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H&#;bl  Lothar  M&#;ller  Klaus-Peter 《Intereconomics》1978,13(11):291-295

For some time now the Federal Republic of Germany has been the largest exporter in the world, with a slight lead over the USA and some way ahead of Japan and the Soviet Union. It has therefore an important role to play in the North-South dialogue. The increasing mutual dependence of the Federal Republic and the developing countries is described by different scenarios in the following article.


For some time now the Federal Republic of Germany has been the largest exporter in the world, with a slight lead over the USA and some way ahead of Japan and the Soviet Union. It has therefore an important role to play in the North-South dialogue. The increasing mutual dependence of the Federal Republic and the developing countries is described by different scenarios in the following article.  相似文献   

南北自由贸易谈判中的互惠原则一直受到批评。与WTO的现有规范相比,南北自由贸易协定在市场准入、政府采购、服务、投资、知识产权和竞争政策等领域超越了WTO的规定,对发展中国家的发展具有相当的不利影响。因此,发展中国家在进行自由贸易谈判时应当保持谨慎与小心,不仅要考虑市场开放带来的进出口和外来直接投资增加的影响,也要考虑这些贸易协定对他们追求更长时期的发展目标而采取其他政策与手段的选择权的影响。  相似文献   

Approaches in the United Nations to solve the problems resulting from world population trends — the so-called “population explosion” in the countries of the Third World — as part of the North-South cooperation are not new; nor are they without their critics. The author discusses the differing arguments.  相似文献   

The incentives of Southern governments to protect intellectual property rights are examined when Northern innovating firms license technology to Southern firms in a game with asymmetric information. Southern firms may or may not be able to imitate after they license the technology, and Northern firms do not know whether the Southern firm can imitate. The form of the licensing contract and the distribution of the gains from licensing will affect the incentives of Southern countries to protect patents. Southern consumers gain from patent infringement but at the expense of Southern firms that cannot acquire licenses at the most favorable terms.  相似文献   

译者主体性一直是国内译学界研究的热点话题之一。译者虽成功地摆脱了其在传统译论中所背负的"仆人"、"媒婆"、"翻译机器"等身份,转而成为翻译活动中不可忽略的主体性存在,但译学界长期以来以单一实体为主导的研究倾向却也时常导致对译者主体性无节制地过分张扬。本文依托哲学阐释学理论,从主体间性的高度重新审视译者主体性,依次论证了译者主体的回归及其间性存在,强调译者主体性正是在主体间性的对话即视域融合的过程中才得以真正彰显。同时指出,要确保译者主体充分发挥和谐的创造作用,就必须在对话过程中坚持平等性,并尊重差异性。  相似文献   

North-South trade and directed technical change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a world where poor countries provide weak protection for intellectual property rights (IPRs), market integration shifts technical change in favor of rich nations. Through this channel, free-trade may amplify international wage differences. At the same time, integration with countries where IPRs are weakly protected can slow down the world growth rate. An important implication of these results is that protection of intellectual property is most beneficial in open countries. This prediction, which is novel in the literature, is consistent with evidence from a panel of 53 countries observed in the years 1965-1990. The paper also provides empirical support for the mechanism linking North-South trade to the direction of technical change: an increase in import penetration from low-wage, low-IPRs countries is followed by a sharp fall in R&D investment in a panel of US manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

We analyze trade between two countries, called the North and the South. There is one firm in each country and production costs are lower in the South. To serve foreign markets firms may export or engage in FDI. Both countries set tariffs on imported goods. We find that the implementation of an environmental policy by the South may affect the location decision of the Southern firm. When only the North sets an environmental tax, firms engage in FDI if the difference in costs between the two countries is low, otherwise the South exports and the Northern firm engages in FDI. If the South also sets an environmental tax, this does not restrict FDI by Northern firm, encourages FDI by the domestic firm, reduces its environmental damage and increases joint welfare. Finally, in equilibrium the South decides to implement an environmental policy and both firms engage in FDI.  相似文献   

龚友诚 《广告大观》2006,(5S):130-130
David龚,你在北大教什么啊? 广告。 像你这样,有实际经验的老师应该不多吧?多数广告系的老师只会教一堆理论,毕业后学生进到广告公司就根本帮不上忙,我们都必须从头教起,理论与实际经验的落差其实太大了,何况每家广告公司的理念不见得完全一样,广告教育最缺的就是有实战经验的老师。  相似文献   

环境成本内部化与南北贸易关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
环境成本内部化作为解决环境问题的根本手段,已被政策制定者和环境学家广泛接受,但目前南北国家就统一的环境标准问题产生的争论不利于环境问题的国际合作。要解决这个问题,应首先分析环境成本内部化对南北国家产业竞争力的影响及发展中国家进行环境成本内部化面临的压力,在此基础上就南北国家如何进行国际合作提出建议。  相似文献   

南北区域经济集团化的典型——北美自由贸易区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北美自由贸易区是南北区域经济集团化的典型,在区域经济中地位越来越突出。本文深刻地分析了北美自由贸易区的形成、发展、存在的问题及取得的成果。并对当今世界三大区域经济机制作了比较,以进一步说明北美自由贸易区是南北区域经济集团化的典型。  相似文献   

公平贸易作为南北贸易的一种新型贸易形式,走过了70多年的发展历程,并取得了瞩目的成绩。公平贸易促进了南方国家的可持续发展,其产品成为南方国家小生产者和劳动工人开辟北方国家市场的主要工具。本文从公平贸易的发展历程、公平贸易网络和成员组织、公平贸易的参与者和运作机制三个方面展现出公平贸易的全貌,并对公平贸易在原则、标签、消费市场、发展中国家长期比较优势方面所面临的挑战进行分析。  相似文献   

Developing countries tend to take a negative view of the protection of intellectual property rights as reflected in the TRIPs agreement, as this seems to conflict with their own developmental needs. As the following article points out, there are, however, a number of reasons why developing countries, too, may benefit from stronger protection of intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

The North-South dialogue on a New International Economic Order has reached deadlock. To revive it Prof. Sautter is counseling an offensive application of the basic principle of the Social Market Economy to the global economic relations between industrialised and developing countries.  相似文献   

After ten years the negotiations on the largest free trade agreement to date, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, which is to include 34 countries, have still not resulted in an agreement. What can the countries involved learn, both positive and negative, from the experiences of the EU with regional policy?

The author would like to thank Herman Hoen and J?rg Noll for their comments on an earlier version of this article.  相似文献   

李光斗 《广告大观》2005,(11):136-137
上世纪八十年代以来中国企业经历了一场普及市场观念与方法的“营销革命”,而市场营销的集大成者菲利普&;#183;科特勒教授的经典著作《营销管理》已经成为职业经理人案头必备的“圣经”。其观念方法成为企业市场运作中的“圣诫”。2005年9月15日,在科特勒新思维全球巡回论坛之际,我在北京华润饭店与科特勒进行了一场对话。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of intensified North-South intra-industry trade from a growth theoretic perspective. It incorporates unemployment into Helpman’s [Econometrica 61 (1993) 1247] model of North-South trade. We assume that those Northern workers who lose their jobs due to imitation remain unemployed for a given (expected) length of time, so that imitation in the South causes frictional unemployment. It is shown that the shape of the relation between the (exogenous) rate of imitation and the (endogenous) steady-state growth rate depends on the degree of labor market flexibility, as measured by the outflow rate from unemployment. It is monotonically increasing for high outflow rates, hump-shaped for intermediate outflow rates, and monotonically decreasing for low outflow rates. The realization of the potential growth gains from trade thus presupposes labor market flexibility, and the model is capable of accounting qualitatively for the divergent growth performances in the US and Europe in the recent past.  相似文献   

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