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一、维修管理的内容 建筑物的维修管理大体上可分为维护管理、施工管理有其它。其中维护管理可分为功能管理、修缮管理、安全管理和卫生管理。对于有些维修内容,如若管理得好,只需投入很少的资金进行维护即避免产生较大房屋使用功能事故。例如屋面防水工程,一般采用的沥青经老化、风化后消失了,仅存油毡的原纸,只要再刷一道沥青即可。但是如若不及时检查,待屋面漏水后再进行处理,问题就严重了。特别是在东北地区,屋面的保温层一般都是珍珠岩,受潮后很难干燥。若不干燥,水分蒸发会把防水层鼓坏。这就向管理部门提出一个新的问题,如何按房屋完好要求和维修能力制订出有计划、有目的、有依据的维修计划和检测计划。  相似文献   

现代企业财务管理是整个企业管理的核心组成部分,有其自己的独立性。它主要包括预算管理、资金管理、资产管理、核算管理、资本运营管理和风险管理六大分支。  相似文献   

周祖城  王凤科 《技术经济》2000,19(10):32-34
一、管理创新要界定管理创新 ,必须先明确什么是管理。管理是管理主体 (管理者 )对管理对象 (资源和活动 )行使管理职能 (计划、组织、领导、控制 ) ,以便以最有效果和最有效率的方式制定目标和实施目标的过程。管理的核心内容是管理的职能 ,管理活动实际上由一系列管理职能构成 ,而每一项管理职能又包含程序、原则、方法等基本要素。创新是指从新的构想、新的观念产生到这些新的构想、新的观念的运用的整个过程。与其对立的是维持 ,维持是保证一个管理系统的各项活动顺利进行的基本手段。因此 ,管理创新就是在管理要素 (管理目的、管理主体…  相似文献   

论企业诚信管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信用是一个多层次的范畴,就最低层次说,讲信用先必须遵纪守法,这是诚信的底线。坑蒙拐骗、行贿受贿、偷税漏税,这是属于违法乱纪的触犯法律行为,不仅谈不上诚信,还要受到法律的制裁。从高层次看,诚信又是一个商业道德范畴,它首先要求人们要诚实、守信。古话说“人无信不立”。做人如此,办企业也是这样。市场经济是信用经济,在市场运行中信用是企业一项最重要的条件。企业在生  相似文献   

开工前建立保工期、保质量、保安全、保文明施工责任目标的项目经理制,在项目经理部内部建立各级各项人员的工期、质量、安全、文明施工责任制,将目标细化落实责任到人。  相似文献   

企业管理新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳红 《经济论坛》2003,(13):34-34
一、文化管理:企业成功的灵魂一个企业要永远向前发展,必须有自己独特的企业文化、理念和行动纲领。每一个成功的企业,总是不惜耗时费力,大力塑造、维护自己的企业文化。海尔员工发自肺腑地说:“海尔文化就像海尔的血液,离开它一天也不能生存。”美国哈佛商学院的著名教授约翰·科特也强调:“企业文化对企业长期经营业绩有重要作用,在下一个10年内企业文化很可能成为决定企业兴衰的关键因素。”可见,一个企业有没有很好的企业文化,是其能否成功的一个重要条件。二、人力资源管理:企业竞争优势之源在知识经济环境下,人才是企业生存发展的基础…  相似文献   

论企业的知识管理与创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
耿晓钟  王培 《经济师》1999,(2):11-12
随着知识经济时代的到来,企业对知识的管理应用正在发生新的变化,这就是从零星、分散向集成、综合转化。这种系统化、综合化的知识管理已经成为现代企业管理的一个新的热点。知识管理作为企业一种全新的经营管理模式,是市场经济发展到一个崭新高度的产物。它能够弱化企...  相似文献   

邓小平管理思想是邓小平关于管理的观念及其管理活动系统化的总结,是一个多层次、多侧面的科学体系,这可以从纵横两个方面来认识。从纵向看,包括邓小平管理思想的产生、邓小平管理思想内容范畴和其管理思想的哲学基础三个层次。从横向看,可分为几个不同的侧面,具体表现为邓小平管理思想的特色、邓小平对管理的基本看法、管理发展的方向、管理的价值取向、管理实践的艺术,可总结为管理中国化、管理现代化等几个方面。一、管理中国化与现代化中国需要创建一种什么样的管理?这是我国目前管理认识与管理实践中不可回避的问题,它既不是以儒家理论…  相似文献   

即投资管理、融资管理和股利管理。1.投资是指以收回现金并取得收益为目的而发生的现金流出。企业的投资决策可以是直接投资如购置设备、开办商品、兴建工厂,以便获得利润的投资,这要事先创造一个或几个备选方案,通过对这些方案的分析和评价,从中选择一个足够满意的行动方案;也可以间接投资如购买政府公债、购买企业债券和公司股票等,以便获取股利或者利息收入的投资,  相似文献   

马燕茹 《经济论坛》2000,(24):40-40
众所周知,基本建设涉及资金量一般都很大,能否做好资金管理、建设成本控制工作,直接关系到工程造价和今后企业的经济效益。我认为,要做好资金管理和建设成本控制工作,必须抓好以下几个关键点; 一、加强合同管理 合同是进行工程核算、拨付款项和办理竣工决算的重要依据。合同内容应与设计文件中各单项工程内容一致,合同价款应严格控制在概算之内。应把握以下几点:一是实行合同招标制。合同中确定的价款是否合理,直接影响到工程造价。实行合同招标制是控制合同价款的最有效途径。二是财务部门要建立“工程合同台账”。按不同工程项目…  相似文献   

近几年我国土地征收问题成为社会焦点问题,中国社会科学院“社会形势分析与预测”课题组认为征地问题引起的社会矛盾在我国居于第一位.征地问题的存在,归根到底是我国土地征收补偿制度不完善导致的.我国土地征收补偿标准低、补偿范围窄、补偿方式不够灵活,都迫切需要改革.土地征收补偿原则是征地制度的基础,明确土地征收补偿原则,是完善土地征收补偿制度的前提,意义重大.  相似文献   

Daiki Maki 《Economic Modelling》2012,29(5):2011-2015
This paper introduces cointegration tests allowing for an unknown number of breaks. The introduced tests assume that the unspecified number of breaks is smaller than or equal to the maximum number of breaks set a priori. Monte Carlo simulations provide two main results. First, the proposed tests perform as well as the tests of Gregory and Hansen (1996a) and Hatemi-J (2008), which assume one or two breaks a priori, when the cointegration relationship has one or two breaks. Second, the proposed tests perform better than the tests of Gregory and Hansen (1996a) and Hatemi-J (2008) when the cointegration relationship has more than three breaks or persistent Markov switching shifts. We also provide empirical applications for the money demand of the U.S. The empirical results show that the proposed tests reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration as compared to other tests.  相似文献   

目的通过住院患者对医护人员服务态度、医疗护理质量、住院环境、是否存在滥收费现象及心理指导的满意度调查,研究患者满意度调查对医院管理的作用。方法对2009年1~2月与11~12月接受满意度调查的住院患者进行回顾性分析。结果患者满意度调查开展前后,实验组医护人员操作、医护人员服务态度、病区环境、是否存在滥收费及心理指导等方面内容评分均高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且实验组投诉率较低。结论患者满意度调查可以提高患者对医院的满意度,降低投诉率,及时发现工作中存在的问题。医院应注意提高医护人员的操作及服务态度,杜绝滥收费现象,并定期对患者进行心理指导,加强患者对医院的信任,利于医院的管理。  相似文献   

整合财政支农资金的模式构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
由于历史和体制原因,我国财政支持"三农"投入存在高运行成本、多重代理、信息不对称及效率低下等问题,严重影响支农资金的使用效应和政策效应。本文在分析我国财政支农资金使用现状的基础上,提出了整合财政支农资金的基本构想。  相似文献   

Epistemic logic of shallow depths has been developed by Kaneko–Suzuki using classical logic. In this paper, we adopt intuitionistic logic as the base logic to limit each player’s reasoning to constructive one. The resulting logical system is denoted by IG $_{EF}$ , and we introduce epistemic possible world semantics for IG $_{EF}$ . We show the soundness and completeness of IG $_{EF}$ with respect to this semantics for it. We also show some applications to game theoretical decision making.  相似文献   

Most technological changes can be described as a substitution of one material, process or product for another. Each such substitution, if successful, normally tends to follow an S-shaped (or “logistic”) curve: that is, it starts slowly as initial problems and resistances have to be overcome; then it proceeds more rapidly as the competition between the new and the old technology grows keener and the new technology gains an advantage; and finally, as the market for the new technology approaches saturation, the pace of substitution slows down. Sometimes, when the process is completed, the old technology continues to retain some specialized portion of the total market (i.e., a sub-market) for which it is particularly well adapted. In forecasting the course and speed of the substitution process especially when it has already begun and partially taken place, the simplest approach is to project a function having the appropriate S-shaped curve, using historical data to determine the free parameters of the function. While useful, especially where data are not available for a more sophisticated study, the simple curve-fitting techniques fail to take into account several important factors that affect economic and management decisions on the part of producers and intermediate users (as well as “final” consumers) and thereby influence the course which the substitution process is likely to take. To overcome this limitation, a simulation model has been developed at IR&T which allows some of these factors to be evaluated and incorporated explicitly and quantitatively. The model is described and its application is illustrated in the case of the substitution of plastic for glass in bottles. It is most applicable where the competing technologies are rather precisely defined, where a good deal of current technical and economic data are available, and where an in-depth analysis is desired. Because this particular forecast was made before the sudden precipitous increase in petroleum prices, which upsets the price relationships assumed in the forecast, there is discussion of the vulnerability of forecasts to political and other contra-economic developments.  相似文献   

随着我国现代化建设的发展和城市化进程的加快,产生了大量的失地农民。但是,目前我国征地补偿制度中存在若干问题,造成失地农民所获补偿不足,经济利益流失严重。指出征地补偿中存在的主要问题,并对征地补偿制度的完善和失地农民权益的保障提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of some preliminary ‘laboratory’ investigations into ‘actual’ search behavior. Specifically we looked at situations in which searchers' initial information about the distributions was negligible. It seemed likely that simple ‘rules of thumb’ would be used in such situations. Our findings confirmed this view: we identified five such rules which between them ‘accounted’ for a high proportion of observed behaviour. Moreover, these rules although not ‘optimal’) appear to be reasonably good and may be fairly robust; jointly, they may constitute a better explanation (and predictor) of actual search behaviour than do the currently popular supposedly optimal rules.  相似文献   

Different nutrient abatement activities jointly determine water quality. Policies are determined by governments at central and local level, implying that decisions can be affected by strategic considerations. In this article, decentralization of wetland policies is analyzed with regard to the environmental and economic consequences. A two-stage game is used to investigate strategic abatement decisions regarding nitrogen fertilizer reductions, waste water treatment plant phosphorus reductions and wetlands, assuming that wetland decision can be decentralized. It is shown that under particular circumstances, strategic consideration may imply that a central government undertakes more abatement than socially optimal, but in most cases the opposite is likely to occur. Decentralization of wetland decisions is advantageous to the central government but only benefits the local government if its wetland technology is considerably more efficient that the central government’s. This paper explains why local governments often hesitate to take on additional responsibilities for environmental management, and identifies conditions under which local governments make smaller losses or even gain from delegation. The results also contribute to understanding how strategically optimal matching grants are chosen when governments only take into account their own direct costs of abatement and the central government needs to satisfy the local government’s participation constraint.  相似文献   

Aumann–Serrano (J Polit Econ 116:810–836, 2008) and Foster–Hart (J Polit Econ 117:785–814, 2009) suggest two new riskiness measures, each of which enables one to elicit a complete and objective ranking of gambles according to their riskiness. These riskiness measures were created with a risky world in mind, but not an uncertain one. We apply similar arguments to models of decision under uncertainty and develop complete and objective rankings of sets of gambles, which arise naturally in many such models. Clearly, these results extend the previous riskiness measures, and they have a natural interpretation in terms of those measures even when uncertainty does play a significant role.  相似文献   

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