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在当前立足扩大内需保持经济增长的新形势下,交通运输基础设施建设面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。本文主要通过对交通运输基础设施建设融资的现状分析,提出应考虑未来改革的发展趋势,科学合理地筹措建设资金,创新投融资体制,优化配置有限的经济资源,切实提高交通运输基础设施建设的投资效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

1984年出台的"贷款修路,收费还贷"政策,开创了我国交通运输基础设施投融资改革的先河,交通专项税费的开征为交通运输发展开辟了稳定的资金来源渠道,由此,"中央投资、地方筹资、社会融资、利用外资"的交通基础设施投融资模式逐步形成。十八届三中全会以来,财税体制改革、特别是投融资体制改革逐步深入,交通运输基础设施投融资进入新时期。本文简要分析了交通运输基础设施(主要指公路、水路)投融资的现状和存在的问题,提出深化改革的思路。  相似文献   

根据经济学等有关原理,对铁路的属性进行研究。指出铁路的准公共产品属性、自然垄断属性、广泛存在的公益性都要求政府在铁路运输服务的供给上发挥关键作用,同时,铁路的规模经济特性,要求各类线路要统一协调,而不是各自为政。  相似文献   

本文针对当今交通运输基础设施建设投融资出现的问题和瓶颈,引入PPP融资模式,并搜集近些年相关文献资料,针对交通运输行业基础设施建设的相关融资问题进行文献综述与可行性分析。此外,结合实操真实案例,通过引入杭绍台城际铁路这一项目,进行相关分析,总结经验并提出该案例的局限性,为今后民营企业投资入股参与交通运输基础设施建设提供建议,从而创新融资方式,解决政府资金来源问题,以此吸引更多民营企业的投资。  相似文献   

徐艳 《交通财会》2016,(7):75-78
推进交通运输供给侧结构性改革,是引领经济发展新常态的重大创新,必须进行交通运输执法体制改革。要深入探讨交通运输执法体制改革的依据问题,执法主体资格问题,组建交通运输执法机构问题,编制核定问题,市辖区不设执法机构问题,人员安置问题,工资经费保障不到位问题,改革的进度问题。  相似文献   

基于交易成本的第四方物流经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述第四方物流的概念及其主要特点,运用交易成本理论,从委托企业的视角对第四方物流进行分析,并从物流量、专业化与规模经济、运作效率与企业核心竞争力等方面论述第四方物流与企业物流自营的关系.  相似文献   

一、河南交通运输发展现状 河南是全国重要的现代综合交通枢纽,在交通运输部正确领导和强力支持下,河南交通运输实现了由“基本缓解”到“总体适应”的重大跨越。公路基础设施建设总量位居全国前列、中部领先。公路水路基础设施网络基本建成,运输服务能力不断提升。  相似文献   

城市综合交通方式融合出现在20世纪80年代,主要是源于城市交通发展过快,相关配套建设未能跟上,从而形成交通拥堵、道路资源面临严重不足及信息化建设滞后等一系列问题,作为缓解城市道路交通的一种重要手段,将在提高道路利用率和交通方式衔接上发挥重要作用.所谓综合交通方式融合,实质上是综合交通的一体化,是指通过对交通系统的技术、管理、政策、信息以及配套设施等各方面的整合,促进交通系统内部各方式之间的共享与整合,从而提高交通系统的服务水平和运营效率,形成一个高效、可靠、协调的城市综合交通体系.  相似文献   

文章在调查分析现有投资政策、交通投融资现状及问题的基础上,从交通基础设施建设、交通运输服务业、新兴交通产业发展三领域提出了传统融资方式、交通产业基金、争取地方发债、创建交通产业园区、运用委托贷款、依托综合枢纽建设、交通公益基金会、交通资产证券化等八种方式,并从扶持政策、投资环境、服务体系等方面提出具体的保障措施。  相似文献   

A major question in Economic Geography relates to the scale and nature of transport infrastructure’s contribution to the broader economy. While Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is the most widely used of the three potential approaches, the recent interest in the wider economic benefits of transport infrastructure has spawned a variety of macroeconomic models. However, the estimates of magnitudes and direction of economic impacts of infrastructure by various macroeconomic models are sharply different, and these models shed little light on causal mechanisms linking transport and the economy. This paper has two aims: first, to highlight the wider economic benefits of transport infrastructure from the observed role of railroads and waterways in economic development, and two by reviewing recent theoretical developments to identify the multiple causal mechanisms which link transport and economic growth such as : market expansion, gains from trade, technological shifts, processes of spatial agglomeration and processes of innovation and commercialization of new knowledge in urban clusters (made possible by transport improvements). Hence the need for developing general equilibrium analyses of transport-economy linkages.  相似文献   

武兵 《铁道经济研究》2009,(5):39-40,43
我国铁路集装箱运输存在运输效率低、运输效益差的弊端,其安全、快捷等优势远未得到发挥。对比铁路客运和货运的特点,提出铁路集装箱运输组织方式客运化的方向及实施条件和办法。  相似文献   

Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province, is the fourth biggest city in China with over 15 million residents and 3.4 million vehicles. In Chengdu, transport and other mobile sources accounted for over 27% of the city's PM2.5 emissions (CDEPB, 2016), posing negative impacts on public health, local environment, and the climate. This study estimated impacts from transport-related emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SOX, CO, and HC) and evaluated the associated social cost for Chengdu from 2005 to 2013. The study also assessed the city's transport performance in terms of its eco-efficiency with the socioeconomic and environmental concerns. The activity-based methodology was adopted to produce the emission inventories, while utilizing meta-analysis and localizing the emission social cost factors based on Chengdu's economic and demographic reality to support social cost assessment. The study marks the first attempt in literature to evaluate Chengdu's transport emission social cost. The following were observed in the study: (i) in 2013, the social cost of all transport emissions in Chengdu was around US$3 billion, with the lowest estimate of US$449 million and the highest estimate of US$4.7 billion; (ii) trucks, private cars, and motorcycles were the major contributors, while NOX, PM2.5, and CO were the key pollutants to public health; (iii) if GHGs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) were excluded, the upper range of social cost of transport air pollutants would be from US$2.4 billion to US$4.1 billion, or 1.6%–2.8% of the Chengdu's GDP.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, urban areas have been rapidly expanding, exacerbating the problem of many public transport (PT) operators providing service over different governmental jurisdictions. Over the past five decades, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have successfully implemented regional PT associations (called Verkehrsverbund or VV), which integrate services, fares, and ticketing while coordinating public transport planning, marketing, and customer information throughout metropolitan areas, and in some cases, entire states. A key difference between VVs and other forms of regional PT coordination is the collaboration and mutual consultation of government jurisdictions and PT providers in all decision-making. This article examines the origins of VVs, their spread to 13 German, Austrian, and Swiss metropolitan areas from 1967 to 1990, and their subsequent spread to 58 additional metropolitan areas from 1991 to 2017, now serving 85% of Germany's and 100% of Austria's population. The VV model has spread quickly because it is adaptable to the different degrees and types of integration needed in different situations. Most of the article focuses on six case studies of the largest VVs: Hamburg (opened in 1967), Munich (1971), Rhine-Ruhr (1980), Vienna (1984), Zurich (1990), and Berlin-Brandenburg (1999). Since 1990, all six of those VVs have increased the quality and quantity of service, attracted more passengers, and reduced the percentage of costs covered by subsidies. By improving PT throughout metropolitan areas, VVs provide an attractive alternative to the private car, helping to explain why the car mode share of trips has fallen since 1990 in all of the case studies.  相似文献   

This paper studies a closed-loop supply chain that uses containers for transporting products from a supplier to a retailer. At the retailer, used containers are collected and returned to the supplier. The supplier inspects returned containers, and either repairs and reuses or disposes them. This paper studies the case where the fraction of containers that are returned to the supplier is stochastic, and where an RFID system can be used to support the tracking of container positions in the supply chain. The use of RFID leads to improved information on the return of containers and better return predictability as well as higher return rates, which we model as an increase in the mean return rate of containers and a reduction in return variance. The paper first develops a mathematical planning model for this scenario, and it then studies how the use of RFID impacts the performance of the system. In addition, it analyzes under which conditions the use of RFID is economical, and in which situations traditional container systems should be preferred.  相似文献   

The paper presents a dynamic model of modal split in a multimodal freight transport system, which supposes that the evolution over time of transport demand is accompanied by a corresponding evolution of transport modes, and that users react with delay to cost variations. Starting with these hypotheses, and following the paradigm of random utility, a recursive equation is obtained, whose iterated application furnishes the sequence of the demand fractions on the various transport modes in the successive epochs of the time period during which the evolution of the transport system is studied and enables forecasting the future modal split evolution.  相似文献   

Communication about containers onboard a cargo carrier approaching a harbor with a hinterland operator who is to receive the containers usually reveals the total amount of goods (aggregate number of containers) to be transported inland upon unloading at the arrival dock. This communication is useful for the hinterland operator to plan and deploy its transport capacities. However, further transport of containers on the hinterland involve various transport modes at differing costs. For example, the delivery time requirement of a container dictates the most appropriate mode of inland transport, be it truck, rail, or barge, in decreasing order of speed, flexibility and cost, to move the container to the next destination. In general there may be several types of delivery time requirements and containers of each type is most economically moved inland in a corresponding transport mode. Trucking is usually used for containers that need urgent delivery and train or barge for not so urgent types. In order to efficiently plan the transport capacities for after-arrival conveyance of containers having multi-type delivery time requirements, not only should the aggregate number of containers, but also the number of containers of each type, be made available to the hinterland operator. We consider several information scenarios and in each scenario we solve a single-period capacity planning serving multi-type demands with product substitution. We then compare expected transport costs between information scenarios to evaluate the benefit of specific cargo information in improving the next-step transporting after containers are unloaded at the port of entry.  相似文献   

The idea of committing to tourism as a tool for economic development – a decision supported by a large number of countries and international organizations – is becoming widespread, since the potential of tourism has been advocated, without a doubt, to improve the socio-economic conditions of host countries. However, in recent years, a critical school of thought has emerged that questions the universal validity of tourism as a development tool, and therefore calls into question the solution implemented by these countries and institutions. In this context, this research study, after analysing the validity of each one of these two schools of thought, advocates for an intermediate situation based on the premise that there is no automatic relationship between the two dimensions, but instead a country must meet certain characteristics in order for this link to occur. In this sense, since the scientific literature has shown the importance of geography and infrastructure provision in improving the living conditions of the population, the aim of this work is to identify what are the determining factors that help or hinder the transformation of tourism growth into economic development.  相似文献   

The Verkehrsverbund system of public transport organization offers a practical solution to the problem of providing integrated regional public transport service for the increasingly suburbanized metropolitan areas of Europe and North America. By carefully coordinating fares and services for all routes, all types of public transport, and all parts of the metropolitan region, Verkehrsverbund systems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have greatly improved the quality of the public transport alternative to the automobile. Five Verbund systems were chosen for detailed analysis: Hamburg, Munich, the Rhein-Ruhr region, Vienna and Zurich. This article documents the success of each Verbund in attracting more public transport riders and, in most cases, increasing or at least stabilizing public transport's share of modal split. It also analyzes the reasons for the success of the Verkehrsverbund, including service expansion, improvement in service quality, more attractive fares, and extensive marketing campaigns. The five case study systems offer lessons for other public transport systems facing similar challenges of dealing with increasing auto ownership and suburbanization. The article concludes with an analysis of the most challenging problem of all: public transport finance. As shown dramatically by the five case studies, the service improvements and fare structures needed for truly effective regional public transport require substantial government subsidy. Fiscal austerity at every government level is leading to subsidy cutbacks in most countries of Europe and North America. The five case study systems examined in this article provide lessons on how to deal most effectively with limited subsidy funds in order to minimize service deterioration, fare increases and ridership losses.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how public transport planning is managed in institutional contexts where governance is spread across local and regional scales. The paper sheds light on two facets of the relationship between local and regional government: first, the decision-making process regarding where to provide public transport services and at what level, and second, integration of public transport with land use planning. An analytical matrix is used to cross-reference the roles of formal institutions (governance established in law) and informal institutions (governance not established in law) against local and regional responsibilities for public transport and land use. Analysis of the interplay between these three axes (formal/informal, local/regional, public transport/land use) reveals how informal institutions help regional and local authorities to negotiate the constraints of formal, statutory institutions and help to “oil the wheels” of delivering measures and policies that make public transport work as a well-functioning system. However, informal institutions clearly have their limits, in the paper exemplified by the remaining challenges to integrate regional public transport and local land use planning. An identified challenge is that, by their very nature, informal institutions are difficult to influence or modify, therefore relying on them to fill gaps in formal institutional responsibilities may be a risky strategy when unpopular decisions are made.  相似文献   

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