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目前,服务业在欧盟国民生产总值中所占份额高达70%,且以每年3.1%速度增长。近10几年来,服务标准化已成为欧洲标准化的优先领域。欧盟各国的标准化机构以及150多个学协会,都在致力于服务标准化工作。1993年以来,欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)相继成立了6个技术委员会(CEN/TC)和6个由技术管理局(BT)直接领导的特别工作组(BT/TF),承担服务标准的研究制定工作。它们是:  相似文献   

为了提高欧洲的竞争力,欧盟近年来连续发布文件,对欧盟及其成员国政府如何采用标准化支持创新作出政策上的调整,提出了4项优先创新行动以及标准化支持创新政策的9大要素,并对采用标准促进科研成果产业化提出了政策方案。文章对欧盟文件的要点进行了解读,并就欧盟应用标准化方法支持欧洲竞争战略的基本脉络进行了探析。  相似文献   

2欧盟新方法指令与欧洲标准化的关系 2. 3协调标准  根据《新方法》决议,由欧洲标准化组织 (欧洲标准化委员会 CEN、欧洲电工标准化委员会 CENELEC及欧洲电信标准学会 ETSI)依据欧盟委员会下达的标准化委托书制订的标准是协调标准;其制订工作必须是在所有利益相关方协商一致的基础上完成。协调标准制订程序如图 1所示。   欧洲的协调标准与欧洲其他标准的相同之处是,它们都是自愿性标准。不同之处在于,协调标准是按照指令的要求及规定的程序制订的,凡是符合协调标准的产品均可被视为符合新方法指令的基本要求,从而可在共同…  相似文献   

欧盟层面和欧洲标准组织层面非常重视加强标准化与科研活动的联系,发起了一系列互动对话与行动,取得了阶段性的成果.本文将着重分析欧洲标准组织促进标准化与科研结合的“集成方法”及相关指南,为我国相关管理部门研究制定推动标准化与科研活动结合的机制和措施提供参考.  相似文献   

欧盟成员国历史上就有注重标准化便利贸易作用的传统。在统一市场的建设过程中,欧盟意识到必须解决各成员间标准差异的问题,并做了大量卓有成效的工作。在统一市场基本建成后,欧盟进一步把标准化工作的经验拓展至国际标准和国际贸易领域,来谋取国际标准化领域的优势。目前,欧盟在国际标准化领域的地位和影响是其他任何国家难以抗衡的,这为提高欧盟产品的国际竞争力奠定了坚实的基础。1标准化与统一市场建设在通过技术标准协调来促进统一市场建设的过程中,欧盟于1965年成立了欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会CENELEC,制定适…  相似文献   

欧盟为了加快内部市场的统一,消除贸易技术壁垒,自 20世纪 80年代以来先后出台了许多新政策,其中影响较大的就是由欧盟理事会于 1985年 5月 7日批准的《技术协调与标准化新方法》(简称《新方法》决议)。决议提出了用欧洲标准支持共同体技术法规的思想,即共同体法律只规定产品投放市场所应达到的基本要求,而将制定达到这些基本要求的技术方案的任务交给欧洲标准化组织,明确界定了欧洲立法机构与欧洲标准化组织之间的关系,使欧洲标准成为支持法律、消除贸易技术壁垒的重要工具。 1989年 12月 21日欧盟理事会又通过了《认证和测试全…  相似文献   

日前,欧盟《官方公报》刊登了欧洲委员会第2011/786/EU号决议,内容关于自行车、儿童自行车及自行车行李架必须符合的欧洲安全标准。根据关于一般产品安全的第2001/95/EC号指令,欧洲标准化机构须订立欧洲标准,以确保在欧盟销售的产品符合指令的一般安全要求。  相似文献   

资深的欧洲标准化部门的官员们已经决定,将对ISO9000族及同类标准的认证/注册规则进行改革。与此同时,一些主要的美国电子工业公司为了节省费用,也在积极改革ISO9000的认证/注册过程。通用汽车公司则正在研究更为简单而有效的注册方法,以降低直接供货商的成本。为什么要改革?欧盟官员表示,他们并不反对在欧洲进行这类认证,他们也支持注册制度。问题在于,目前人们过于热衷于通过简单的检查以获得认证证书,而不是如他们所设想的,为推进质量保证开辟一条新的途径。近两年来,欧盟第三届执委会标准化组负责人雅克斯·麦克米伦(J…  相似文献   

欧盟委员会日前宣布,欧盟市场上销售的香烟最晚将于2011年被强制实施具有自行熄灭功能的标准,以杜绝因乱扔烟头而引发的火灾。欧盟委员会一名发言人表示,欧洲标准化委员会目前正在制定相关技术标;隹,最晚在2011年使之成为针对烟草行业的强制性标准,凡是在欧盟市场上销售的香烟届时都必须具备自行熄灭功能。  相似文献   

常征 《标准化报道》1995,16(3):61-61,F003
法国在统一欧洲市场条件下的战略任务法国标准化学会(AFNOR)在统一欧洲市场条件下,考虑到欧洲和国际标准化发展的优先地位和远景,制定了该组织工作的长远战略。在质量方面修订ISO9000系列标准。1994年初拟定的初步修订涉及现行标准方案;下一步的修改...  相似文献   

The trade politics of EU–China commercial relations have sharply deteriorated in the last year. Obsessed by the EU's trade deficit with China, European leaders have become shrill and confrontational in their approach. China has contained its irritation over the EU's China-bashing, but has slowed down its trade liberalisations. The EU and China must find a new way to contain protectionist threats in their trade and investment relations.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2001,25(3):175-181
Central and East European prospective EU members are natural candidates for a subsequent admission to the European Monetary Union (EMU). This poses questions on (a) the optimal EMU accession time for Central European EU aspirants, and (b) the optimal exchange rate system in preparing for EMU accession. This paper discusses related issues and introduces four special issue papers on the subject.  相似文献   

从欧盟《电子垃圾处理法》的出台看国际贸易技术壁垒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界贸易组织成立后,国际贸易中的保护措施发生了较大的变化。其中关于技术方面的贸易保护措施日益引起各国的高度重视。最近通过的欧盟《电子垃圾处理法》就是其中的一例。笔者在此主要讨论了该法的由来、对中国电子行业产生的影响及其带来的启示。  相似文献   

Berhanu Abegaz   《Economic Systems》2005,29(4):433-454
Inequities and inefficiencies in development aid arise from donor–recipient motivational conflicts, agency problems, and institutional deficiencies. Recent thinking on reforming official aid recommends technocratic solutions including recipient ownership, selectivity, budgetary grants, and multilateralization of aid management. Locating persistent policy failure in Africa primarily in its political institutions, this paper explores three alternative models of multilateral aid for reconciling need and effectiveness. They are the European Union's (EU's) model of regional aid, the International Development Association's (IDA's) model of concessional loans, and a synthesis model (S-model). Implications are drawn for redesigning aid to Africa that would adequately account for the peculiarities of the world's most prominent development challenge.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) aspires to be the most competitive, full employment economy in the world and has set a number of ambitious targets to be met by 2010 in order that it can achieve this goal. At the same time, it is pursuing an enlargement policy that will witness the accession of an increasing number of less developed nations. This article explores some of the tensions that exist between these two goals as these are manifest in labour market indicators and finds the likelihood of meeting the deadline set for success remote.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2006,30(4):21-26
There is a vociferous debate regarding the extent, impact and future policy direction of international migration. This has intensified following the expansion of the European Union and the accession of the eight Central and Eastern European countries. This article explores the recent trends in net migration, looking particularly at the impact at the sectoral and regional level. It finds that foreign workers appear to have had a significant economic impact in filling skills gaps and in helping to arrest population decline in those regions where previously this had been a fact of economic life.  相似文献   

There is little doubt that the EU's Reform Treaty is a very substantial document with significant implications for business and the economy. Unfortunately, there is little in the Treaty that would appear to promote liberal economic policies. On the contrary, there are at least two developments that should cause concern. The first is the Charter of Fundamental Rights which will probably have significant, anti-liberal, implications for Britain's labour market laws. And the second is the removal of 'free and undistorted competition' from the list of the EU's objectives in the main body of the Treaty.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of bank interest margins in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC). We assess to what extent the relatively high bank margins in CEEC can be attributed to low efficiency or non-competitive market conditions, controlling for the macroeconomic environment and the influence of foreign and state-owned banks. We systematically compare CEEC banks with Western European banks. Our results indicate that banking in the CEEC is on a virtuous path, at least in the EU accession countries: Increased efficiency benefits customers, while capital adequacy supports systemic stability. In the non-accession countries, important policy actions are required.  相似文献   

In this article the author draws on research commissioned by the European Community into a detailed examination of the difference in the measurement of disputes in all the member countries before Greece's accession. The findings are presented over the period 1970–80 for the four largest members—France, West Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

The European Employment Strategy (EES) is set to remain centre stage as the EU embraces ten new member states. The evidence regarding the prospects of the accession countries meeting the increasingly explicit targets that the EES has set for the years up to 2010 does not yield a favourable prognosis.  相似文献   

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