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在经济环境中,现代商品包装设计是一种市场的经济行为.从早期作坊式的模式一直到现在的经营模式,商品包装设计都离不开市场经济,都与商品的生产经营、成本核算密切相关.现代商品包装设计既是商品的重要组成部分,也是现代生活的重要组成部分.它注重市场的品牌效应,有自己的独特性.设计者应该树立正确的市场观念,提高设计的质量和品位,拉近商品与消费者的距离,才能创造一个新的、健康的市场.  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,人们购买力水平不断提高,在商品竞争的压力下,包装设计在吸引消费者并引起购买欲方面起到了非常重要的作用.包装设计与销售方式的有机结合,将有力地提高商品的竞争力与市场销售力,同时也提高了企业品牌的知名度.包装要能体现商品的特性与功能,并要针对自需品、礼品等使用不同的包装策略.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,包装设计由于对商品具有较高的促销功能,能够为企业创造较高的经济价值。从当前来看,商品包装设计只有在特定的经济环境条件下才能够实现其经济价值,才能凸显包装设计在企业管理中的作用。基于此,本文对商品包装及商品包装设计的概念进行揭示,指明当前包装设计所处的经济环境,进而探讨包装设计在企业管理中的经济价值。  相似文献   

阐述了在低碳经济下商品包装生态设计的概念,分析了生态包装设计在国内外的研究现状,探讨商品包装模块化、减量化、节能仿生等生态化设计的思路和方法.  相似文献   

<正>近几年来,在经济发达的国家出现了一股商品包装的复古热,目前这股复古热在中国也是方兴未艾。所谓复古包装是指设计者利用人们热爱大自然返璞归真、怀念过去的心理,人为地创造“旧式”或”原始”包装的形式。这类包装多采用天然材料,装潢粗糙简朴,但风格独特和谐。例如,法国的调味品、酱料、渍菜等食品,是用粗加工的木片盒、木罐、木筒、木丝编织盒包装,顶面只贴上一张印刷的报纸,上面印有几行说明文字,看起来像是几个世纪前的产品,以唤起人们对遥远年代的记忆,我国四川花园豆瓣厂生产的特色产品”郫县豆瓣”采用的包装是手工编制的小篾篓,无任何装潢,顶口以一层红封盖,与酱紫色的小篓相配,显得非常古朴,又富有特色,很有风格。对商品起到了极大的促销作用,出色的商品包装,既有赖于成功的艺术设计,又有赖于心理策略的运用,面对现代市场的激烈竞争,为使商品更有吸引力,企业必须讲究商品包装的设计,并结合消费者的心理特征进行,因此,商品包装设计引起了人们的广泛关注,各种针对消费对象特点的包装策略也就应运而生。  相似文献   

随着社会生产力的不断智能化,生产社会化逐步转向全球化发展,人们对包装设计的科学化、艺术化和合理化的要求越来越高.包装既是商品的外衣,也是商品最完美的诠释.现代包装设计在新格局的引领下快捷起步,有其稳定的基本文化形态,并不断地为社会文化注入鲜活的新内容,文化的不断发展将成为包装设计前进的内驱力.  相似文献   

<正>包装在现代商品流通过程中起着保护产品,方便运输及促进销售的作用,发展至今,已经成为商品不可分割的一部分。包装设计作为传递产品信息并促进销售的主要实现方法一直倍受关注。包装设计中的汉字设计具有十分重要的地位,是最为常见又最难进行创作表达的元素之一。如何运用设计原理,将商品本身的特质通过汉字艺术表达出来是设计者共同的目标。一、汉字艺术的制作包装设计中的汉字包括了商品的基本信息,进行包装汉字的  相似文献   

“人要衣装,物要包装”,说明包装与人们的生活密切相关,它以有形的手段传达出无形的社会审美意识.当下商品市场竞争日趋激烈,同产品密切相关的包装设计也日益受到企业家和设计师的重视.如今,产品之间的质量差异正日趋缩小,这就最终要靠品牌形象的感召力和视觉形象来吸引消费者.包装设计的好坏已经成为商品向顾客进行自我倾诉,并判断商品质量的重要条件,也是众多企业抢占品牌市场的一个重要战略.充分利用系列化包装的特点,争取市场的主动性,是众多企业采取主动市场策略的一个非常有效的手段.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,现代文明也在不断发展。商品包装作为一种新型文明的产物,不仅对商品的效益有着重要作用,更是一种视觉美感的享受。包装的发展见证了社会历史的发展,是一种利用视觉来传达信息的设计,也是各商品之间的一种竞争手段。随着时代的发展,基于视觉传达角度对经济市场商品新包装设计的分析成为了一个热点话题。对此,本文主要讲述了商品包装中视觉传达的要素,以及包装设计对消费文化的作用与实质。  相似文献   

如今的包装设计,仅仅从商品的造型、结构、功能以及色彩等专业设计角度出发已经不够,还要以迎合市场、引导消费、满足人们对商品包装的物质功能与审美功能需要为中心的包装。所以,包装设计与消费心理研究的结合显得越来越重要,好的包装设计除了要解决设计中的基本原则外,还要着重研究消费心理并融入设计,只有符合消费者心理需求,才能使该产品从同类商品中脱颖而出,赢得市场竞争优势。  相似文献   

研究了卫星通信系统中记忆非线性信道的自适应数字基带预失真线性化技术,提出了一种基于记忆多项式的非直接学习结构的自适应基带预失真方案,给出了自适鹰算法。仿真结果表明,该方案能有效抑制带外频谱扩散,减小带内失真,降低误比特率,实现卫星通信系统中记忆非线性失真的自适应预失真。  相似文献   

For the past four decades, dozens of researchers have studied consumer price knowledge, often with disagreements on the extent of consumer' ignorance about prices. While some of these disagreements have been attributed to research design variations among studies, no inquiry has yet been made on the role of the economic environment on consumer price knowledge. Nevertheless, environmental factors such as interest rates, unemployment, and economic growth may significantly influence consumers' knowledge of prices. Certain economic environments may therefore provide marketers with the ability to utilize pricing tactics which rely on limitations in consumers' knowledge of product prices. Using a meta-analytic framework, this paper synthesizes the results of 297 previous price knowledge studies to document the effects of inflation, unemployment, GDP growth, interest rates, country of study, and passage of time on consumer price knowledge. The meta-analysis results demonstrate that economic factors have considerable influence on explaining variations in consumer price knowledge. Managerial and public policy implications of the findings in light of turbulent economic environments are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the degree of persistence and level of unemployment, fairly consistent with the theoretical definition of the natural rate of unemployment for Nigeria. It argues that hysteresis exists on real borderline with an upward sloping Phillips curve, an indication that the optimization problem of the Central Bank of Nigeria could be less costly than was originally envisaged.  相似文献   

英语词汇的记忆法则是建立在记忆心理和记忆规律基础上的,它与词汇学习中的编码过程有密切关系,而编码的过程也正是应用词汇学习策略的过程。因此在英语数学中,教师要通过各种活动训练学生对元认知策略和认知策略中精加工策略的运用,培养他们的元认知能力,使学生的英语词汇学习更加有效。  相似文献   

Recent research on the role of ethics in the organizational culture literature found practically the whole literature reduced to a debate between ethical rationalism and ethical relativism. The role of the past in the form of tradition to maintain and improve moral reflection is completely missing. To address this gap in the literature on the level of practice, the concepts of moral memory and moral tradition are applied to data on 22 companies that have long-standing moral practices. In this way, the practice of moral traditions can be explored with recent conceptual advances and a list of best practices delineated. Moral memory is the recollection of and attachment to the succession of past events and experiences that maintains moral tradition. Moral tradition is the continuing transmission and reception of related moral themes through multiple generations of employees. It is found that companies that maintain moral traditions tend to develop “family” cultures with considerable compassion for workers as persons who have non-economic needs and rights. These companies also temper the role of leadership, insisting that leaders are responsible for and are evaluated by the company’s moral traditions. Finally, moral traditions are essential mechanisms through which companies paradoxically both stimulate and limit competitive behavior. Steven P. Feldman is Associate Professor of Management Policy, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Over the last decade, Dr. Feldman’s research has explored the role of moral memory and moral tradition in the ethical aspects of organizations. His book, Memory as a Moral Decision: The Role of Ethics in Organizational Culture (2002), found that the emotional and cognitive aspects of memory to be key in establishing moral organizational cultures. The moral importance of the past in the present has received little attention in the literature on organizational culture. Winner of the Distinguished Lectureship in Business Ethics from the American Fulbright Program, Dr.␣Feldman will be carrying out research on ethical issues in American-Chinese business relations in Shanghai in 2007.  相似文献   

This research examines how the importance of a consumer decision influences attitude-decision consistency and choice in decision contexts that contain versus do not contain specified alternatives. Results demonstrate that decision importance moderates attitude-decision consistency when alternatives are not specified, but not when alternatives are specified. These results, in conjunction with the time participants devote to choice, suggest that importance plays a larger role in attitude-decision consistency when alternatives are unspecified versus specified because importance leads to greater effort in generation of alternatives when alternatives are unspecified (an unnecessary task when alternatives are specified in context). Implications for promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

The research focuses on the degree of association between brand names and accompanying visuals featured on packages to improve consumer learning. It was found that when visuals are associated with the target information (such as a brand name), then memory for the brand is enhanced. It was also found that memory will be greater for brand names that are prior-associated in consumers' memory than for family and novel brand names. The findings are congruent with associative network theory that would suggest easier processing and greater memory for target elements that are prior- and/or visually linked to existing memory pathways.  相似文献   

Research in the behavioral sciences has found that memory tends to be enhanced by exposure to emotion‐arousing stimuli. While this relationship is not fully understood, the linkage appears to be more pronounced for females than for males. While the majority of prior studies dealing with memory have relied on the use of visual stimuli in a clinical experimental setting, this research examined the impact on memory resulting from exposure to actual print advertisements of varying degrees of arousal‐producing content. Differences in the relationship between arousal and memory were explored for male and female participants. In general, females were found to exhibit higher memory levels than males. As a single combined group, subjects exposed to emotion arousing versus emotion neutral ad. stimuli exhibited no significant difference in memory. For the set of emotion neutral ad. stimuli, no difference in memory was found between sexes. However, retention was significantly higher for females than males for the set of emotion‐arousing stimuli. The study identifies opportunities for further applied memory research.  相似文献   

The field of business ethics has shown little attention to the dynamics of memory in maintaining moral character. Yet memory is a complex process that involves the repression of some experiences in order to protect the moral integrity of the personality. Without the capacity to repress what one's moral conscience would not accept, the mind can be overtaken by neurotic ambivalence and moral confusion. In the context of business competition, where the pressures for potential gains and losses can be immense, long repressed desires can receive renewed strength resulting in a weakening of moral constraint.In this essay, I use the psycho-analytic theory of repression to investigate the complex, psychological vicissitudes of human memory. The theory of repression is a particularly powerful tool to investigate the moral implications of memory because memories which are repressed – i.e., forbidden consciousness – are done so at the behest of the individual's moral ideals. Experiences that offend these ideals or threaten the integrity of the ego can be repressed. Repression, then, is an infallible index of moral judgement.I will apply the theory of repression to the characters in and story line of Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman to elucidate the relationship between memory and ethics in business. Death of a Salesman is well suited for this purpose because the memories of the main characters are central to the play and are inextricably linked to the moral challenge competition in business poses.  相似文献   

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