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This paper develops a new model for the analysis of stochastic volatility (SV) models. Since volatility is a latent variable in SV models, it is difficult to evaluate the exact likelihood. In this paper, a non-linear filter which yields the exact likelihood of SV models is employed. Solving a series of integrals in this filter by piecewise linear approximations with randomly chosen nodes produces the likelihood, which is maximized to obtain estimates of the SV parameters. A smoothing algorithm for volatility estimation is also constructed. Monte Carlo experiments show that the method performs well with respect to both parameter estimates and volatility estimates. We illustrate our model by analysing daily stock returns on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Since the method can be applied to more general models, the SV model is extended so that several characteristics of daily stock returns are allowed, and this more general model is also estimated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of tornado activity on house prices and stock returns in the US. First, using geo-referenced and metropolitan statistical area (MSA)-level data, we find tornado activity to be responsible for a significant drop in house prices. Spillover tornado effects between adjacent MSAs are also detected. Furthermore, our granular analysis provides evidence of tornadoes having a negative impact on stock returns. However, only two sectors seem to contribute to such a negative effect (i.e., consumer discretionary and telecommunications). In a macro-analysis, which relies on aggregate data for the South, West, Midwest and Northeast US regions, we then show that tornado activity generates a significant drop in house prices only in the South and Midwest. In these regions, tornadoes are also responsible for a drop in income. Tornado activity is finally found to positively (negatively) affect stock returns in the Midwest (South). If different sectors are examined, a more heterogeneous picture emerges.  相似文献   

This paper modeled the effects of firms’ fundamentals such as total assets and long-term debt and of macroeconomic variables such as unemployment and interest rates on quarterly stock prices of over 3000 US firms in the period 2000–07. The merged CRSP/Compustat database was augmented by macroeconomic variables and comprehensive dynamic models were estimated by maximum likelihood taking into account heterogeneity across firms. Likelihood ratio statistics were developed for sequentially testing hypotheses regarding the adequacy of macroeconomic variables in the models. The main findings were that the estimated coefficients of lagged stock prices in simple dynamic random effects models were in the interval 0.90–0.95. Second, comprehensive dynamic models for stock prices showed that the firms’ earnings per share, total assets, long-term debt, dividends per share, and unemployment and interest rates were significant predictors; there were significant interactions between firms’ long-term debt and interest rates. Finally, implications of the results for corporate policies are discussed.  相似文献   

We estimate a behavioural heterogeneous agents model with boundedly rational traders who know the fundamental stock price, but disagree about the persistence of deviations from the fundamental. Some agents (fundamentalists) believe in mean-reversion of stock prices, while others (chartists) expect a continuation of the trend. Agents gradually switch between the two rules, based upon their relative performance, leading to self-reinforcing regimes of mean-reversion and trend-following. For the fundamental benchmark price we use two well-known models, the Gordon model with a constant risk premium and the Campbell-Cochrane consumption-habit model with a time-varying risk premium. We estimate a two-type switching model using U.S. stock prices until 2016Q4. The estimations show an improvement over representative agent models that is both statistically and economically significant. Our model suggests that behavioural regime switching strongly amplifies booms and busts, in particular, the dot-com bubble and the financial crisis in 2008.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper, Mak, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 55, 1993, 945, derived an efficient algorithm for solving non‐linear unbiased estimation equations. In this paper, we show that when Mak's algorithm is applied to biased estimation equations, it results in the estimates that would come from solving a bias‐corrected estimation equation, making it a consistent estimator if regularity conditions hold. In addition, the properties that Mak established for his algorithm also apply in the case of biased estimation equations but for estimates from the bias‐corrected equations. The marginal likelihood estimator is obtained when the approach is applied to both maximum likelihood and least squares estimation of the covariance matrix parameters in the general linear regression model. The new approach results in two new estimators when applied to the profile and marginal likelihood functions for estimating the lagged dependent variable coefficient in the dynamic linear regression model. Monte Carlo simulation results show the new approach leads to a better estimator when applied to the standard profile likelihood. It is therefore recommended for situations in which standard estimators are known to be biased.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation and inference of spatial panel data models with heterogeneous spatial lag coefficients, with and without weakly exogenous regressors, and subject to heteroskedastic errors. A quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation procedure is developed and the conditions for identification of the spatial coefficients are derived. The QML estimators of individual spatial coefficients, as well as their mean group estimators, are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Small‐sample properties of the proposed estimators are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations and results are shown to be in line with the paper's key theoretical findings, even for panels with moderate time dimensions and irrespective of the number of cross‐section units. A detailed empirical application to US house price changes during the 1975–2014 period shows a significant degree of heterogeneity in spatiotemporal dynamics over the 338 Metropolitan Statistical Areas considered.  相似文献   

We provide an empirical framework for assessing the distributional properties of daily speculative returns within the context of the continuous‐time jump diffusion models traditionally used in asset pricing finance. Our approach builds directly on recently developed realized variation measures and non‐parametric jump detection statistics constructed from high‐frequency intra‐day data. A sequence of simple‐to‐implement moment‐based tests involving various transformations of the daily returns speak directly to the importance of different distributional features, and may serve as useful diagnostic tools in the specification of empirically more realistic continuous‐time asset pricing models. On applying the tests to the 30 individual stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, we find that it is important to allow for both time‐varying diffusive volatility, jumps, and leverage effects to satisfactorily describe the daily stock price dynamics. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a regime switching model of stochastic lumber prices is better for the analysis of optimal harvesting problems in forestry than a more traditional single regime model. Prices of lumber derivatives are used to calibrate a regime switching model, with each of two regimes characterized by a different mean reverting process. A single regime, mean reverting process is also calibrated. The value of a representative stand of trees and optimal harvesting prices are determined by specifying a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Variational Inequality, which is solved for both pricing models using a implicit finite difference approach. The regime switching model is found to more closely match the behavior of futures prices than the single regime model. In addition, analysis of a tree harvesting problem indicates significant differences in terms of land value and optimal harvest thresholds between the regime switching and single regime models.  相似文献   

This paper compares several models for forecasting regional hourly day-ahead electricity prices, while accounting for fundamental drivers. Forecasts of demand, in-feed from renewable energy sources, fossil fuel prices, and physical flows are all included in linear and nonlinear specifications, ranging in the class of ARFIMA-GARCH models—hence including parsimonious autoregressive specifications (known as expert-type models). The results support the adoption of a simple structure that is able to adapt to market conditions. Indeed, we include forecasted demand, wind and solar power, actual generation from hydro, biomass, and waste, weighted imports, and traditional fossil fuels. The inclusion of these exogenous regressors, in both the conditional mean and variance equations, outperforms in point and, especially, in density forecasting when the superior set of models is considered. Indeed, using the model confidence set and considering northern Italian prices, predictions indicate the strong predictive power of regressors, in particular in an expert model augmented for GARCH-type time-varying volatility. Finally, we find that using professional and more timely predictions of consumption and renewable energy sources improves the forecast accuracy of electricity prices more than using predictions publicly available to researchers.  相似文献   

Previous studies have not addressed the question of whether successful targets of hostile bids adopt specific defenses, or whether a relation exists between the type of defense and subsequent management turnover. This study finds that sale or buyback of stock is the most common-and probably the most successful-form of defense employed by targets to defeat hostile bidders, and that stock buyback leads to management retrenchment in the post-defeat period. The management turnover announcement has no impact on the target stock price and appears to convey no new information to the market.  相似文献   

This paper develops methods for stochastic search variable selection (currently popular with regression and vector autoregressive models) for vector error correction models where there are many possible restrictions on the cointegration space. We show how this allows the researcher to begin with a single unrestricted model and either do model selection or model averaging in an automatic and computationally efficient manner. We apply our methods to a large UK macroeconomic model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new count data stochastic frontier model that researchers can use in order to study efficiency in production when the output variable is a count (so that its conditional distribution is discrete). We discuss parametric and nonparametric estimation of the model, and a Monte Carlo study is presented in order to evaluate the merits and applicability of the new model in small samples. Finally, we use the methods discussed in this article to estimate a production function for the number of patents awarded to a firm given expenditure on R&D.  相似文献   

Research in economics and finance documents a puzzling negative relationship between stock returns and inflation rate in markets of industrialized economies. The present study investigates this relationship for the developing markets of Peru and Chile. Fama's model of linkages between inflation and real economic activity constitutes the theoretical framework of this paper. The study tests whether the negative relationship between equity returns and inflation is a result of a ‘proxy effect’, namely, a negative relationship between inflation and real economic activity. The evidence for Peru and Chile does not provide strong support for Fama's hypothesis. It is shown that the negative relationship between the real stock returns and unexpected inflation persists after purging inflation of the effects of the real economic activity. The long‐run equilibrium between stock prices and general price levels is weak, as indicated by the findings of the Johansen and Juselius co‐integration tests. However, in both economies, stock prices and general price levels seem to show a strong long‐run equilibrium with the real economic activity. These findings suggest that in the long‐run, Fama's propositions A and B are supported for Peru and Chile. The disparity between traditional regression and co‐integration test results suggest that it may be prudent to re‐examine the proxy effect in the framework of a long‐run relationship before denying its validity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A demonstration is provided of rigorous, statistical methodology whereby both the type and order of an error process can be identified in dynamic, single equation econometric models. The paper relies heavily upon maximum likelihood estimation, nested likelihood ratio tests and the overfitting or exponentially weighted procedure for model selection. An application of the methodology to a class of quarterly wage determination models is included.  相似文献   

We propose a new conditionally heteroskedastic factor model, the GICA-GARCH model, which combines independent component analysis (ICA) and multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models. This model assumes that the data are generated by a set of underlying independent components (ICs) that capture the co-movements among the observations, which are assumed to be conditionally heteroskedastic. The GICA-GARCH model separates the estimation of the ICs from their fitting with a univariate ARMA-GARCH model. Here, we will use two ICA approaches to find the ICs: the first estimates the components, maximizing their non-Gaussianity, while the second exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating and identifying the common ICs, we fit a univariate GARCH model to each of them in order to estimate their univariate conditional variances. The GICA-GARCH model then provides a new framework for modelling the multivariate conditional heteroskedasticity in which we can explain and forecast the conditional covariances of the observations by modelling the univariate conditional variances of a few common ICs. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. Finally, we present an empirical application to the Madrid stock market, where we evaluate the forecasting performances of the GICA-GARCH and two additional factor GARCH models: the orthogonal GARCH and the conditionally uncorrelated components GARCH.  相似文献   

In statistical diagnostics and sensitivity analysis, the local influence method plays an important role and has certain advantages over other methods in several situations. In this paper, we use this method to study time series of count data when employing a Poisson autoregressive model. We consider case‐weights, scale, data, and additive perturbation schemes to obtain their corresponding vectors and matrices of derivatives for the measures of slope and normal curvatures. Based on the curvature diagnostics, we take a stepwise local influence approach to deal with data with possible masking effects. Finally, our established results are illustrated to be effective by analyzing a stock transactions data set.  相似文献   

This article investigates the determinants of large changes in stock prices. Empirical evidences suggest that the asymmetry phenomenon in determinants of large changes in stock prices is found in three stock exchanges. In the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), momentum effect accounts for most of the likelihood of big gains in stock prices, while liquidity characteristics account for sharp declines of stock prices. An interesting finding is that the opposite is true for stocks traded in Amex and NASDAQ. The possible explanations of the different results in different stock exchanges may attribute to the characteristics of firms listed in these stock exchanges are different.  相似文献   

We develop an envelope condition method (ECM) for dynamic programming problems – a tractable alternative to expensive conventional value function iteration (VFI). ECM has two novel features: first, to reduce the cost of iteration on Bellman equation, ECM constructs policy functions using envelope conditions which are simpler to analyze numerically than first-order conditions. Second, to increase the accuracy of solutions, ECM solves for derivatives of value function jointly with value function itself. We complement ECM with other computational techniques that are suitable for high-dimensional problems, such as simulation-based grids, monomial integration rules and derivative-free solvers. The resulting value-iterative ECM method can accurately solve models with at least up to 20 state variables and can successfully compete in accuracy and speed with state-of-the-art Euler equation methods. We also use ECM to solve a challenging default risk model with a kink in value and policy functions.  相似文献   

In this paper a computationally practical simulation estimator is proposed for the two‐tiered dynamic panel Tobit model originally developed by Cragg ( 1971 ). The log‐likelihood function simulated through procedures based on a recursive algorithm formulated by the Geweke–Hajivassiliou–Keane simulator is maximized. The simulation estimators are then applied to study the labor supply of married women. The rich dynamic structure of the labor force participation decision as well as hours worked decisions that are conditional on the participation of married women are identified by using the proposed simulation estimators. The average partial effects of the participation and hours worked decisions for married women in response to fertility decisions and increases in the husband's income are also investigated. It is found that the hypothesis that the fertility decision is exogenous and the hypothesis that the husband's income is exogenous to married women's labor supply function are both rejected in the dynamic and static two‐tiered models. Moreover, children aged between 6 and 13 years old may have a negative impact on the hours worked decision for married women that is conditional on their participation. However, these children may provide some positive incentives for married women to participate in the labor force. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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