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关于审计报告的类型根据注册会计师对会计报表发表意见或无法发表意见的审计结论,审计报告可分为无保留意见的审计报告(包括标准无保留意见的审计报告和带强调事项段的无保留意见的审计报告)、保留意见的审计报告、否定意见的审计报告和无法表示意见的审计报告。审计报告还可以  相似文献   

为了加强对注册会计师执业的指导,帮助注册会计师结合被审计单位和审计业务的具体情况,发表恰当类型的非无保留意见,提高审计质量,中注协制定了《中国注册会计师审计准则问题解答第16号——审计报告中的非无保留意见》(以下简称问题解答),并于2021年2月2日发布施行. 注册会计师对财务报表整体发表的审计意见是审计报告的核心.在...  相似文献   

一、会计师事务所诚信执业,上市公司年报审计质量明显提高 按照上市公司有关管理规定,2010年1-4月会计师事务所共为1 774家上市公司出具了2009年年度审计报告.其中,标准无保留意见审计报告(即不附加说明段、强调事项段或任何修饰用语的无保留意见审计报告,以下简称标准报告)1655份,非标准审计报告(包括带强调事项段无保留意见的审计报告、保留意见的审计报告以及无法表示意见的审计报告,以下简称非标报告)119份.  相似文献   

2003年4月新修订的《独立审计具体准则第7号——审计报告》及《中国注册会计师执业规范指南第5号——审计报告(试行)》中均提到强调事项段的审计报告类型。此类型实际上是原带解释段(说明段)审计报告类型的修订。本文试就强调事项段审计报告类型的演变及修订后的改进提出探讨,以此求教于各位同仁。一、强调事项段审计报告类型的演变我国《独立审计基本准则》规定,注册会计师在对被审计单位会计报表实施了必要的审计程序后,可以出具无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见、拒绝表示(无法表示)意见四种意见类型之一的审计报告。但  相似文献   

一、问题提出有足够的客户和业务是会计师事务所生存和发展的基础,失去了客户,会计师事务所就会面临生存危机。在实际工作中,当被审计单位对注册会计师出具的意见不满意或双方因分歧发生冲突时,企业管理当局往往通过更换会计师事务所和注册会计师达到购买审计意见的目的。西方会计学家实证研究证明,如果注册会计师在上个会计年度出具了保留意见、否定意见或无法表示意见的审计报告,在随后的年度企业越有可能更换会计师事务所。我国审计学者的实证研究也表明,这条规律在我国上市公司中同样存在。我国审计市场的问卷调查发现,实务界人士认为被…  相似文献   

沪市上市公司2002年年报非标准审计意见分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沪市上市公司2002年年报非标意见综述(一)总体情况截止2003年6月30日,沪市上市公司2002年年度报告的披露工作基本结束,除宁城老窖申请延期外,共有733家上市公司公布了年度报告,其中70家上市公司被注册会计师出具非标准无保留意见审计报告(以下简称"非标意见"),非标意见所占比例为9. 55%。首次降至10%之下。沪市被注册会计师出具非标意见的上市公司中,37家被出具带解释性说明的无保留意见,占非标意见公司总数的52.86%,23家被出具保留意见(含9家带解释性说明的保留意见),占非标意见公司总数的32. 86%,10家被出具无法表示意见,占非标意见公司总…  相似文献   

一、2003沪市审计意见概况 非标准无保留审计意见是指注册会计师出具的除标准无保留审计意见外的其他类型审计意见,包括带说明段的无保留意见、保留意见(含带说明段的保留意见)、无法表示意见和否定意见.截止2003年4月30日,沪市除红河光明和*ST丰华2家公司外,共有806家上市公司如期披露了2003年年度报告,59家公司被出具非标准审计报告,非标准审计意见的比例为7.3%:与2002年的9.55%相比,呈现下降的趋势.  相似文献   

2003年非标准审计报告呈现出的特点 截止2004年6月30日,沪深两市共有1290家上市公司公布了2003年年报。注册会计师对1183家上市公司的会计报表出具了标准审计报告,占全部上市公司的91.71%;对107家上市公司出具了非标准审计报告,占全部上市公司的8.29%。在非标准审计报告中,带强调事项段无保留意见审计报告为58份,占全部审计报告的4.50%,占非标准审计报告的54.21%保留意见审计报告为28份,占全部审计报告的2.17%,占非标准审计报告的26.17%;无法表示意见审计报告为21份,占  相似文献   

准确评估借款人信用风险是提高P2P网贷平台风控能力、降低网贷行业问题平台数量的重要措施。本文基于"人人贷"平台交易数据,综合考察借款人"硬信息"和"软信息"与其违约行为之间的关系。二元Logit回归模型的实证结果表明:在借款人"硬信息"指标中,借款人年龄、借款金额、借款利率、逾期次数对违约行为有显著正向影响,学历、信用等级对违约行为有显著负向影响,而是否拥有房产、是否已购车、工作时间对违约行为没有显著影响;借款人"软信息"指标即描述性文本中的"拼写错误"对违约行为有显著正向影响。研究结果表明借款人"软信息"虽然不可直接证实,但同样具有价值,网贷平台应该多维度地量化借款人的信用评价。  相似文献   

关于修订原审计报告准则的主要内容(一)完善了审计报告的定义原审计报告准则所称审计报告,是指注册会计师根据独立审计准则的要求,在实施了必要的审计程序后出具的,用于对被审计单位年度会计报表发表审计意见的书面文件。考虑到注册会计师在出具无法表示意见的审计报告时,审计范围受到限制产生的影响非常重大和广泛,无法实施必要的审计程序,因此将“实施了必要的审计程序”修改为“在实施审计工作的基础上”。(二)注册会计师对审计报告承担的责任更加明确原审计报告准则规定,注册会计师应对其出具的审计报告的真实性、合法性负责。目前注册…  相似文献   

理论上,年报被出具非标意见会降低企业的债务融资能力。但本文发现非标意见对企业新增银行借款和债务期限结构没有显著负面影响,不支持理论预期。我们认为,在中国,银行是一个并非完全以利润最大化为目标的独立市场主体,他们会为了地方社会稳定和经济发展向企业提供贷款;另外,企业有政府的隐性支持,银行不需要太关注企业的偿债风险。因此,虽然非标意见传递出会计信息质量低或未来经营风险高等问题,但它对银行借款的影响相当有限。本文的研究有助于我们理解中国上市公司会计造假盛行、非标意见比例过高的现象。  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditor economic independence affects the information content of going concern audit reports in the European setting. We conduct an experiment where 80 experienced Spanish loan officers from the second largest European commercial bank review a loan request under two lending scenarios: (1) a potential borrower receiving an unqualified but modified going concern opinion, and (2) a potential borrower receiving a qualified going concern opinion. Auditor economic independence, measured by the provision of non-audit services (NAS), is manipulated (absence vs. presence of significant NAS). We find that a qualified going concern audit report is interpreted as a primary warning signal (death penalty). However, the provision of NAS acts as a second order mechanism that only activates loan officers’ professional skepticism in the case of an unqualified but modified going concern report scenario. Therefore, we find evidence suggesting that the potential negative impact of a perceived lack of auditor independence depends on the nature of the audit report. Our findings have important implications for the European regulator, which is currently considering establishing an auditor independence regulation framework similar to that in the United States of America.  相似文献   

This article examines the potential costs to Australian auditors and their clients from the issuance of first-time going-concern-modified audit opinions. We examine the population of Australian companies receiving a first-time going-concern-modified audit opinion during the period 1994–97 and a matched sample of financially distressed firms receiving a clean audit opinion. Results indicate that auditor switching is positively associated with receipt of a going-concern-modified opinion. However, we find no empirical evidence that there is a self-fulfilling prophecy of increased probability of company failure following the issuance of a going-concern-modified opinion for the Australian companies in our study. Our analyses of lost audit fees indicate that auditors issuing first-time going-concern-modified audit opinions lost proportionately more fees by losing clients (through switching or company failure) than firms not issuing a going-concern-modified opinion to financially stressed clients.  相似文献   

We present a framework and empirical evidence to explain why, on average, 11% of listed firms in China received modified audit opinions (MAOs) between 1992 and 2009. We argue that there are two reasons for this phenomenon: strong earnings management incentives lower firms’ financial reporting quality and soft budget constraints weaken the information and governance roles of audit opinions. We find that firms’ financial constraints eased after receiving MAOs, which suggests that MAOs have limited economic consequences. Further analysis shows that this phenomenon predominantly exists in government-controlled firms and firms that receive MAOs for the first time. We also find that MAOs have not influenced financial constraints after 2006. Finally, we find that MAOs did not affect borrowing cash flows from banks until 2005, suggesting that MAOs did not start affecting bank financing until that year. We also find that firms receive more related-party financing after receiving MAOs. Our results indicate that a limited effect on bank financing and increased related-party financing reduce the effect of MAOs on financial constraints.  相似文献   

This study examines the earnings management behaviour of 455 distressed US firms that filed for bankruptcy during the period 1986–2001. We examine (a) possible earnings management during the years prior to bankruptcy-filing, (b) whether qualified audit opinions cause conservative earnings management behaviour, (c) whether earnings management differs between firms that discontinued operations and firms that survived thereafter, and (d) the effect of earnings management on subsequent stock returns. Our results are consistent with downwards earnings management 1 year prior to the bankruptcy-filing. Results also show that (a) firms receiving unqualified audit opinions 4 or 5 years prior to the bankruptcy-filing event manage earnings upwards in subsequent years, consistent with Rosner [2003. Earnings manipulation in failing firms. Contemporary Accounting Research 20, 361–408], (b) more conservative earnings management seems to be related to the qualified audit opinions rendered in the preceding year, (c) firms with long-term negative accruals the year of bankruptcy-filing have a greater chance to survive thereafter, and (d) more pronounced (negative) earnings management is associated with more negative (next year's) subsequent returns.  相似文献   

This study analyses the relationship between the content of the audit reports and information asymmetry levels in the stock market for a sample of Spanish firms. By implementing an association study, we document (1) that firms with audit qualifications show higher information asymmetry levels than those with unqualified opinions; (2) firms with non‐quantified qualifications show higher informational asymmetry than firms with quantified qualifications; and (3) we find a stronger effect on the level of informational asymmetry in the case of going concern qualifications. Our findings suggest that audit qualifications reporting more uncertainty on firm accounting statements result in higher adverse selection risk.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence of the relationship between government intervention, financial reporting quality and due diligence. Specifically, the authors examine the consequences of the disclosure of inspection reports by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) for individual audit firms inspected in the UK. Using a difference-in-differences design, it is found that clients are more likely to receive qualified audit opinions during the post-disclosure period. This significant impact on reporting decisions is more concentrated among clients of small audit firms. Moreover, despite general efficiency during the sample period, clients affected by an FRC intervention experience longer delays in receiving their audit reports. Overall, this study contributes to literature on corporate governance and audit regulation, and has implications for policy making. FRC inspections are of greater concern to small audit firms than large firms, as the latter have already built a strong reputation. In general, the transparent inspection process may be beneficial in enhancing auditor oversight.  相似文献   

审计意见的决定因素:来自中国上市公司的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国上市公司和相应会计师事务所2001—2003年的综列数据,本文研究了审计意见和会计师事务所规模、上市公司的风险和盈余管理等因素之间的关系。本文发现有破产风险的、进行盈余管理的或小规模的上市公司更可能得到非标准审计意见。如果它们又是大会计师事务所的客户,则得到非标意见的概率更大。本文不支持合资会计师事务所的审计质量更高的结论。  相似文献   

审计委员会与审计质量——来自中国A股市场的经验证据   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文以中国2004年—2005年期间获得无保留审计意见的A股上市公司为研究样本,采用截面Jones模型估计出的公司操纵性应计利润(盈余管理)的绝对值作为审计质量的衡量指标,考察了审计委员会与审计质量之间的关系。研究发现,在控制了"会计师事务所规模"、"公司是否面临退市风险"、"审计意见是否带强调事项"、"公司经营活动现金流"、"公司盈余数量"、"年度"等指标后,设立审计委员会的公司的盈余管理绝对值显著比未设立审计委员会的公司小,这说明审计委员会能够显著的提高审计质量。进一步研究发现:审计委员会的成立时间越长,审计质量越高;审计委员会在2005年的作用比2004年更加显著。  相似文献   

Following the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, self-regulated peer reviews at accounting firms were replaced by independent inspections conducted by the Public Company Accounting and Oversight Board. Critics of self-regulation had argued that the peer review program lacked credibility. This paper tests whether the opinions issued by the peer reviewers provided credible information to clients about audit firm quality. We find audit firms gained clients after receiving clean opinions from their reviewers and lost clients after receiving modified or adverse opinions. This suggests peer review opinions provided credible information about quality differences between audit firms.  相似文献   

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