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This paper fully specifies the political and economic markets in which trade policies are formulated and lobbying efforts are determined. In the political market, the winner of a two-candidate race chooses policies, and both candidates have incomplete information about the nonpolicy biases of voters. Voting is probabilistic and lobbying consists of informing candidates of the lobby members' nonpolicy voting biases. Economic markets are described by a Heckscher-Ohlin model. the determinants of lobbying expenditures are developed from these microfoundations instead of being introduced in an ad hoc manner.  相似文献   

发达国家科技财税优惠政策及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发达国家通过研发补助金、委托费、税收优惠政策和政策性融资等财税手段推动科技进步。西方国家财政支持科技进步的具体做法,对正处于产业结构转型时期的中国而言,具有特别重要的借鉴意义。在技术进步周期明显加快的趋势下,中国政府必须进一步加大对科技进步的投入力度,有选择地进行项目扶持,并加大对中小企业技术进步的扶持力度,充分发挥政府采购对高新技术产业的扶持作用,运用税收优惠政策积极推进产业技术升级和结构调整。  相似文献   

作为世界上最发达国家代表的OECD组织,其税收政策在过去的三十年中经历了一系列的改革。从税收政策有效性的角度看,这些改革的效果究竟怎样?本文以此为基本思路,首先从制度经济学的角度对税收政策及其有效性进行新的诠释;其次从改革实践和改革成效两个方面分析OECD国家的税收改革;再次对OECD国家税收改革的有效性进行了评价,最后得出一些启示。  相似文献   

Income Tax, Property Tax, and Tariff in a Small Open Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Why do some countries enjoy high economic growth rates while some suffer in “low-growth traps”? Why are tax policies in different countries so different? Some suggest that it is exactly these differences in government policies which contribute to the difference in economic growth rates. This paper considers a small open economy which sustains its economic growth by adopting new technologies. When the value of initial wealth is “relatively small,” policies which promote growth most result in the highest welfare. In other cases, policies that discourage growth most may be welfare-maximizing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how tariff liberalization has affected exporting at the product‐destination level in emerging countries. We use a highly disaggregated (six‐digit level of the harmonized system—HS—classification) bilateral measure of market access to compare tariffs applied in 1996 and 2006, which includes the timing of the Uruguay Round and episodes of bilateral liberalization. Our econometric estimations consider impacts of tariff cuts on three components of the trade margins: extensive margin of entry (new trade relationships at the product‐destination level), extensive margin of exit (disappearance of existing relationships) and intensive margin of trade (deepening existing relationships). Our main estimates indicate that a reduction of bilateral applied tariffs of 1 percentage point increases the extensive margin of entry by 0.1% and the intensive one by 2.09%, while it reduces the extensive margin of exit by 0.25%.  相似文献   

Part I contrasts the general types of policy advice that follow from three different approaches to understanding economic growth and technological change. Neoclassical theory gives policy advice that is assumed to be relevant for all countries at all times: remove sources of ‘market failures’. Romer's branch of new macro growth theory stresses the nature of knowledge, non-rivalrous and partly appropriable. Structuralist-evolutionary theory is micro based and stresses the uncertainty that is associated with technological advance. Both of the latter approaches conclude that the neoclassical optimal allocation of resources is unachievable and hence the policy advice of removing impediments to achieving that optimum is not well grounded. As a result, policy advice for enhancing technological change must rely on a mixture of theory, empirical analysis and policy judgement. Part II deals with the large amount of context-specific policy advice that follows from structuralist-evolutionary theories.  相似文献   

在工业化初步发展阶段,落后国家采取贸易保护政策具有一定的合理性,然而随着经济的迅速发展,贸易保护存在的理由和社会条件也将日渐消失。在知识经济和经济全球化时代,自由贸易政策将成为促进发展中国家实现经济赶超的捷径。我国加入WTO和推动自由贸易也体现了经济发展的必须性要求。  相似文献   


This article tries to reduce the lack of tax compliance research analysing tax morale in transition countries. The empirical analysis using tax morale as a dependent variable working with World Values Survey data indicates that there is a significantly higher tax morale in Central and Eastern European than in former Soviet Union countries. This difference has increased during the transition process. Furthermore, the article shows that factors such as trust in the legal system and the government have a significant positive effect on tax morale in transition economies.  相似文献   

税收与收入分配:基于发展中国家个人所得税的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于税收分配作用的不同理解和看法导致了税制设计方案的差异。发达国家普遍采用的累进综合个人所得税在发展中国家里面临着更高的管理成本、遵从成本、经济效率成本和政治成本,因而可能不是发展中国家实现收入分配职能的最优策略。对于中国而言,未来个人所得税的改革方向应当是在合理确定劳动所得和资本所得税负水平的基础上,根据纳税人家庭人口数量及就业状况对费用减除标准加以细分。在商品税方面,对日常生活必需品和农业生产资料免征增值税,将更多奢侈品纳入消费税的征收范围,并对与低收入群体日常生活密切相关的服务项目免征营业税。  相似文献   

本文主要利用博弈论中纳什均衡的原理讨论在完全信息情况下,两国在国际贸易中的关税对策问题,并给出了关税对策的最优解。根据最优解讨论了关税增减对两国关税收入的影响,通过案例分析说明了我国加入WTO以后应采取的关税对策。  相似文献   

<正> 投资基金发展至今天,已经成为世界范围的一种重要的投资渠道和理财工具,它是随着股票和债券市场的不断发展而形成的一个种类繁多的大家族。根据基金单位是否增加或赎回,投资基金可分为开放式基金和封闭式基金。开放式基金目前已代表基金业发展的主流。但在我国则处于刚刚起步阶段。我国的第一只开放式基金“华安创新”于2001年9月正式成立,紧接着南方稳健成长证券投资基金和华夏基金也于同年11月首次对外发行。开放式基金作为资本市场中的重要组成部分,它的发展必将给市场带来影响,也给税收的征收与管理带来新的课题。  相似文献   

发展中国家的农业发展问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展中国家在获取政治独立以后,普遍都走上了寻求工业化发展的道路。在这一进程中,“工业化就是一切”,农业的发展几乎处于一种被忽视状态,有的国家甚至出现了“重工抑农”、牺牲农业、发展工业的倾向,导致了原本就很落后的农业更加落后。农业的停滞和落后从根本上制约着发展中国家经济的整体发展,阻碍了发展中国家现代化的实现。正如国外有些学者所指出的那样:发展中国家在第二次世界大战后一段时间经济上的糟糕处境是和农业政策的失误分不开的。  相似文献   

A major constraint on trade liberalization in many countries is the prospective loss of government revenue. Recent results, however, have established a simple and appealing strategy for overcoming this difficulty, whilst still realizing the efficiency gains from liberalization, in small, competitive economies: combining tariff cuts with point‐for‐point increases in destination‐based consumption taxes unambiguously increases both national welfare and total government revenue. This note explores the implications of imperfect competition for this strategy. Examples are easily found in which this strategy unambiguously reduces domestic welfare.  相似文献   

Small farmers in many tropical developing countries practice swidden agriculture. A key aspect of swidden agriculture is the time period during which the land is left fallow. This paper uses a new ecological–economic approach to study the fallow period and to determine the optimal length of this period in swidden agriculture. The authors first construct a theoretical model of a parcel of forest land that has been cleared for swidden agriculture. It is then shown how the dynamic and the stochastic properties of this cleared land can be used to derive two objective functions for a small farmer that are ecologically meaningful. Finally, using these two objectives, a probabilistic approach to the determination of the optimal length of the fallow period is discussed. In this approach, the focus of the small farmer is on maintaining the ecological and the economic sustainability of swidden agriculture on the cleared parcel of forest land (CPFL).  相似文献   

Privatization of state‐owned enterprises may have important welfare implications, in particular in less developed economies where markets are small and domestic firms are typically relatively weak, both technologically and financially. In these environments, a high‐tech foreign investor acquiring the state‐owned assets may end up dominating the local market, thereby harming local consumer and producer interests. A foreign investor, however, is likely to be both willing and able to offer a higher bid for the assets than local investors. This paper addresses the trade‐off for local governments between privatization revenues and foreign market power. The authors find that there may be an incentive to privatize “strategically” by selling the state‐owned firm to a local (less advanced) investor at a lower price in order to achieve a more competitive post‐privatization market structure.  相似文献   

发达国家扶持中小企业发展的税收政策及借鉴   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中小企业在保障人民生活,缓解就业压力,稳定社会等方面具有重要作用。目前,世界各国非常重视中小企业的发展,进而采取了种种税收鼓励措施扶持其发展,发达国家在这方面的许多做法值得我们借鉴。根据我国的实际状况,对中小企业在税收政策上也应实施一定的税收优惠,调整现行增值税和所得税中影响中小企业发展的内容,同时清量对中小企业的不合理收费,进一步加强对中小企业的税收服务。  相似文献   

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