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Making use of an original dataset containing information on 20 Italian motorways concessionaires over the 1992–2004 period, we study the technology prevailing in the motorways industry in Italy. We focus on the estimation of the technical progress for the years covered by our sample, and on the measurement of the economies of scale and density. We find that the industry has experienced significant technical progress and that there are sizeable economies of density and scale (at least up to a medium-large network size). These results provide valuable insights for regulatory purposes, notably for the definition of the optimal dimension of the network of a concessionaire and the correct setting of the X factor in the price cap formula, which is used to regulate the toll levels. We also control for the effects on the performance of the concessionaires due to the changes in the ownership structure and the regulatory regime, both introduced by the recent reform of the industry. We find that the productivity of the concessionaires has not increased with the adoption of a price cap regime, while it has benefited from the privatization process.   相似文献   

Researchers have become increasingly interested in estimating mixtures of stochastic frontiers. Mester (1993), Caudill (1993), and Polachek and Yoon (1987), for example, estimate stochastic frontier models for different regimes, assuming sample separation information is given. Building on earlier work by Lee and Porter (1984), Douglas, Conway, and Ferrier (1995) estimate a stochastic frontier switching regression model in the presence of noisy sample separation information. The purpose of this paper is to extend earlier work by estimating a mixture of stochastic frontiers assuming no sample separation information. This case is more likely to occur in practice than even noisy sample separation information. In order to estimate a mixture of stochastic frontiers with no sample separation information, an EM algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood estimates is developed. The algorithm is used to estimate a mixture of stochastic (cost) frontiers using data on U.S. savings and loans for the years 1986, 1987, and 1988. Statistical evidence is found supporting the existence of a mixture of stochastic frontiers. First version received: 3/13/01/Final version received: 6/17/02 RID="*" ID="*"  I am grateful to Ram Acharya, Janice Caudill, and especially James R. Barth for several helpful comments on an earlier version of the paper. During the revision process I benefitted greatly from the suggestions of the Associate Editor and three anonymous referees.  相似文献   

We review recent empirical studies of the performance of incentive regulation in the telecommunications industry. These studies provide evidence that productivity, infrastructure investment, profit levels, telephone penetration, and new service offerings have increased under incentive regulation. Service rates have generally remained stable or decreased slightly, and service quality does not appear to have been affected adversely. There is no evidence that incentive regulation has led to streamlined regulatory proceedings. Strong evidence that incentive regulation has reduced the costs of providing telephone service has not yet materialized.We thank Sanford Berg, Alex Larson, Larry Schelhorse, and Timothy Tardiff for very helpful comments and discussion. We are also grateful to Michael Crew and Ingo Vogelsang for a particularly careful and insightful review of this paper.  相似文献   

We present a panel stochastic frontier model that handles the endogeneity problem. This model can treat the endogeneity of both frontier and inefficiency variables. We apply our method to examine the technical efficiency of Japanese cotton spinning industry. Our results indicate that market concentration is endogenous, and when its endogeneity is properly handled, it has a larger negative impact on the technical efficiency of cotton spinning plants. We find that the exogenous model substantially overestimates efficiency in concentrated markets.  相似文献   

Radical innovations in the usage of telecommunication services have drastically changed the role of telecommunications in the economy. Today the usage of telecommunications services is associated with the opportunity to extract significant quasi-rents. An empirical analysis of the Italian case in the mid-eighties confirms the significant difference between telecommunications cost share and marginal productivity levels. The opportunity to reap transient quasi-rents has in turn pushed users to innovate so as to become major players in the arena of technological change in telecommunications and information technologies. In this context the notion of network of networks, implemented in the European Union, seems most appropriate to push the dynamic efficiency of the system and accommodate both centrifugal and centripetal innovations, yet also to retain network interoperability and interconnectivity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between telecommunications infrastructure competition, investment and productivity. Using a novel methodology comprising of econometric modelling and input–output economics, the extent to which telecommunications has contributed to national and sectoral productivity performance is examined. The main findings from this paper suggest that most industries have benefited from the incorporation of advances of telecommunications technology, which might have, amongst other things, emanated from encouraging infrastructure investment, in their production processes.  相似文献   

Mark Andor 《Applied economics》2017,49(55):5651-5661
Stochastic frontier analysis is a popular tool to assess firm performance. Almost universally it has been applied using maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. An alternative approach, pseudolikelihood (PL) estimation, which decouples estimation of the error component structure and the production frontier, has been adopted in both the non-parametric and panel data settings. To date, no formal comparison has yet to be conducted comparing these methods in a standard, parametric cross-sectional framework. We produce a comparison of these two competing methods using Monte Carlo simulations. Our results indicate that PL estimation enjoys almost identical performance to ML estimation across a range of scenarios and performance metrics, and for certain metrics, outperforms ML estimation when the distribution of inefficiency is incorrectly specified.  相似文献   

A translog cost function is estimated to examine whether carriers use an efficient combination of inputs in the telecommunications industry. Special attention is given to the role of rate regulation reform in an increasingly competitive business environment. Findings suggest that telecommunications carriers facing price-cap regulation do use an efficient mix of labor and capital. In contrast, the condition for cost minimizing use of inputs is not met for telecommunications carriers facing rate-of-return. The superior factor input use allocation by carriers facing price-cap regulation compared to carriers facing rate-of-return regulation is interpreted as suggesting that incentive regulation plays an important role in promoting efficient use of inputs even in a competitive business environment.  相似文献   

Despite measures on the European level to increase the compatibility between the higher education sectors, the recent literature exposes variations in their efficiencies. To gain insights into these differences, we split the efficiency term according to the two management levels each university is confronted with. We separate short-term and long-term efficiency while controlling for unobserved institution-specific heterogeneity. We argue that the first term reflects the efficiency of the individual universities working within the country, while the second term echoes the influence of the overall country-specific higher education structure. The cross-country comparison displays whether efficiency differences between countries are related to the individual performance of their universities or their higher education structure. This allows more purposeful policy recommendations and expands the literature regarding the efficiency of universities in a fundamental way. Choosing Italy and Germany as two important illustrative examples, we show that the Italian higher education sector exhibits a higher overall efficiency value. With the individual universities working at the upper bound of efficiency in both countries, the remaining inefficiency and the gap between the countries are caused by persistent, structural inefficiency. Future measures should hence aim at the country-specific structure and not solely at the activities of single universities.  相似文献   

This paper applies a stochastic frontier production model to the data from Penn World Table's 49 countries over the period 1965 to 1990, to decompose total factor productivity growth into technical change and technical efficiency change. Empirical results show East Asian countries led the world in productivity growth, mainly because their technical efficiency gain was so much faster than that of other countries. East Asian countries also registered rapid technical change, which was comparable to that of the G6 countries after the late 1980s. The results provide evidence that negate the hypothesis that East Asian growth was mostly input-driven and unsustainable.  相似文献   

This article analyses the technical efficiency of Mozambican banks from 2005 to 2014 with a Bayesian stochastic frontier model. The intermediate approach is adopted and the results reveal that efficiency varies amongst the banks analysed. Foreign ownership of Mozambican banks is also analysed, as is public ownership, the role of mergers and acquisitions, big banks and active dividend policy within the context of bank costs. Policy implications are then derived.  相似文献   

The opening up process of the eastern European countries was marked by greater integration of FDI with their western neighbouring countries. Using the single-step ML approach to stochastic frontier analysis, the location and variance determinants of FDI are estimated using the knowledge capital (KK) model framework. The findings, based on a panel of bilateral FDI stocks from 10 western to 10 eastern European countries over the 1996–2007 period, suggest FDI is determined by both horizontal and vertical motives while the process of liberalization and infrastructural developments significantly reduces the variance of FDI. In using a stochastic frontier specification of the KK model, the efficiency of FDI performance is identified relative to maximum levels. The bilateral efficiency scores suggest a mixed performance, indicating scope to improve the efficiency of FDI.  相似文献   

While countries around the globe have increased spending on health care, economists and policy makers have raised concerns over the productivity and efficiency of health care. This article applies a stochastic frontier approach to address this issue using data from 141 countries for the period 1993 to 1997. From the perspective of productivity change, our results suggest that gains in population health will be greater provided that more resources are allocated to investment in human capital. We also show that the scale component accounts for 65–70% of the productivity change. That is, omitting the scale component in our case will result in a significant underestimation of the decline in the productivity of world health production. We do not find evidence supporting the hypothesis that production frontiers differ between Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. However, the change in productivity and scale elasticity do vary significantly between these countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of the deregulation of the Swedish banking industry in the mid-1980s, and the consequent banking crisis, on productive efficiency and productivity growth in the industry. An unbalanced panel of Swedish banks is studied over the period, 1984 to 1995. A total of 1275 observations are analysed for 156 banks that were observed for between two and twelve years. We adopt a translog stochastic frontier model to estimate the labour-use requirements in terms of the variables, loans, deposits, guarantees, number of branches and total inventories, together with the year of observation. The inefficiency effects in the labour-use frontier are modelled in terms of the number of branches, total inventories, the type of bank and year of observation. The technical inefficiencies of labour use of Swedish banks were found to be significant, with mean inefficiencies per year estimated to be between about 8 and 15 per cent over the years of study. However, the confidence interval predictions for these inefficiencies were found to be quite wide. First version received: August 1998/Final version received: April 2000  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of upstream regulation that aims to create niches and attract new type of entrants on the competitive environment of downstream markets. Using unique cross-country data of Nordic mobile telecommunications markets, we show that upstream regulation leads to (i) increases in both number and aggregate market share of service-based providers in the downstream market, (ii) an increase in the number of service-based providers, thus increasing their aggregate market share, but no opposite direction of results and (iii) a lower retail price level, proxied by average revenue per user. Our findings imply that upstream regulation may be able to achieve better outcomes when the policy objectives are to revitalize mature network industries and to enhance consumer welfare.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the relative contributions of allocative and technical efficiency to the productivity performance of European railways over the period 1972 to 1999. A stochastic frontier approach is used to analyse the cost structure of the railway industry. We estimate a translog cost system in which allocative inefficiency is modelled through an exact relationship between the cost share equations and the cost function. To allow the estimation of such a model using the sample theory approach we assume that the share equation residuals represent deviations from first-order conditions and, therefore, that they represent exclusively allocative inefficiencies. The use of this simplifying assumption renders our analysis computationally tractable, but it could be inconsistent with the economic theory of duality and for that reason caution is required in interpretation of results. Acknowledging this caveat, we find that European railways have experienced significant cost increases due to inefficient behaviour, with a mean value of around 15%. In contrast to previous studies, however, our estimates indicate a larger role for allocative inefficiency, which accounts for around of a half of the total increase in cost inefficiency.
Daniel J. GrahamEmail:

Incentive regulation is now an important regulatory tool in the telecommunications industry in the United States. The objective of incentive regulation is to improve productive efficiency, enhance service quality and consumer welfare, and reduce the costs of regulation. The issue that is considered here is whether incentive regulation in the form of a price cap applicable to interstate access service to local loops has resulted in an increase in the technical efficiency and allocative efficiency of local exchange carriers (LECs). After discussing the reasons for adopting incentive regulation, the nature of price caps is explored followed by an overview of the methodology for measuring the effects of incentive regulation on productive efficiency. The results indicate that for changes in technical efficiency, there is a definite randomness between 1985 and 1993 with technical efficiency increasing in some years and decreasing in others. Subsequent to 1993, however, there is a consistent improvement in technical efficiency. Given that incentive regulation in the forin of price caps was implemented for LECs in 1991, it is likely that some portion of the improvement in technical efficiency subsequent to 1993 is attributable to incentive regulation. A pronounced upward trend in allocative efficiency is observed beginning in 1985. It is problematic, however, to attribute the improvement in allocative efficiency to the adoption of incentive regulation. It is more likely an artifact of the divestiture of AT&T although some indeterminant portion is probably associated with the implementation of price caps.JEL classification: L51, L96  相似文献   

This paper measures TFP growth of Telefonica del Peru, and based on this growth rate computes a telecommunications X-factor or offset. More broadly the paper analyses the problem of updating an X-factor under existing price cap regulation. A revised offset must account for the possible restructuring of service offerings resulting from improved efficiencies in response to price cap incentives. Our updating framework focuses on efficiency criteria, and based on economic principles emphasizes the continuity between prior and continuing standards. In the case of Peru, based on annual average TFP growth of 1.66%, the X-factor is computed to be 4.06% per year. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

For an economy competing at the global frontier, an innovation-based growth strategy requires a well-developed technological infrastructure, a set of capabilities-focused technology policies, as well as an institutional environment that stimulates innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper examines the role played by science and technology policy in an economy's transition to an innovation-based growth strategy. We discuss the challenges governments face as they restructure economic institutions to deepen R&D capabilities and encourage technology creation. We review Singapore's experience in this regard and assess its ongoing efforts to remake itself to compete at the global frontier.  相似文献   

On the choice of functional form in stochastic frontier modeling   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper examines the effect of functional form specification on the estimation of technical efficiency using a panel data set of 125 olive-growing farms in Greece for the period 1987–93. The generalized quadratic Box-Cox transformation is used to test the relative performance of alternative, widely used, functional forms and to examine the effect of prior choice on final efficiency estimates. Other than the functional specifications nested within the Box-Cox transformation, the comparative analysis includes the minflex Laurent translog and generalized Leontief that possess desirable approximation properties. The results indicate that technical efficiency measures are very sensitive to the choice of functional specification. Perhaps most importantly, the choice of functional form affects the identification of the factors affecting individual performance – the sources of technical inefficiency. The analysis also shows that while specification searches do narrow down the set of feasible alternatives, the identification of the most appropriate functional specification might not always be (statistically) feasible. First version received: November 1999/Final version received: July 2001 RID="*" ID="*"  The authors wish to thank Almas Heshmati, Robert Romain, and an anonymous referee for insightful comments and suggestions. Special thanks go to the associate editor who handled the paper, and whose careful reading and suggestions have improved the paper substantially. The second author wishes to acknowledge the financial support from “President SSHRC” from the University of Saskatchewan. The usual caveats with respect to opinions expressed in the paper apply. Senior authorship is shared. This is University of Nebraska-Lincoln Agricultural Research Division Article No. 13270.  相似文献   

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