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多哈木锤的敲定让中国正式入世,随着中国企业对跨国并购参与程度的加深,跨国并购融资风险管理问题也提上日程。对融资风险的管理不仅关系到跨国公司财务战略目标的实现,也影响到跨国公司的经营效益,因此在跨国公司理财业务中,融资风险管理不容忽视。本文主要针对我国企业跨国并购融资风险管理的相关问题进行探讨,并提出了改善我国企业跨国并购融资风险管理现状的对策及建议。  相似文献   

外部营销环境的改变大大增加了我国石油技术服务企业跨国营销的风险不确定性,科学合理的企业跨国营销风险评价指标体系是评价其风险的必要前提。本文在吸纳现有指标体系的基础上,运用相关分析的方法构建了我国石油技术服务企业跨国营销的风险评价指标体系,并对其做出解释。  相似文献   

企业的文化风险及对策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
企业的文化风险不仅是理论界的重要研究对象,同时也是企业在跨国经营中必须面对的实际问题。跨国经营中的文化风险具体表现为沟通风险、种族优越风险、管理风险和商务惯例与禁忌风险等几种形式。文化风险的产生源自于不同文化之间的差异其对企业提供的产品与服务、对市场的选择、市场进入方式、协调管理原则以及国际营销策略都有重要的影响。企业在跨国经营中首先要正确认识文化风险,制定文化风险管理战略,选择适当的风险控制工具,加强跨文化管理,开展跨文化培训,并适当地实行本土化经营。  相似文献   

本文从企业市场营销管理探讨出发,对市场营销的风险及成因进行分析,并提出了应对营销风险的策略。本文认为,企业市场营销风险主要来源于市场环境的变化,表现为市场风险、成本风险和员工风险三个主要的形式,营销管理要进行全面的风险管理,则需要一系列管理方法和管理制度的创新。营销风险管理的发展意味着企业市场营销管理的进步,这不仅能够使企业营销活动开展的更为顺利,还有助于企业管理效能的全面提升。  相似文献   

文章借鉴现有学术成果,在分析旅游营销风险来源的基础上,研究了旅游企业营销风险管理目标和应对措施,并对旅游企业营销风险管理机制提出了建议。  相似文献   

商贸企业涉及的商品繁多,且贸易领域广,往往需要跨省甚至跨国进行交易,所以会在企业经营过程中产生诸多风险,例如财务风险、采购风险、仓储风险和营销风险等等.商贸企业可以通过加强企业内部审计,将企业内部各项工作进行优化和完善,提高企业内部核心竞争力来抵御外界各类风险.本文以商贸企业内部审计在风险管理中的应用为研究对象,分析了...  相似文献   

跨国经营之风险管理乃企业跨国经营不可或缺的有机组成部分。面对来自跨国经营的政治风险和外汇风险我们非但不该谈虎色变而应积极应对,即通过资源的全球合理配置及其一切避险手段将风险成本最小化甚至‘合理’利用风险,违害就利,以实现跨国经营效益最大化。  相似文献   

企业营销风险管理机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业营销离不开它的外部环境,它既能给企业带来市场机遇,同样也会给企业带了威胁。如今的经济危机已波及到世界各地,中国,同样受到金融危机的影响,这就给企业带来一个挑战。因而,提高企业营销风险管理水平,建立营销风险管理机制,通过风险预警和防范,消除和减少营销风险发生的机会,降低风险损失程度,提高经济效益,对企业具有很强的现实意义。本文主要从营销风险管理的过程、营销风险决策和客户资信评价与风险预警三方面阐述。  相似文献   

<正>供电企业在电力营销过程中面临着诸多安全风险因素,影响着电力营销目标的实现,为此有必要引入风险管理程序,强化对电力营销安全的有力管控。本文分析了风险管理理论与电力营销安全内涵,提出了基于风险管理理论的电力营销安全风险识别、风险分析以及风险应对的实施策略,期望对完善供电企业电力营销安全管理体系有所帮助。  相似文献   

孙喜云 《商业会计》2012,(19):59-61
在市场全球化、信息全球化的推动下,企业生产要素的配置正向动态开放式转变。我国企业跨国并购的趋势方兴未艾,但如何面对财务风险挑战,采取合理的防范措施,实施有效的风险管理,确保跨国并购目标的顺利实现问题仍在热议中。本文通过对我国企业跨国并购中存在的财务风险进行分析,总结出一些防范措施,以使我国企业在跨国并购的浪潮中把财务风险降到最低,实现并购目标。  相似文献   

张东云 《商业研究》2011,(5):128-132
开放式基金的市场营销环节非常薄弱,制约了基金业的发展。后金融危机时期,基金业市场竞争更加激励,基金的营销能力成为基金公司核心竞争力的重要组成部分。本文分析了基金营销中的主要问题,提出建立基金业品牌营销、社会营销、关系营销、文化营销等多元化营销理念。只有在此基础上对营销策略进行全方位的改革和创新,才能打开基金营销的新局面,有效提高基金公司的核心竞争力。针对基金营销过程中产生的主要风险,提出了建立健全基金营销风险管理机制的相关建议。  相似文献   

Marketing capability and research and development intensity are firm resources used to increase firm performance and reduce investor risk. This study aims to link marketing capability and research and development intensity, and their interaction to firm default risk. This study is the first to examine marketing capability and research and development intensity regarding their influences on firm default vulnerability and to demonstrate how marketing capability may strengthen research and development intensities’ power on risk reduction. The results reveal a U-shaped relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk, while marketing capability’s impact is unidirectional. Further, marketing capability strongly moderates the relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk. For low marketing capability firms, the U-shaped pattern is more significant. For high marketing capability firms, the pattern is not salient and the risk reduction power of research and development intensity is stronger. This research provides useful implications for marketing theories, as well as business practice.  相似文献   

Although cybersecurity is important for any organization, firms have little understanding of the ramifications of perceived cybersecurity risk and how marketers can avert its negative marketing outcomes. The inability of firms to prevent massive data breaches in the recent past has heightened cybersecurity risk perceptions of customers and cybersecurity-related marketing challenges and opportunities. This study links cybersecurity risk with firm risk through firm reputation by developing a conceptual framework grounded in perceived risk theory in conjunction with dynamic capabilities and social network theoretical perspectives. Our findings show that social media marketing capabilities enable firms in mitigating the adverse impact of cybersecurity risk in declining firm reputation and value. Thus, this study provides significant implications for marketing theory and practice.  相似文献   

Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in 2008, precipitating the international financial crisis. Many questioned the banks’ risk-taking credit system. Understanding credit risk and how the credit system functions may provide knowledge on managing credit, to avoid another such international crisis. We study the credit card field and present a pricing decision model for managing credit risk. Recent credit lenders’ portfolio re-pricing practices call for immediate attention to the credit lender–borrower relationship and relationship marketing. A literature review and recent phenomena in the credit card industry reveal that the lenders’ re-pricing strategy negatively affects the credit lender–borrower relationship and relationship marketing. Thus, we introduce a pricing decision model incorporating the lenders’ re-pricing strategy and the credit lender–borrower relationship. Further, we discuss the implications of, and the role of marketing in, credit risk management and the implications of relationship marketing for credit lenders in foreign markets, including the US market.  相似文献   


Mining for truly responsive customers has become an integral part of customer portfolio management, and, combined with operational tactics to reach these customers, requires an integrated approach to meeting customer needs that often involves the application of concepts from traditionally distinct fields: marketing, statistics, and operations research. This article brings such concepts together to address customer value and revenue maximisation as well as risk minimisation for direct marketing decision-making problems under uncertainty. We focus on customer lift optimisation given the uncertainty associated with lift estimation models, and develop risk management and operational tools for the multiple treatment (recommendation) problem using stochastic and robust optimisation techniques. Results from numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the effect of incorporating uncertainty on the performance of recommendation models.  相似文献   

曾微 《中国广告》2012,(5):118-121
互联网的应用使人们不再只是单纯的信息接收者,也成为了信息的发布者。病毒营销正是充分利用了网络受众的自主能动性,其作为网络时代的一种新生营销方式,以低成本、高效率的传播广受商家青睐,本文通过分析受众在病毒营销中的威力和风险,试图为企业的病毒营销运作提供一点参考。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
In a world of limited resources, marketing managers tasked to deliver shareholder value face decisions about how to maximise the returns on their marketing portfolio. Risk is less often considered. In finance the picture is very different; financial portfolio management is concerned with both risk and returns. The central innovation in this paper is the application of modern portfolio theory (MPT) to the management of marketing portfolios in food retailing and in drinks manufacturing. The authors develop a model that calculates an efficient frontier of marketing portfolios that maximise overall return within certain risk constraints, first for a simple two-segment marketing world and then for a more realistic multi-segment portfolio. However, marketing portfolios differ from financial ones in the sense that the allocation of marketing spend affects the returns from the portfolio. Therefore, a second innovation, an extension of MPT to take account of marketing spend allocation decisions, has been developed. Using this model, marketers can determine the risk and the returns of marketing investments, helping them select an optimal portfolio. This would go some way to ensuring that marketing contributes to shareholder value creation, currently one of its major challenges.  相似文献   

营销"三建一防"工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,加强营销体制、营销网络和营销队伍建设,提高营销综合效益是企业营销管理的核心。我国企业营销风险不断增加,企业间信用水平下降,不仅制约了企业的正常经营,而且严重影响了企业在全球市场中的往来与地位,营销风险预警与防范已成为企业营销管理的重点。文章提出,加强营销风险管理,一方面要搞好营销体制、营销网络、营销队伍建设工程;另一方面要引入营销风险管理信息系统,优化企业营销业务管理流程,提高营销管理人员的素质,辅助管理企业的营销风险。  相似文献   

Currently, Shanghai urban cross-river tunnels have three principal characteristics: increased traffic, a high accident rate and rapidly developing construction. Because of their complex geographic and hydrological characteristics, the alignment conditions in urban cross-river tunnels are more complicated than in highway tunnels, so a safety evaluation of urban cross-river tunnels is necessary to suggest follow-up construction and changes in operational management. A driving risk index (DRI) for urban cross-river tunnels was proposed in this study. An index system was also constructed, combining eight factors derived from the output of a driving simulator regarding three aspects of risk due to following, lateral accidents and driver workload. Analytic hierarchy process methods and expert marking and normalization processing were applied to construct a mathematical model for the DRI. The driving simulator was used to simulate 12 Shanghai urban cross-river tunnels and a relationship was obtained between the DRI for the tunnels and the corresponding accident rate (AR) via a regression analysis. The regression analysis results showed that the relationship between the DRI and the AR mapped to an exponential function with a high degree of fit. In the absence of detailed accident data, a safety evaluation model based on factors derived from a driving simulation can effectively assess the driving risk in urban cross-river tunnels constructed or in design.  相似文献   

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