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Small area estimation is concerned with methodology for estimating population parameters associated with a geographic area defined by a cross-classification that may also include non-geographic dimensions. In this paper, we develop constrained estimation methods for small area problems: those requiring smoothness with respect to similarity across areas, such as geographic proximity or clustering by covariates, and benchmarking constraints, requiring weighted means of estimates to agree across levels of aggregation. We develop methods for constrained estimation decision theoretically and discuss their geometric interpretation. The constrained estimators are the solutions to tractable optimisation problems and have closed-form solutions. Mean squared errors of the constrained estimators are calculated via bootstrapping. Our approach assumes the Bayes estimator exists and is applicable to any proposed model. In addition, we give special cases of our techniques under certain distributional assumptions. We illustrate the proposed methodology using web-scraped data on Berlin rents aggregated over areas to ensure privacy.  相似文献   

Small area estimation typically requires model‐based methods that depend on isolating the contribution to overall population heterogeneity associated with group (i.e. small area) membership. One way of doing this is via random effects models with latent group effects. Alternatively, one can use an M‐quantile ensemble model that assigns indices to sampled individuals characterising their contribution to overall sample heterogeneity. These indices are then aggregated to form group effects. The aim of this article is to contrast these two approaches to characterising group effects and to illustrate them in the context of small area estimation. In doing so, we consider a range of different data types, including continuous data, count data and binary response data.  相似文献   

In the presence of non‐response, it is usual to impute missing values, to reweight responding units and to adapt the estimators accordingly. The computation of the precision of the estimators becomes rapidly complex; it must take into account the sampling design, the treatment and the refinement of the estimators. In the absence of non‐response, it is possible to linearise estimators with respect to the sampling indicators to compute explicit variance estimators. In this paper, we extend this linearisation method to deal with non‐response. It becomes particularly straightforward to compute explicit variance estimators. Some known results are revisited in a simpler way than the usual developments, and new results for complex estimators are proposed. A simulation study evaluates the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

For estimatingp(⩾ 2) independent Poisson means, the paper considers a compromise between maximum likelihood and empirical Bayes estimators. Such compromise estimators enjoy both good componentwise as well as ensemble properties. Research supported by the NSF Grant Number MCS-8218091.  相似文献   

Small area estimation is a widely used indirect estimation technique for micro‐level geographic profiling. Three unit level small area estimation techniques—the ELL or World Bank method, empirical best prediction (EBP) and M‐quantile (MQ) — can estimate micro‐level Foster, Greer, & Thorbecke (FGT) indicators: poverty incidence, gap and severity using both unit level survey and census data. However, they use different assumptions. The effects of using model‐based unit level census data reconstructed from cross‐tabulations and having no cluster level contextual variables for models are discussed, as are effects of small area and cluster level heterogeneity. A simulation‐based comparison of ELL, EBP and MQ uses a model‐based reconstruction of 2000/2001 data from Bangladesh and compares bias and mean square error. A three‐level ELL method is applied for comparison with the standard two‐level ELL that lacks a small area level component. An important finding is that the larger number of small areas for which ELL has been able to produce sufficiently accurate estimates in comparison with EBP and MQ has been driven more by the type of census data available or utilised than by the model per se.  相似文献   

Deep and persistent disadvantage is an important, but statistically rare, phenomenon in the population, and sample sizes are usually not large enough to provide reliable estimates for disaggregated analysis. Survey samples are typically designed to produce estimates of population characteristics of planned areas. The sample sizes are calculated so that the survey estimator for each of the planned areas is of a desired level of precision. However, in many instances, estimators are required for areas of the population for which the survey providing the data was unplanned. Then, for areas with small sample sizes, direct estimation of population characteristics based only on the data available from the particular area tends to be unreliable. This has led to the development of a class of indirect estimators that make use of information from related areas through modelling. A model is used to link similar areas to enhance the estimation of unplanned areas; in other words, they borrow strength from the other areas. Doing so improves the precision of estimated characteristics in the small area, especially in areas with smaller sample sizes. Social science researchers have increasingly employed small area estimation to provide localised estimates of population characteristics from surveys. We explore how to extend this approach within the context of deep and persistent disadvantage in Australia. We find that because of the unique circumstances of the Australian population distribution, direct estimates of disadvantage have substantial variation, but by applying small area estimation, there are significant improvements in precision of estimates.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of some applications of the combination of data sets, such as combining census or administrative data and survey data, constructing expanded data sets through linkage, combining large‐scale commercial databases with survey data and harnessing designed data collection to be able to make use of non‐probability samples. It is aimed to highlight their commonalities and differences and to formulate some general principles for data set combination.  相似文献   

In survey sampling, auxiliary information on the population is often available. The aim of this paper is to develop a method which allows one to take into account such auxiliary information at the estimation stage by means of conditional bias adjustment. The basic idea is to attempt to construct a conditionally unbiased estimator. Four estimators that have a small conditional bias with respect to a statistic are proposed. It is shown that many of the estimators used in the literature in the case of simple random sampling can be obtained by using this estimation principle. The problem of simple random sampling with replacement, poststratification, and adjustment of a 2 x 2 dimensional contingency table to marginal totals are discussed in the conditional framework. Finally it is shown that the regression estimator can be viewed as an approximation of an application of the conditional principle.  相似文献   

The Invariant Quadratic Estimators, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (REML) of variances in an orthogonal Finite Discrete Spectrum Linear Regression Model (FDSLRM) are derived and the problems of unbiasedness and consistency of these estimators are investigated.Acknowledgement. The research was supported by the grants 1/0272/03, 1/0264/03 and 2/4026/04 of the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA.  相似文献   

本文采用Bayes方法对非参数空间滞后模型进行全面分析,包括参数的估计以及用自由节点样条来拟合未知联系函数。所建议的Bayes方法通过逆跳Markov chain Monte carlo算法(RJMCMC)来实现。在进行贝叶斯分析时,对样条系数与误差方差选取共轭的正态—逆伽玛先验分布,进而获得其他未知量的边际后验分布;另外,文章还设计了一个简单但一般的随机游动Metropolis抽样器,以方便从空间权重因子的条件后验分布中进行抽样。最后应用所建议的方法进行数值模拟。  相似文献   

Surveys usually include questions where individuals must select one in a series of possible options that can be sorted. On the other hand, multiple frame surveys are becoming a widely used method to decrease bias due to undercoverage of the target population. In this work, we propose statistical techniques for handling ordinal data coming from a multiple frame survey using complex sampling designs and auxiliary information. Our aim is to estimate proportions when the variable of interest has ordinal outcomes. Two estimators are constructed following model‐assisted generalised regression and model calibration techniques. Theoretical properties are investigated for these estimators. Simulation studies with different sampling procedures are considered to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators in finite size samples. An application to a real survey on opinions towards immigration is also included.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the mean of a spatial population. Under a design‐based approach to inference, an estimator assisted by a penalized spline regression model is proposed and studied. Proof that the estimator is design‐consistent and has a normal limiting distribution is provided. A simulation study is carried out to investigate the performance of the new estimator and its variance estimator, in terms of relative bias, efficiency, and confidence interval coverage rate. The results show that gains in efficiency over standard estimators in classical sampling theory may be impressive.  相似文献   

This work proposes a new Shewhart-type control chart of the Weibull percentile (i.e. the reliable life) as a practical example of a product attained following the Data Technology (DT) approach. DT is briefly introduced as a new discipline defined apart from Information Technology (IT). Following this approach, some specific Bayes estimators are selected from literature and then used to build the above new chart. These estimators allow to improve the control making use of any available kind of data (statistical and non-statistical). The operative steps of DT approach are fully explained. The results are illustrated by means of a real applicative example.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of the ratio of population means when some observations are missing. Four estimators are presented and their bias and mean square error properties are studied. Received: June 1998  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a normal mean with unknown variance is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, a sequential stopping rule and two sequential estimators of the mean are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is demonstrated that the sample mean becomes asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. Also a shrinkage factor is incorporated in the stopping rule and similar inadmissibility results are established. Received September 1997  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of estimating the precision matrix of a multivariate Pearson type II-model is considered. A new class of estimators is proposed. Moreover, the risk functions of the usual and the proposed estimators are explicitly derived. It is shown that the proposed estimator dominates the MLE and the unbiased estimator, under the quadratic loss function. A simulation study is carried out and confirms these results. Improved estimator of tr (Σ −1) is also obtained.  相似文献   

The missing data problem has been widely addressed in the literature. The traditional methods for handling missing data may be not suited to spatial data, which can exhibit distinctive structures of dependence and/or heterogeneity. As a possible solution to the spatial missing data problem, this paper proposes an approach that combines the Bayesian Interpolation method [Benedetti, R. & Palma, D. (1994) Markov random field-based image subsampling method, Journal of Applied Statistics, 21(5), 495–509] with a multiple imputation procedure. The method is developed in a univariate and a multivariate framework, and its performance is evaluated through an empirical illustration based on data related to labour productivity in European regions.  相似文献   

A key requirement of repeated surveys conducted by national statistical institutes is the comparability of estimates over time, resulting in uninterrupted time series describing the evolution of finite population parameters. This is often an argument to keep survey processes unchanged as long as possible. It is nevertheless inevitable that a survey process will need to be redesigned from time to time, for example, to improve or update methods or implement more cost-effective data collection procedures. It is important to quantify the systematic effects or discontinuities of a new survey process on the estimates of a repeated survey to avoid a disturbance in the comparability of estimates over time. This paper reviews different statistical methods that can be used to measure discontinuities and manage the risk due to a survey process redesign.  相似文献   

Assessing regional population compositions is an important task in many research fields. Small area estimation with generalized linear mixed models marks a powerful tool for this purpose. However, the method has limitations in practice. When the data are subject to measurement errors, small area models produce inefficient or biased results since they cannot account for data uncertainty. This is particularly problematic for composition prediction, since generalized linear mixed models often rely on approximate likelihood inference. Obtained predictions are not reliable. We propose a robust multivariate Fay–Herriot model to solve these issues. It combines compositional data analysis with robust optimization theory. The nonlinear estimation of compositions is restated as a linear problem through isometric logratio transformations. Robust model parameter estimation is performed via penalized maximum likelihood. A robust best predictor is derived. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. An application to alcohol consumption in Germany is provided.  相似文献   

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