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国外资源型城市经济转型成功经验及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在我国,资源型城市在工业化进程中一直发挥着极其重要的作用。而近些年来,我国资源型城市普遍呈现出“老龄化”趋势,通过经济转型以实现其可持续发展势在必行。国外很多资源型城市转型开始的比较早,在理论与实践方面都取得了一定的经验。通过分析国外资源型城市经济转型的成功经验,探寻符合我国国情的资源型城市经济转型之路是十分必要的。  相似文献   

世界上发达国家和发展中国家随着汽车拥有量的不断增加,大中型城市的汽车流量也随之增加,由此而带来的行车难问题变得越来越严重,大量的汽车路面乱停乱放使本不畅通的道路更加混乱。为了控制路面乱停车,对规划与建设停车设施的必要性和重要性逐渐得到人们的认同。建设停车场,制订规范有序的停车管理办法,是解决城市交通堵塞的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

在当今时代, 团队创业逐渐取代个人创业, 创业效果得到不断提升。为促进团队创业的有效运作, 本文针对创业型领导对团队有效性的影响, 分析团队双元学习和团队创业激情在两者之间的作用机制, 在构建理论模型的基础上, 通过对107个创业团队领导者的调查和实证分析, 发现创业型领导对团队有效性有显著的正向影响, 团队双元学习和团队创业激情在两者间发挥重要的中介作用。研究不仅揭示了创业型领导在创业团队中的重要作用, 并且从行为和情感双重视角诠释了两者之间的作用机制。  相似文献   

当前,在我国经济高速发展的时期,创业活动已成为经济增长的内生动力。然而,创业型企业,尤其是新创企业,在当前竞争激烈的市场经济环境下,很难在市场上长久的生存下去。究其原因,创业型企业在融资、产销、市场等方面都存在着一些问题,同时,创业型企业自身的特点决定着其内部治理结构也存在着较强的特殊性。文章通过对上海的11家创业型企业的调查研究。从企业的控制权、股权安排、员工激励、管理制度以及企业文化等五个方面对创业型企业的内部治理结构进行分析研究,总结出创业型企业内部治理结构的特点,为我国的创业活动提供一定的指导和支持。  相似文献   

日本:老虎苍蝇一起打 当前,日本已经构筑起一整套比较有效的制约机制,在很大程度上减少了商业贿赂问题的发生。  相似文献   

本文基于2012~2014年创业板上市公司的非平衡面板数据,研究了高管薪酬激励与创业型企业成长性之间的关系,探讨了创业战略导向作为企业内部的增长战略倾向对上述关系的调节作用。研究结果表明:高管货币薪酬、权益薪酬、薪酬差距与创业型企业成长显著正相关;创业战略导向会负向调节高管货币薪酬与创业型企业成长性之间的关系、正向调节权益薪酬与创业型企业成长性之间的关系,而对薪酬差距与创业型企业成长之间关系的调节作用未得到验证。  相似文献   

结合国家(地域)传统文化,研读了世界主要钢铁企业文化的表现特征及其对企业发展的影响,同时,对我国钢铁企业文化建设给出了几条建议,有一定指导作用.  相似文献   

国外中介组织的运作及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国中介组织作用的加强及其有序发展已成为市场经济体制改革进一步深化的要求,成为提高我国在世界经济舞台上地位的需要.而国外中介组织,其职能定位的合理性、运行机制的市场性和运行结果的有效性等特点都非常值得借鉴.我国目前应进一步大力发展中介组织并使其市场化、规范化运作.  相似文献   

本文基于2016年1月~2020年12月国家市场监督管理总局的工商注册信息数据,考察数字金融发展对城市创业活跃度的影响及其在不同类别城市间的差异,基于优势分析方法考察数字金融促进创业活跃度的相对重要性。本文首次从城市层面考察数字金融对创业的影响,从促进创业视角为“稳增长、保就业”和实现共同富裕这一目标提供了新的研究视角和经验证据。研究发现,数字金融发展显著促进了城市创业活跃度的提高,该结论在采用工具变量法进行估计后依然成立。异质性检验发现,数字金融发展并未缩小甚至拉大了主要城市与其他城市、发达地带与其他地带之间的创业活跃度差距。分位数结果显示,数字金融总体缩小了城市间差距,数字金融缩小主要城市、其他城市、发达地带、其他地带各类别城市内部差距,是缩小全部城市间差距的重要原因。优势分析结果发现,数字金融对城市创业活跃度的贡献率达到了将近20%,显著高于其余解释变量,说明相对传统金融、交通基础设施、财政支出和产业结构而言,发展数字金融是更加有效促进创业的驱动力。  相似文献   

现实中,许多企业希望通过薪酬政策达到员工满意的目的。然而,员工对薪酬政策是否满意,在很大程度上取决于员工对公平的理解。  相似文献   

虽然各地政府不惜代价大力引进和扶持海外高层次人才来华创业,但不少海外高层次人才创业企业仍存在成长性不强、发展潜力不足、知识溢出有限等问题,面临各种成长困境。本文通过对268家苏州国际精英创业周落户企业的实证研究,深入分析了海外高层次人才创业成长面临的技术障碍、市场障碍、产业障碍和创业者网络障碍,并从公共管理的视角提出了海外高层次人才创业服务的重点和政策建议。  相似文献   

依据分段识别法将我国煤炭企业跨国并购中的风险分为并购准备阶段的风险、并购实施阶段的风险、并购整合阶段的风险,并提出防范这些风险的具体对策。  相似文献   

本文首先界定了先验知识、创业机会识别和风险感知的内涵,然后,基于创业相关理论、情绪相关理论及激励理论,提出先验知识与创业机会识别正相关及风险感知对二者的关系具有负向调节作用的研究假设,并从浙江、天津、山东等几个省市进行抽样调查,采用多元线性回归分析方法对获得的216份有效问卷进行统计分析,实证分析结果支持了文章的研究假设。  相似文献   

在新疆玛纳斯县新农村建设进程中,玛纳斯县农民是主要的建设者和受益者。在追求自身发展进程中,玛纳斯县农民存在显著的信贷需求,但是这种信贷需求的具体表现形式并不清晰。依据玛纳斯县农民创业信贷需求问卷的调查资料,对玛纳斯县农民信贷需求的特征进行尝试性的总结,指出当前玛纳斯县农民创业信贷需求中存在需求不能被充分满足、农民金融素质不理想等问题,并得出若干结论。  相似文献   

伴随世界能源问题益显突出和国内市场国际化进程的加快,煤炭作为主要的能源及原料对国家能源供给和经济稳定的影响更加突出。中国煤炭工业在应对国内外竞争压力的同时,也面临着国际国内两种资源的选择和市场发展的机遇。当前中国煤炭工业海外投资已是大势所趋,这既是保障国家能源稳定供给和能源安全需要,也是寻求自身可持续发展和提高企业国际竞争力的必然选择。创新研究提出中国煤炭企业好海外投资选择目标的评测方法,从指导操作的角度,为中国煤炭企业海外投资的途径和策略选择提供方法指导。  相似文献   

Research summary : Entrepreneurial start‐ups suffer high rates of business failure. Previous research on entrepreneurial failure has focused on two kinds of explanations: statistical and psychological. Statistical explanations attribute excess entry to random errors made by boundedly rational entrepreneurs attempting to estimate business opportunities in risky markets. Psychological explanations focus on entrepreneurial overconfidence and competition neglect. These explanations emerged independently and have not been tested or compared in the same study. In this experimental study, we distinguish entrepreneurial markets from other types of markets and test statistical and psychological hypotheses for all market types. We find that excess entry is significantly greater in small, risky markets than in other market types, and that confidence levels account for excess entry, over and above the effects of unbiased statistical errors. Managerial summary : How can we explain the fact that most entrepreneurial ventures fail within five years? Market risk, inadequate capital and inexperienced management certainly play a role. However, from an economic point of view, it seems odd that inexperienced, under‐funded people continue to engage in risky behavior that is widely known to fail. We conducted experiments that tested two explanations of entrepreneurial failure. The first explanation – the statistical hypothesis – argues that entrepreneurship involves high uncertainty, so random errors are inevitable and can produce excess entry (or under‐entry). The second explanation – the psychological hypothesis – says that entrepreneurs' mistakes are not random but skewed heavily toward excess entry; hence, their decisions are distorted by psychological factors such as overconfidence. Our experiments found support for both of these explanations. Random errors under uncertainty explained 60% of the excess entry in our experiments. However, the overconfidence hypothesis correctly predicted that excess entry exceeds under‐entry, and our psychological measures of overconfidence found support in the data. We also found that the markets that most often attract entrepreneurial investment – emerging markets with high uncertainty – were the markets most conducive to excess entry, due to a combination of psychological and market factors. Hence, we conclude that potential entrepreneurs should pay less attention to their own abilities and aspirations, and more attention to the external realities of competition in the marketplace. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs in East Asia have achieved notable success in a number of traditional, slow growth industries. This success has been ascribed to distinctive aspects of Chinese business culture that favor alacrity, adaptability, networking, and close control of firm operations. Recently, some have suggested that the same characteristics that have promoted these firms' success in slower growth sectors may hinder firm success in faster growth sectors of the economy. To explore this proposition, we conducted in-depth interviews with forty-one entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and government officials all working with fast growth entrepreneurial firms in East Asia. The results suggest that, in general, Overseas Chinese entrepreneurial firms also follow many of the traditional business practices associated with Overseas Chinese firms. Most venture capitalists and government officials in the sample expressed concern that these practices are hindering the building of firms that can be taken public and experience the high growth consistent with vibrant entrepreneurial firms. The results also showed that the Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs sampled are aware that some of these characteristics may be creating constraints to faster growth and, at the behest of venture capitalists and government officials, are sometimes making the changes thought necessary to create faster growth firms.  相似文献   

Informational Networks, Entrepreneurial Action and Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a model that incorporates personal and business networks, firm action, and performance based on the existing literature. It explores the links between information and entrepreneurial-type action, and action and performance. Survey data was collected from a sample of 100 manufacturing firms in Thailand. Results show that entrepreneurs value the information they receive from their networks. However, there is little statistical support for tangible links between personal or business networks and entrepreneurial action and performance, or between action and performance.  相似文献   

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