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知识经济是建立在知识和信息的生产、分配、使用基础上的经济形态。随着知识经济特征的逐渐显现,国际贸易呈现出许多新的特点和发展趋势。本文从知识经济内涵出发,着重研究了知识经济时代我国国际贸易出现的新趋势,以及对国际贸易的影响。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的快速增长,国际贸易规模不断扩大.国与国之间的经贸联系越来越紧密.本文从国际贸易对国民经济影响以及我国国际贸易面临的机遇与挑战等方面出发,探讨我国国际贸易发展对策.  相似文献   

近年来,非产品相关的PPM标准、动物福利法案和企业责任成为发达国家构筑贸易壁垒的新方式,这种从基于“产品”的贸易限制到基于“过程”的限制,将对我国的对外贸易产生巨大的负面影响。我国企业必须调整战略布局,积极应对新形势下的国际贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

如今随着中国整体经济的快速提升,有很大一部分来自国际市场的支持,伴随着多年国际市场的经验,我国国际贸易逐渐取得一定的成绩,但仍然可避免存在一些的发展问题,影响着我国国际贸易的持续发展与国际市场的扩建,因此找出当前我国国际贸易发展过程中面临的问题的行为势在必行,本文通过分析我国国际贸易发展问题,研究其问题存在的原因,最终提出国际贸易发展对策。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,特别是在我国加入世界贸易组织后,我国的产业进一步开放,国际之间的贸易往来更虽频繁。随着全球经济一体化的不断发展,国际贸易竞争也更加激烈,而且当前我国正处于经济结构转型的关键时期,对我国的国际贸易也产生了重要的影响。本文结合国内外的经济环境,对我国国际贸易现状和发展新趋势进行深入的研究分析,并提出可靠的建议以促进我国国际贸易的发展进步。  相似文献   

<正> 80年代末以来,世界政治经济格局发生了深刻的变化。这些变化从各个方面影响着当代国际贸易的发展,并推动着国际贸易迅速进入了一个全面的、立体式的创新时代。从理论上总结和分析当代国际贸易创新,探讨新的国际环境下我国外贸发展对策,是一项具有紧迫性的研究课题。  相似文献   

我国林产品国际贸易的现状分析及发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是世界林产品生产大国、消费大国和进出口贸易大国,也是一个林木资源十分匮乏的国家。随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,国内市场对林产品的需求量急剧增加,林产品国际贸易在保证国家经济建设和人民生活需求方面发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

尽管我国农产品国际贸易数额在近年来正呈现着逐年递增的趋势,但农产品进出口贸易仍然存在着逆差趋势,并有逐年扩大的趋势。总体而言,我国农业仍旧属于国民经济中的薄弱环节,农产品国际贸易失衡仍然是当前亟待解决的一大问题。本文针对我国农产品的国际贸易失衡的问题,提出如何调整贸易结构,发展转型,最后为我国农产品国际贸易提出相关对策。  相似文献   

绿荫下的国际贸易及我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,保护环境,防治、减少环境污染,节约能源,合理利用自然资源已成为新的国际焦点,并逐渐深入地影响到国际贸易。形形色色的环保规章措施越来越多地涉及与自然资源、人类和动植物生命、健康有关的商品的国际间流动,甚至扩展到服务贸易、技术贸易等领域。环保措施不仅涉及范围很广,要求苛刻,而且,其中借环保之名行贸保之实  相似文献   

张弘笙 《中国市场》2010,(52):14-15
本文就国际贸易的发展新趋势和我国在加入WTO以后,如何及时调整对外贸易政策进行讨论。  相似文献   

近十几年来,全球贸易量取得了惊人的跨越式增长,而自由贸易与环境的关系问题也日趋尖锐。一方面,许多发达国家利用不对等的贸易和投资手段从发展中国家攫取大量战略性资源,却造成这些国家境内生态环境的严重失调;另一方面,一味地追求贸易扩张、资金积累和工业化又实际加剧了全球环境的恶化。环境效应对贸易的挤压性制约日益上升为国际贸易发展的焦点。在此背景下,引入环境变量,促进贸易策略的可持续性便成为实现我国对外贸易科学发展的必然之路。  相似文献   

在阐述了服务贸易国际竞争力发展一般原理的基础上,评价了上海服务贸易国际竞争力发展条件,分析了上海服务贸易国际竞争力现状并进行了国际比较,最后提出了加快上海服务贸易国际竞争力发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the gains from opening up to international trade are smaller when firms do not fully internalize downward risk. I develop a general equilibrium model with two key assumptions. First, when faced with adverse productivity shocks, employers can lay off workers without fully paying the social costs of their layoff decisions, a common feature of many institutions. Second, when opening to international trade, the elasticity of demand perceived by an industry increases. In this setup, I show that international trade induces firms to take more risk and (i) raises the equilibrium unemployment rate, (ii) increases the volatility of sectoral sales and (iii) increases welfare proportionately less than in the absence of the externality. Inducing firms to internalize the costs of layoff (Blanchard and Tirole, 2003) therefore appears even more important in a globalized world.  相似文献   

江苏省服务业、服务贸易的特征及对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
服务业和服务贸易在国民经济中的比重不断上升,在国际经贸领域中日益引起人们的高度重视。江苏作为中国沿海经济大省,国际服务贸易发展速度虽快但总体水平较低,竞争优势不强。本文在对江苏省服务业和国际服务贸易发展现状进行分析的基础上,提出了江苏省发展服务业和国际服务贸易的对策措施。  相似文献   

Do free trade agreements actually increase members' international trade?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For over 40 years, the gravity equation has been a workhorse for cross-country empirical analyses of international trade flows and — in particular — the effects of free trade agreements (FTAs) on trade flows. However, the gravity equation is subject to the same econometric critique as earlier cross-industry studies of U.S. tariff and nontariff barriers and U.S. multilateral imports: trade policy is not an exogenous variable. We address econometrically the endogeneity of FTAs. Although instrumental-variable and control-function approaches do not adjust for endogeneity well, a panel approach does. Accounting econometrically for the FTA variable's endogeneity yields striking empirical results: the effect of FTAs on trade flows is quintupled. We find that, on average, an FTA approximately doubles two members' bilateral trade after 10 years.  相似文献   

近年来,长三角是中国乃至世界经济增长最快的地区之一,服务贸易增长迅速,但服务贸易国际竞争力低,结构不合理。本研究在对长三角服务贸易发展及其国际竞争力现状、结构分析的基础上,探讨了其发展的动力机制,提出相关建议对策。  相似文献   

我国对外贸易与国际物流关系的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了更好地理解国际贸易与国际物流的关系,制定出合适的协同发展战略,本文选取国际贸易与国际物流之间的关系作为研究对象进行了实证分析。首先,结合指标的合理性和数据的可得性选取了分析变量;在此基础上利用时间序列数据,运用Granger因果检验的方法对国际贸易和国际物流之间的关系进行了研究,并得出结论:我国的国际贸易与物流存在着反馈性的因果关系;其中,物流对贸易的促进作用比贸易对物流的促进作用要稍大一些。  相似文献   

Economic determinants of free trade agreements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study is to provide the first systematic empirical analysis of the economic determinants of the formation of free trade agreements (FTAs) and of the likelihood of FTAs between pairs of countries using a qualitative choice model. We develop this econometric model based upon a general equilibrium model of world trade with two factors of production, two monopolistically-competitive product markets, and explicit intercontinental and intracontinental transportation costs among multiple countries on multiple continents. The empirical model correctly predicts, based solely upon economic characteristics, 85% of the 286 FTAs existing in 1996 among 1431 pairs of countries and 97% of the remaining 1145 pairs with no FTAs.  相似文献   

The geography of trade in goods and asset holdings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravity models have been widely used to describe bilateral trade in goods. Portes and Rey [Portes, R., Rey, H., 2005. The Determinants of Cross-Border Equity Flows. Journal of International Economics, 65(2), 269-296.] applied this framework to cross-border equity flows and found that distance, which proxies information asymmetries, is a surprisingly very large barrier to cross-border asset trade. We adopt a different point of view and explore the complementarity between bilateral trade in goods and bilateral asset holdings in a simultaneous gravity equations framework. Providing different instruments for both endogenous variables, we show that a 10% increase in bilateral trade raises bilateral asset holdings by 6% to 7%. The reverse causality is also significant, albeit smaller. Controlling for trade, the impact of distance on asset holdings is drastically reduced.  相似文献   

Preference heterogeneity, wage inequality, and trade   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We consider individuals who value product variety, and who can be skilled or unskilled as workers. Skilled people prefer to consume skill-intensive goods. We show that under plausible conditions an increase in the relative size of the skilled population increases the relative wage of skilled workers, thereby increasing wage inequality. In our two-country model of trade, an increase in the relative supply of skilled labor in either country increases the relative wage of skilled workers, and hence increases inequality in both countries.  相似文献   

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