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兰若 《三联竞争力》2008,(12):72-73
瑟瑟寒秋,瓷青蓝的天空,明媚的阳光,银亮闪烁的树叶随风婆娑起舞,翻飞摇曳。清朗的秋光下,塞纳河微波粼粼,水明澄静。沿着迷人依然的塞纳河漫无目的行去,迎接享受着和风阳光。河对岸街道旁的二层阳台,美丽典雅,斜伸出几枝鲜红的绣球,花朵可爱明艳。  相似文献   

当奔驰的新C级和宝马的新3系相继推出后,豪华品牌入门级车型的争夺战又趋激烈。同为欧洲豪华品牌三驾马车之一的Volvo自然不能等闲视之。当旧款S40型轿车在新的对手面前已露疲态时,Volvo汽车公司果断出手,将以颠覆性理念设计、更贴近新生代消费阶层的全新Volvo S40型轿车推向市场,在同级车市场上掀起了一股汹涌的北欧浪潮。  相似文献   

频繁采用外部基准计算补贴利益是美国对华反补贴调查中的一大焦点问题。但是,美国调查当局强调,该方法完全依据现行反补贴法,其实施也早有先例,并非仅针对"非市场经济"国家。本文通过一系列美国对市场经济国家反补贴典型案例的考察,得出的基本结论是:外部基准确实是其在对市场经济国家反补贴调查中价格比较的基本方法之一,而受调查国政府通过所拥有或控制的金融机构、国有企业向涉案企业提供贷款或原材料投入是适用外部基准的两类主要情形。  相似文献   

随着一阵涡轮增压发动机特有的低沉的轰鸣声,疾驰而来的新款S80 2.5T漂亮利索地停在我身边。接过钥匙,细微改进所带来的人文关怀洋溢在掌心:老款S80的车门钥匙与遥控器是一个分体的结构,使用有所不便。如今,新款车门钥匙被整合在遥控器内,但在必要时又可拆开单独使用。抚摸着车身带有北欧经典风格的腰线,心中不由一阵感叹:毕竟是国际知名的高档品牌。  相似文献   

虽然国内的汽车市场近期趋冷,但在高端的豪华车领域却依然保持着既有的温度。中国市场蕴藏着的巨大的商机令国际豪门在抢滩中国上不敢有丝毫迟缓。作为本文两大主角的母公司一Volvo汽车公司和宝马公司自然不甘人后,只是在殊途同归之下却运用了不同的手段。华晨宝马借先声夺人之势尾随德国宝马不断推出国产车型,而Volvo汽车公司在暂时无法国产的情况下竭尽全力,通过  相似文献   

8月初,Volvo汽车公司向中国豪华汽车市场又打出了一记重拳——推出“豪华剧院”版Volvo S80 2.5T。在动力澎湃的轻质涡轮增压发动机,经典外观和顶级安全配备的基础上,S80 2.5T新增了10碟三屏豪华DVD影音系统及电子豪华冷藏箱,将Volvo S80旗舰系列的视听品质推向更高境界。  相似文献   

The 2003 Fortune 500 Index includes 358 firms that had been newly listed within the previous 10 years; historically this is a large number of firms in a relatively short time period. In particular, among the 358 new Fortune 500 entrants founded after 1975, 44 are defined as “rapid-growth” startups. Simulation results based on a discrete-choice racing model demonstrate that they were able to outperform their early competitors through a quality innovation race. They were resistant to hostile M&A attempts as well. According to the empirical results, a quality shock affects the size growth and profitability of the rapid-growth startups more than a market shock does, which indicates that such superior performance owes to firm-specific innovation ability rather than to market fluctuations.  相似文献   

Battle royal: Zero-price effect vs relative vs referent thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article confronts three psychological influences: relative thinking, referent thinking, and the zero-price effect. The experiment conducted in the context of bundles with complementary components, confirms previous evidence around the dominance patterns between relative and referent thinking when the bargain is a discount; however, when the discount is changed to a free product (worth the same as the discount), the zero-price effect arises. Specifically: (1) if actual price coincides with expected price, relative thinking is the norm, unless the zero-price effect appears; (2) if actual price moderately deviates from expected price, referent thinking is superior to any other effects, relative thinking and the zero-price effect; and (3) if the deviation is extreme, a battle royal among influences takes place: relative thinking beats referent thinking as long as the zero-price effect does not appear. If the zero-price effect is present, it will cancel referent thinking and reverse relative thinking.  相似文献   

The study compares Canadian and U.S. marketing researchers' attitudes, perceptions and intentions related to several areas of ethical concern. A particular focus involves salience of norms common to marketing research codes of ethics (COEs) and familiarity of such codes to marketing research professionals. Researchers' attitudes towards today's ethical climate are identified and compared between the two countries. Relationships are examined between familiarity, ethical intention and salience. Results indicate that U.S. and Canadian marketing researchers have similar perceptions of the relative importance of specific ethical norms, but worldwide COEs do not reflect these perceptions. Canadian marketing researchers report having a greater familiarity with their firms' adopted COEs, but this finding is moderated by the type of researcher. Among other findings, results indicate that familiarity influences ethical intention only for highly salient issues.  相似文献   

杨猛 《广告大观》2009,(2):44-45
12月22日,新浪和分众传媒宣布双方达成协议,新浪将合并分众旗下的户外数字广告业务。根据协议,新浪将增发4700万普通股用于购买分众传媒旗下的分众楼宇电视,框架广告以及卖场广告等业务相关的资产。分众传媒将保留其互联网广告业务 ,影院广告业务以及传统户外广告牌业务。  相似文献   

B-B vs B-C     
眼下的中国 ,已是一个将“电子商务”概念炒作得人人尽知的社会 ,不过 ,细细想来 ,热闹的炒作所形成的影响似乎与可怜的经济收益不可同日而语。当然 ,这与电子商务尚处于起步阶段 ,而中国又有其特殊国情不无关系。这里罗列了B -B与B -C各持一词的一些说法 ,从中似乎可以看出些端倪B -C :在中国B -C早已启动。它之所以引起了各方面的广泛关注 ,主要原因是 ,中间环节透明 ,能给老百姓省钱 ,老百姓能得到实惠 ,当然愿意先上网去买东西。以网上订电影票为例 ,电影院买票30元 ,网上订票15元 ,多省钱呵。在网上集体竞价、联合购买商品…  相似文献   

基于模糊积分法,对我国市场经济运行机制下科技进步与经济互动机制进行了综合评价,测算结果表明:市场经济下科技进步对经济的作用机制、经济对科技进步的作用机制以及二者协同机制的运行绩效分别为0.70408949、0.69610579和0.75404855,科技进步与经济互动机制运行总绩效值为0.715478,处于良好水平.  相似文献   

Supply chain strategies are used to increase efficiency, save money, or reduce uncertainty and disruption. Disruptions can be unexpected and potentially devastating for supply chains. However, sometimes supply disruptions are built into supply chains using a postponement strategy. When postponement is implemented as a supply chain strategy, it can smooth the flow of goods, provide cost savings, and improve customer experience. When postponement is forced on supply chains via government intervention it can break down the seamless flow of goods and information, causing them to work inefficiently. In this article, we show how intervention through postponement creates unintended consequences that negatively impact beer supply chains and make recommendations to help managers mitigate these consequences. We also address policymakers, who can decrease the likelihood of unintended consequences resulting from regulations they enact—including how to prevent legislating these regulations in the first place.  相似文献   

Business Economics - Small businesses experienced very sharp declines in activity, business sentiment, and expectations early in the pandemic. While there has been some recovery since then,...  相似文献   

21世纪是科技创新和知识经济时代,知识产权在高校人才管理和科技创新中起重要作用,而科技人员的知识产权意识决定了高校的管理和创造效果。以广东8所高校为例,基于问卷调查获取数据,采用描述性统计对高校科技人员知识产权意识进行分析。结果发现,高校科技人员知识产权文化缺乏、法制观念薄弱,知识产权相关教育不够;不同学科、不同工龄的科技人员对知识产权掌握存在较大差别;知识产权管理制度完善,但运用能力薄弱。  相似文献   

本文考察区域科技创新水平及其宏观影响因素,实证检验政府扶植与高科技产业自身的发展对提升科技创新效率的作用机制。研究结果发现,在控制区域经济发展水平、贸易开放水平、金融发展水平和产业结构等因素后,政府扶持对区域科技创新效率的影响存在显著负效应,而行业自身发展则表现出显著的正向促进作用。  相似文献   

Although the battle between culture and commerce isn't over, the conflict has entered a new phase. Research reveals that elite artists like Picasso, Dalí and Warhol – among others – were canny commercial operators who knew their own worth and weren't reluctant to exploit it. However, we are less well informed of culture and commerce's co-dependency in artistic spheres where money rarely intrudes. This paper examines the marketing activities of T.S. Eliot, perhaps the preeminent poet of the twentieth century and epitome of art-for-art's-sake avant-gardism. It indicates that, aided and abetted by il miglior fabbro, Ezra Pound, Eliot proved to be an adroit authorpreneur. Their marketing of The Waste Land brand was ahead of its time and in tune with our own. Few poets are condemned to fame and fortune. Eliot was an entrepreneurial exception.  相似文献   

安徽科技资源配置效率评价及创新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技资源及其布局是区域科技创新能力的基础.通过对安徽科技资源总量、结构及空间布局状况的分析,对科技资源配置效率进行评价,找出存在问题及原因,从有利于科技经济一体化发展、提高配置效率的角度提出整合思路.  相似文献   

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