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We consider nonlinear heteroscedastic single‐index models where the mean function is a parametric nonlinear model and the variance function depends on a single‐index structure. We develop an efficient estimation method for the parameters in the mean function by using the weighted least squares estimation, and we propose a “delete‐one‐component” estimator for the single‐index in the variance function based on absolute residuals. Asymptotic results of estimators are also investigated. The estimation methods for the error distribution based on the classical empirical distribution function and an empirical likelihood method are discussed. The empirical likelihood method allows for incorporation of the assumptions on the error distribution into the estimation. Simulations illustrate the results, and a real chemical data set is analyzed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an explosion of activity in the field of functional data analysis (FDA), in which curves, spectra, images and so on are considered as basic functional data units. A central problem in FDA is how to fit regression models with scalar responses and functional data points as predictors. We review some of the main approaches to this problem, categorising the basic model types as linear, non‐linear and non‐parametric. We discuss publicly available software packages and illustrate some of the procedures by application to a functional magnetic resonance imaging data set.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper unifies two methodologies for multi‐step forecasting from autoregressive time series models. The first is covered in most of the traditional time series literature and it uses short‐horizon forecasts to compute longer‐horizon forecasts, while the estimation method minimizes one‐step‐ahead forecast errors. The second methodology considers direct multi‐step estimation and forecasting. In this paper, we show that both approaches are special (boundary) cases of a technique called partial least squares (PLS) when this technique is applied to an autoregression. We outline this methodology and show how it unifies the other two. We also illustrate the practical relevance of the resultant PLS autoregression for 17 quarterly, seasonally adjusted, industrial production series. Our main findings are that both boundary models can be improved by including factors indicated from the PLS technique.  相似文献   

Partial Minimax Estimation in Regression Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The general minimax estimator of the linear regression model is applicable when the whole parameter vector is restricted to an ellipsoid. In many applications, however, it is more realistic to assume that only a part of the parameter set is constrained. For this case an alternative minimax approach is developed.  相似文献   

The classes of monotone or convex (and necessarily monotone) densities on     can be viewed as special cases of the classes of k - monotone densities on     . These classes bridge the gap between the classes of monotone (1-monotone) and convex decreasing (2-monotone) densities for which asymptotic results are known, and the class of completely monotone (∞-monotone) densities on     . In this paper we consider non-parametric maximum likelihood and least squares estimators of a k -monotone density g 0. We prove existence of the estimators and give characterizations. We also establish consistency properties, and show that the estimators are splines of degree k −1 with simple knots. We further provide asymptotic minimax risk lower bounds for estimating the derivatives     , at a fixed point x 0 under the assumption that     .  相似文献   

The consequences of the omission of possibly contaminated observations in a linear regression model for the performance of the ordinary least squares ( LS- ) estimator are discussed. We compare the ordinary L Sestimator with the corresponding 'never pooled' LS -estimator with respect to the matrix-valued mean squared error. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the superiority of an estimator to another one and tests are proposed to check these conditions. Finally the resulting preliminary-test-estimators are investigated.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the mean of a spatial population. Under a design‐based approach to inference, an estimator assisted by a penalized spline regression model is proposed and studied. Proof that the estimator is design‐consistent and has a normal limiting distribution is provided. A simulation study is carried out to investigate the performance of the new estimator and its variance estimator, in terms of relative bias, efficiency, and confidence interval coverage rate. The results show that gains in efficiency over standard estimators in classical sampling theory may be impressive.  相似文献   

Functional data analysis is a field of growing importance in Statistics. In particular, the functional linear model with scalar response is surely the model that has attracted more attention in both theoretical and applied research. Two of the most important methodologies used to estimate the parameters of the functional linear model with scalar response are functional principal component regression and functional partial least‐squares regression. We provide an overview of estimation methods based on these methodologies and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We emphasise that the role played by the functional principal components and by the functional partial least‐squares components that are used in estimation appears to be very important to estimate the functional slope of the model. A functional version of the best subset selection strategy usual in multiple linear regression is also analysed. Finally, we present an extensive comparative simulation study to compare the performance of all the considered methodologies that may help practitioners in the use of the functional linear model with scalar response.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》2018,72(2):126-156
In this paper, we study application of Le Cam's one‐step method to parameter estimation in ordinary differential equation models. This computationally simple technique can serve as an alternative to numerical evaluation of the popular non‐linear least squares estimator, which typically requires the use of a multistep iterative algorithm and repetitive numerical integration of the ordinary differential equation system. The one‐step method starts from a preliminary ‐consistent estimator of the parameter of interest and next turns it into an asymptotic (as the sample size n ) equivalent of the least squares estimator through a numerically straightforward procedure. We demonstrate performance of the one‐step estimator via extensive simulations and real data examples. The method enables the researcher to obtain both point and interval estimates. The preliminary ‐consistent estimator that we use depends on non‐parametric smoothing, and we provide a data‐driven methodology for choosing its tuning parameter and support it by theory. An easy implementation scheme of the one‐step method for practical use is pointed out.  相似文献   

F. Brodeau 《Metrika》1999,49(2):85-105
This paper is devoted to the study of the least squares estimator of f for the classical, fixed design, nonlinear model X (t i)=f(t i)+ε(t i), i=1,2,…,n, where the (ε(t i))i=1,…,n are independent second order r.v.. The estimation of f is based upon a given parametric form. In Brodeau (1993) this subject has been studied in the homoscedastic case. This time we assume that the ε(t i) have non constant and unknown variances σ2(t i). Our main goal is to develop two statistical tests, one for testing that f belongs to a given class of functions possibly discontinuous in their first derivative, and another for comparing two such classes. The fundamental tool is an approximation of the elements of these classes by more regular functions, which leads to asymptotic properties of estimators based on the least squares estimator of the unknown parameters. We point out that Neubauer and Zwanzig (1995) have obtained interesting results for connected subjects by using the same technique of approximation. Received: February 1996  相似文献   

Assuming that two‐step monotone missing data is drawn from a multivariate normal population, this paper derives the Bartlett‐type correction to the likelihood ratio test for missing completely at random (MCAR), which plays an important role in the statistical analysis of incomplete datasets. The advantages of our approach are confirmed in Monte Carlo simulations. Our correction drastically improved the accuracy of the type I error in Little's (1988, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83 , 1198–1202) test for MCAR and performed well even on moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a downside risk measure, the expectile-based Value at Risk (EVaR), which is more sensitive to the magnitude of extreme losses than the conventional quantile-based VaR (QVaR). The index θ of an EVaR is the relative cost of the expected margin shortfall and hence reflects the level of prudentiality. It is also shown that a given expectile corresponds to the quantiles with distinct tail probabilities under different distributions. Thus, an EVaR may be interpreted as a flexible QVaR, in the sense that its tail probability is determined by the underlying distribution. We further consider conditional EVaR and propose various Conditional AutoRegressive Expectile models that can accommodate some stylized facts in financial time series. For model estimation, we employ the method of asymmetric least squares proposed by Newey and Powell [Newey, W.K., Powell, J.L., 1987. Asymmetric least squares estimation and testing. Econometrica 55, 819–847] and extend their asymptotic results to allow for stationary and weakly dependent data. We also derive an encompassing test for non-nested expectile models. As an illustration, we apply the proposed modeling approach to evaluate the EVaR of stock market indices.  相似文献   

Between 1982 and 1988 a growth study was carried out at the Division of Pediatric Oncology of the University Hospital of Groningen. A special feature of the project was that sample sizes are small and that ages at entry may be very different. In addition the intended design was not fully complied with. This paper highlights some aspects of the statistical analysis which is based on (1) reference scores, (2) statistical procedures allowing for an irregular pattern of measurement times caused by missing data and shifted measurement times.  相似文献   

A multivariate measurement error model AXB is considered. The errors in [A,B] are rowwise independent, but within each row the errors may be correlated. Some of the columns are observed without errors, and in addition the error covariance matrices may differ from row to row. The total covariance structure of the errors is supposed to be known up to a scalar factor. The fully weighted total least squares estimator of X is studied, which in the case of normal errors coincides with the maximum likelihood estimator. We give mild conditions for weak and strong consistency of the estimator, when the number of rows in A increases. The results generalize the conditions of Gallo given for a univariate homoscedastic model (where B is a vector), and extend the conditions of Gleser given for the multivariate homoscedastic model. We derive the objective function for the estimator and propose an iteratively reweighted numerical procedure.Acknowledgements.A. Kukush is supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Belgian office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, promoting Scientific and Technical Collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe. S. Van Huffel is a full professor with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. This paper presents research results of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction (IUAP Phase V-22), initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Office-Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, of the Concerted Research Action (GOA) projects of the Flemish Government MEFISTO-666 (Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology), of the IDO/99/03 project (K.U. Leuven) Predictive computer models for medical classification problems using patient data and expert knowledge, of the FWO projects G.0200.00, G.0078.01 and G.0270.02. The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors. The authors would like to thank Maria Luisa Rastello and Amedeo Premoli for bringing the EW-TLS problem to their attention. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for the valuable comments.  相似文献   

Small area estimation typically requires model‐based methods that depend on isolating the contribution to overall population heterogeneity associated with group (i.e. small area) membership. One way of doing this is via random effects models with latent group effects. Alternatively, one can use an M‐quantile ensemble model that assigns indices to sampled individuals characterising their contribution to overall sample heterogeneity. These indices are then aggregated to form group effects. The aim of this article is to contrast these two approaches to characterising group effects and to illustrate them in the context of small area estimation. In doing so, we consider a range of different data types, including continuous data, count data and binary response data.  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates how the E-stability principle introduced by Evans and Honkapohja [2001. Learning and Expectations in Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ] can be applied to models with heterogeneous and private information in order to assess the stability of rational expectations equilibria under learning. The paper extends already known stability results for the Grossman and Stiglitz [1980. On the impossibility of informationally efficient markets. American Economic Review 70, 393–408] model to a more general case with many differentially informed agents and to the case where information is endogenously acquired by optimizing agents. In both cases it turns out that the rational expectations equilibrium of the model is inherently E-stable and thus locally stable under recursive least squares learning.  相似文献   

We address the issue of modelling and forecasting macroeconomic variables using rich datasets by adopting the class of Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) models. We overcome the estimation issue that arises with this class of models by implementing an iterative ordinary least squares (IOLS) estimator. We establish the consistency and asymptotic distribution of the estimator for weak and strong VARMA(p,q) models. Monte Carlo results show that IOLS is consistent and feasible for large systems, outperforming the MLE and other linear regression based efficient estimators under alternative scenarios. Our empirical application shows that VARMA models are feasible alternatives when forecasting with many predictors. We show that VARMA models outperform the AR(1), ARMA(1,1), Bayesian VAR, and factor models, considering different model dimensions.  相似文献   

This article develops influence diagnostics for log‐Birnbaum–Saunders (LBS) regression models with censored data based on case‐deletion model (CDM). The one‐step approximations of the estimates in CDM are given and case‐deletion measures are obtained. Meanwhile, it is shown that CDM is equivalent to mean shift outlier model (MSOM) in LBS regression models and an outlier test is presented based on MSOM. Furthermore, we discuss a score test for homogeneity of shape parameter in LBS regression models. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate our methodology and the properties of score test statistic are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations under different censoring percentages.  相似文献   

Here we present a proof of the asymptotic normality of least squares estimates for stable multivariate autoregressive models excited by a deterministic second order input signal.  相似文献   

The effective use of spatial information in a regression‐based approach to small area estimation is an important practical issue. One approach to account for geographic information is by extending the linear mixed model to allow for spatially correlated random area effects. An alternative is to include the spatial information by a non‐parametric mixed models. Another option is geographic weighted regression where the model coefficients vary spatially across the geography of interest. Although these approaches are useful for estimating small area means efficiently under strict parametric assumptions, they can be sensitive to outliers. In this paper, we propose robust extensions of the geographically weighted empirical best linear unbiased predictor. In particular, we introduce robust projective and predictive estimators under spatial non‐stationarity. Mean squared error estimation is performed by two analytic approaches that account for the spatial structure in the data. Model‐based simulations show that the methodology proposed often leads to more efficient estimators. Furthermore, the analytic mean squared error estimators introduced have appealing properties in terms of stability and bias. Finally, we demonstrate in the application that the new methodology is a good choice for producing estimates for average rent prices of apartments in urban planning areas in Berlin.  相似文献   

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