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This paper develops a rationale for a comprehensive measure of income and provides illustrative calculations within the Canadian System of National Accounts for making adjustments to net worth for price changes.
The paper notes that the System of National Accounts is designed to provide a number of individual aggregates measuring total production, income, savings and net worth. There is no single overall comprehensive measure which reflects the combined effect of changes in income and wealth. Such a measure is of particular importance in periods of rapid or extensive price changes which affect not only purchasing power of income but also the value of assets held and liabilities outstanding with consequences on net worth positions. This paper explores these issues and develops techniques for measuring the effects of specific and overall price changes with respect to net worth of the various sectors in the economy, illustrated with data from the integrated Canadian System of National Accounts.  相似文献   

Cash income is widely recognised as a deficient measure of income, as it takes no account of the contribution of net worth to consumption potential. Housing equity is a particularly important component of net worth. Comprehensive income measures incorporate housing equity by adding its annuitized value to cash income. However, such an approach fails to take into account adverse tax-transfer effects on conversion of housing equity. As such, the contribution of housing equity to potential consumption is significantly exaggerated. A net comprehensive income measure, which directly incorporates the tax-transfer effects from housing equity conversion, is introduced. Simulation exercises are conducted, to demonstrate the importance of taking into account tax-transfer effects when measuring the comprehensive income of those homeowner income units in receipt of government pensions and benefits.  相似文献   

We investigate whether households adjust their asset portfolios just prior to retirement in ways that are consistent with maximizing eligibility for a means‐tested public pension. We utilize detailed micro data for a nationally‐representative sample of Australian households to estimate a system of asset equations which are constrained to add up to net worth. Our results provide little evidence that healthy households or couples are responding to the incentives embedded in the means tests determining pension eligibility by reallocating assets. While there are some differences in asset portfolios associated with having an income near the income threshold, being of pensionable age, and being in poor health, these differences are often only marginally significant and are not clearly consistent with the incentives inherent in the Australian age pension eligibility rules. Any behavioral response to the incentives inherent in the age‐pension means test appears to be predominately concentrated among single pensioners who are in poor health.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal income maintenance policy with asymmetric information about individuals' abilities. A minimum skill level is required for employment. The unemployable are those (low) ability types who find this minimum investment too costly. To guarantee some minimum income level, the government chooses between welfare, workfare, earnings subsidies, and training. Results show that the optimal scheme entails training. Moreover, though complex separating mechanisms are both feasible and encourage investments in skills, the least‐cost income maintenance scheme is quite simple: the government offers training at the lowest level consistent worth employment to all who want it.  相似文献   

The composition, inequality and determinants of wealth among households in urban China in 1995 are studied. In addition, we compare the wealth distribution in urban China with the wealth distribution in rural China and present the first estimates of inequality in the distribution of household wealth in China as a whole. The results show that housing wealth makes up a large part of net worth in urban China. Most urban Chinese households keep a bank account; debts are unusual. A household's net worth is strongly related to its income and location. Net worth is more unequally distributed among urban households than among rural households. However, compared to the situation in most industrialized countries, net worth in urban China and in China as a whole appear to be rather equally distributed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the redistributive effect of social security reform in urban China using the nationally representative urban household surveys of 1995 and 2002. The main findings are as follows. First, public pension is the main income for the elderly in urban China. The majority of people aged 60 and over (72% in 1995 and 82% in 2002) receive a pension. Second, the social security system in urban China has increased the income of low‐income and older age groups and reduced the relative poverty rate. However, the redistributive effect did not offset the expanding income inequality, which resulted in the Gini coefficient of redistributed income in 2002 being higher than that in 1995. Third, during 1995 and 2002, both low‐income and high‐income groups received a positive net benefit from the social security system, but the net benefit increased with income. The Chinese social security system lacks progressivity in contribution, and does not favor the poor in terms of benefits. Fourth, assuming that the reformed policy was applied to public sector employees, the long‐term redistributive effect of the pension system for the working population, calculated using their lifetime income, is larger. (JEL D31, H55, I38)  相似文献   

The only periodic data available in Canada on the asset holdings and net worth of the household sector are data collected through a series of household surveys originally initiated in 1954. Some limited data on the holdings of financial claims by the personal and unincorporated business sector are available from flow of funds work. Data are unavailable for estimation from estate tax returns.
The scope of the surveys has been expanded substantially so that the most recent survey obtained a very comprehensive list of asset holdings. The experience with Canadian surveys has been similar to that of other countries; surveys appear to underestimate asset holdings although the estimates are more reliable for widely held assets than for assets with a very skewed distribution. Nevertheless, the surveys appear to trace the accumulated distribution of personal savings over time to a considerable degree and provide useful cross-sectional trend data.
Canadian data show that wealth is more unequally distributed among family units than is income although wealth appears to be more equally distributed between income groups than is income. Wealth is also very unequally distributed within the same income group. Over time, there appears to have been some movement towards a more equal distribution of asset holdings between income groups.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of inflation on the size distribution of income, making use of a microsimulation model. It goes beyond earlier analyses not only in the use of microdata but also in the types of inflation modeled. Two different income concepts are used, one the money income concept of the U.S. Census Bureau and the second, called Accrued Comprehensive Income, based on the concept of income as consumption plus the change in net worth. The results of the simulation inflations are presented graphically, as the ratio of real income with inflation to real income without, by income class. The analysis concludes that the income concept chosen is crucially important. While low income households suffer modest losses and middle income households are largely unaffected, whatever income concept is used, the effects on upper income households are extremely sensitive. With a simple money income concept, the well-to-do appear to benefit from inflation but a broader concept reverses this effect. A policy to negate the distributional effect of inflation would benefit primarily the upper income households. Similarly, macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation at the price of slower growth and greater unemployment would not aid lower income groups to a significant degree.  相似文献   

This paper explores the welfare effects of public consumption, income transfers and public investment financed through different types of taxes. One surprising result is that, contrary to public consumption goods, public capital goods do not necessarily become less attractive if distortionary taxes, rather than lump-sum taxes, are necessary to finance them. The numerical simulations reveal that the net welfare effects of public investments in the Netherlands are typically positive if financed through lump-sum taxes or distortionary taxes on labor. However, if a source-based capital tax is adopted to finance public investments, the overall welfare effect may be negative.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis that much of the decline in the net worth of the failing saving and loan institutions was a result of deregulation. Variables are developed to represent major actions to deregulate S&Ls activities and to measure the impacts on institutions' net worth. A mixed cross-section&z.urule;time series analysis is developed to estimate the effects of financial deregulation on failing thrifts' net worth. The data are 1984-89 balance sheet adn income statement data for thrift institutions, prior to the enactment of the 1989 legislation to solve the crisis. The reuslts of the analysis indicate that deregulation of asset and deposit activities was not the cause of the financial distress of failing US thrift institutions. The primary cause appears to be the increase in the federal deposit insurance limit to $100 000 and how attractive this legislative action made brokering deposits that became insured up to $100 000.  相似文献   

This paper provides estimates of the amount of income shifted across national borders within the manufacturing operations of US multinational corporations (MNCs) in 1988. It is assumed that each MNC arranges its investments such that, after accounting for income shifting opportunities, the after-tax rate of return on a marginal investment is the same for all its affiliates, regardless of location. The income shifting is then inferred by comparing shares of after-tax profits, assets and sales of the affiliated members. It is estimated that such shifting amounted to about $8 billion (on net), which is less than 4% of the worldwide taxable income of the manufacturing MNCs.  相似文献   

China's so-called ‘reform and opening up’ policy (Gai Ge Kai Fang), implemented nearly 30 years ago, has led to tremendous economic development. China's nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 3.25 trillion US dollars in 2007, making it the fourth largest economy in the world. At the same time, income inequality has become quite skewed in China, inviting considerable criticism. Moreover, the trend towards greater income inequality persists. Of particular public policy relevance is the effect of income inequality on health disparities in China, particularly for low-income households. This study addresses this issue using a longitudinal dataset from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) over the period 1997 to 2006. Our central finding is that income inequality affects health differently by socioeconomic status: income inequality harms individual health among low income households by more than it does among high income households. More specifically, health is more adversely affected by greater income inequality for households with low incomes. China's central government is committed to making further investments in the health care system. As part of that effort, attention should be directed at low income households to reduce health inequality, possibly providing them with a health insurance safety net similar to Medicaid in USA.  相似文献   

The selfishness hypothesis in voting behavior is formalized and tested. For the first time individual net benefits from a bond proposal, computed using the median voter model, are used to explain voting behavior. It was found that taxpayers in general voted according to their self- interest as defined by net benefits. However, high income groups voted in favor of proposals that would have redistributed income to the poor. Their behavior is consistent with either the public ‘regardingness’ hypothesis or with an extension of the selfishness hypothesis which includes real estate speculation.  相似文献   

Abstract The paper evaluates the working of German CFC rules that restrict the use of foreign subsidiaries located in low‐tax countries to shelter passive investment income from home taxation. While passive investments make up a significant fraction of German outbound FDI, we find that German CFC rules are quite effective in restricting investments in low‐tax jurisdictions. We find evidence that the German 2001 tax reform, which unilaterally introduced exemption of passive income in medium‐ and high‐tax countries, has led to some shifting of passive assets into countries for which the exemption was previously limited.  相似文献   

A framework is developed for analyzing national income accounting using a revealed welfare approach that is sufficiently general to cover, both the standard discounted utilitarian and maximin criteria as special cases. We show that the basic welfare properties of comprehensive national income accounting, previously ascribed only to the discounted utilitarian case, extend to this more general framework. In particular, under a wider range of circumstances, it holds that real NNP growth (or, equivalently, a positive value of net investments) indicates welfare improvement. We illustrate the applicability of our approach in the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow model of capital accumulation and resource depletion.  相似文献   

The Extended Linear Expenditure System b reformulated to yield private per capita net worth as the basic explanatory variable. As a by-product the model implies that the marginal propensity to consume/save out of permanent income varies with the rate of interest. In the estimation, account is taken of inconsistencies in data compiled from different sources by explicity including the savings relationship in the system. Parameter estimates based on Australian data are presented.  相似文献   

In the literature of comprehensive national accounts, national net investments are used to indicate dynamic welfare improvement in an economy. A well-known approach associates national net investments with the shadow value of change in stock of capital assets in an economy. Following this capital stock approach, sectoral net investments can be defined as the shadow value of change in stock of capital assets owned by a sector in an economy. An alternative approach is based on future commodity flows to a sector. This commodity flow approach associates sectoral net investments with the present value of changes in future commodity flows to a sector. In the present paper, I compare these two approaches and prove that they coincide with each other only if the future commodity flows to the sector can be attributed to current stock of capital assets in the sector alone. In empirical studies, commodity flow approach can be a better alternative if the purpose is to estimate the contributions to national net investments of a recipient of future cash flows.  相似文献   

Although industrial and commercial companies (ICCs) are primarily concerned with the production of goods and services which yield a trading profit there is evidence that they have become increasingly concerned with their portfolios of tangible and financial assets and liabilities. As relative prices, interest rates and exchange rates alter, there are implied changes to the realisable net worth of ICCs. That these changes can be substantial is particularly illustrated by reference to the U.K. experience between 1980 and 1982 and in 1985. However, conventional transactions based income measures are purposely not designed to capture these changes. Measuring income on a stock-flow consistent basis provides a complementary view of the performance of ICCs which is intended to capture these portfolio effects.  相似文献   

The Structure and Distribution of Household Wealth in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article uses data from the second wave of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (or HILDA) Survey to provide an overview of the structure and distribution of household wealth in Australia. The data confirm that wealth is very unequally distributed, with the bottom half of the distribution owning less than 10 per cent of total household net worth, while the wealthiest 10 per cent account for 45 per cent. The article also includes an analysis of the factors associated with household wealth that indicates that wealth is significantly related to a range of factors including age, country of birth, parental occupational status, education, marital status, working hours, income, self‐reported savings behaviour, a willingness to take risks and even various lifestyle behaviours, such as smoking and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Expected effects from partially lifting tariff barriers on the Mexican agricultural sector are investigated using a restricted profit function (RPF) approach. Short-run and intermediate-run effects of the implementation of GATT minimum tariff provisions on Mexican agricultural trade are examined. Specification tests reveal the appropriateness of the RPF approach, that exports should not be aggregated with non-traded production into a single output, and that the farm sector behaves as an ‘almost’ price-taking, profit-maximizing firm. Policy simulations suggest important short-run changes in agricultural trade and chemical use and intermediate-run changes in agricultural trade, labour wage, chemical use, capital investments, and net farm income.  相似文献   

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