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Most of the world’s ocean fisheries are severely lacking in private property rights in the underlying natural resources or their close complements (e.g. harvesting volume). Therefore, according to standard property rights theory, these fisheries should be highly wasteful of potential economic rents from these resources. The question is whether this economic loss can be empirically verified and, if so, how large it is. This paper explains the concept and develops the analytical theory of economic and natural rents. Building on this and utilizing global fisheries data, the paper proceeds to estimate a global fisheries model, obtain numerical estimates of the rent loss in the world’s ocean capture fisheries and provide reasonable confidence bounds for this loss. It is found that the global fisheries rent loss constitutes almost certainly a large fraction of the landed value of the global landings. The mean estimate of this loss is well over 50% of the value of landings.  相似文献   

Models of optimal renewable resource exploitation typically assume an equation for total population growth over time irrespective of the age distribution of the stock. By means of the theory of parametric optimal control, this paper outlines a model of a fishery with population varying in both age and time. Instead of an optimal steady-state harvest we derive an optimal harvest age distribution with lower utilization of younger members of the population.  相似文献   

Our goal in this paper is to estimate the total output in an economy that is currently dependent (at least partially) on current fisheries output. We therefore applied the Leontief technological coefficients at current production and then estimate total output supported throughout the economy at the current level of production. Estimates of gross revenue from capture fisheries suggest that the direct value of output for this sector is US $80–85 billion annually (Sumaila et al., Journal of Bioeconomics 9(1):39–51, 2007; Willmann et al., The Sunken Billions, World Bank, FAO, Washington DC, Rome, 2009). However, as a primary or a potential economic base industry, there are a vast number of secondary economic activities—from boat building to international transport—that are supported by world fisheries, yet these related activities are rarely considered when evaluating the economic impact of fisheries. This study applies an input–output methodology to estimate the total direct, indirect, and induced impact of marine capture fisheries on the world economy. While results suggest that there is a great deal of variation in fishing output multipliers between regions and countries, when we apply the output multipliers to the capture fisheries sector at the global level, we find that significant indirect and induced effects place the impact of this sector to world output nearly three times larger than the value of landings at first sale, at between US $80–85 billion annually (Sumaila et al., Journal of Bioeconomics 9(1):39–51, 2007; Willmann et al., The Sunken Billions, World Bank, FAO, Washington DC, Rome, 2009). However, as a primary or a potential economic base industry, there are a vast number of secondary economic activities—from boat building to international transport—that are supported by world fisheries, yet these related activities are rarely considered when evaluating the economic impact of fisheries. This study applies an input–output methodology to estimate the total direct, indirect, and induced impact of marine capture fisheries on the world economy. While results suggest that there is a great deal of variation in fishing output multipliers between regions and countries, when we apply the output multipliers to the capture fisheries sector at the global level, we find that significant indirect and induced effects place the impact of this sector to world output nearly three times larger than the value of landings at first sale, at between US 225 and 240 billion per year.  相似文献   

The fishery for Northeast Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Barents Sea is one of the most valuable fisheries in the North Atlantic. After the introduction of Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction, cod is a shared stock between Norway and Russia. Overfishing of quotas has been a concern for a number of years. The purpose of this article is to analyse cooperative and non-cooperative management of the Northeast Atlantic cod fishery. This will be done in a game theoretic context, based on different assumptions regarding important variables such as cost of effort and initial stock size. The game theoretic analysis will be based on an empirical bioeconomic model developed and estimated by Hannesson (Mar Policy 31:698–705, 2007; J Bioecon forthcoming). The case of cooperative management is analysed for different cost parameters and starting values of the stock. An interesting result is that the optimal policy gives rise to pulse fishing. As this involves effort (and harvests) varying from year to year, potentially imposing substantial social costs on the industry in years when the fishery is closed, a policy of constant effort is also considered. Finally, non-cooperative management is analysed.  相似文献   

A recent highly cited paper from this journal develops a model predicting maximum sustainable yield ( \(MSY\) ) of a fishery using the historical maximum catch ( \(MaxCatch\) ). The model is parameterized with a small sample of fisheries from the United States, and is subsequently applied globally to estimate the benefits of fishery recovery. That empirical relationship has been adopted for many subsequent high-profile analyses. Unfortunately, the analysis suffers from two important oversights: (1) because the model is non-linear, it suffers from “retransformation bias” and therefore the results significantly understate \(MSY\) and (2) the analysis is parameterized from of a very limited data set and so generalizability of the fitted empirical relationship between \(MSY\) and \(MaxCatch\) to global fisheries is questionable. Here, we rectify both oversights and provide an updated estimate of the relationship between \(MSY\) and \(MaxCatch\) .  相似文献   

This papers user a price-accounting approach to measure total factor productivity growth in Canadian manufacturing, at the two-digit level, over the period 1965–80. Its purpose is to describe how given productivity improvements have been apportioned among labour, capital, materials and government through an increase in the price of these factors or through an increase in taxes levied on factor inputs and ‘consumers’ through a decrease in the industry selling prices.  相似文献   

实现厦台渔业深度对接的路径选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵玉榕 《发展研究》2009,(12):51-53
当前厦门渔业发展正处在调整结构、实现增长方式转变的重要时期。加强厦门与台湾渔业交流与合作,对于加快厦门渔业产业结构调整,提升厦门对台经贸合作层次和水平,实现两岸渔业的深度合作,具有现实意义。根据厦门都市型渔业发展的定位,厦门对台渔业合作应该以休闲渔业、水产养殖和水产品加工业的交流合作、水产苗种合作研发和生产为主要选择。  相似文献   

Optimal fishery harvesting rules under uncertainty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper derives the optimal fishery harvest policy in a real-option model with a stochastic logistic growth process, harvest-sensitive output price, and both fixed and variable harvesting costs. The policy specifies the harvest trigger and harvest size, while outputs from the model include the value of the fishery and the risk of extinction. The optimal policy is illustrated with data from the Pacific Halibut Fishery. For this particular case, the optimal policy recommends harvesting when the fish stock rises to about three-quarters the environmental carrying capacity, and the amount harvested should be approximately a quarter of the prevailing stock. This harvesting policy maximizes the value of the fishery, and importantly, the resulting risk of extinction is negligible. We also carry out some sensitivity analysis to see how the optimal policy (and the resulting fishery value and risk of extinction) change when the input parameters are varied, particularly the ecological parameters intrinsic growth rate and volatility of the stock, and also the economic parameters that have been ignored in previous papers (price sensitivity and fixed cost). If the optimal policy is followed, the risk of extinction will be negligible, except for very low growth rate and high volatility.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(4):469-479
In this paper, a discrete-time model of regulated fisheries is developed. This class of models is interesting because most modern real-world fisheries are under some kind of regulation. The regulatory part of the fishery in this paper is partitioned into two stages. In the first stage, which is the main focus, total allowable catch quotas (TACs) based on biological and economic considerations are determined in a way that guarantees the safety of the stock from a conservation viewpoint. In addition, we assume that a target biomass level is set by the management authorities to be achieved over a given time horizon to satisfy an economic objective. Since we assume here that the main goal is to rebuild the stock, we propose a gradual approach to the target biomass level via a simple recursive rule.  相似文献   

Marine scientists and policymakers are encouraging ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM), but there is limited guidance on how to operationalize the concept. We adapt financial portfolio theory as a method for EBFM that accounts for species interdependencies, uncertainty, and sustainability constraints. Illustrating our method with routinely collected data available from the Chesapeake Bay, we demonstrate the gains from taking into account variances and covariances of gross fishing revenues in setting species total allowable catches. We find over the period from 1962-2003 that managers could have increased the revenues from fishing and reduced the variance by employing EBFM frontiers in setting catch levels.  相似文献   

Frank Asche 《Applied economics》2018,50(56):6112-6127
The main focus in the inefficiency literature is on suboptimal input use and how this causes increased costs, due to technical and allocative inefficiency. Production or cost functions are then typically used to describe the underlying technology of the firm. The possible revenue loss, due to lower than maximum production levels and suboptimal output mix, has received substantially less attention. By using a revenue function to measure inefficiency, the focus, model and estimation technique presented in this article differ from those of previous studies. A shadow revenue model is used to decompose revenue inefficiency into its technical and allocative components, in which the allocative inefficiency is due to a suboptimal output mix. The approach is illustrated using panel data of Norwegian whitefish trawlers. The results reveal large inefficiencies, with respect to output levels as well as output mix, indicating that this can be an important part of the picture when investigating economic inefficiency. To identify the determinants of revenue inefficiency, we conduct a second-step regression, in which technical and allocative inefficiency is regressed upon a set of explanatory variables. The inefficiencies are partly explained by the management system and fleet structure.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a joint project of fishery and poultry while growth rates of both the species depend on the available nutrients and environmental carrying capacities of biomasses. The demand rates of both the species in the market vary with the selling prices and on-hand stock of the species. The existence of steady states and its stability (local and global) analysis are studied in details. The relevant profit of the project is maximized with the help of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. The model is justified by a suitable numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper discusses long-term equilibrium in a fishery managed by individual transferable quotas. Rising prices or falling capital costs become capitalized in a higher value of quotas, implying higher capital costs for holding quotas. This may in fact reduce the size of each firm and lead to more firms existing in long-term equilibrium. Resource rent taxation by letting firms lose a certain share of their quota holdings each year is discussed and shown to be neutral.  相似文献   

进行渔村建设为渔民提供完善的渔业保险是社会主义新农村建设在渔区的重要内容。在分析我国目前渔业保险模式的基础上,重点分析了渔业互助保险模式的基础性地位及存在的困境及原因,提出了建构我国渔业互助保险的可行性建议。  相似文献   

The transformation relationship between factor inputs and outputs - the efficient production frontier (EPF)- contains important information for fisheries managers. A directional technology distance function model of the harvesting technology is used to measure changes in the EPF over time. Frontier shifts are summarized with input- and output-based frontier indicators that are interpreted as measures of bioeconomic productivity change. The model is applied to the Mid-Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog fishery.  相似文献   

The analysis of technical efficiency in developing country agriculture is well established but has been overlooked for developing country commercial marine fisheries. Policies raising technical efficiency in agriculture are viewed as uniformly positive but are a mixed blessing in fisheries due to the open-access property right and common-pool resource. This study explores this contradiction and policies aimed to promote sustainable development and management of renewable common pool resources through a case study of the Java Sea purse seine fishery. Season of the year rather than fisher or vessel characteristics primarily determines technical efficiency. The results are contrasted with developing country agriculture and conclusions drawn for fisheries development strategies.  相似文献   

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