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文章以南昌市为例,对城市社区凝聚力的现状进行了调查,发现社区公共服务、居委会主体作用、居民参与度以及人际关系等方面都存在不同程度的缺失,并有针对性地提出了解决的对策。  相似文献   

科普工作是我国科技事业的重要组成部分,有利于提高公民科学素质,对推动我国经济社会健康发展具有重要意义.对城市社区科普模式进行研究,有利于提升全国科普工作水平.本文通过对深圳市科普情况的调查研究,综合国外科普工作的实践经验,提出我国城市社区科普模式应从领导机制、经费结构、人员配备、组织形式、评估体系、资源开发、产业推动等方面加以改善的建议意见.  相似文献   

社区参与是指旅游目的地居民参与旅游开发与发展,并通过参与来享受经济、社会等各项利益,社区参与旅游发展成为当今旅游业可持续发展过程中一项重要内容和不可缺少的环节.本文以甘肃省玛曲县社区参与情况为例,对社区发展的相关利益群体进行分析,提出玛曲县社区参与旅游发展的模式,并建立社区发展保障机制,力图为玛曲县旅游发展提供一个较好的方向.  相似文献   

唐雪梅 《理论观察》2014,(11):42-43
基于X保障安置房社区的调查发现,目前社区服务中存在社区服务行政化倾向明显、社区居民参与力度不够、提供的服务缺乏专业化、社区服务供求关系矛盾突出等问题,居民难以获得合格的服务。从社区服务的研究背景出发,提出培育和利用社会团体与组织、倡导居民提升参与积极性、增加服务专业化水平、重视居民的实际需求等四项措施为社区居民提供有效和公平的服务,促进社区稳定发展。  相似文献   

在信息技术蓬勃发展、移动互联网技术在社会大众的生产生活中得到广泛应用的情况下,我国各地区针对智慧城市的建设和发展进行了分析,并在社区建设方面,尝试将微信平台建设作为基础探索社区新型信息化平台的建设和应用,为社区服务工作的开展提供了信息技术方面的支撑。文章以江苏省常熟市湖中社区微信平台的建设作为研究案例,针对社区新型信息化平台的建设现状和建设发展对策加以探究,力求能为社区工作的信息化建设和发展提供良好的支持和保障。  相似文献   

文章阐释了民族社区文化的内涵与价值;概述了西藏拉萨市在社区文化建设方面的努力与成绩;分析了西藏拉萨市在文化建设方面存在的问题;探讨拉萨城市社区文化建设与发展的对策措施:第一,发挥传统优势,打造特色民族社区文化;第二,开展社区文化教育,形成良好的社区道德风范;第三,增强民族文化认同感,培育和谐的社区精神。  相似文献   

文章运用线上线下相结合的访谈、角色扮演、问卷分析等方法,选取影响力较大的整栋式社区型青年公寓,研究其发展路程、社区新特征与社区功能服务效果。结果发现青年社区跨地域的扩张是社会发展需求的趋势,青年社区的发展特征是社区重塑成功的缩影,青年社区筛选有针对性的群体是社区重塑的新发现,青年社区发展过程中最重要的表征是共同价值观,这对青年社区的建设营造具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

发展社区医疗是我国卫生事业改革的重要内容,也是城市社区管理的重要内容。其成败不仅仅是一个医疗问题,也是一个社会问题,甚至是一个涉及到社会稳定、和谐的政治问题。要使社区医疗事业得到健康快速发展,社区医疗机构从业人员的工作满意度是关键。兰州市是典型的欠发达地区,本文以兰州市社区医疗机构从业人员为例,对社区医疗机构从业人员的工作满意度状况进行研究。得到:整体工作满意度为3.33,工作满意度在5个维度上有很大差异,满意度得分排序从高到低分别为:压力、工作环境、被认同、待遇和职业前景。其中,压力与工作环境2个维度处于满意状态;被认同与待遇2个维度处于基本满意状态;职业前景处于不满意状态。  相似文献   

韩丹 《特区经济》2011,(10):288-291
社区公共服务外包是一种新型的政府提供社区公共服务的模式,它将社区公共服务的提供和生产的概念区分开来,较好地兼顾了服务提供的效率和公平,而专业的社工、非营利组织和营利性组织进入社区服务领域,大大改善了社区的服务环境,满足社区人群对公共服务日益提升的多元化需求,对当前社区公共服务质量的提升有着明显的正外部效应和挤进效应。本文希望通过对社区公共服务外包的概念界定,以及对现行社区公共服务现状和模式的分析,通过建立完善服务采购机制、绩效考评机制(社会评价体系)和社区服务监督准入机制等制度设计,确保社区公共服务外包的财力效益最大化。  相似文献   

残疾人社区服务涉及帮扶服务、社区康复、残疾人文化等内容,城市残疾人社区服务已引起广泛关注。本文以武汉市H社区为例,重点分析社区服务现状和存在的问题,最后主要从服务工作改善和发展方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the preliminary effects of the new healthcare reform plan for hospital expenditures in China. Cross-sectional patient-level data are used for the analysis. We employ an endogenous switching regression model to account for heterogeneity and sample selection. The results show that the reform plan can significantly reduce total hospitalization expenses and medication fees for patients who select the pilot hospital. It may exert inadequate control over inspection fees, but as the advance of the reform, the control is likely to improve gradually. Our findings underscore the importance of realigning incentives for healthcare providers in China.  相似文献   

Performance signals in the public sector: the case of health care   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although there are no traditional markets and money prices inthe public sector, consumers and providers may respond to signalsof organisational performance. We present a simple dynamic modelof the demand and supply for elective surgery in the UK NationalHealth Service in which waiting time acts as the prime indicatorof performance. The model is tested using a panel of quarterlydata for 123 English health authorities over an eight-year period.We find that supply is increasing and demand is decreasing inmeasures of the previous period waiting time. The results implythat health care systems which are rationed by waiting do respondto indicators of waiting times. The paper adds to the smallbut consistent body of research which demonstrates that publicsector systems respond to important aspects of reported performance.  相似文献   

Thts article begins with the observation that community participation in health Involves the activation of local material and human resources. It follows from this that the study of local resources is essential in planning community health care. With this in mind, the article discusses family health care as a key human resource in handling disease. With a case study from rural Transkei, the article illustrates the role and functions of family health care. Finally, family health care is assessed as a potentially viable unit for stimulating community participation in local health and health care.  相似文献   

贵阳城市经济圈建设发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《改革与战略》2011,27(1):114-116
2006年以来,贵阳城市经济圈的建设发展在经济增长、现代交通运输体系、特色产业集群和区域合作等方面取得了可喜成绩。与此同时,贵阳城市经济圈的建设发展也面临着一些问题。在综合分析影响贵阳城市经济圈建设发展的多种因素后,文章认为,要建设好、发展好贵阳城市经济圈应以科学发展观为指引,强化市场体系的推动作用和突出政府的拉动作用、增进科学研究的辅助决策作用等。  相似文献   

In recent years, Chinese local governments have experimented with integrating the social health insurance system segmented between rural and urban areas to unify the administration, policy, and funds of various health insurance programs. In this study, we take advantage of the staggered implementation of the urban-rural health insurance integration across cities over time to examine the impacts of the integration on rural residents' health care utilization and health outcomes. Based on an original city-year level policy dataset and the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) for the years 2011, 2013, and 2015, we find that the integration significantly increases the middle-aged and older rural residents' inpatient care utilization and this positive effect is particularly salient in poor areas. Moreover, we find that the positive policy effect of integration is attributed to enhanced health insurance benefits, such as a higher reimbursement rate for inpatient care. However, the integration has limited impacts on the middle-aged and older rural residents' health outcomes. This study reveals the partial success of urban-rural health insurance integration to reduce health care inequality in China.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the efficiency gains resulting from the introduction of electronic technologies to monitor and support adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in Guguletu, South Africa. It suggests that the rollout of HAART to such resource-poor communities can be assisted significantly by the introduction of modified cellphones (to provide home based support to people on HAART and improve the management of adherence data) and simple bar-coding and scanning equipment (to manage drug supplies). The cellphones have improved the management of information, and simplified the working lives of therapeutic counsellors, thereby enabling them to spend less time on administration and to devote a constant amount of time per patient even though their case loads have risen threefold. It has helped integrate the local-level primary health service provision of HAART with the kind of centralised data capture and analysis that could potentially support a national HAART rollout.  相似文献   

分包是船舶建造行业广泛采用的一种生产形式,但存有风险。分包过程中的风险识别与管理已成为中小船厂当前急需解决的问题。无锡红旗船厂有限公司利用工作分解结构法与专家调查法,对生产出口拖轮建造项目的分包风险进行分析;根据帕累托二八原理,制定了规避主要风险的应对措施,效果良好。文章对此进行了详细表述。  相似文献   

This study provides an integrated framework and practice model of the sustainable livelihoods (SL) and the asset-based community development (ABCD) approaches. A household survey of a rural village in South Africa is used as a basis of analysis to demonstrate the application of the integrated approach. The results elucidate the vulnerability of the people and a range of inter-locking and multi-dimensional factors contributing to poverty in the community. The results also show people's assets, capabilities and activities which enable them to cope and survive despite constraints and shortcomings. It was found that the integrated SL/ABCD framework is a useful framework to understand the strengths of a vulnerable community in order to plan and implement sustainable community development strategies.  相似文献   

文章以河南省偃师市为例,通过对农家书屋的实地调查,概述了农家书屋建设取得的成就和在新农村建设中发挥的积极作用,指出了存在的问题,同时对农家书屋的可持续发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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