资源类项目前期费用,如勘探费、研发费、聘请中介机构咨询费、聘请律师服务费、可行性研究相关费用、标书及与项目相关资料购置费用、补勘费用等。这些资源类境外投资和对外经济合作项目具体包括油气资源、金属和非金属矿藏,以及其他重点资源类项目。其具体标准为:投资项目的扶持比例不超过批准投资额的4%;经济合作项目扶持比例不超过合同金额的4‰;  相似文献   

The role of entrepreneurs in stimulating growth in the small business economy has received significant interest in the last three decades. This growing interest is prompted, in part, by the government’s assumption that the establishment and expansion of existing small firms could be greatly enhanced by the promotion of entrepreneurial education programmes in colleges and universities. Whilst there has been significant interest in the role, type and effect of entrepreneurs in the economy, few studies have examined the effect of entrepreneurial programmes on the progression of an idea through to commercialisation. This is because such research, whilst seemingly desirable, is problematic. Evidence can be gleaned through the development of suitable conceptual frameworks and methods, to assess the role and impact of entrepreneurial programmes on the commercialisation of products or processes, and the enhancement of entrepreneurial capabilities. To address this problem, the research will examine different approaches and frameworks that have been developed and applied hitherto. The objective of this will be to highlight the difficulties in assessing the motivations, cognitive and behavioural changes of entrepreneurs. Also, the research will demonstrate the need to undertake adequate controls, which illustrate possible improvement in entrepreneurial capabilities, networks, and credibility in comparison to students that embarked on courses without entrepreneurial elements. The process will confine itself to business development within the higher education (HEI) context. The MSEC has as its remit to provide opportunity, education, awareness and training to foster entrepreneurship within science and engineering departments across four universities in Greater Manchester. This setting will provide a unique situation in which to investigate the development of germinal technology businesses from the inception of an idea to the point of incubation, prototype development and investment. There is a requirement to understand the needs of the virgin entrepreneur, possible obstacles to commercialisation and the process of new venture creation. The methodology to be adopted has been identified, and forges new ground on combining positivist and phenomenological paradigms. The multi–paradigm approach supports the use of critical incident technique to reveal greater insights in to the personal and cognitive development of virginal entrepreneurs, the suitability of enterprise programmes to act as catalysts for venture creation, and their role in supporting technology transfer. The research will not only confine itself to examining undergraduate and postgraduate projects within MSEC’s business creation unit, but will also continue to assess the experience of entrepreneurs’ when they leave the programme. The research also documents the economic contribution of the programme, in terms of generation of new technology–based firms and the impact of entrepreneurs joining established small firms. Ultimately the aim is to build a long–term picture of the role of enterprise programmes in HEIs that will inform policy and practice.  相似文献   

以高阶理论为依据,从管理者的角度研究家族企业家双重性特征与家族企业融资决策的关系。基于2004~2007年在深圳中小企业板上市的家族企业样本的实证研究发现,家族企业家的性别、任职年限、政治身份、企业家的风险倾向、控制权偏好与家族企业融资决策之间存在显著的相关性;实证研究没有发现企业家年龄与融资决策的相关性。本研究对高阶理论在我国中小家族企业中的应用是一个有益的补充,该研究的启示意义在于,研究家族企业的融资决策时,必须考虑到企业家的相关特征。同时,本文对于更好地理解家族企业的融资行为,优化家族企业的融资结构具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

基层基础工作体系的建立与完善是标准化建设的重要内容。作为基层销售单位,在全力做好油气营销、资金结算和计量监督等主营业务、全面完成主要业绩指标的基础上,必须以强化基础工作为突破口,不断强化基层基础工作体系的建立与完善,积极探索制度化、程序化、规范化管理模式,才能不断提高部门标准化管理水平,为企业内部管理提供依据,为企业发展筑牢根基,为建设“西部大庆”做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

快速换油起源于20世纪70年代的美国,在90年代得到兴起发展,通常以专业快速更换润滑油液为主,辅以免拆清洗、更换轮胎等服务,普遍存在于美国经济发达、汽车保有量大的城市和地区,并以其专业、快速、经济、环保等特点深得消费者的认可.近年来快速换油正在逐渐成为国际石油公司拓展润滑油销售渠道的重要途径之一.比较中美两国快速换油行业,二者所处的历史发展阶段、消费环境、成本和技术环境不同,面临的机遇和挑战也不同.随着我国汽车工业发展和民用轿车普及率的快速提高,汽车养护特别是快速换油业务将进入一个高速发展的阶段,相关服务行业将迎来千载难逢的战略发展机遇期.  相似文献   

This article compares the homeownership rates of young households in Australia and the United States and evaluates the impacts of the two countries' different approaches to subsidizing homeownership. Since about 1950, Australia's rate of homeownership has consistently been higher than that of the United States. The homeownership rate for young adults is also significantly higher in Australia. While the United States allows mortgage interest and property taxes to be deducted from income for tax purposes, Australia has provided cash subsidies for down payments and mortgage payments. We conclude that differences in housing costs and household characteristics do not explain differences in ownership rates. We also conclude that differences in subsidy policies have only a minor impact on ownership rates.  相似文献   

In recent years, many companies have witnessed dramatic changes in their business environment. Emergence of global markets and competitors coupled with new competitive strategies based on quality, speed and/or alliances have forced business managers — especially in the United States — to adopt new management strategies, structures and systems. These in turn have caused many R&D executives to progress from their traditional agenda of managing R&D activities in domestic laboratories to a new agenda of coordinating and integrating technology development and exploitation on a world-wide basis. This paper discusses this evolution of R&D management agenda in the United States and its implications. It also reviews the approaches being used and the experiences being gained by the American R&D management community to address the emerging challenges.  相似文献   

New venture companies, starting from small entities comprising entrepreneurs and their teams, start to grow in scale by instigating formalized processes to enhance management efficiency. This includes the use of formalized processes for collecting and disseminating market information. Despite the fact that utilizing market information is one of the fundamental factors of market orientation, little is known about the way market information is processed in new venture companies. The first aim of this research was to investigate the impact of formalized market information acquisition and utilization on new venture performance. The second objective was to investigate the effect of organizational formalization on the acquisition and utilization of market information in new venture firms. The final goal was to explore the extent to which these relationships vary in different cultural contexts. Based on an extensive literature review and interviews with managers in China, Japan, and the United States, a conceptual framework is developed that relates formalized market information processes to new venture performance in the three countries. The conceptual model is tested with data collected from 453 new venture companies in these countries. The results suggest that the use of a formalized process of market information utilization has a positive effect on new venture performance regardless of country. The analysis also indicates that the effect of organizational formalization, in general, differs between countries. Organizational formalization is associated with increased formalized utilization of market information only in the United States; the relationship does not apply in the two Asian countries studied. Taken together, these results suggest that in the Asian countries, organizational formalization improves information collection, while in the United States, it also improves the utilization of information throughout the organization. One implication of these results may be the potential of added benefits accruing to organizational formalization in new ventures in countries with high levels of individualism and/or high levels of power distance, where organizational power is concentrated in formal vertical reporting relationships, as opposed to informal horizontal peer‐to‐peer networks.  相似文献   

This paper builds upon the work of the United Nations Development Program in expanding the use of the Human Development Index (HDI). This index, originally created to compare human development among countries, has been modified to allow comparisons among cities in the United States. This paper discusses the methodology used to develop the cross-city HDI, as well as the results for the twenty-five cities chosen for this study. The results offer an intriguing "snapshot" of human development in each city, as well as an encouraging, although limited, benchmark for policy making in cities.  相似文献   

作为拥有百年历史的欧洲大型能源企业,德国RWE能源集团以在欧洲大陆经营电力、天然气为主营业务,通过强化战略管理、业务一体化运作、积极开拓邻国能源市场、加快新技术开发应用等一系列举措实现了企业持续稳定发展。概要介绍了RWE的主要业务、组织机构,分析了其在煤电一体化、并购等方面的经营特点和发展动态,提出了对我国能源企业的启示。  相似文献   

Business models have evolved in the context of new venture creation. By offering an entrepreneurial perspective to established marketing elements such as value propositions, value capturing and value networks, business models provide marketing discipline with both challenges and opportunities to engage with entrepreneurial environments. In particular, business models call for approaches that elucidate value-in-use of marketing offerings, reveal the performance of contracts in orchestrating value networks and identify the performance of network configurations. In this article we present some implications of and opportunities for business models for marketing research.  相似文献   

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