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Book reviewed in this article: New Technology in Context: The Selection, Introduction and Use of Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, by Bernard Burnes. Managerial Strategy for New Technology, by Wendy Currie. New Technologies and Work: Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives, by Arthur Francis and Peter Grootings. Labour Market Flexibility: Trends in Enterprises. Precarious Jobs in Labour Market Regulation: The Growth of Atypical Employment in Western Europe, edited by G. Rodgers and J. Rogers. Flexible Working Time and Family Life: A Review of Changes, by S. McRae. The European Community: The Social Dimension, by P. Teague. The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States, by Michael Goldfield. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State and American Labor Activism, 1860–1925, by David Montgomery. Reds or Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront, by Howard Kimeldorf. A Secretary and a Cook: Challenging WomenS Wages in the Courts of the United States and Great Britain, by Steven L. Willborn. Coal, Crisis and Conflict: The 1984-5 Miners' Strike in Yorkshire by J. Winterton and R. Winterton. After Redundancy: the Experience of Economic insecurity, by John Westergaard, Iain Noble and Alan Walker. Change in Industrial Relations: The Organization and Environment by P. B. Beaumont. Manufacturing Change: Industrial Relations and Restructuring, edited by Stephanie Tailby and Colin Whitston. The British Trade Union Directory, by Wolodymyr Maksyrniw, Jack Eaton and Colin Gill. International Labour Statistics: A Handbook Guide and Recent Trends, edited by R. Bean. The Keys to Excellence: the Deming Philosophy, by Nancy R. Mann. Organizational Ecoiogy, by Michael T. Hannan and John Freeman. Sweden: Social Democracy in Practice, by Henry Milner. Reforming the Revolution: China in Transition, edited by Robert Benewick and Paul Wingrove. Industrial Sociology: Work in the French Tradition, edited by Michael Rose.  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1993,23(1):61-86
Books reviewed in this article:
Purchasing and Quality
Technology and Competition in the International Telecommunications Industry
New Firms in the Biotechnology Industry: their contribution to innovation and growth.
Dynamic Project Management
Managing Technology: The Strategic View
The Global Challenge of Innovation
Science Policy Research: Implications and Applications
Measuring the Dynamics of Technological Change
Innovation and Creativity at Work: psychological and organizational settings
Consulting in Innovation Practice—Methods—Perspectives: an international perspective.
Managing Innovation within Networks
The Inducing Power of Japanese Technological Innovation
Beyond Spinoff: Military and commercial technologies in a changing world
Reviews of National Science Policy, Italy
Entrepreneurs in High Technology
Policy Development and Big Science
Capital Investment Appraisal: Towards a contingency theory
The Management Research Handbook
High-tech Fantasies. Science Parks in Society, Science and Space
Management of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
The Entrepreneurial Personality  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Union of Parts: Labor Politics in Postwar Germany by Kathleen A. Thelen British Industrial Relations, 2nd edn, by Howard F. Gospel and Gill Palmer Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-Firm Relations in Britain and Japan by Mari Sako Technology and Work in German Industry edited by Norbert Altmann, Christoph Kohler and Pamela Meil Labour in Transition: The Labour Process in Eastern Europe and China edited by Chris Smith and Paul Thompson. Investment and Property Rights in Yugoslavia: The Long Transition to a Market Economy by Milica Uvali? Understanding Industrial Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives in Industrial Sociology by Richard K. Brown Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture by David Collinson. Walter de Gruyter Social Corporatism: A Superior Economic System edited by Jukka Pekkarinen, Matti Pohjola and Bob Rowthorn. Rethinking Labour-Management Relations: The Case for Arbitration by Christopher J. Bruce and Jo Carby-Hall Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Great Britain, 2nd edn, by Bob Hepple and Sandra Fredman Industrial Relations and European State Traditions by Colin Crouch  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Conflict and Change: Aspects of Industrial Relations by Kevin Hawkins
Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Survey by Richard Lowndes
Handbook of Industrial Relations edited by Derek Torrington
The Workers' Union by Richard Hyman
Teachers' Unions and Interest Group Politics by R. D. Coates
The Amalgamated Society of Textile Workers and Kindred Trades 1871–1971: A History of Trade Unionism in the North Staffordshire Textile Industry by Frank Burchill and Jim Sweeney
Labour and the Law by Otto Kahn-Freund
Strikes by Richard Hyman
Dockers: The Impact of Industrial Change by David F. Wilson
Ford Strike: The Workers' Story by John Mathews
The International Firm and Labour in Kenya: 1945-70 by A. H. Amsden
African Businessmen by P. Marris and A. Somerset
Japanese Blue Collar: The Changing Tradition by Robert E. Cole
Towards a New Philosophy of Management by Paul Hill
Job Evaluation by T. T. Paterson
Spirits and Demons at Work by Harrison M. Trice and Paul M. Roman  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1985,15(1):77-82

Book reviewed in this article:
Industrialization in Two Systems: Essays in Honor of Alexander Gerschenkron, edited by Henry Rosovsky. John Wiley &. Sons
Industrial Relations in Engineering by Arthur Marsh
A Collection of Teaching Documents and Case Studies: Industrial Relations in Engineering by A. Marsh
Strategies for the Displaced Worker by George P. Shultz & Arnold R. Weber
The Fawley Productivity Agreements by Allan Flanders
NATSOPA SevenQ-Five Years. The National Societ_y of Operative Printers and Assistants (z88g-zg64) by James Moran
The Labor Arbitration Process by R. W. Fleming
Modern Trade Union Law by Cyril Grunfeld
Cooper's Outlines of Industrial Law by W. Mansfield Cooper and John C
Manpower Planning in a Freesociety by Richard A. Lester
Manpower for Hospitals: a study of problems in some West European countries by B. L. Donald
Britain's Married Women Workers by Viola Klein
Women Workers, Working Hours and Services by Viola Klein
Workers, Unions and the State by Graham Wootton
Sociologie de I'Action by Alain Touraine
White-Collar Trade Unions. ContemporaTy Deuelopments in Industrialized Societies, edited by Adolf Sturmthal
Les Ouvriers et le Progrds Technique by Jacques Dofny
The Dynamics of a Changing Technology by Peter J. Fensham and Douglas Hooper
Growth and Structure in the Economy of Modern Italy by George H. Hildebrand
Japanese Trade Unionism by Alice H. Cook
Labor Poliy and Practices in Spain. A Study of Employer-Employee Relations under the Franco Regime by Fred Witney
The Dynamics of Management by Waino W. Suojanen
Human Dilemmas of Leadership by Abraham Zaleznik
Marketing Research Management by A. B. Blankenship and J. B. Doyle
The Theory and Practice of Time Study by W. C. Glassey
Selecting and Training the Training Oficer by Nancy Taylor  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The System of Industrial Relations in Great Britain by H. A. Clegg
Labor and the Legal Process by H. H. Wellington
The Battle of Downing Street by Peter Jenkins
Measure for Measure: Reforming the Trade Unions by Stephen Fay
British Trade Unions and the Problem of Change by Will Paynter
The Growth of White-Collar Unionism by George Sayers Bain
White-Collar Bargaining Units under the Ontario Labour Relations Act by G. W. Reed
Labour Disputes in Soviet Russia 1957–1965 by Mary McAuley
The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria by Wogu Ananaba
Labour Problems of Technological Change by L. C. Hunter, G. L. Reid, D. Boddy
Industrial Democracy: a Symposium edited by D. J. Coyle
Workers' Participation in Management: Expectations and Experience by J. Y. Tabb and A. Goldfarb
Industrial Relations and the Personnel Specialist by Peter Anthony and Anne Crichton. B. T. Batsford
Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain by Bob Hepple
Training in European Enterprises by Frederic Meyers
Le Play, Engineer and Social Scientist by M. Z. Brooke
Industrial Organisations and Health. Volume 1. Selected Readings edited by F. Baker, J. McEwan and Alan Sheldon
Organizational Climate: Explorations of a Concept edited by Renato Tagiuri and George H. Litwin
Motivation and Organizational Climate by George H. Litwin and Robert A. Stringer
The Theory of Organizations by David Silverman
Conflict and Co-operation in Business Organisations by Eric Rhenman, Lennart Stromberg and Gunnar Westerlund
Company Organisation: Theory and Practice by M. C. Barnes, A. H. Fogg, C. N. Stephens and L. G. Titman
Dynamic Supervision: Problems and Opportunities by Maxine H. Bishop
Supervision: Situation, Individual, Behavior, Effect by Lennart Lennerlöf
Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors by John G. Maurer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Systems of Organization E. J. Miller and A. K. Rice
Organization and Environment, by Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch.
Organizational Effectiveness by James L. Price
The Sociology of Industry by S. R. Parker, R. K. Brown, J. Child and M. A. Smith.
Labour Relations in the Motor Industry by H. A. Turner, Garfield Clack and Geoffrey Roberts
Determination of the Appropriate Bargaining Unit by Labour Relations Boards in Canada by Edward E. Herman
The Liability of Strikers in the Law of Tort:a Comparative Study of the Law in England and Canada, by I. M. Christie
The Kind of Laws the Unions Ought to Want by Clive Jenkins and J. E
The Restrictive Society, by John A. Lincoln
Demarcation Rules in Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing, by Geoffrey Roberts
Airline Industrial Relations: Pilots and Flight Engineers by John M. Baitsell
Management Science, by Stafford Beer
Interpritation de I'organisation dam I'industrie, by Alfred Willener
Manpower Problem in the Service Sector - Background Report for a Trade Union Seminar
The Lorry Driver by Peter G. Hollowell. Routledge & Kegan Paul
Toward a Thov of Minority Group Relations by H. M. Blalock Jr. John Wiley  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Professionalism and Salaried Worker Organizution by Archie Kleingartner
TheJob Hunt by Harold L. Sheppard and A. Hervey Belitsky
Social Theory and Economic Change edited by Tom Burns and S. B. Saul
Trade Unions and Technological Change. A Research Report by the Swedish L.O
As Unions Mature by Richard A. Lester
Presidential Seizure in Labor Disputes by J. L
La Vie de 1'Entrepke by Marcel Bolle de Bal
Closing the Performance Gap by Marion S. Kellogg
Training in Industry: The Management of Learning by Bernard M. Bass and James A. Vaughan
Management by Participation by Alfred J. Marrow, David G. Bowers, Stanley
The Theory and Management of System by Richard A. Johnson, Fremont E. Kast and James E. Rosenzweig
Communication and Organisational Behaviour: Text and Cases by William
Management in International Perspective edited by S. Benjamin Prasad
Adolescent Boys of East London by Peter Willmott  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hours of Work by Clyde E. Dankert, Floyd C. Mann, Herbert R. Northrup
Wage Trends, Wage Policies, and Collective Bargaining: the Problems for Underdeveloped Countries by H. A. Turner
African Trade Unions by Ioan Davies
Learning for Leadership: Interpersonal and Intergroup Relationship by A. K. Rice
Alienation and Freedom: The Factory Worker and His Industry by Robert Blauner
A Behavioural Theory of Labour Negotiations by Richard E. Walton and Robert B. McKersie
The Psychology of Union-Management Relations by Ross Stagner and Hjalmar Rosen
Labor Arbitration A Dissenting View by Paul R. Hays
Management under Strike Conditions by John G. Hutchinson
National Rural Manpower . Adjustment to Industry
Technology and Woman's Work by Elizabeth Faulkner Baker
The Management of Conflict - Appeal Systems in Organizations by William G. Scott
Labor and the Progressive Movement in New York State, 1897–1916 by Irvin Yellowitz
Management Operations Research by Norbert Lloyd Enrick
Operational Research for Management by M. J. Sargeaunt
Allocating and Scheduling Resources by R. L. Martino
The Contracting-Out of Work: An Annotated Bibliography by David M. Farrell  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Government and Industry in Britain. The Federation of British Industry in Politics, 1945–65 by Stephen Blank
The Power to Manage, A History of the Engineering Employers' Federation by Eric Wigham. Macmillan
What to Do about Equal Pay for Women by G. L. Buckingham
Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns by John Foster
Trade Unions and Society: The Struggle for Acceptance, 1850–1880 by W. Hamish Fraser. George Allen
The first shop Stewards' Movement by James Hinton
Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure edited by Dorothy Wedderburn
Public Finance edited by R. W. Houghton
Between Class and Elite by Zygmunt Bauman  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Shop floor bargaining and the state: Historical and comparative perspectives, edited by Steven Tolliday and Jonathan Zeitlin The Politics of the West German Trade Unions, Strategies of class and interest representation in growth and crisis, by Andrei S. Markovits The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880–1914, by Wolfgang J. Mommsen and Hans-Gerhard Husung (eds.). The Social Foundations of Industrial Power: A Comparison of France and Germany, by M. Maurice, F. Sellier and J. J. Silvestre The Process of Occupational Sex-Typing. The Feminization of Clerical Labor in Great Britain, by Samuel Cohn Sex and the Workplace, by Barbara A. Gutek Employee Consultation and Information in Multinational Corporations, edited by J. Vandamme Militant Managers: Managerial Unionism and Industrial Relations, by Greg Bamber Redundancy and Recession: restructuring the regions?, edited by Mike Danson People and Chips: The Human Implications of Information Technology, by Christopher Rowe Technology and Work: East-West Comparison, edited by Peter Grootings The Future Impact of Automation on Workers, by Wassily Leontieff and Faye Duchin Workplace Industrial Relations and Technical Change, by W. W. Daniel  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Perspectives on Industrial Disputes edited by David Metcalf and Simon Milner. The New Industrial Relations by Neil Millward. Willing Slaves? by Andrew Scott. Human Resource Management: Key Concepts and Skills by P. B. Beaumont. Principles of Human Resource Management by D. Goss. Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations by J. Storey and Keith Sisson. Privatization and Employment Relations: The Case of the Water Industry by Julia O'Connell Davidson. Trade Union Behaviour, Pay Bargaining and Economic Performance by R. J. Flanagan, K.O. Moene and M. Wallerstein. Employment Security and Labor Market Behaviour edited by Christoph F. Buechtemann. Cultural Perspectives on Organizations by Mats Alvesson. Breaking from Taylorism: Changing Forms of Work in the Automobile Industry by Ulrich Jürgens, Thomas Malsch and Knuth Dohse. Labor and an Integrated Europe edited by Lloyd Ulman, Barry Eichengreen and William T. Dickens. The Politics of French Trade Unionism by Jeff Bridgford.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Union and its Members: A Psychological Approach by Julian Barling, Clive Fullagar and E. Kevin Kelloway
A History of British Trade Unions since 1889: Vol. III 1934–1951 by Hugh Armstrong Clegg
Markets, Firms and the Management of Labour in Modern Britain by Howard Gospel
Union Business: Trade Union Organization and Financial Reform in the Thatcher Years by Paul Willman, Tim Morris and Beverly Aston
Employee Commitment and the Skills Revolution: First Findings from the Employment in Britain Survey by Duncan Gallie and Michael White
Decentralization of Collective Bargaining: An Analysis of Recent Experience in the UK by Michael P. Jackson, John W. Leopold and Kate Tuck
Managing through Organization by Colin Hales
Japanese Women Working edited by Janet Hunter
Sociology and Organisation Theory: Positivism, Paradigms and Postmodernity by John Hassard  相似文献   

Innovate: how to gain and sustain competitive advantage . By Mark O'Hare. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1988, hardback $15.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Labour Law and the Community: Perspectives for the 1980s, edited by Lord Wedderburn and W.T. Murphy Picketing: Industrial Disputes, Tactics and the Law, by Peggy Kahn, Norman Lewis, Rowland Livock and Paul Wiles The Law of Industrial Relations, by J G Riddall Industrial Productivity, by Michael M. Gruneberg and David J. Oborne Psychology and Industrial Productivity: A reader, edited by Michael M. Gruneberg and David J. Oborne The Degradation of Work? edited by Stephen Wood The Development of the Labour Process in Capitalist Societies, by Craig Littler The Shopfloor Politics of New Technology, by Barry Wilkinson Exploring Participation by Paul Bate and Iain Mangham Lost Managers: Supervisors in Industry and Society, by John Child and Bruce Partridge Soviet Trade Unions, by Blair A. Ruble  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Origins of Trade Union Power, by Henry Phelps Brown Why are the British Bad at Munufucturing, by Karel Williams, John Williams and Dennis Thomes Strikes in Post-War Britain: A Study of Stoppages of Work due to Industrial Disputes. 1948-73, by J.W. Durcan. W.E.J. McCarthy and C.P. Redman Strikes in Europe and the United States: Munugernent cind Incidence, by Kenneth Walsh. British Trade Unionism against the Trades Union Congress, by Gerald A. Dorfman Contemporary Industrial Relations in Japan, edited by T. Shirai. Understanding Industrial Relations by David Farnham & John Pimlott Kahn-Freund's Labour and the Law, by Paul Davies and Mark Freedland. International Yearbook of Organizational Democracy, Volume I, Organizational Democracy and Political Processes, edited by Colin Crouch and Frank A. Heller The Nature of Work. An Introduction to Debates on the Labour Process. by Paul Thompson. Discriminaiion and Disadvantage in Employment: The Experience of Black Workers. edited by P. Braham, E. Rhodes and M. Pearn.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Workless State, edited by Brian Showler and Adrian Sinfield
What Unemployment Means, by Adrian Sinfield
Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century, by Richard Edwards
British Labour History, 1815–1914, by E. H. Hunt
Skill and rhe English Working Class, 1870–1914, by Charles More.
Little Moscows: Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, by Stuart Macintyre
The Microelectronics Revolution, edited by Tom Forester
The Impact of Micro-electronics, by J. Rada
Microelectronics and Socicry. edited by Trevor Jones
Microelectronics. Capitalist Technology and the Working Class
Microelectronics and the Engineering Indurtry, edited by N. Swords-Isherwood and P. Senker.
Work, Mobility and Purticiparion: A Comparative Study of American and Japanese Industry, by Robert E. Cole
Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development, by Solomon B. Levine and Hisashi Kawada
Industrial Dernocrucy in Europe by Industrial Democracy in Europe
Labor Relations in Advanced industrial Societies: issues and Problem, edited by Benjamin Martin and Everett M. Kassalow
The Mearunmenl of Unemployment; Methods and Sources in Great Britain 1850–1979, by W. R. Garside
Work Design, by J. Richard Hackman and Greg. R. Oldham.
Control and Ideology in Organbations, edited by Graeme Salaman and Kenneth Thompson
The Politics of Work and Occupations, edited by Geoff Esland and Graeme Salaman. The open
Work and People: an Economic Evaluation oflob Enrichment, by Henri Savall
Changes in Working Life, edited by K. D. Duncan, M. M. Gruneberg and D. Wallis
Women Returning ro Work; Policies and Progress in Five Countries, edited by Alice M. Yohalem.
Strikes in the United States 1881–1974, by P. K. Edwards  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1979,10(1):43-46

Book reviewed in this article:
Yugoslav Workers' Selfmanagement edited by M. J. Broekmeyer
Local Labour Markets and Wage Structures edited by Derek Robinson
The Law of Redundancy by Cyril Grunfeld
Guidance to Employers on Industrial Relations Bill.
The Industrial Relations Act at Work by Joan Henderson
An Employer's Guide to the Industrial Relations Act by Peter Paterson
Conflict at Work edited by S. Kessler and B. Weekes
Work, Creativity, and Social Justice by Elliott Jaques  相似文献   

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