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由于区际产业转移对相关企业、迁入区域、迁出区域的竞争力变化具有重要影响,因而,作为理性的经济人,实践中,面对区际产业转移之趋势,相关企业、迁入地政府、迁出地政府三者间不可避免地会展开博弈活动;博弈的结果有可能导致策略与行为的优化,并进而有助于实现共赢之结局。  相似文献   

由于区际产业转移对相关企业、迁入区域、迁出区域的竞争力变化具有重要影响,因而,作为理性的经济人,实践中,面对区际产业转移之趋势,相关企业、迁入地政府、迁出地政府三者间不可避免地会展开博弈活动;博弈的结果有可能导致策略与行为的优化,并进而有助于实现共赢之结局。  相似文献   

农业保险对防范农业风险、促进农业生产、稳定农民收入具有重要作用。运用博弈理论分析农业保险主体农民、政府、保险公司三者的行为,得出三者行为对农业保险发展的作用和影响,并提出应明确政府的自身定位;采取金融支持和税收优惠,鼓励保险公司经营农险业务;保险公司制定农业保险费率应体现地区差别;建立农业风险防范基金的对策建议。  相似文献   

从异端舆论、公众选择以及政府行为三者的关系入手,厘清了异端舆论对政府行为影响的作用机制,即异端舆论在导致多数公众选择接受时政府才会采取干预措施,一旦政府放松监管,异端舆论会再次兴起。通过建立三阶段序贯博弈模型,演绎了三者的行动步骤,提出了包括建立多种利益集团舆情分析管理系统,完善政府与社会公众沟通平台的建设,提高主流媒体的公信力,政府应持续有效地监管的政策建议。  相似文献   

汇率制度选择中的利益权衡与博弈行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一国政府或货币当局对汇率制度的选择过程是一个博弈的过程。本文从汇率制度的选择与各利益集团的利益权衡、汇率制度选择中的政府与政府间的博弈行为、汇率制度选择中的政府与金融投机商之间的博弈行为来说明汇率制度选择中的博弈行为。  相似文献   

经济建设、环保立法与资金投入管理的博弈论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济建设、环保立法与资金投入管理三者之间的关系是影响我国环保事业健康发展的重要因素。从博弈论的角度 ,对环保资金投入与地方经济建设———国家与地方政府之间的博弈 ,和环保立法与资金投入管理———政府政策的动态一致性博弈进行了具体分析 ,运用数学模型推导出相关结论 ,并提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

财政博弈是影响政府间财政关系的一个至关重要的因素,然而作为独立的利益主体,政府间的财政博弈无法避免,特别是我国政府层级过多,往往导致各级政府间职责划分模糊,随意性大,上级政府越位行事,职责转嫁,侵蚀了下级政府财政的权限,每一级政府都拥有很大的博弈空间,因此,要规范政府间的财政关系,必须对当前我国政府间的财政博弈进行优化,以形成政府间有序的财政博弈。本文对优化我国政府间财政博弈的途径进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

何震 《北方经贸》2011,(10):84-84
中国经济的发展离不开政府行为的影响,金融的发展包括金融集聚以及金融中心的形成同样也离不开政府行为的影响。本文试图从博弈论的角度去分析中央政府与地方政府以及地方政府之间的博弈对金融集聚和建设区域金融中心的影响。  相似文献   

从渔业产业链的内涵开始入手,阐释了渔业产业的价值链及风险链,基于此提出渔业产业链的价值链和风险链的互动机制,最后提出基于双链互动机制的现代渔业产业链发展模式。  相似文献   

旅游产业发展中政府与旅游企业博弈的阶段性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈莎 《市场论坛》2012,(3):77-79
旅游企业与政府间存在两大博弈阶段,第一阶段以经营权转让达到最优,凤凰八大旅游景点经营权的转让取得的成效验证了其理论的最优;合法经营则成为旅游企业与政府间第二阶段博弈的最优,而旅游企业作为理性的"经济人",为求利益最大化,非法经营与寻租等行为使两者博弈无法最优,故此时政府应该发挥主导作用。  相似文献   

赌博问题是最具争议的社会问题之一,也是政府在权衡禁止与合法化时的一道难题。许多国家和地区的政府已经成功地将赌博合法化,使恶习成为促进公共利益的活动。在中国彩票和彩票业成功发行与运作的基础上,探索建立健全赌博合法化的法律体系,适度发展中国的博彩业,让赌博最大限度地发挥正面功能并消除负面影响,这也应是政府应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

市场经济体制下的政府,是公共部门,发挥着利它和共利的作用。其作用的有效性与市场生产周期性密切相关,同时作为市场经济的主体,它具有"经济人"的特征,其参与市场方式和行为必然会考虑自身利益。为了本国或本地区的利益,地方政府与中央政府和其他地方政府之间存在博弈,这种政府行为不利于统一市场的形成,使资源配置达不到最优化,同时会形成恶性循环,而规范的政府行为则是有利于市场经济的良好快速发展。  相似文献   

我国海洋渔业资源持续衰退,捕捞强度长期失控,政府管制失效。本文从我国现行渔业经济组织制度分析,探讨政府管制失效的经济组织制度的影响和成因,提出建立新型渔业经济合作组织的建议。  相似文献   

The Australian Productivity Commission and a Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform have recommended implementation of a mandatory pre-commitment system for electronic gambling. Organizations associated with the gambling industry have protested that such interventions reduce individual rights, and will cause a reduction in revenue which will cost jobs and reduce gaming venue support for local communities. This article is not concerned with the design details or the evidence base of the proposed scheme, but rather with the fundamental criticism that a mandatory pre-commitment policy is an unacceptable interference with the liberty of the individual, and of organizations. It is argued that the concept of paternalism is a useful lens with which to study the interactions between business and society on this issue. It is contended that the benefits of a pre-commitment system to problem gamblers and society are socially and economically significant, and the cost to recreational gamblers, particularly the cost in terms of interference with the liberty of the individual, is minimal. Pre-commitment also requires gambling businesses to act in a more socially responsible manner. It is concluded that the proposed legislation constitutes a paternalistic intervention by government on the interaction between business and society, and that this is justified.  相似文献   

浙江省休闲渔业旅游市场需求实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者对传统的渔业休闲旅游概念有所扩展,涵盖了海洋、湖泊(水库)多种类型的休闲渔业旅游.对浙江湖泊型、水库型、海洋型休闲渔业旅游的居民进行人口特征、旅游偏好、出游方式、满意度等相关性因素统计分析,提出对休闲渔业度假旅游项目新建或改造的相关建议。此外,笔者用LOGISTIC分析方法,将近一年休闲渔业旅游参与情况作为因变量,得到了是否去当地旅游与关键特色、基础设施服务评价、常数成正相关,这对政府根据休闲渔业旅游目标市场制定有针对性的营销计划和降低营销成本具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the relationship between ethical ideology and gambling commitment, and the moderating effect of perceived gambling value. Through a field survey of patrons of a leading Asia's gambling establishment, 382 usable responses were received. Data were analyzed using factor analysis and hierarchical multiple regression. The results show that ethical ideologies and perceived gambling value predict a significant amount of variance in gambling commitment. Specifically, idealism has a negative relationship with number of years of gambling and amount gambled. Relativism associates positively with number of years of gambling and amount gambled. Customer value negatively moderates the relationship between idealism and the two dimensions of commitment, and positively moderates the relationship between relativism and the commitment dimensions. Furthermore, idealism has a negative effect on perceived gambling value, and relativism has a positive effect on perceived gambling value.  相似文献   

Internet technology provides a new approach to how gambling is conducted in postmodern times. Drawing on constructivist research and utilising a single case study strategy, this paper examines online social gambling and real money gambling marketing communication practices, as well as offering some insights into the development and implementation of effective marketing communication programmes. In contrast to existing studies, this paper, in part, proposes integrative and higher levels of marketing communication programmes between online social gambling and real money gambling environments. The paper reveals the implicit structure of meanings underlying the link between online social gambling activity and real money gambling practices.  相似文献   

作为一种影响到社会各个领域和生活各个层面的文化形态,消费主义带给新闻实践的影响是显著的。由此许多人认为消费主义必将侵蚀专业主义。但在消费社会的语境下,消费社会的逻辑结构是市场民主制。从新闻伦理学角度对专业主义和消费主义重新进行审视。可知新闻专业主义的消解并非是消费主义影响新闻实践的必然结果,新闻实践中呈现出的专业主义或消费主义是政府、媒介、工商界以及公众四种力量博弈的结果。  相似文献   

This study examined the socio‐demographic determinants of participation and expenditure decisions on gambling among non‐Muslim households in Malaysia using data from the 2005–2006 Malaysian Household Expenditures Survey. Heckman's sample selection analysis was used to obtain consistent (unbiased) empirical estimates for the regression equation of gambling expenditures in the presence of censoring (observed zeros) in the dependent variable. Marginal effects were also calculated to further explore the effects of socio‐demographic variables on the probability and levels of gambling expenditures. The results indicated that non‐Muslim households in Malaysia who are more likely to participate and spend more in gambling include Chinese, affluent, male‐headed, younger and non‐white collar households. Specifically, households of Chinese descent have higher gambling probabilities and expenditures than Indians and those of other ethnic backgrounds. While education reduces and age increases the likelihood and expenditures of gambling among Chinese households, these effects are non‐extant for Indians and other ethnic groups. Higher income and male‐headed households were more likely to partake and have higher expenditures in gambling among all non‐Muslim ethnic groups. Finally, Chinese and Indian households headed by a white‐collar worker have lower gambling likelihoods and unconditional expenditures than their blue‐collar cohorts. Based on these results, several anti‐gambling policies were suggested to target those more likely to participate and spend more in gambling activities.  相似文献   

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