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A Political Economy Approach to the Neoclassical Model of Transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neoclassical model of transition from a centrally-administered socialist economic system to a market-based economic system was implemented in Russia and Eastern Europe. The neoclassical process took the form of either shock therapy or gradualism. However, each approach actually involved a combination of shock therapy and gradualist policies, making the distinction between the two approaches unfounded. In addition, both approaches suffered by the innate inadequacies of neoclassical economic analysis as being politically/institutionally naked. Both shock therapy supporters and gradualist neoclassical economists did not provide a specific process of institutional development, favouring a gradual market-driven institutional outcome. With regard to the political structure, democracy was inconsistent with shock therapy, while active state intervention during transition was inconsistent with the ultimate goal of the gradualist neoclassical economists of competitive capitalism.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A political economy approach to the neoclassical gradualist model of transition requires the exposition of what I define the primary elements of the model, which are economic analysis, definition of a good society, speed, political structure, ideological structure and whether the initial conditions were incorporated in the model. After the identification of the primary elements of the neoclassical gradualist model the next step is to identify secondary elements, the desired changes with respect to price liberalization-stabilization, privatization, institutional structure, monetary policy and the financial system, fiscal policy, international trade and foreign aid and social policy. The analytical framework developed makes possible to understand the neoclassical gradualist model from a new and more enlightening perspective. We are better able to comprehend the complexities involved and the disagreements about the reform process. The adoption of a gradual process of transition did not only involve specifying the required policies of a successful transition but also entailed a process, a sequence by which the reforms should be introduced. As such, a process of transition consistent with the policies recommended by the neoclassical gradualists economists is developed. The conclusion reveals the inconsistencies in the model.  相似文献   

以2004年—2009年出具无保留审计意见的中国证券市场沪深A股921家中国上市公司和美国证券市场1122家美国上市公司为研究对象,利用面板数据OLS估计、固定效应及随机效应估计,实证检验上市公司会计师事务所更迭与审计质量的关联互动性后发现,无论在中国市场还是美国市场,会计师事务所更迭与审计质量之间存在显著的负相关关系,上市公司在更换会计师事务所之后的审计质量反而更低,中国上市公司中会计师事务所更迭的负向影响更加严重。  相似文献   

By analyzing an election night survey of voters in the 1992 U.S. Presidential election, this article explicates the meaning, relationships, and effects on vote of ideological self-designation (liberal, centrist, conservative) and party identification (Democrat, Independent, Republican). In addition to concern about a candidate's character, different interests about governmental interventions designed to augment economic equity, social equality, and the public's health interpret the meaning of these categories. Using seven social attributes as instruments, a two-stage least-squares analysis and a sensitivity analysis suggest that ideology has a stable net direct effect on party identification. The effect of party identification on ideology is negligible. Concern about a candidate's character and public health interests strongly interpret the effect of ideology on party identification; the effects of interests concerning equity and rights are not as strong. Because the social attributes explain very little variance in vote, whereas more malleable variables – ideology and party identification – have very strong effects, electoral choices now tend to be more changeable than in the past.  相似文献   

分析了中美两国矿山安全监控系统相关标准的技术指标,对比了我国与美国矿山安全监控系统标准具体技术指标的异同,提出了我国矿山安全监控系统标准存在的不足。从而为我国将来矿山安全监控系统标准的制修订工作提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

Abstract . An examination and critique of the functionalist literature on corruption in the political administration of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) indicate that its claims are without empirical foundation. Its theses with regard to the political, economic and administrative effects in most LDCs contrast with the facts. No benefits for development from corruption are found; market corruption, for example, does not appear to improve allocative efficiency. The erosion in a government's capacity to formulate and implement policies making for economic growth is an obstacle to economic progress.  相似文献   

Using the experiences of PhD research which employed a comparative case study methodology to study industrial relations and commitment systems at brownfield and greenfield sites in Australia and the United States, this paper discusses the issues and challenges that may confront a student undertaking research of this type. It argues that while the original research questions and proposed methodology may, frustratingly, need to change during the course of the research, this can ultimately provide for a richer study and better results. The paper outlines the stages of the case study research and the complexities of combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. In conclusion, the paper briefly summarises the research findings to demonstrate the benefits of long-term, organisationally based case studies.  相似文献   

陈敏  雷孟林 《价值工程》2012,31(36):152-153
中国和美国在对待经营性运输的管理上有相似之处,也各有特点。本文着重从两国经营性运输的划分阶段、对合同运输的不同态度、运输活动与主营业务之间的关系以及辅助性划分标准等方面进行了比较,对完善我国经营性道路运输管理具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Since the interwar period, the Swedish economy has been dominated by a few business groups that control practically all Swedish industry of any importance. This article provides a sociologically informed account of the existence and lasting dominance of business groups in Sweden. In challenging efficiency‐based accounts of business groups in Sweden offered by transaction‐cost economists, I adopt a historical and dynamic approach that understands economic institutions not as efficient responses to external circumstances, such as market conditions, but as “social constructions.” This approach emphasizes the role of contingency as well as agency in the formation and reproduction of institutions. The article demonstrates the historical contingencies of the emergence of the business groups—in the form of economic crises in the interwar period—and how the groups became institutionalized in the postwar period through a process of social exchange among the key actors in the Swedish political economy: the business elite, the trade unions, and the state.  相似文献   

文章对中美两国人工智能的政策战略、市场现状、代表性企业、创新能力、产业集聚等进行详细对比,总结各自的优势和不足.通过对比,借鉴中美国家层面的发展经验,提出江苏下一步人工智能发展应围绕产业生态打造,突出五个重点:一是持续优化省级政策及战略,统筹调动各部门力量;二是加强人工智能市场培育,支持AI投融资、模式创新、供需对接等...  相似文献   

每天的午餐是美国人一日三餐中食品最简单、食量最少、最好对付的一餐,通常都是吃快餐.到了中午,美国的大街小巷上食客众多热闹异常.有一边看书报一边吃、一边听着音乐手舞足蹈一边吃的,有坐在车里吃、站在路边吃、蹲在树下吃的,甚至走在路上吃、连跑带吃的也随处可见.美国人追求效率效果,讲究省时省力,注重方便实惠,正是这一特点,使得作为美国餐饮文化特征的快餐渗透到美国社会的各个角落.  相似文献   

中国电子商务从模仿美国起步,在适应国情的发展中,逐渐演化形成了自己的特色,走出了一条分化和创新发展而不是模仿趋同的道路。正是在这一独特发展道路的强力支撑下,中国电子商务虽后发于美国,却实现了跨越式发展。然而,当前对中国电子商务独特发展路径的刻画及其背后深层根源的探究却较少。文章在对相关数据进行分类整理的基础上,通过和美国比较,刻画出了中国电子商务在发展中分化出来的三个鲜明特色:在较长时间内维持了超常增长;平台模式居于绝对主导地位;高集中度的市场竞争结构。本文的发现为后续探究中国电子商务历史经验和发展趋势等提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Drawing upon rational choice, routine activity, and social disorganization theories, this study investigates changes in rates of property crime known (reported) to police in the United States from 1958 to 1995. Predictor variables include changes in rates of inflation; technological, cyclical, and frictional unemployment; arrest rates for property crimes disaggregated by race (ARPCDR); the interaction of ARPCDR and technological unemployment (to test effects of rising unemployment on whites versus blacks); and a measure of police provisioning. A Beach-MacKinnon Full Maximum-Likelihood FGLS AR1 Method (accompanied by residual analysis) is employed. Significant positive effects are established for (a) inflation, (b) cyclical unemployment, (c) frictional unemployment, and (d) the interaction of white arrest rates and technological unemployment. Police provisioning is not found to be significant. Policy implications are explored along with future policy considerations.  相似文献   

A prevailing thought regarding foreign language competency (FLC) is that it can lead to an advantaged workforce by improving performance, especially in service‐oriented professions. This prevailing thought is logical, considering banking, hospitality and tourism, social services, sales, and health care industries. Foreign language teachers, training and development professionals, workforce education professionals, and government agencies (e.g., the military) all play a leading role in the effort to improve FLC in segments of the U.S. workforce. Workplace learning and performance (WLP) establishes the framework for companies that can quantitatively demonstrate that having a foreign‐language‐competent staff will increase performance and company profits (or value for the nonprofit sector). Leadership competencies guide the function of workplace foreign language training and development and has a direct impact on the success of achieving workplace FLC. In addition, scenarios demonstrating how a foreign‐language‐competent staff might improve overall company performance are explored. Methods of conducting appropriate assessments prior to implementing a workplace foreign language training and development program are addressed.  相似文献   

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