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近年来,报业印刷市场的竞争日趋激烈,报纸的版面不断增加,排版方式越来越复杂,对印刷质量以及印前、印刷过程时间的要求也越来越高,传统出版技术逐渐暴露出不足,一种新的出版流程呼之欲出。  相似文献   

新时期以来我国报纸图片的四大变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图片和文字是报纸版面中两个重要的元素。长期以来,对报纸图片的讨论与研究没有引起业界特别关注。即使出现过少量的研究,也大多是一些阶段性成果的介绍,如分别讨论过“图文并茂”、“图文并重”、“读图时代”等,很少有人从历史的角度对新时期以来我国报纸图片的变化情况作一个纵向的考察与探索。  相似文献   

崔胜振 《中国报业》2008,(11):72-72
报纸出版的规范化、标准化是提高印刷质量和出版时效的前提,随着前几年大幅面照排机的应用和CTF工艺的推广,以及近几年计算机直接制版技术的逐步成熟和CTP版材的普及应用,后端制版工艺对前端的版面提出了更高的要求。规范化、数据化、标准化是当前印前技术乃至整个印刷技术发展的必然趋势和追求的目标。  相似文献   

“为了进一步提高报纸的印刷质量.长庆石油报不断进行着印刷、印前系统的技术改造工作。CTP对于我们印厂来说,是一个新生事物,如何选择合适的设备型号?如何能让CTP用得更好?如何能得到有效的技术服务保障?  相似文献   

由于新媒体的冲击,导致出版行业的竞争越来越激烈,在这种日益激烈的竞争中,若想立于不败之地,就必须对自身进行不断完善。本文主要对报纸图片排版要点展开讨论,从图片排版的作用、图片排版的过程和图片排版的要点三方面进行论述。  相似文献   

当前,报纸出版印刷的彩色化目标已基本实现,彩报成为报纸的普遍形式。彩报的普及有效拓展了报纸的表现空间,给读者更丰富多彩的阅读感受,给广告以更全面准确的信息传递。但彩报印刷工艺复杂,质量影响因素多,报纸图片、广告色彩经常会出现较大波动,导致读者不满意、编辑不满  相似文献   

李钢铜 《中国报业》2011,(10):61-62
当前,报纸出版印刷的彩色化目标已基本实现,彩报成为报纸的普遍形式。彩报的普及有效拓展了报纸的表现空间,给读者更丰富多彩的阅读感受,给广告以更全面准确的信息传递。但彩报印刷工艺复杂,质量影响因素多,报纸图片、广告色彩经常会出现较大波动,导致读者不满意、编辑不满意、广告商不满意。色彩成为各方十分关注又难以达成共识的主要质量项目。  相似文献   

设计制作出好看的报纸版面是每一家报纸的奋斗目标。好看的版面,能够使人看报舒服、心旷神怡。但是设计出好看的报纸版面并不是一件容易的事情,这往往需要报纸编辑人员具备较强的审美观念和艺术修养,在报纸版面符合审美标准的基础上通过一定的报纸编排设计手段得以实现。本文主要从报纸的整体编排、图片、标题、色彩等方面对如何设计好看的报纸版面来进行阐述。  相似文献   

随着传媒行业的不断发展,体育运动与传媒进行了有效的联系,各种体育运动都可以通过媒体得到良好的展示。报纸体育新闻是一种比较传统的传播方式,一个重要的特点是文字较多,但随着近年来人们对新闻报道的重视程度越来越高,报纸新闻报道也开始加大对图片的使用。本文对报纸体育新闻报道的相关问题进行分析,旨在提高报纸体育新闻报道效率。  相似文献   

陈国权 《中国报业》2012,(15):60-62
所谓"云报纸"与7年前推出的报纸二维码并没有本质的区别。云报纸是拍报纸上的图片,然后从读者的手机上,转到相应的网站上去;而二维码是拍码,从读者手机转到相应的网站上去。一个拍图、一个拍码,本质上都是为了丰富报纸的内容、表现手段,"融合报纸与网络媒体的优势"。不同的是,云报纸借用了当前流行的"云"概念,显得更拉风一些;拍图比拍码更耗费流量,对于读者来说,更花钱、更麻烦。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of satisfaction and image as mediators of four store loyalty drivers (store location, service quality, assortment, and price) within a comprehensive cause–effect model. The analysis employs a more holistic view of the store loyalty model than is common in a retailing context. It is based on the consistent macro-oriented National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI) approach. This makes it an important cross-over study, both enabling a comparison of results across industries and providing a more solid base for model validation. The data source is a survey among customers of a chain-based Norwegian grocery store which is analyzed by partial least square (PLS) and covariance-based structural equation (LISREL) estimation. A change in customer's perception of store image, where image is measured as a reflective ‘overall’ latent variable, has the expected direct significant effect on loyalty. But in addition, image will also serve as an important mediator between satisfaction and loyalty, and this is a rather uncommon result in a retailing context. Another significant finding is that a customer's perception of store assortment only influences perception of image and ultimately loyalty indirectly via satisfaction, whereas price evaluation and service quality works directly both through image building and satisfaction creation. Satisfaction creation seems to be more important for store loyalty than image building.  相似文献   

The paper presented here provides a new perspective in the study of service brand extensions, which has become a popular strategy for launching new services. Specifically, the paper proposes and estimates a model that shows how potential consumers evaluate service extensions. The findings show that the corporate image affects both the perceived service quality and the perceived fit between the new service and the parent brand, which in turn affects attitudes towards the extension. In consequence, the service extension is more likely to be successful when the corporate image is reinforced by effective marketing communications. The perception of service quality will be better and consumers will think that the company is more able to offer the new services.  相似文献   

秦皇岛旅游形象设计初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游形象设计在现代旅游业的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。秦皇岛实施旅游形象设计非常重要,通过对秦皇岛旅游形象的设计方法的分析,提出要构建一个包括理念基础、整体形象、宣传口号、产品形象等在内的,较为全面的秦皇岛旅游形象系统。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers' perceptions towards a developed country image (e.g. USA) and a developing country image (e.g. China) in relation to evaluating and buying high technological products, more specifically, smartphones. In addition, the research also examines the effects of consumer aspirations and product knowledge as consumption traits towards buying behavior. A self-administered questionnaire was employed for this study using established scales with the questions formulated around two countries, USA and China. It was administered through a mall intercept method and a particular focus will be associated to the comparison of China and USA. The stark contrast between the two countries in terms of their image and stature presents an insightful inquiry into the relevancy of country image and country of origin image importance in modern day context. The results show that country image as an evaluation cue is still pertinent in a generation where globalization is present. Results further highlights that although possessing a positive country image leads to a positive evaluation of the product country image, it however does not ensure a successful purchasing intent. Additionally, it is beneficial to note that the results for both USA/IPhone and China/Xiaomi showed a significantly greater path coefficient as compared to other causal paths. Potential moderating factors such as product involvement or pricing can also be explored. Future research should attempt to account for socio economic or demographic factors such as important controls for education, social status and income that are bound to impact on the relationships at the heart of the proposed research hypotheses.  相似文献   

在现有研究成果的基础上提出了一个顾客忠诚模型,并使用PLS路径方法对模型进行验证,数据采集于江苏移动的7000位消费者。研究结果表明:企业形象和顾客信任较其它因素对顾客忠诚的形成更为重要;企业形象对顾客忠诚的间接影响较大,其间接路径是企业形象→顾客期望→感知质量→感知价值→顾客满意→顾客信任→顾客忠诚;模型中6个内生隐变量R2的平均值高达0.6。综合考虑:该顾客忠诚模型的PLS路经分析结果可靠有效,对企业具有重要的管理意义。  相似文献   

旅游者形象感知影响因素及其对忠诚影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游者形象感知是旅游消费行为和营销领域的一个研究重点与热点.文章构建了旅游者形象感知影响因素及其对忠诚影响的整合模型,通过对乡村旅游者调查获取丰富基础数据,验证它们之间的相互关系.研究发现,服务公平是旅游者形象感知的最重要影响因素,感知价值是旅游者形象感知的较重要影响因素,服务质量是旅游者形象感知的重要影响因素,而旅游者参与对旅游者形象感知没有显著影响;旅游者形象感知是旅游者忠诚的重要前置变量,对重游倾向、口碑宣传具有显著正向影响,对寻找替代旅游地具有显著负向影响.文章最后提出相应管理启示,指出了研究局限及未来研究方向.  相似文献   

The “meaning” of a brand resides in the minds of consumers, based on what they have learned, felt, seen, and heard over time. This study explores the relationship between quality and image with special attention on brands plagued with negative impressions, including instances where consumers' perceptions of a product's quality conflict with its perceived “image”. Data confirm that quality and image impact attitudes in a distinct manner, and overall, low brand image is more damaging than low quality. In addition, findings show that (1) hedonic attitudes towards brands are most driven by image, whereas utilitarian attitude formation/change processes are dominated by quality, (2) non-attribute brand beliefs are a stronger predictor of hedonic attitudes when quality or image is low versus high, while (3) attribute-based beliefs are strong predictors of utilitarian attitudes across image and quality levels.  相似文献   

戴海波 《广告大观》2009,(5):98-100
男色在审美多元化的时代只要善加利用,就能转化为无限商机。[1]于是,越来越多的男性开始出现在电视广告中。这些形象的建构在贯穿广告主促进销售意图的同时,也极力为消费者带来一种审美的享受。本文试图总结电视广告中所建构的男性形象的类型,分析存在的问题并提出相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

黄海峰  张镇洁 《商业研究》2002,(11):137-138
品牌在商业领域里所起的作用是显而易见的,强势品牌能为企业带来竞争优势。在当今激烈竞争的市场上,任何强势品牌的塑造都离不开广告,在广告中形象代言人的选择是十分关键的,企业必须根据企业自身的定位来选择形象代言人,找到企业定位与代言人的形象的最佳结合点,使形象代言人在企业的强势品牌的塑造中充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

董保堂  黎泽潮 《中国广告》2009,(11):110-112
城市化、工业化、现代化的推进促使经济增长与社会发展的速度加快,越来越多的城市开始注重城市形象魅力的广告宣传。城市形象广告中城市魅力的"美"体现在何处?以广告美学为视角,通过对城市形象广告从美的出现、美的原则、美的效应三方面进行解读,认为城市形象广告美的本质是城市朴素真实生活的高度浓缩,是城市文化文明程度的象征。  相似文献   

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