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王剑 《魅力中国》2014,(9):268-268
随着世界文化产业的发展,数字电影艺术闻入人们的生活。电影本身是一个综合的文化形式,它是艺术和技术的结合体,尤其是数字电影中的特效制作,依赖信息产业链条中数字技术的进步。本文就近年来国际间数字电影研究内容做以综述,针对数字电影特效技术领域进行细致研究,分析数字电影特效类型及科技特点。以期为国内电影文化产业的理论研究带来帮助。  相似文献   

近年中国电影产业发展取得了一些令人欣喜的成绩,给国内电影产业很大鼓舞,但是国内电影产业在不断发展的过程中,也暴露出许多不足。本文分析了我国当前电影产业发展中出现的几个比较突出的问题,并就如何加快中国电影产业发展提出具体的解决对策,最后结合我国经济发展现状对我国电影产业发展进行了前景展望。  相似文献   

近年来,国内社会经济水平逐渐提升,互联网的普及与应用改善了人们的生活。在互联网背景下,传统电影产业难以适应时代的发展,也逐渐脱离了人们日益多元化的需求。在新媒体时代,数字网络技术取代了传统的电影制作方法,新媒体电影产业逐渐得到发展。新媒体电影产业的产生和发展满足了人们的现代化生活习惯,使人们仅仅依靠手机或者电脑就能观看喜欢的电影,不用走出房门,也不用购买影票。  相似文献   

中国电影产业正进入快速发展期。其发展受到三股力量的影响:全球电影市场的竞争推力、顾客需求拉动力和电影人的首创驱动力。中国电影产业要不断推动技术发展,回归对中国文化的演绎,艺术与商业并重,创新盈利模式,走全球化发展之路,加强电影产业研究。  相似文献   

近几年,我国电影产业蓬勃发展,然而电影产业快速发展的背后隐藏的问题却不容忽视。供给侧结构性改革侧重生产要素的供给和有效利用,扩大有效供给,推进结构调整。基于供给侧结构性改革视角,探讨中国电影产业发展存在的问题及影响因素,并从重视对电影技术人才的培养、完善多展次资本市场体系、充分利用"互联网+"、提高创意能力、加大对中国电影价值趋向的扶持及完善基础公共电影放映服务供给等六个方面提出中国电影产业供给侧结构性改革的思路。  相似文献   

数字经济在全球蓬勃发展,数字文创产业是数字经济的重要组成部分。在全球经济激烈竞争的局势下,近年来,我国数字文创产业已经有了较大发展。挑战与机遇并存,我国数字文创产业面临核心技术研发和应用能力不足、精准政策指导缺乏、人才评定体系不完善等问题。新时代中国化马克思主义科技创新理论涵盖坚持科技自主创新、深化科技体制改革、把握产业革命趋势、实施聚集人才举措、加强国际交流合作等方面。运用中国化马克思主义科技创新理论对我国数字文创产业发展进行理论与实践指导,在技术、政策、人才等方面发力,旨在推进我国数字文创产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

"十三五"规划纲要提出,要在"十三五"期间将文化产业建设成为国民经济支柱性产业。作为文化产业核心之一的电影产业此时发挥着巨大的作用。我国电影产业在近年发展形势喜人,目前已经成为世界第二大电影强国。然而如此大的发行量背后是巨额的电影产业对外贸易逆差,这不利于我国整体电影产业的发展。文章结合PEST对我国电影产业现状进行分析,结合美国、韩国、法国电影行业的发展历程,分析对我国的电影产业发展启示。  相似文献   

随着计算能力、大数据和算法模型的突破以及数字新基建的推进,预计2020年浙江人工智能核心产业规模将快速增长、人工智能行业应用将加速发展人工智能是引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革的战略性技术,浙江省谋划布局早,取得了先发优势,人工智能产业发展处于国内第一梯队。预计2020年浙江人工智能产业发展将继续保持良好态势。  相似文献   

陈勇 《浙江经济》2022,(6):56-57
<正>深入分析研究科技创新引领产业变革的发展路径,有利于浙江更宽领域更高层次转入创新驱动发展模式,加快高水平创新型省份建设步伐科技革命是产业革命的先导与源泉。当前新一轮科技革命和产业变革突飞猛进,科技创新呈现出广度显著加大、深度显著加深、速度显著加快、精度显著加强的鲜明态势。深入分析研究科技创新引领产业变革的发展路径,对浙江更宽领域更高层次转入创新驱动发展模式,加快高水平创新型省份建设步伐,打造“重要窗口”,争创社会主义现代化先行省,高质量发展建设共同富裕示范区具有重大意义。  相似文献   

史征 《北方经济》2011,(18):47-48
基于互联网和信息技术的大发展,网络电影甩掉了"非主流"的身份,越来越受到了电影人和网谜的追捧,国内众多的网民和庞大的电影迷是网络电影和雄厚市场基础;通过从收费点播到免费观看的盈利模式的变化,进一步扩大了网络电影的影响力;蕴藏的无限商机吸引了大量资本介入网络电影,助推了网络电影的迅猛发展。今后,要在产业融合与产业监管上大胆创新,保持网络电影的新鲜活力。  相似文献   

A prime consideration of technological competition is the observation that firms are engaged in a race toward a larger market share. A major focus is the strategic orientation of corporations in participating in such a race, revealing empirically observable phenomena such as ‘catch-up’ and ‘leapfrogging’, as supported by statistical measurements. A statistical profiling of technological evolution and innovation is analyzed as it relates to competitive racing and rivalry among leading firms. Among the performance criteria to be assessed are frequency of frontier pushing, technological domination period, innovations versus imitations in the race, innovation frequency when behind or ahead, nature of jumps, leapfrogging or frontier-sticking, inter-jump times and jump sizes, race closeness measures, and interfrontier distance. A tentative policy conclusion of the paper is that technological racing patterns on a micro scale reinforce globalization and limit control of national and industry policy.  相似文献   

文章主要对选煤技术以及工艺流程进行详细的阐述,并对选煤技术的发展进行分析与展望,以期通过相关研究改进选煤技术,把选煤技术与可持续发展结合起来,从而提高选煤质量,降低选煤成本,实现选煤工业化。  相似文献   

Endogenous price leadership and technological differences   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This study constructs a two-stage game of price leadership in a duopolistic market for a homogeneous product. In the first period, the two firms determine a price leader; they set a price for the product in the second period. It is demonstrated in the present study that the technologically superior firm tends to become a price leader. This result reveals that price leadership is determined by the interaction of "competitive force", which prevents the price leader from choosing too high a price (like the joint profit maximizing price or the cartel price), and "collusive force", which prevents a price from falling to a Bertrand price.  相似文献   

文章研究了科技报告制度建设对科技情报机构的作用,认为科技报告制度建设可以充实完善科技情报机构的科技文献资源,提高科技情报机构的科技查新水平,提高科技情报机构的科研能力,提高科技情报机构的科技评价水平。通过科技报告的持续积累、完整收藏和科技报告质量的提高,科技报告制度建设对科技情报机构的作用将会逐渐显现。  相似文献   

企业技术中心建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施技术创新工程是转变经济增长方式的重要途径,加强企业技术创新是搞好国民经济、发展民族工业的内在需求.技术中心是企业研究开发、技术决策咨询、企业开展产学研联合、吸引人才和人才培训的中心.技术中心建设是实施技术创新工程的载体,是实施技术创新的关键环节.  相似文献   

This paper explores possible approaches to quantifying the relationship between expenditures on research and development and economic development. The mechanisms that underpin the transfer of scientific results via the imports of final products, goods, and services have been analyzed. The impact of total R&D costs on the dynamic and structural characteristics of economic development are investigated. The level of R&D costs, which is required in the medium term in order to pursue the constructive scenario for the development of the Russian economy, has been estimated.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of innovations and technologies in modern social and economic development. There is a discrepancy between the declarative goals contained in government documents on the role of science, technology, and the actual results achieved. It has been shown that in the tough external environment for Russia there is no alternative to the development and creation of domestic competitive technologies. In order to make full use of the scientific and technological potential that has been preserved in the country, it is first of all necessary to restore the full innovative cycle and stimulate the interest of Russian companies in national innovative solutions and competitive technologies. The responsible role of the state in reforming the domestic scientific sector, as well as in the harmonization of relations between the state, business, scientific community, and society as a whole has been emphasized.  相似文献   

Explanations of Japanese technological modernization from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century have increasingly focused on domestic capabilities as opposed to the traditional emphasis on knowledge transfers from the West. Yet, the literature is mostly qualitative and it lacks a comparative context. This article presents quantitative metrics derived from patent data covering Japan, the United States, Britain and Germany and it also exploits non-patent based sources. The evidence shows that Japanese domestic inventive activity exhibited a pattern of rapid modernization to the technology frontier in terms of its level, sectoral distribution and quality. Domestic capabilities were much stronger than is often supposed in accounts that stress the prevalence of Western technology diffusion. A long run expansion in indigenous development set a favorable foundation for the economic growth miracle Japan experienced after the Second World War.  相似文献   

《World development》1986,14(5):605-622
The paper examines the growing phenomenon of developing country exports of investment-related technological (IRT) services. Our analysis indicates that developing countries have become important players on the world market for specific IRT services. However, their success is accounted for almost entirely by a handful of countries which have been able to accumulate human capital, technological capability and physical capital. Our investigating also shows that developing country exports of IRT services are directed almost exclusively towards other developing countries, especially oil-exporting ones.  相似文献   

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