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到达奥克兰的几天后,朋友介绍我认识了一位钓鱼高手。高手姓刘,是湖南的一位退休干部.到这里两年多了。他常去海边钓鱼,就是他,去年钓起了一条40公斤重的大鱼。同这样的高手兼老乡一起钓鱼.岂非人生快事。 相似文献
罗明丽 《金融管理与研究(杭州金融研修学院学报)》2013,(8):75-78
2011年开始,不经意在旅游卫视里发现了新西兰,听着那首轻柔悠远的《Forever Young》(《不老的青春》),还有那句广告语——喜欢户外,所以你会选择新西兰。眼看着背包客们走进了湖水如镜的倒影里,就有点砰然心动起来。不过一直没有行动,还是因为新西兰的吸引力仍然不算最大。换句话 相似文献
10月8日,新西兰国家党领袖约翰·基在该国最大城市奥克兰举行的竞选集会上,公布了该党的一揽子减税计划。目前新西兰国家党的支持率已领先执政的工党近20个百分点。在距大选只有1个月之时,国家党抛出“减税绣球”,大有吸票动机。 相似文献
花明清 《金融经济(湖南)》2003,(11):46-47
我从飞机上的窗口俯瞰整个新西兰看上去像是一串镶嵌在太平洋中的璀璨的绿宝石当飞机在低空飞行时映入眼帘的是一望无际的森林星罗棋布的绿色牧场点缀其间 相似文献
2005年7月1 9日至21日,中国资产评估协会第三次全国会员代表大会在北京召开.这次大会在资产评估事业发展进程中是具有里程碑意义的盛会.对于加快资产评估行业健康发展,开创资产评估事业的新局面具有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
时光荏苒,岁月如梭。新年岁首,我们又迎来一个美好的开始。回首2019年,在各金融机构的鼎力支持下,在广大读者的信任与关注下,我们走得充实而坚定。这一年,我们共同度过《中国金融电脑》创刊三十周年,把握行业热点,加强专家约稿,立足金融科技本质,赋能金融机构创新发展,以新的活力共同迎接了中华人民共和国70周年华诞。 相似文献
A Growth Maximising Tax Structure for New Zealand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Annual growth rates of real GDP in New Zealand have varied widely, from 18% to –8%, since World War II. During this period the tax burden (the ratio of tax revenue to GDP) has trended upward from 23% to 35%. The tax mix (the ratio of indirect taxes to direct taxes) has varied between 0.31 and 0.75, having increased recently with the introduction of the goods and services tax. In this paper we estimate a combination of the tax burden and the tax mix which would maximise the rate of growth of real GDP. We find that such a tax structure would have a time-varying tax burden with a mean of 22.5%, and a time-varying tax mix with a mean of 0.54, which implies a mean share of direct taxes in total tax revenue of 65%. We also find that a move to such a tax structure would generate nearly a 17% increase in real GDP, and while this increase would yield a 6% reduction in tax revenue to the Treasury, it would deliver a 27% increase in purchasing power to the remainder of the economy. 相似文献
《Journal of Accounting Education》1997,15(2):169-179
New Zealand's Final Qualifying Examination for accountants was introduced in 1989 and has developed in a different way from professional accounting examinations in other countries. It provides a final check on the quality of the individuals concerned, but it does not re-test the subjects studied at the university. It includes ethical issues facing accountants, and current issues facing the accounting profession. This paper examines the origins of the Final Qualifying Examination (FQE), and the influences on its subsequent development. Some problem areas are also discussed in order to assist others to learn from the experience of the FQE. Further modifications that will shortly impact the New Zealand accounting profession's admission policy are also introduced. 相似文献
进入美国市场得到的不仅是资本的回报,更是一次基金管理者对国内金融市场专业度、管理和服务能力的全面反思。 相似文献
MICHAEL E. BRADBURY 《Australian Accounting Review》1998,8(16):18-23
Standard-setting in New Zealand has graduated from the early wholesale adoption of overseas pronouncements to an autonomous approach which recognises unique characteristics of the country's legislation and culture. However, close cooperation is observed with Australian standard-setting. 相似文献