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The relationship between tariff policy and anti-dumping use is empirically examined. Using a panel dataset of 56 countries over the period of 1995–2007, the effects of tariff liberalization on anti-dumping use are found to vary across world regions. For European countries, as well as developed North American and Latin American countries, a lower tariff rate appears to induce more use of anti-dumping measures, which emerge as a protection tool among trade liberalization regimes. In contrast, a reduction in a tariff rate leads to lower anti-dumping use in developing North American and Latin American countries and in developed Asian, African, and Middle Eastern countries. In terms of initiating anti-dumping action, developed countries are likely to be more sensitive than developing countries to tariff policy change in most regions of the world.  相似文献   

We find that about 19% of our sample of 149 Eastern European multinationals’ stock returns experienced economically significant exposure effects to the U.S. dollar for the period January 2000 to December 2004. The average exposure of the highly net exporting (importing) industry portfolios is positive (negative). Foreign exposure is found to increase with the evolution of net positions in U.S. foreign trade and with the industries’ degree of openness towards U.S. foreign markets. We also find that foreign exposure decreases with firm size.  相似文献   

The second half of 2000 brought renewed interest to the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). This hemispheric economic integration initiative presents numerous opportunities and challenges for each of the 34 countries involved in unifying markets across the Americas. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Mercosur, the region's two largest trading blocs, play a vital role in any attempt to integrate Latin American markets. Integration under Mercosur has strengthened the position of member countries—especially Brazil, which is a choice location for foreign direct investment and has realized a significant growth in extra‐Mercosur trade. The newly elected Mexican president, Vicente Fox, has demonstrated a strong desire to bring Mexico to the forefront of hemispheric trade negotiations and brings a new dynamic to integration of Latin American markets and to the FTAA initiative. This article elaborates on the role of the two largest Latin American economies and the United States in the creation and solidification of a hemispheric trading bloc in the Americas. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A variety of economic and social factors have created attractive opportunities for U.S.-based businesses to compete in foreign markets. Although foreign environmental regulations are increasingly complex and demanding, there are many resources available to help ensure compliance. Beyond compliance, progressive environmental regulations in foreign countries will create opportunities for American businesses to compete effectively with advanced technology, management competence, and experience in operating in the highly regulated climate in the U.S. Packaging and packaging waste regulation in the European Community exemplifies both the regulatory complexity as well as the competitive opportunities of competing in foreign markets. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The pending widening of the European Union to the East has revived concerns in Latin America that its trade and foreign direct investment relations with the EU may suffer as a result. Trade patterns suggest, however, that Latin America's exports to the EU are complementary to the exports of Central and Eastern European countries and the new investment opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe appear to be inducing additional foreign direct investment, rather than causing its diversion.  相似文献   

The nineties have seen a number of developments which will have major consequences for international agricultural trade. Will the changed conditions in the world agricultural markets enable less developed countries (LDCs) and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) to exploit their comparative advantages better, or will the reforms further squeeze them out of the industrial countries’ markets?  相似文献   

This article focuses on the similarities and differences between the continental purchasing strategies and tools of companies in Western Europe and North America. The main question examined here is the strategic priorities and tools that European and North American buyers use (at the category level) for direct purchases and how they differ. The analysis is based on an empirical study of 224 companies from 10 countries. The results suggest that Europeans emphasise a reduction in prices and total cost of ownership as strategic objectives, while North Americans place greater emphasis on compliance with social and ethical guidelines. Both groups place surprisingly little emphasis on environmental objectives. In terms of tools, North American buyers have higher utilisation of electronic tools in purchasing and in communicating with suppliers, while European buyers appear to more extensively use purchasing tools associated with rating and auditing suppliers. Overall, it appears that a majority of purchases take place in home countries and close-by regions. Accordingly, we argue that practices adopted there offer interesting insights for international purchasing of the companies.  相似文献   

The article adapts an estimation methodology from the border effects literature to reveal consumer ethnocentrism versus cosmopolitanism in each country, and animosity versus nostalgia between country pairs. The measurements rely on actual macro cross‐border trade data rather than individual purchase intentions typically used in the international marketing literature. The results from early 2010s suggest that purchasing intentions against imports found in this literature do not necessarily translate into actual consumption behavior in international trade. It is quite possible that the consumers are unable to assess country of origin of production despite growing ethnocentrism, and base their actual purchases on perceived origin of product brands. Specifically, it is found that most countries are cosmopolitan rather than ethnocentric, particularly developed countries, favoring any foreign product over domestic products. Most countries also have nostalgic purchasing behavior from specific trade partners with historical linkages. Outside the specific traditional animosities between a country pair, a developed country is relatively less open to imports from another developed trade partner, while an emerging country welcomes it more especially from another emerging trade partner.  相似文献   

The trade imbalance between Japan and its Western partners may be a source of concern, but much more serious is the even far greater investment imbalance. While Japanese direct investments have poured into the North American and European markets, American and European investments in Japan are paltry: the current ratio of investment flows is running at 20 to 1, in some cases much more, in Japan's favour. As the strategic issues for Western companies in establishing a "robust presence" in Japan are fundamental and critical, the trade and investment deficits are partly caused and further exacerbated by the "knowledge-gap" between the two. Reversing the scorecard must be the most urgent imperative for Western corporations and governments, though the effort required will be very substantial indeed.  相似文献   

欧盟是当今世界上最发达的区域经济集团,同时又是我国出口贸易三个主要的区域市场之一欧洲市场的主体。当前,美国经济减缓,日本经济下滑,我国与欧盟贸易成为我国对外贸易发展的一个重要因素。目前欧盟已成为我国最大的贸易伙伴,但同时两个经济体之间也出现了越来越多的贸易摩擦。鉴于欧盟经济非单一的国别经济,本文试将欧盟分成若干经济板块,联系各个板块的特点分析中欧贸易摩擦状况,进一步探究目前贸易摩擦频发的经济根源,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, German exports have increased at a slower pace than before the global financial crisis. Moreover, the growth contribution of foreign trade was significantly smaller. This article examines how German exports have developed since the turn of the millennium, both globally and in specific regions, and relative to world trade. The results are threefold. A look at the most important trade partners reveals that, firstly, the European economies continue to absorb the largest part of German exports. Asia and the US follow as the largest sales markets outside Europe. Secondly, the German world market share is mainly driven by the development of Germany’s market position in the EU and the US; China and the remaining Asian countries play a subordinated role in this respect. Thirdly, a comparison between the growth rates of German exports and world trade is not always useful for statements about the change in the German global market share.  相似文献   

2011年下半年以来,我国外贸出口增长率急剧下降,2012年2月还出现了多年未见的贸易逆差。通过对宏观经济的全面研究,由于我国物流成本居高不下,人力、资源、土地、环境等成本不断增长,主要出口目的地欧美市场萎靡不振、新兴市场开发缓慢,替代竞争者成长迅速,税收体系不合理,生产效率低下,人民币持续升值,这些都必将导致我国外贸出口越来越陷入困境。要解决这些问题,我国经济必须在制度层面进行彻底改革,进行产业升级,开发出一系列能够带动我国乃至世界经济走出困境的新兴产业,占领世界经济发展的制高点。  相似文献   

Prior to the demise of the Communist system in Eastern Europe, the trade of these countries with the developing world was supportive of Soviet diplomatic aims at least in part. In the late 1950s, correspondence between the trade links of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe was particularly close. In later periods, the trade of Eastern Europe was less closely aligned with that of the Soviet Union, but there was still evidence that East European trade with the developing world followed upon Soviet goals and initiatives in some instances, indicating the strong possibility of overall Soviet direction. Trade with countries in the Middle East had by far the strongest association for East European trade with that of the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

何英 《北方经贸》2002,(8):37-38
经济全球化导致世界各国对国际贸易的依存度越来越高 ,国际贸易成为企业国际化经营的首选方式 ,每年各省市都会有一批企业通过申请获得进出口经营权。新获得进出口权的企业应根据国际贸易的特点进行有效的资源合理配置 ,以顺利地开展外贸工作 ,获取竞争优势。  相似文献   

Following the collapse of the CMEA, the foreign trade of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe declined drastically with dire consequences for output, incomes and employment in these countries. What options do the former CMEA members have for revitalizing their foreign trade? What impediments will have to be surmounted in each case?  相似文献   

The remarkable increase in trade flows and in migratory flows of highly educated people are two important features of globalization of the last decades. This paper extends a two-country model of inter- and intra-industry trade to a rich environment featuring technological differences, skill differences and the possibility of international labor mobility. The model is used to explain the patterns of trade and migration as countries remove barriers to trade and to labor mobility. We parameterize the model to match the features of the Western and Eastern European members of the EU and analyze first the effects of the trade liberalization which occurred between 1989 and 2004, and then the gains and losses from migration which are expected to occur if legal barriers to labor mobility are substantially reduced. The lower barriers to migration would result in significant migration of skilled workers from Eastern European countries. Interestingly, this would not only benefit the migrants and most Western European workers but, via trade, it would also benefit the workers remaining in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Jörn Kruse 《Intereconomics》1994,29(6):284-291
During the recent Uruguay Round film and television software was a major field of conflict between the United States and the European Community, and it is easy to predict that this will continue for the rest of the decade. Are the markets for film and television software really dominated by American productions? What are the key factors in international trade and competitiveness? Which elements explain American success in audiovisual production? Are the European trade barriers, such as television quotas and subsidies, effective with respect to cultural or economic objectives?  相似文献   

籍丹宁 《商业研究》2006,(15):106-108
随着欧美国家社会责任运动的风行而诞生的SA8000,在其产生的近十年间对发展中国家的国际贸易产生了深远的影响。由于劳动力成本是我国重要的比较优势,劳动密集型产品的出口占有相当比重,而受SA8000约束的主要是劳动密集型产品,因此,该标准将逐步对我国外贸产生越来越大的影响。  相似文献   

贸易效率和贸易潜力是衡量国际贸易有效程度、确定未来贸易发展方向的重要指标。基于非效率项随机前沿引力模型,分别在"16+1"和"16+1+10"背景下测算了中国与中东欧16国的贸易效率和潜力,结果表明:中国与中东欧国家的双边贸易效率较高,但贸易潜力不显著;中国对中东欧国家的出口贸易效率低于双边贸易效率,出口贸易潜力超过双边贸易潜力;出口贸易潜力在"16+1+10"背景下较"16+1"背景下有显著提高。由此,提出进一步落实"16+1"合作机制、扩大进口、改进交通运输设施的建议,以期实现贸易潜力,提高贸易效率。  相似文献   

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