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An effectivity function assigns to each coalition of individuals in a society a family of subsets of alternatives such that the coalition can force the outcome of society’s choice to be a member of each of the subsets separately. A representation of an effectivity function is a game form with the same power structure as that specified by the effectivity function. In the present paper we investigate the continuity properties of the outcome functions of such representation. It is shown that while it is not in general possible to find continuous representations, there are important subfamilies of effectivity functions for which continuous representations exist. Moreover, it is found that in the study of continuous representations one may practically restrict attention to effectivity functions on the Cantor set. Here it is found that general effectivity functions have representations with lower or upper semicontinuous outcome function.  相似文献   

A social choice rule (SCR) is a collection of social choice correspondences, one for each agenda. An effectivity rule is a collection of effectivity functions, one for each agenda. We prove that every monotonic and superadditive effectivity rule is the effectivity rule of some SCR. A SCR is binary if it is rationalized by an acyclic binary relation. The foregoing result motivates our definition of a binary effectivity rule as the effectivity rule of some binary SCR. A binary SCR is regular if it satisfies unanimity, monotonicity, and independence of infeasible alternatives. A binary effectivity rule is regular if it is the effectivity rule of some regular binary SCR. We characterize completely the family of regular binary effectivity rules. Quite surprisingly, intrinsically defined von Neumann–Morgenstern solutions play an important role in this characterization.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of implementing a social choice correspondence H in Nash equilibrium when the constitution of the society is given by an effectivity function E. It is assumed that the effectivity function of , is a sub-correspondence of E. We found necessary and efficient conditions for a game form to implement H (in Nash equilibria), and to satisfy, at the same time, that , the effectivity function of , is a sub-correspondence of (which guarantees that is compatible with E). We also find sufficient conditions for the coincidence of the set of winning coalitions of and , and for . All our results are sharp as is shown by suitable examples. Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 3 September 2001  相似文献   

In a committee where cooperative voting occurs, effectivity functions describe the blocking power of coalitions. It is a binary relation that says for each coalition T and each subset of outcomes B whether or not T can force the final outcome within B. The corresponding cooperative stability notion generalizes the familiar core of a simple game. We study those effectivity functions yielding a non-empty core for all preference profiles, of which additive effectivity functions are an example. This proves to be closely related to implementation by means of the strong equilibrium concept.  相似文献   

陈陵衡 《价值工程》2011,30(6):182-183
我国机械设备工业随着经济发展而发展,这为我国修建各种公路桥梁提供了有力保障。再加上广大桥梁建设者的精心设计和施工,使我国建设公路桥梁的水平已跃身于世界先进行列。我国国土辽阔,经济发展水平不平衡,总体经济水平不高。公路桥梁发展还是要着眼实际,在量大、面广的一般大、中桥其桥梁仍以预应力混凝土结构为主。文章系统的介绍了五种常见桥梁,用以指导桥梁设计。  相似文献   

标准化基本形式的选择能促进电子政务标准化工作的开展以及效率的提高。文章简要介绍了标准化的五个基本形式和我国电子政务标准化工作中存在的问题,在此基础上,提出了我国电子政务标准化基本形式的选择原则,并基于电子政务技术参考模型,探讨电子政务标准化基本形式的选择方案。  相似文献   

城中村改造中的"市场失灵"和"政府失灵"及防止途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城中村是中国快速城市化进程中出现的特有现象。城中村改造问题的本质是利益问题,实质上是与城中村改造相关的利益各方利益调整的过程。由于市场失灵的存在,城中村改造基本都在政府主导下进行,但由于政府的失灵,往往也会产生很多弊端。但大多数学者仍认为政府应该在改造的过程中发挥主导作用,问题是政府应该在城中村改造中发挥怎样的作用,或者说市场的边界又在哪里。本文初步明确了城中村改造中政府干预的重点和市场的边界,阐明了城中村改造的总体思路,最后提出了防止城中村改造失败的对策。  相似文献   

Some economists routinely argue against government regulation that limits the number of mergers and acquisitions. They believe that, as a matter of empirical fact, almost all mergers enhance economic efficiency. The possibility that some mergers do not create wealth but merely redistribute it is ignored. We study all companies delisted from the New York Stock Exchange for reason of merger since 1926. We find that economic efficiency cannot easily explain merger waves. Contrary to the disciplinary hypothesis, acquisition targets are not, in large majority, poor stock market performers. We also report evidence consistent with stock market undervaluation as a merger motive.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment examined the effect of reporting poll results on opinions regarding a legislative proposal affecting higher education. The results indicated that exposure to poll results was more likely to change opinions when the proposal had few personal consequences, and when the majority position in the polls was counter to the opinions held by most subjects. Under these conditions, a ‘bandwagon effect’ resulted wherein subjects tended to switch to the majority position reported in the polls. However, when the personal consequences of the proposal were substantial, and/or the majority position was consistent with the views of most subjects, poll results had little or no impact on opinions. These results suggest that, in certain circumstances, reported poll results are viewed as an acceptable basis for opinions on government policies, and that governments can use poll results strategically to sway the opinions of voters - especially voters who are relatively unaffected by the policy.  相似文献   

A rich person who fears a loss of income may later favor redistributive taxation and a mix of taxes and public goods that differs from the one he now favors. If mobility is costly, and if government in each period uses majority voting to determine policy, then this person may prefer to live in a community that is permanently ruled by poor residents. Majority voting is a mechanism that can overcome intertemporal commitment problems of income insurance.  相似文献   

以广东省三个政务机构微博为主要研究对象,通过内容分析发现,被认为强化了政府与网民互动的政务微博在内容发布上仍以宣传类为主,以微博发布为主导的沟通内容为数很少、对微博的回复率也很低;不过从另外一个方面看,政务微博的内容发布形式兼具主动和原创,对于网民仍具有一定的吸引力.研究者经过分析认为,以微博为典型代表的社交媒体改变了原有的官民沟通格局,政府传播需了解新媒体传播模式.为此,研究者建议未来的政务微博运营应当利用新媒体特性畅通民众言路,同时也需更长远地积极营造畅通有效的社会沟通机制.  相似文献   

出租车特许经营权管制评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国政府对出租车行业实行严格的准入管制,但基于自然垄断特性而对出租车行业进行准入管制的理由是不充分的。在特许经营权收益绝大部分分配给了出租车公司的情况下,政府管制使出租车公司获得垄断高价,并侵害到出租车司机与乘客的权益;出租车公司的高额利润导致非法营运增多,显然其收益与贡献是极其不匹配的。深层次原因是市场需求与准入管制的时滞性矛盾、出租车数量在空间分布上的不均衡及政府将新增道路上出租车的特许经营权完全无偿赋予了出租车公司。现阶段,在促进有效竞争的基础上实行管制创新就成为一个必然的选择。  相似文献   

At the 2005 General Election the Labour Party won an overall majority of Parliamentary seats but won the votes of less than a quarter of the electorate. Such an outcome may raise concerns about the democratic legitimacy of the government. The introduction of the Null MP electoral system would solve this ‘legitimation crisis’: every abstention would be counted as a vote for a Null candidate, who, if elected in the usual first‐past‐the‐post way, would be assumed to vote against all legislation introduced by the government. Very different outcomes would have resulted had this electoral system been in place at the last two General Elections.  相似文献   

Despite the broadening use of systematic approaches to project management, the majority of related literature is focused on a handful of industries—construction, engineering, government, information technology, and utilities—that have, until recently, been the traditional areas for project management. Currently, the nontraditional project management areas include banking, pharmaceuticals, consulting, advertising, legal, health care, safety, and nontraditional manufacturing and industrial sectors (Kerzner, 2001). In recognition of growth, scholars and practitioners have begun to include viewpoints generalized across the field as well as perspectives from specific industries. We report on the findings from a systematic review of project management literature.  相似文献   

Why did the Iranian government push its economy towards Dutch disease, even when the consensus of Iranian economists and the majority of the media warned about the consequences of the adopted policies and the symptoms of economic illness? This study shows that Iranian Dutch disease occurred between 2006 and 2009 when a combination of favorable socioeconomic incentives and affirmative structural‐cultural backgrounds, including public acceptance of redistributive policies, short‐term perspectives of life and the development process, institutionalized obedience, and the increasing general perception of corruption, led the government to neglect economists' warnings and insist on its policies.  相似文献   

国防工业高校科研能力趋势评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘微微  石春生  李靖 《价值工程》2010,29(31):256-257
通过对国防工业高校科研特点的分析,基于生态位理论的基本思想,运用数学建模的方法,构建具有速度特征的国防工业高校科研能力趋势评价模型,并通过算例证明该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

Why do firms concomitantly rely on more than one organizational arrangement to procure/distribute a given input/product? In this paper, we systematically review and discuss the extensive path undergone by the literature exploring this issue: the so‐called plural forms. We address two main questions: how to explain the coexistence (and often the prevalence) of plural forms in many types of businesses? Are plural forms stable or a transitory phenomenon? We describe the most prominent motivations identified in the economics and management literature that drive firms to adopt plural forms and show that their vast majority are related to the mitigation of various types of agency/transaction costs. We also demonstrate that most of the available pieces of empirical evidence suggest the stability of plural forms over time. We conclude by demonstrating the path that has been trailed by the most recent developments.  相似文献   

当前,我国城市住宅短缺问题突出,政府城市住宅政策尚不完善。有鉴于此,回顾和总结新中国成立初期的城市住房政策就颇有意义。在新中国成立初期,我国同样面临城市住宅短缺的问题。当时,私有住宅占城市住宅总量的绝大多数。中国政府采取两步走的公有化策略,公私并存和社会主义改造。通过对城市住宅的公有化,政府手中掌握了大量的城市住宅资源,有利于管理和分配。但在公有化过程中私人房主的利益一而再地被忽视和损害。回看新中国成立初期的那段历史,可以为我们今天城市住宅制度的制定提供一些启示,一是,住宅制度的制定需遵循经济规律;二是,满足百姓的住宅需求是住宅制度的根本目标。  相似文献   

王彦军 《价值工程》2004,23(7):42-44
本文从激励理论出发指出了沟通在员工激励中的必要性,从企业激励方案制定、实施的实践活动中指出了沟通的重要性,最后提出加强企业内部沟通提高企业激励员工有效性的一些建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国科技型中小企业普遍面临着融资困境,究其原因,市场失灵和政府失灵是导致当前我国科技型中小企业陷入融资困境的主要原因,而银企信息不对称以及科技型中小企业信号发送障碍是导致科技型中小企业信贷市场失灵的关键,政府在金融市场体系建设过程中的职能错位是导致政府失灵的根源。因此,要降低银企之间的信息不对称程度和更好地发挥政府职能,应该大力发展关系型贷款、积极尝试互联网股权众筹融资、完善信用担保体系、完善知识产权和企业经营管理权“权”压融资服务体系、发行知识产权金融支持证券、成立政策性科技银行、发展小额贷款担保公司和区域性中小商业银行等,以缓解科技型中小企业的融资困境。  相似文献   

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