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The redemption of loyalty program (LP) rewards has an important impact on LP members' behavior, particularly on purchase behavior before and after redeeming a reward. However, little is known about the interplay between members' purchase and redemption behavior when members are not pressured with point expiration and they choose for themselves when and how much to redeem. In this context, the effects of redemption are not straightforward, as little additional effort is required from an LP member to obtain the reward. Analyzing the behavior of 3094 members in such an LP, we find that the mere decision to redeem a reward significantly enhances purchase behavior before and after the redemption event, even when members redeem just a fraction of their accumulated points. Conceptually, we refer to this enhancement as the redemption momentum, which is an alternative and novel explanation of the existence of pre-reward effects that do not depend on points-pressure. In addition to the overall impact of redemption on purchases, prior purchase behavior also enhances redemption decisions. Finally, we find a number of moderating effects on purchase and redemption behavior that derive from the length of LP membership, age, income and direct mailings. Our study's most important managerial implication is that firms should avoid imposing point expiry and/or binding thresholds in order to enhance members' purchase behavior.  相似文献   

Loyalty reward programs play an important strategic role attracting and retaining customers. Surprisingly, reward redemptions receive minimal research attention. Despite widespread reward program offerings, evidence suggests customers increasingly abandon them due to controlling (restrictive) redemption policies, such as blackout dates. The present study considers controlling redemption policies' effect on consumer commitment levels for accumulation-based and instant loyalty programs across social and economic award types. A 2 (low/high controlling) × 2 (accumulation/instant program) × (social/economic rewards) design tests hypotheses informed by cognitive evaluation and rational choice theories. Results show firms employing accumulation programs with highly controlling policies should highlight their social rewards (e.g., a hotel with blackout dates on redeeming rewards would want to highlight their special lounges or dining areas); whereas, low controlling policies work best when offering financial rewards (e.g., free upgrades or percentages off). In instant programs, the type of reward generally does not influence consumers' commitment levels.  相似文献   

Retailers increasingly adopt temporary loyalty programs (TLPs), in which consumers have limited time, often less than half a year, to save stamps and redeem highly discounted rewards. These programs often run alongside the retailers’ permanent loyalty programs in an attempt to increase customer engagement. Despite the growing popularity of TLPs, the literature on the topic remains limited. We address this gap by looking at the redemption rate, the industry’s primary success indicator, of almost 900 TLPs across a broad set of grocery retailers in 45 countries. We study the effects of four key design characteristics (the duration of the program, the discount offered, the spending requirement before an award can be redeemed, and the reward depth) on the redemption rate, and explore how these effects vary across a broad range of retailer and country characteristics. In doing so, we control for both a retailer’s potential self-selection into running a TLP and the potential endogeneity of the subsequent design choices. We derive a set of actionable results on how to design successful TLPs and show that high redemption rates are not only beneficial for the program operator and reward manufacturer, but also translate into higher sales and profit for the retailer.  相似文献   

Retailer loyalty programs (LPs) are pervasive in grocery retailing. However, participant spending and redemption typically wear off over time and traditional communication has not revealed very effective at maintaining program engagement. We study the impact of in-app mobile push notifications on consumer participation and reward collection in store-loyalty programs. Using a unique data set covering consumer spending before and during such a program, we estimate the effect of push messaging on expenditure and reward redemption during the program. We report positive effects of push messages on spending, and even stronger effects on redemption, relative to a control group not receiving such messages. Due to the savings dynamics, the total spending impact is larger for messages sent early on rather than late in the program, while the opposite holds for the total number of stamps redeemed. Conditioning on observable consumer characteristics, we allow for heterogeneous treatment effects and find that the spending and redemption effects of push messaging increase with high levels of pre-program spending. Our findings reveal which loyalty-program stakeholders benefit the most from mobile marketing campaigns, and help to formulate rules for campaign scheduling and targeting.  相似文献   

While reward programs have been widely used as a means to engender customer loyalty, it is not clear if the ends are justified. Some researchers argue that we do not fully understand the mechanism underlying reward programs and how it affects consumer acceptability of such programs. In this study, we examine two variables; timing (immediate vs. delayed) and type (direct vs. indirect) of rewards in two service conditions (satisfied vs. dissatisfied). We conduct the experiment in two service settings and the results indicate that when consumers are satisfied, they prefer delayed, direct rewards (of higher values) to immediate, direct rewards. However, when consumers are dissatisfied, they prefer immediate, direct rewards to delayed, direct rewards (of higher values). Interestingly, the preference for direct over indirect rewards is apparent only if the rewards are delayed (for the satisfactory service experience) or immediate (for the dissatisfactory service experience).  相似文献   

Customer referral reward programs have recently gained popularity as beneficial customer acquisition tools. This research aims to explore the impact of reward type, specifically with regard to the differential effects of monetary versus in-kind rewards, on referral success. We find that although consumers prefer monetary rewards to in-kind rewards because of the greater economic value of monetary rewards, the higher social costs associated with money offset this benefit and even render money an inferior incentive when the recommendation is not well justified. Through four experiments, we demonstrate that monetary rewards (vs. in-kind rewards) lead to less referral generation and acceptance, especially when the recommended brands are weak (Studies 1 and 4), and that perceived social costs mediate the interactive effect of reward type and brand strength (Studies 1 and 3). Moreover, by increasing the economic benefit or decreasing the social costs associated with monetary rewards, we restore the effectiveness of monetary rewards as incentives. Compared with in-kind rewards, monetary rewards perform equally well when the reward is sufficiently large (Study 2), and they perform even better when both the recommender and the receiver are rewarded (Study 3). This research extends the literature on the psychological consequences of money and provides novel insights into the customer referral process.  相似文献   

Loyalty programs often feature multiple rewards with different requirements; for instance, an airline offering a free domestic ticket for 10 K miles, and an international ticket for 20 K miles. This research focuses on the role of multi-level rewards as a segmentation and price discrimination mechanism: Multi-level rewards can increase firm profits when buyers differ in purchase frequency and/or time discount factor. We propose that a program with two rewards can be designed in such a way that (i) it is more profitable than a one-reward program, and (ii) buyers self-select. Light users prefer to receive the smaller reward two times over receiving the larger reward one time, even though the smaller reward is less than half of the larger reward. We show that the smaller reward helps the firm enlarge its base in the light user segment. We also compare multi-level programs with quantity discounts.  相似文献   

Although brands offer different kinds of rewards through their loyalty programs, little is known about how they can impact consumer–brand relationships and brand attitude. How do loyalty program rewards influence the consumer–brand relationship? And which kinds of rewards establish or maintain closer relationships between consumers and brands than others? To answer these questions, the present research makes use of self-expansion theory (Aron & Aron, 1986) and two experiments that manipulate the extraordinary character of rewards offered to consumers. Our findings show that special rewards produce higher self-expansion than mundane rewards. Moreover, the positive effect of the rewards’ extraordinary character on brand evaluation, recommendation, and identification is sequentially and fully mediated by self-brand inclusion and self-expansion. Finally, we show that consumer satisfaction moderates the impact of special and mundane rewards on self-brand inclusion.  相似文献   


This paper explores consumers of 18—24 years of age and their perceptions of irradiated ground beef products and role of irradiation on their purchase decisions. Data was collected with a survey of college—age consumers. Results showed that the majority of participants would be willing to purchase irradiated food products. Participants were somewhat concerned about impact of irradiation on safety and taste. The term “irradiated” and cost to consumer had a negative impact on participants' willingness to purchase irradiated ground beef products. The identification of the attributes should provide a useful guidance for the beef industry in terms of determining marketing strategies to increase the level of this segment of the consumer groups’ preference for irradiated products.  相似文献   


Managers often try to gain repeat purchases by using delayed incentives such as bounce-back coupons or continuity programs that require consumers to make multiple or long-run purchases to receive the incentive's reward. Yet, given a choice, consumers presumably would rather receive their rewards sooner, than later. We used choice scenarios in a study to identify tactics that likely result in consumers' preferences for incentive offers delayed in time over competitors' offers whose rewards are realized immediately. The results suggest that offering a delayed incentive that has a higher face value than competitors' immediate incentives may result in consumers choosing the delayed reward. Additionally, framing the incentives as gains appears to be more effective at acquiring consumers' choice than framing them as reduced losses. Finally, some limited findings indicate that targeting delayed incentive programs toward consumer segments high in future time orientation may be effective at gaining choice of delayed incentive offers.  相似文献   

The current and future sales impact of a retail frequency reward program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This research presents an empirical study of the impact of a retail frequency reward program on store sales. We examine both the “points pressure,” or short-term impact, and the “rewarded behavior,” or long-term impact. The points-pressure impact is due to forward-looking customers increasing their purchase levels in order to earn the reward. The rewarded-behavior impact is evidenced as purchases above baseline levels after an individual has received a reward and could result from either behavioral learning reinforcement or positive affect resulting from the reward. We investigate a turkey reward program that awarded free turkeys to shoppers who accumulated the required sales levels during an 8-week period. We find both a points-pressure and rewarded-behavior impact. These effects are statistically significant and managerially relevant in that the program is apparently profitable. The points-pressure impact is especially strong among customers who do not place value on frequent shopper programs that in general deliver immediate price discounts. The key implications are that frequency reward programs of the form, “buy x, then receive xx” can be profitable, are segmentation strategies, and can complement a store's overall frequent shopper program.  相似文献   

Research into loyalty schemes focuses primarily on business (strategy) rather than consumer perspectives. This paper investigates consumer motivations in retail loyalty scheme points redemption, through a qualitative study of participants in a major UK retail loyalty scheme. Academic research tends to neglect investigation of points redemption, despite its probable significance to consumers and certain value to businesses. The research identifies planned behavior towards redemption goals, plus interruptions by various circumstances and events. Self-gifting for reward and/or therapy purposes is common. Redemption activities have positive implications for consumer perceptions of the scheme and the retailer and appear to enhance future purchasing behavior. From these findings, this paper draws implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

A key member benefit for participating in a loyalty program (LP) is the rewards earned for points accrued. One popular reward structure is a catalog of many diverse items. The rewards among this broad selection are likely to differ in their appeal due to their intrinsic differences and customer heterogeneity. Prior research has shown that after redeeming a reward, LP members are more motivated to increase their purchase volume/frequency and share-of-wallet within the program, thereby becoming more active. In this study, we fit a hidden Markov model to a 4½ year longitudinal data set of points accrual and reward redemption activity for about 4500 members of a large coalition LP. Our analysis reveals three latent states — active, hyperactive and inactive. We then investigate the likelihood of LP members transitioning between these states across successive time periods, and examine the reward categories and marketing effort associated with these transitions. Subsequently, we use our model to optimally promote particular reward categories to encourage LP member migration to managerially desirable states or prevent them sliding into a less desirable state. Our proposed optimal reward strategy potentially increases the estimated proportion of LP members in the hyperactive latent state from 35.7% to 40.1%, with a resultant increase in sales revenue for retailers and service providers in the LP of 7.7%. We find that rewards which are more fungible have the strongest influence on increasing points accrual activity.  相似文献   

This study investigates the differences in referral likelihood and referral times of customers with different impulsive purchase propensity in the context of referral reward programs. One field experiment and two lab experiments demonstrated that when consumers have higher impulsive purchase propensity, consumers provided with referrer-benefit (only referrer awarded) rewards will have a higher referral likelihood than those provided with referee-benefit (referee can get the partial or full reward). This effect is mediated by meta-perceptions that people with a higher propensity for impulsive consumption are less likely to form the negative meta-perception. In addition, this study revealed that referral contexts (private and public communication environments) might have a moderating effect on consumers’ subsequent referrals (i.e., referral times). The negative effects of meta-perceptions stemming from the referrer-benefit rewards can be mitigated in private contexts.  相似文献   

Modern retail is fiercely competitive, forcing grocery retailers to enhance promotions including premium redemption to attract customers. Taiwan’s leading convenience store chains have even established an integrated marketing department to develop unique premium rewards and campaigns that seek to induce customers to spend more or switch from other retailers. However, research on premium attractiveness is relatively scarce despite its importance in determining the success of a premium promotion. This empirical study identifies the premium value hierarchy that drives attractiveness from the consumer’s perspective. It finds that epistemic value is the most important driver behind making a premium reward attractive, which in turn, raises customers’ brand attitude toward the retailer and purchase intention in the retailer’s stores. High premium value can also make a customer develop a positive brand attitude. By contrast, utilitarian, hedonic, and collecting values only indirectly affect a customer’s brand attitude via the epistemic value. In addition, the trading stamps promotion only works with frequent customers; it is not effective in enticing VIP customers. This study provides suggestions on how to develop an attractive premium product and successful trading stamps promotion.  相似文献   

Extensive literature has studied the impact of positive online reviews on consumers’ purchase decisions. Research on the role of negative reviews in consumer price perception is heavily under-investigated. This study examines effects of negative reviews on consumer price perception and subsequent purchase behavior while considering the moderating effect of purchase goals. Results from two experiments show that the proportion of negative reviews has stronger negative impacts on purchase decision for consumers with a purchase goal than those without. This research contributes to growing knowledge about negative online reviews and consumer goal literature and offers practical implications for online retailers.  相似文献   


Consumer goods manufacturers regularly spend millions of dollars annually on sales promotions such as couponing, rebates, sweepstakes, and other premium offers. Although the impact of advertising on consumer purchase behavior has been documented in the marketing literature, the impact of promotions on purchase behavior has received relatively little attention. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between brand loyalty, purchase involvement, product experience, and their impact on the efficacy of consumer promotions. The results show that sales promotions have applications beyond their traditional role as short-term promotional tools. Managerial implications as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a purchase equity model for online group buying (OGB) to examine the antecedents and consequences of OGB behavior. The study tests 458 usable responses collected by means of mall-intercept systematic sampling from consumers who had previously participated in OGB against the purchase equity model using structural equation modeling. Drawing from both input constructs (perceived sacrifice and perceived risk) and output constructs (perceived benefit and perceived quality) for equity, the findings support the purchase equity model. The findings show the significance of perceived sacrifice, perceived risk, perceived benefit, and perceived quality on consumer perceptual evaluations of purchase equity in OGB. The results suggest that OGB marketers and site operators should focus on promoting perceived benefits (value for money, good selection of products and services, convenience) and perceived quality (ease of use, aesthetics, prompt processing speed) and implementing measures that reduce consumers’ perceived sacrifice (monetary, time, effort) and perceived risk (security, privacy, purchase redemption, purchase delivery) in OGB.  相似文献   

While a significant literature has emerged recently on the longer-term effects of price promotions, as inferred from persistence models, there is very little if any attention paid to whether such longer-term effects vary across different types of consumers. This paper takes a first step in that direction by exploring whether the adjustment, permanent, and total effects of price promotions, and the duration of the adjustment period, differ between consumers segmented based on their usage rates in a product category and their loyalty to a brand. We also investigate whether such consumer segmentation will improve the forecasting performance of persistence models at both product category and brand levels. Expectations are developed based on consumer behavior theory on various effects of price promotions, such as the post-deal trough, the mere purchase effect, the promotion usage effect, and responsiveness to competitor's reactions. Evidence from household-level supermarket scanner data on four product categories is provided. We find substantial differences between consumer segments and provide insights on how managers can increase the longer-term effectiveness of price promotions by targeting each consumer segment with a different promotion program. In addition, consumer segmentation is found to significantly improve the forecasting performance of the persistence model for two of the four product categories. For the other two product categories, consumer segmentation provides forecasting performance similar to that obtained from aggregate-level persistence models.  相似文献   

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