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小额贷款公司行业有利于丰富地方金融服务体系、服务实体经济、推动民间金融阳光化和规范化,但因体制建设滞后,行业发展受到了制约。将开发性金融理论理念应用在推动山西小额贷款公司行业信用体系建设中,通过开发银行在信贷业务中的探索与实践,形成了融资推动山西小额贷款公司行业发展模式,具有较强的推广意义。 相似文献
随着温州市金融综合改革试验区的获批,温州这个中国民间资本之都,由此成为中国金融改革的先行之区。温州金融改革试验是中国金融改革的风向标,试验的成功将为中国民间金融的阳光化、规范化树立标杆,也将为我国金融体制改 相似文献
如果说已走过的改革从农村开始,以国有企业改革为主线,那么未来的改革将更多地涉入金融这个深水区。这中间,民间金融的自由化将是一个核心环节。可以说,小额贷款公司试点的大面积推广正式拉开了这一序幕。进入九、十月份,小额贷款公司如雨后春笋般地在各地浮出水面,开张营业。被迅速大面积推广试点的小额贷款公司可以说是受命于危难之际,被寄予厚望。 相似文献
Robert R. Davis Commissioner 《Economic Affairs》1987,7(5):38-39
The Financial Services Act has been variously criticised for obstructing competition and increasing operating costs for the producers of financial services in Britain. Robert R. Davis, Commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Washington DC, argues that there are 'public-goods' considerations to justify the imposition of the Act, and that its internal guarantees will check the growth of regulation. Len Ross, Principal Lecturer in Economics at the Polytechnic of Central London, maintains his earlier charge that the Act will do immense damage to British trade in financial services. 相似文献
对温州私营企业财务问题的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
财务管理是企业整个运行机制的重要一环。温州私营企业在发展过程中,薄弱的财务管理将制约企业自身的发展,为迎接更严峻的市场挑战,温州私营企业应加强科学理财,健全财务管理,加快现代企业制度的建设。 相似文献
许笛 《中小企业管理与科技》2020,(4):73-74
随着社会经济的快速发展,我国金融功能需求也呈现多样化特点,分析不同的金融发展理论有着重要的理论和实践意义。论文探讨金融功能视角下的金融体制改革逻辑,中国金融体制改革的重点在于处理好政府和市场的关系,发挥市场配置金融资源方面的价值,推动我国金融体制走向总量配置型,从而进一步完善政策性金融体系。 相似文献
财务会计课程是经管类学生的必需课程.目前,财务会计课程主要是围绕会计分录进行教学,忽视了财务报表的应用,学生所学的知识不系统,缺乏对财务报表的整体认识.文章研究以"财务报表"为导向的案例教学法在财务会计课程中的应用,丰富了案例教学的形式,更符合应用型本科教学的要求. 相似文献
现代企业的财务管理工作在我国市场经济体制日益完善,全球经济一体化浪潮到来的大背景下显得非常的重要。本文在详细分析了现代企业中财会管理方面存在的不足之处后,结合当前社会的趋势,针对性提出改革的方法及措施,并对当前企业财会管理的发展提出自己的见解。 相似文献
A bstract . America's reliance on automobile transportation has attracted the scorn of academics for decades. Automobiles, it is said, are dangerous to life and limb, environmentally unfriendly, and wasteful of space and resources. Moreover, say the critics, automobiles produce inefficient individualistic social behavior that balkanizes communities and shatters the otherwise cohesive nature of American life.
This article examines the costs and benefits of U.S. automobile travel from a historic perspective. First, it compares the safety of automobile travel with the horse and steam-powered travel that preceded it. It then briefly addresses the changes wrought by American automobiles in terms of their impact on American life, economics, social mobility, and ecology. It concludes that the dangers of automobile use are substantially lower than the dangers posed by early horse-driven and steam-driven transportation methods, especially in terms of fatalities per mile. It finds that on a per-mile or per-trip basis, automobile travel is safer than virtually any other means of travel used popularly in U.S. history, and that the other contributions of automobile transportation have been seriously overlooked by transportation scholars. 相似文献
This article examines the costs and benefits of U.S. automobile travel from a historic perspective. First, it compares the safety of automobile travel with the horse and steam-powered travel that preceded it. It then briefly addresses the changes wrought by American automobiles in terms of their impact on American life, economics, social mobility, and ecology. It concludes that the dangers of automobile use are substantially lower than the dangers posed by early horse-driven and steam-driven transportation methods, especially in terms of fatalities per mile. It finds that on a per-mile or per-trip basis, automobile travel is safer than virtually any other means of travel used popularly in U.S. history, and that the other contributions of automobile transportation have been seriously overlooked by transportation scholars. 相似文献
20世纪90年代,我国预算会计改革已取得重大成就,初步建立起适应社会主义市场经济需要的预算会计体系。近年来,随着我国以预算管理为中心的财政制度的不断深化,预算会计制度的诸多问题和局限性也逐渐产生和显现出来,面临着如何作进一步的改革问题。本文通过分析现行财政总预算会计制度的基本特点,探讨财政总预算会计制度存在的问题,并为进一步改进财政总预算会计制度的核算和管理提出一些看法。 相似文献
本文分析了我国预算会计财务报告的现状及存在的问题,基于财政管理体制改革及公共财务管理改革的视角,研究了政府财务报告的目标,认为应借鉴美国政府财务报告改革的经验,改革我国政府财务报告。 相似文献
伴随着我国政府经济分类改革,国库集中支付等一些财政体制改革,以及新会计制度的实施,高校的预算管理水平亟需提高。高校应该顺应形势,以国库集中支付制度为契机,积极推进财务预算精细化管理改革的探索。 相似文献