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资本流入、货币内生增长与物价稳定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20 0 2年以来 ,我国货币供应量增长迅猛 ,其与央行制订的货币供应增长目标偏离较大。货币供应量的快速增长 ,对于金融和经济的运行 ,可能带来若干潜在的不稳定因素。其一 ,如果不能采取有效的冲销政策 ,则货币供应量的迅速增加 ,将引致物价迅速上涨 ,产生通货膨胀。其二 ,有可能影响汇率稳定。对此 ,必须引起高度关注。如何建立有效机制 ,发掘安全且大规模的金融资产 ,用以冲销外汇占款的增加 ,已经成为我国货币政策需要重点解决的重大问题之一。  相似文献   

李援 《现代经济信息》2012,(14):195-196
本文重点探讨了我国货币政策现行中介目标货币供给量存在的问题,指出货币供给量内生性的存在和金融市场迅速发展,正在对我国货币供应量作为货币政策中介目标的地位提出严酷挑战。最后给出本文的政策建议。考虑到目前没有适合的经济变量可以完全取代货币供应量的中介目标地位,本文认为不能简单地否定货币供应量,应通过调节货币供应量层次、改善制度环境等手段,提高货币政策的效力。  相似文献   

对我国中央银行体制下的货币供应过程及其与市场货币供应量的关系问题的研究,对中央银行选择特定的货币政策工具,实现宏观金融调控目标具有重大的理论和实践意义。在我国中央银行体制下,由于中央银行和商业银行、专业银行(以下通称其为商业银行)在货币发行和货币供应过程中所处地位不同,从而形成了我国中央银行体制下的二阶式货币供应体系,即中央银行供应基础货币,商业银行供应市场货币。一、中央银行与基础货币供应中央银行作为我国掌管人民币发行和管理全国金融事业的机关,并不直接办理对工商企业和个人的货币信贷业务,而是执行发行银行、银行的银行和国家的银行的职能。这  相似文献   

我国货币供应量的变动与货币政策的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按照经济学的描述,货币供应可以有几种理解:一是决定货币供应量大小的因素是什么;二是决定货币供应变动的原因是什么?三是通过什么方式形成货币的供给,进而通过货币供应量的变动又是怎样反映货币政策意图和货币供应量的变动与经济运行的关系?本首先对我国改革开放以来的货币政策状况进行了基本描述;其次运用时间数列分析方法对我国货币供应变动的数量规律进行了实证分析;最后讨论了货币供应量与实质经济在变动过程中的影响关系,并以此得到相应的结论。  相似文献   

近年来 ,通货紧缩成为经济学家和政治家们经常讨论的问题。本文针对这个问题 ,初探我国当前的通货紧缩现象。1货币发行性通货紧缩货币发行主要包括货币供应和贷款规模 ,我国于1993年下半年开始实行金融财政“双紧”政策 ,即货币供应紧缩和贷款规模紧缩 ,取得了一定成效 ,但紧缩有些过头。1994年货币供应量以1993年末的货币流通量为基数 ,按1994年货币贬值21 4 %(有说21 7 %) ,GDP按可比价格增长11 8 % ,排除货币流通速度变化因素计算 ,需要增加2095亿元 ,而1994年实际增加货币供应量1424亿元 ,…  相似文献   

利用我国2006年12月~2010年12的月度数据,在VAR模型的基础上,对我国货币供应、通货膨胀、经济增长之间的关系进行实证分析。研究发现,短期内通货膨胀和经济增长对货币供应量的效应相反;货币供应并不影响通货膨胀和经济增长;经济增长与通货膨胀无关,通货膨胀对经济增长具有正面效应。长期来看,通货膨胀和货币供应量之间正相关;经济增长对货币供应具有负效应,货币供给量的增加促进经济增长,证实我国存在托宾效应;经济增长和通货膨胀之间作用相反,通货膨胀损害经济增长的弗里德曼假说在我国适用。同时得出我国货币供给具有非中性和内生性特点的结论。  相似文献   

我国证券市场价格与货币供给量互动关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章使用协整检验和因果关系检验的方法研究了中国证券市场价格和货币供应量的关系,以期研究我国货币市场和资本市场直接的相互关系,检验货币供应量这一中间目标在我国中央银行调控证券市场过程中的适用性.实证结果显示我国证券市场价格和M0、M2之间存在着长期稳定的协整关系.证券市场价格可以用货币供应量M0和M2来解释,而证券市场价格变化不是引起货币供应量变化的原因.中央银行可以利用货币供应量和证券市场价格存在的长期稳定的关系,把货币供应量作为调控证券市场的中间目标,灵活调控证券市场.  相似文献   

本文从定量与定性两个方面对我国货币供应、经济成长与物价水平之间的关系进行了探讨,认为在我国条件下,货币数量说方程式是不能成立的从而阐明了近年来货币供应量增长而物价水平却相对稳定这一经济问题。  相似文献   

总需求的担当实体是货币,因而货币供应量及其货币供应量与货币需要量的关系,直接决定着总需求的增长状况及总需求同总供给的关系。一般来说,没有货币的盲目超量供应,总需求膨胀是不可能形成的;同样,没有货币供应的过度紧缩,总需求也不会极度萎缩。货币同总需求的这种内在联系,使得货币政策对保持总需求的稳定增长及供求总量的平衡具有极其重要的作用。货币政策对于货币供应量及货币供应量与货币需求  相似文献   

我国货币政策中介目标研究——一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,一些西方发达国家相继放弃了货币供应量目标,转向了利率、通货膨胀等目标,进而在我国也引发了货币供应量能否继续充当货币政策中介目标的争论.本文认为,尽管大多数实证研究均已表明货币供应量作为中介目标的有效性正不断降低,然而从我国当前的经济金融发展情况来看,选择利率或通货膨胀目标还缺乏可行性.因此,我国面临的现实选择只能是继续以货币供应量为目标,同时稳步推进金融体系、金融制度的改革,为中介目标的转变奠定基础.  相似文献   

The correlation and controllability of money supply as the intermediate object of monetary policy is gradually weakening, the argument that interest rate substitutes the money supply for the alternative object is hotly discussed. According to the Taylor rule and its extensions, this paper has a positive analysis on the efficiency of Taylor-type rules in China through historical analysis, policy reaction function approach and co-integration technology of time series analysis. This paper draws a conclusion that Taylor rule is unstable in China, and less correlation can be found between interest rate and the output gap, and the central bank focus on the inflation target rather than economic growth. Therefore, the central bank should abide by the simple rule of inflation targeting.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,由于通货膨胀目标制(Inflation Targeting,以下又简称通胀目标制)被越来越多的国家采用,使得通胀目标制成为近年西方货币经济学领域最热门的研究课题之一。从传统的以控制货币供应量为主的货币目标法(Monetary'Targeting)和以稳定汇率为主的汇率目标法(Exchange rate Targeting)到明确公布通货膨胀目标的通胀目标制是一个货币政策方面的重大转变。本文主要分析了我国实施通胀目标制的可行性,并提供相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper studies how the nature of shocks affects the optimal choice of monetary policy instruments in a small open economy. Three classic rules, fixed exchange rates, monetary targeting, and inflation targeting are studied and ranked by comparing with the optimal monetary policy under commitment. We find that the ranking of the simple rules can be mapped to the terms-of-trade variability that the rule allows relative to what a particular shock optimally calls for. It turns out that inflation targeting dominates the other two rules under productivity or velocity shocks, whereas monetary targeting is the best performer under fiscal shocks.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of the monetary policy regime shift to inflation targeting on the stochastic properties of the real interest rate in the U.K. The empirical analysis suggests a constant mean of the real interest rate that shifts with the monetary policy regime change to inflation targeting in October 1992. The mean-reverting level of the real interest rate has decreased from 5.1% to 2.3% per annum with the change in monetary policy to inflation targeting. In addition, the shift in monetary policy regime to inflation targeting has reduced the volatility of the real interest rate and increased the persistence of real interest rate deviations from the mean. The results suggest that the central bank can affect the stochastic properties of the real interest rate through the choice of monetary policy regime over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Inflation targeting is a statement about the objective of central bank policy and not about operating procedures. Its success depends not only on the actions of the central bank, but requires a broad consensus concerning the proper role of monetary policy in the economy. It also requires the backing of a sound fiscal policy. As countries differ both in economic structure and monetary transmission mechanism, the implementation of inflation targeting must be country specific. Instability over time in the transmission mechanism also implies that inflation targeting strategies must evolve to avoid the fate of previous monetary policy targeting practices.  相似文献   

陈利平 《经济学》2007,6(4):1115-1126
本文在一个引入时滞、政策传导扰动和中介目标的货币政策模型中,分析了通货膨胀目标制的实施与货币政策效率之间的关系。我们发现,由于货币政策的时滞和货币政策传导机制的不畅,中央银行无法及时地对经济中的扰动做出正确的估计,尽管可以利用中间目标变量和其他参考变量的实际值对目标值的偏离所给出的信息来适当调整货币政策,但仍然无法对冲击及时做出正确的响应;再加上中央银行货币政策执行中的财政占优、金融占优和外部占优问题,使得中央银行无法执行其意愿的政策,因此通货膨胀目标制的引入无助于解决货币政策的低效率问题。  相似文献   

In a model with imperfect money, credit and reserve markets, we examine if an inflation-targeting central bank applying the funds rate operating procedure to indirectly control market interest rates also needs a monetary aggregate as policy instrument. We show that if private agents use information extracted from money and financial markets to form inflation expectations and if interest rate pass-through is incomplete, the central bank can use a narrow monetary aggregate and the discount interest rate as independent and complementary policy instruments to reinforce the credibility of its announcements and the role of inflation target as a nominal anchor for inflation expectations. This study shows how a monetary policy strategy combining inflation targeting and monetary targeting can be conceived to guarantee macroeconomic stability and the credibility of monetary policy. Friedman's k-percent money growth rule, which can generate dynamic instability, and two alternative stabilizing feedback monetary targeting rules are examined.  相似文献   

This paper uses two game‐theory models, where monetary policy is first ineffective and then effective, to illustrate a delegation scheme that makes consistent policy optimal and controllable. The delegation scheme produces the minimization of both the social and the central bank loss functions. Minimizing the social loss function generates optimality conditions. Minimizing the central bank loss function produces controllability conditions. Optimality conditions depend on specific models, and controllability conditions do not. We propose a concept of consistent targets, which refer to the targets that satisfy both optimality and controllability conditions. Consistent policy proves optimal and controllable in both example models when the government delegates consistent targets to the central bank.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) implements an asymmetric monetary policy rule is tested. We estimate both linear and asymmetric monetary policy reaction functions for the period before inflation targeting was adopted, for the period when inflation targeting was explicitly adopted and for the full sample period. The results of the linear monetary policy rules are consistent with the estimates reported from other studies that estimate linear monetary policy rules for Australia. On the other hand, the results of estimating the asymmetric monetary policy rules for the pre-inflation targeting period shows that the RBA had reacted symmetrically, suggesting that it had acted with the same aggressiveness towards both inflation and output gaps of the same magnitude, over both phases of the business cycle. However, for the inflation targeting period, the results show that the RBA had reacted asymmetrically in its policy response to the inflation gap, output gap or both. A similar result is found for the full sample period. This asymmetric response supports the view that a non-linear monetary policy rule emanated from asymmetric preferences, rather than from the existence of a non-linear Phillips curve.  相似文献   

Using a small empirical model of inflation, output, and money estimated on U.S. data, we compare the relative performance of monetary targeting and inflation targeting. The results show monetary targeting to be quite inefficient, yielding both higher inflation and output variability. This is true even with a nonstochastic money demand formulation. Our results are also robust to using a P∗ model of inflation. Therefore, in these popular frameworks, there is no support for the prominent role given to money growth in the Eurosystem's monetary policy strategy.  相似文献   

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