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在全球经济一体化的时代,市场竞争在不断加剧,产品营销已被品牌营销所取代。品牌成为构建核心竞争力、整合市场和生产要素的核心环节。我国由于在品牌建设上的落后,在全球经济竞争中处于不利的地位,虽然被称为世界工厂,但是产品附加值很低。我国的一些企业对品牌的理解也存在着误区,以为品牌建设就是做广告。其中,也有品牌研究的滞后造成的理解的偏差。本文通过对品牌理论的梳理,提出了正确的品牌理念,阐述了品牌营销是由中国制造到中国创造的必然选择。  相似文献   

由于全球化的不断深化,深受文化影响的广告也发生了变化。广告诉求是广告中的核心内容,目前学术界对全球品牌在中国和日本的广告诉求的研究发现,理性诉求与感性诉求、全球性诉求与本土性诉求在两个国家并存,但现有研究缺少对单一全球品牌在中日两国使用的广告诉求及广告效果的对比分析。本文基于理性诉求与感性诉求、全球性诉求与本土性诉求的学术定义,采取定义中的客观指标,包括信息时长占比、广告语言、模特国籍、主题,作为判别标准,分别对汽车行业中的两个全球品牌(奔驰vs.奥迪)在中日投放的部分广告的广告诉求进行分析。研究发现在两国广告中,奔驰偏好采用感性诉求,而奥迪偏好采用理性诉求,且只有奔驰在日本市场采用本土性诉求。在广告效果分析上,本文利用奔驰与奥迪在中日市场的年销量与年销量增长率进行分析发现,相比在中国市场,本土性诉求与感性诉求在日本市场的广告效果更好。本文研究结果为全球品牌的跨文化广告策略提供一定的管理启示与实践意义。  相似文献   

吴冰 《商场现代化》2007,(11S):195-196
本文通过对跨国公司全球营销策略中标准化和本土化的优劣势比较,探讨了企业应该选择适当的营销战略来满足不同国家、地区市场的特有需求,也就是要走一条标准化与本土差异化相融合的道路,即全球本土化的战略模式,并引发了对企业开展跨国营销的一些思考。  相似文献   

吴冰 《商场现代化》2007,(31):195-196
本文通过对跨国公司全球营销策略中标准化和本土化的优劣势比较,探讨了企业应该选择适当的营销战略来满足不同国家、地区市场的特有需求,也就是要走一条标准化与本土差异化相融合的道路,即全球本土化的战略模式,并引发了对企业开展跨国营销的一些思考。  相似文献   

中国企业全球营销对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱雪芹 《商业时代》2003,(20):17-18
西奥多·里维特的“市场全球化”一文引出了营销活动的许多新想法:全球营销、全球经营、全球广告、全球品牌……。里维特教授认为:“世界市场趋于大同,任何地方都需要品质高、价格合理、标准化的产品。按照政治边界细分国际市场,按照国别市场和地区偏好定制产  相似文献   

曾静 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(22):20-21
在全球营销时代,全球品牌有其独特的品牌知识构成与特殊的品牌反应及其不同的品牌资产机制,从而有不同的管理方法。因此,试图从全球化的视角来研究顾客的品牌资产,把品牌来源地形象划分为全球形象、原产国形象、本土形象。  相似文献   

2010年,全球付费产品植入性广告支出增长42.2%,达到22.1亿美元。2006年后每年以两位数的速度继续增长。在产品植入广告为重点的全球营销战略中,品牌营销中争相以此博取消费者的青睐在2006年全球支付产品在电视、电影和其他媒体的植入性广告支出达到另一个高点——38.8%,达到  相似文献   

在经济放缓的时期,与内部及外部的利益相关者保持沟通是非常重要的。渣打银行正是选择此时推出了其新的全球品牌广告系列。  相似文献   

商品的品牌是企业的无形资产,在全球背景下进行商务活动,品牌翻译的质量好坏关系到企业在国际市场的生死存亡。本文分析了全球背景下品牌翻译的重要性,对品牌翻译的战略进行了简要的研究,对商家有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据BrandZ发布的全球最具价值品牌排名显示,苹果已超越谷歌成为全球最具价值品牌,品牌价值据估算超过1530亿美元。据英国《金融时报》报道,过去4年,谷歌一直占据着BrandZ全球最具价值品牌100强排行榜的榜首。据悉,该榜单由广告集团WPP子公司华通明略编制。榜单涵盖了从汽车到服装,从银行到电信提供  相似文献   

This paper considers the differences and similarities between national brand and global brand advertising through the use of three analytical frameworks – creative strategies, advertising styles and advertising form. It seeks to identify any differences between national and global brand advertising in terms of creative strategy, advertising style and advertising form. The structural elements of advertisements, such as the length of a commercial, number of camera shots and number or type of characters present, are also examined for a total of 551 television advertisements. A number of significant differences between the advertising of global and national brands have been recorded. In addition, the study identifies a discriminant function, which successfully predicts the advertising strategies, styles and formats for global brands.  相似文献   

The study investigates consumers' responses to global positioning in advertising from the perspective of self. It is suggested that consumers' attitudes toward the brand advertised through global positioning are influenced by their ideal selves and cosmopolitan orientations and these influences are moderated by one's self-esteem level. Study 1 shows that attitudes toward the globally positioned brand are more positive for those with ideal selves that are more congruent with personal traits associated with globally positioned brands, but only for those with high self-esteem. Interview results from study 2 suggest that low self-esteem informants make use of the global brands associated with ‘Western’ as a means of signaling their social selves in order to obtain social approval and that high self-esteem informants attend to ad content, whether the ad employs global or local positioning.  相似文献   

Co-branded advertising, where advertisements feature two partnered brands from different categories, should ideally benefit both brands. We test this assertion by studying the effect of featuring a second brand in advertisements on ad and brand name memorability, and the role of category context on which brand is recalled. Our test covers online display advertisements for consumer-packaged brands paired with charity and retailer brands in three markets (USA, UK, and Australia). Independent sample comparisons across 54 brand pairs show that advertising two brands has a neutral effect on ad memorability and negative effect on brand memorability. Furthermore, the advertisement’s category context determines which of the brands is recalled. Our findings support a competitive interference theory of dual-brand processing, whereby the two brands compete for attention resources. The results have implications for the return on investment from advertising expenditure, which will vary substantively depending on whether the costs of advertising are shared or borne by one brand in the pair.  相似文献   

本土认同是理解全球品牌行为意向的关键构念,现有研究表明其负向影响消费者对全球品牌的评估。文章以融入中国元素的全球品牌为对象,从品牌本土象征价值的角度重新论证本土认同正向驱动全球品牌实现全球本土化战略成效的内在逻辑。研究表明,本土认同正向影响全球品牌行为意向,其中介机制为融入中国元素所带来的品牌本土象征价值。为验证中介机制的可靠性及其边界条件,文章分别从品牌层面和消费者层面引入尊重品牌遗产和全球认同两个调节变量。结果表明,品牌本土象征价值的中介效应主要体现在尊重品牌遗产低(有调节的中介)和全球认同低(有中介的调节)的情况下。文章的理论意义在于拓展了本土认同影响全球品牌行为意向的内在逻辑,并进一步深化了中国元素有效性的研究。  相似文献   

Advertising is central to creating brand meaning by endowing brands with symbolic values and embedding them within their broader sociocultural context. This study analyzes how the symbolic meaning of luxury brands is constructed in print advertisements. In particular, the study shows how brand communications of luxury brands systematically differ from those of premium and mass-market brands. Through a comparative analysis of thematic and formal characteristics of 208 print advertising campaigns consisting of about 1,700 individual ads from the primary advertising campaigns of four luxury brands, four premium brands, and four mass-market brands, this study identifies three distinguishing factors of luxury brand communication: enrichment, distancing, and abstraction. First, luxury brand advertising enriches the communication content by using more complex campaign templates that make more frequent use of symbolism, rhetorical structures, and storytelling. Second, luxury brand advertising systematically uses distancing techniques, such as temporal, spatial, social, and hypothetical distancing. Third, luxury brand ads use higher-level discourses that allow for different interpretations of brand advertisements. Therefore, this study provides insights into the construction of brand identity in the luxury field, as well as the broader sociocultural construction of luxury and the evolution of its core symbolic constituencies.  相似文献   

真实性是中华老字号品牌特有的优势。在当前激烈的市场竞争环境下,老字号品牌更新变得尤为重要。在老字号品牌更新过程当中,更新策略是否会对老字号品牌固有的优势与属性造成负面影响?这一问题在理论与实际上均具有深入探讨的迫切性。本章依托组织合法性理论,探讨了老字号品牌采用流行文化的广告中,消费者感知文化差异对品牌真实性的影响机制。实证研究以三个老字号品牌广告为样本,共搜集到631份有效数据。数据分析结果显示,在老字号结合流行文化元素的品牌广告中,消费者感知传统文化与流行文化的差异性对广告合法性与品牌真实性均有显著负向影响;广告合法性在消费者感知广告中文化差异与品牌真实性之间发挥部分中介作用;而消费者流行文化卷入度显著降低了广告中感知文化差异对广告合法性的影响,以及流行文化卷入度在广告中感知文化差异与品牌真实性之间的调节效应完全通过广告合法性起作用。该研究结果丰富了品牌真实性与品牌合法性领域相关文献,具有一定的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

中国背景下的全球品牌:洞察中国消费者的决策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Al  Rosenbloom  James  Haefner  Joong-won  Lee 《中国市场》2013,(37):6-18
本文探究了与全球十大品牌相关的中国消费者决策。通过四个层面(品牌熟悉度、品牌喜爱度、品牌信任度以及知晓一个品牌的原产国)来预测中国消费者样本的品牌购买意向,同时分析指出,中国消费者对世界主义、民族优越感、全球—本地身份的认识以及与全球消费者文化的区别也可能会影响其全球品牌购买意向。本文为全球十大品牌建立了回归模型,并有提供最有力证据的层级模型。品牌熟悉度、信任度和喜爱度基本上在很大程度上解释了差异的存在。  相似文献   

We use a panel data set that combines annual brand-level advertising expenditures for over three hundred brands with measures of brand awareness and perceived quality from a large-scale consumer survey to study the effect of advertising. Advertising is modeled as a dynamic investment in a brand’s stocks of awareness and perceived quality and we ask how such an investment changes brand awareness and quality perceptions. Our panel data allow us to control for unobserved heterogeneity across brands and to identify the effect of advertising from the time-series variation within brands. They also allow us to account for the endogeneity of advertising through recently developed dynamic panel data estimation techniques. We find that advertising has consistently a significant positive effect on brand awareness but no significant effect on perceived quality.
Michaela Draganska (Corresponding author)Email:

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of advertising on brand images. One hundred and twenty female cat owners were divided into three equal treatment groups. Each group was given a specified shopping list and asked to describe the personality of the female shopper. Two leading national brands of canned cat food served as the test items. The brands were at relative competitive parity, except in terms of advertising-achieved image association. Analysis of the data suggest that image distinctions are influenced by image-oriented advertising. The results support the view that a major function of advertising is in the area of the consumer's perception of particular brands.  相似文献   

Global Brands: Taking Stock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global brands have never quite delivered on their promise. This article focuses on why this may now be about to change. The author first addresses three basic issues: why global brands matter more now than in the past; what distinguishes them from national brands; and the main building blocks for a global brand. He then moves on to some of the key problems which face managers of international brands today: the new Euro-zone, instability in emerging markets, the problem of diversion, and management of global relationships with advertising agents and market researchers. He concludes with a discussion of the issues involved in deciding whether brands should be taken global.  相似文献   

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