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万泉 《电子商务》2008,(10):67-69
近日,某互联网分析公司发布的《2008中国网上购物调查报告》显示,2007年我国网络购物人数占网民总数的比例增长迅速。调查结果显示,在京沪深穗四大城市,网上购物用户总数超过1000万人,网上购物金额超过250亿元人民币;在武汉、成都、沈阳和西安,网上购物用户总数253万人,网上购物金额50亿元。与2006年底相比,2007年年底京沪穗三地的网上购物渗透率增加13.3个百分点,达到44.2%;武汉、成都两地的网上购物渗透率增加6.1个百分点,达到30.8%。京沪穗三地网上购物人数超过了900万,比2006年底增加了122.6%,而武汉和成都两地的网上购物人数也达到180万,比上年增加46.1%。如何在如此庞大的网上购物大军中成为精明的买家呢?笔者结合自己的网购经验将一些提供优惠的购物网站分为4类,并总结了一些省钱妙招。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,网上购物这一新型消费方式和购物观念也在逐步深入人心,艾瑞市场咨询公司数据显示:2001年中国网络购物用户数仅为208万人,到2005年中国网络购物用户数高达1855万人,复合增长率高达72.8%。艾端预计,在未来五年内,中国的网上购物市场将会表现出以下发展趋势:  相似文献   

网上购物与虚拟商场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 商品流通是人类最古老的经济活动之一,可以追溯到几千年前。随着农业经济向工业经济的过渡,特别是近代城市的兴起、交通运输的发展,以及消费群体和消费观念的变化,商品流通业的模式也出现多样化的发展趋势。从专卖店到百货商场,从超市、仓储店到连锁经营,以及近年来迅速发展的集购物、餐饮、娱乐、休闲为一体的大型商业中心,无不是在商品流通业发展过程中,面向经济发展,面向需求,面向用户,强化竞争的变革和进步。但是如果从商品流通的发展过程去观察,这种变革与发展结果仍是基于工业经济商品流通的一种形态,而没有根本改变传统商品流通经济的基本特征,这就是:是以工业经济为基础,以物流管理为主体的商品流通经济;是生产与消费分离的迂回式的、非直接的商品流通经济;是在有限空间、有限时间内活动的商品流通经济。  相似文献   

胡立源 《商业科技》2008,(22):205-205
本文分析了大学生热衷网上购物及影响大学生网上购物的原因.并在此基础上对大学生的网上购物提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

浅析大学生的网上购物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了大学生热衷网上购物及影响大学生网上购物的原因,并在此基础上对大学生的网上购物提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

大学生网上购物行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计算机网络走进千家万户的今天,人们对网络已经不再陌生。而网上购物这一方便、快捷的购物形式也被很多人所接受。大学生作为对网络最敏感的人群,他们对网上购物行为接受很快,是未来购物市场上的潜在用户。商家对于大学生网上购物这块市场的争夺战早已打响。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院互联网研究发展中心近日公布《2005年中国电子商务市场调查报告》。报告数据显示,中国网民网上购物比例已超过亚太平均水平。该报告称,中国有2200万网民进行网上购物,网民网上购物比例达到71%,首次超过亚太地区70的平均水平。2005年,国内网上交易成交额由2004年的3500亿元升至5531亿元,个人网上消费总额高达135亿元。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查数据,本文研究了电子商务网站推荐特性的各个维度对客户网上购买的影响。研究发现,加强购物网站建设,充分发挥网站商品推荐特性在商家与消费者之间的媒介作用,增强购物网站的商品推荐的信息度、准确性、易用性、及时性和可靠性,对消费者网络购物认知会有显著的影响关系,进而可以提高客户网络购买行为。  相似文献   

回顾历史是件很有趣的事情,创造历史的人在当时做某一件事的时候也许并未带着改变人们生活方式的使命感,但他们在面对充满不确定的前途时所做的种种努力却被人们日后所传颂。在这里我们将要回顾的,看上去似乎不是什么特别了不起的事情,然而当你身边的朋友在“想买什么先去网上看看”的情况越来越普遍时,  相似文献   

郑爱 《商业研究》1999,(4):67-69
网上购物改变了传统意义上的商业流通模式,消费者可以足不出户而轻松购物的梦想成为现实。  相似文献   

This study serves as an initial attempt to demonstrate empirically how online consumers react to the offline channel extensions (i.e., opening physical stores) of e-tailers. Specifically, we examine how the attributes of offline channels influence consumer intentions to switch to offline channels and how they also lead to incremental demands on online channels. We investigate how these effects vary across highly complex utilitarian and hedonic products. The results of the study indicate that although store openings encourage online consumers to shop there when purchasing highly complex utilitarian products, the addition of offline stores results counterintuitively in incremental patronage of the online channels when consumers shop for highly complex hedonic products. This study validates the guiding role of product characteristics in designing offline channels for e-tailers and suggests that incorporating product type and complexity into the design is likely to contribute to the development of stores tailored to specific consumer segments.  相似文献   

Heralded as one of the fastest-growing regions in e-commerce sales, Asia has received increasing attention from online retailers as a promising e-commerce market. Therefore, to provide better insight into Asian online marketplaces, this study focuses on Taobao.com (hereafter referred to as “Taobao”), a major Chinese online marketplace, and attempts to shed light on consumers’ perceptions of Taobao. More specifically, this study examines (a) what consumers in China think about Taobao as an online marketplace when purchasing high- or low-involvement products; (b) what types of risk are associated with each product; and (c) how online consumers’ risk perceptions consequently influence both their trust toward Taobao and their purchase intention. Multidimensional perceived risks (financial, privacy, product, security, social/psychological, time) were considered in the research. Participants were 217 Chinese university students. The results indicate that product risk and social/psychological risk were negatively associated with consumers’ trust and purchase intention, regardless of their degree of product involvement. Interestingly, financial risk was positively related to trust and purchase intention. Findings are discussed with managerial implications, followed by limitations and future studies.  相似文献   

秦仲维 《中国市场》2010,(51):46-46
<正>宫廷大兵、八旗娃娃、大明潮人……200余款Q版故宫纪念品亮相淘宝网,让网友大呼"可爱",原来古老的故宫博物院如今也走起了新潮,在淘宝网开上了网店。古老的故宫如今也开始走新潮。日前,故宫网店在淘宝网悄然开张,主推一系列Q版文化商品:宫廷大兵、八旗娃娃、大明潮人……借由网络手段使购买故宫纪念品不再有地域限制。在名为"故宫宫廷宝贝"的淘宝店铺里,与人们以往对于博物馆纪念品印象颇  相似文献   

Children are seen as vulnerable consumers, yet little research has considered why they are more vulnerable than adults in an online context. This conceptual article uses an ecological paradigm to explore the underlying mechanisms that bring about vulnerability for children in general and specifically when interacting with online marketer created material. It does this by using the definition of a vulnerable consumer outlined by Baker, Gentry, and Rittenburg to focus on how marketing influence creates power imbalance, hinders consumption goals, and affects personal and social perceptions of self, leading children to be vulnerable consumers in online contexts. A social ecological conceptual framework is presented that demonstrates the interdependence of children's vulnerability with the social structure of their environments. Finally, in discussing how marketers are ultimately the agents in control of creating a fair marketplace for children online, policy implications are given.  相似文献   

网上商店成功的三件法宝   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王景河 《商业研究》2003,(14):174-176
伴随网络经济的发展 ,网上商店的群体规模正在不断地发展壮大。同时 ,这种打破时空限制、方便快捷的新型购物方式已经被许多消费者接受。但是 ,经营成功的网上商店却很少。究其原因 ,在网上商店的经营中缺少三件法宝 ,即增强网上商店的粘着力、注重网上消费心理研究、树立网上商店的诚信形象。只有将这三件法宝有机地结合起来 ,溶入网上商店的经营管理之中 ,才能使网上商店真正发挥作用 ,才能为企业和个人经营者创造更多的财富。  相似文献   

Despite the prospective size of the Indian market, sales on e-commerce channels are low, which could be attributed to the low trust in e-commerce vendors that tends to get influenced by culture and local elements. Therefore, the objective of current research is to unearth the primary drivers of trust between consumers and e-retailers for online transactions in India. We further explore difference in the perception of trust among different groups based on age, gender, or income level. The research framework seeks to examine returning consumers of e-retailers through the lens of Mayer and Davis complemented by institutional and transference process of trust. The data from 762 Indian respondents was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Our results show that trust is a function of ability, benevolence, and perception of the e-retailer, along with online familiarity of the users. The findings also confirm variations across groups in their trust-generating antecedents. Our work contributes to existing theory by verifying an integrative conceptual model of trust in a complex sociocultural setting and brings out several insights for the practitioners.  相似文献   

网络消费者行为与电子商务服务质量的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈林芬  王重鸣 《消费经济》2005,21(3):78-81,48
网络企业在非价格方面的竞争优势已成为吸引和留住消费者的关键。本文从阐述有关网络消费者行为理论开始。提出了影响网络消费行为意向的服务质量模型,并展开了实证研究。从上海、杭州和宁波等地随机选取250个被试进行了问卷调查,并用SPSS11.5软件对数据进行了分析。旨在对中国的有关“电子商务服务质量”和“网络消费者行为”领域做些初步探索,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

电子商务的快速发展和人们生活水平的提高使得越来越多的人选择在网上购物。但是人们在网上购买选购品时,不仅看产品,还会关注商品店铺。本文首先分析选购品网购市场的发展现状,然后阐述我们研究的方法流程和基本统计分析,通过影响因素的数据对每个因素进行分析,最后根据影响因素的分析结论对网上店铺提出几点建议。  相似文献   

大多数人认为7%的增长率已经相当高,但对中国来说这远远不够……  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate purchase intent in online marketplaces as an international phenomenon. A profile of the international online consumer is established, taking into account factors such as indicators of socio-economic development of their home countries. A structural model is analyzed using LISREL, testing the importance of CSR, the propensity to buy from international online vendors and commitment with purchase intent as the dependent variable. A cross-national dataset of 804 respondents from 57 countries is analyzed, showing that CSR activities alone do not increase purchasing intent, but they do when mediated by commitment.  相似文献   

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