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董明华  张树忠 《价值工程》2014,(26):251-252
高职院校不能只培养"技能",更重要的是要培养"职业人"。高职教育要培养合格的"职业人",就必须要加强高职院校的学生综合的职业素养。本文就是从职业素养的概念、高职生职业素养现状和对存在问题的分析、强化职业素养培训途径的三方面进行阐述高职生职业素养的培养。高职院校就需要树立全新的教育理念,在职业意识、职业态度及职业道德方面对准职业人进行综合培养。  相似文献   

正一、职业判断是会计职业的精髓职业判断是一个职业的特殊能力。职业判断不是会计职业所特有的,其他职业也存在职业判断。比如,医生在给病人开药方的时候,需要根据病情对症下药,用哪些药、各自剂量是多少,这就需要运用职业判断;设计师在进行设计的时候,也要根据设计对象的功能、用途、受众的期望来确定设计思路,这当中也需要运用职业判断。一个职业所要求的判断,决定了不是所有人都可以从事这一职业,而是需要具备特殊的知识、经验和技能。职业判断能力是一个职业区别于一门手艺或其他工作的关键。  相似文献   

根据高职机械设计与制造专业的职业岗位、培养目标和基本要求,对职业标准进行分解与分析,并设置了相应课程。  相似文献   

卫生职业学校开展养老护理员培训是适应我国养老护理产业发展的需要,构建养老服务培训体系要从健全养老护理员培训课程体系和完善养老护理员培训环节着手。学校要严格按照养老护理员国家职业标准规定的内容实施培训,规范培训程序,完善培训内容。对养老护理员的培训要根据胜任力理论,要着重对养老护理员进行知识、技能、个性和内驱力方面的培养,并对培训过程和结果进行总结评价,形成一个良性循环。  相似文献   

高职会计专业人才培养目标的定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合会计职业的发展趋势,对会计行业的职业进行了分类,对各类职业的特点及社会需求进行了分析.根据企业对会计人员的职业能力要求,提出了高职会计专业人才培养目标的职业类型定位、就业面向定位和水平层次定位.  相似文献   

教材建设是专业建设的重要内容。根据职业岗位要求构建教材内容体系是实现高职教育目标的需要。高职教育要突出学生实践能力的培养,高职教材建设要突出职业教育的应用性和实践性。教师应根据课程和职业岗位要求,整合教学内容,帮助学生培养职业技能,充分体现高职教育特色。  相似文献   

本文以体面劳动的视角对大学生职业选择过程中非理性因素进行分析,最后找出大学生职业选择中的不合理性并提出建议,同时根据影响因素的分析,提出对大学生求职的建议和措施。  相似文献   

合格的物业管理职业经理人既要具备与其他行业经理人相同的职业素养,也要根据物业管理自身特点,不断培养适应本行业发展的特殊素质,尤其在综合知识、管理技能和沟通能力、人格魅力等方面更要有过人之处。  相似文献   

雷金屹 《价值工程》2011,30(7):293-294
职业研究表明,在职业生涯的起步阶段,由于个人的可塑性强,职业转换成本低,如果在这个阶段就对自己的职业有一个准确的定位和长远的规划,效果极佳,将非常有利于自己今后的成长与发展。职业生涯设计,要做好"定向"、"定点"、和"定位"。职业生涯设计由审视自我、确立目标、生涯策略、生涯评估四个环节组成。在进行职业选择时,首先应充分认识自己与周围的环境,这样才能在选择职业时做到心中有数。要认真进行自我优势分析、自我劣势分析、环境分析、人际关系分析。职业生涯设计做到既知己又知彼,就有了成功的基础。只要脚踏实地地按照设计要求努力去做,就会收获职业成功的喜悦。  相似文献   

黄惠文 《中外企业家》2009,(20):177-177
职业信息关系着大学生的就业,因此要重视对职业信息的采集与应用。针对职业信息采集与应用中出现的问题进行原因分析,在实践与调研的基础上提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

为真正体现“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的职业教育理念,教育者必须根据职业教育的培养目标和教学特点,大力开展学生职业意识教育,引导学生树立正确的职业理想和职业观念,提高学生的职业素质和综合职业能力。文章对职业意识教育的重点内容及养成途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大学生就业指导课设立的目的是使大学生在毕业前掌握求职的技能,制订长远的职业规划,从而在毕业后能更好地融入社会。面对大学生在就业过程中普遍存在的欠缺法律意识和法律知识的现状,各大高校在就业指导课程中加入了法律教育课程。但是,由于主客观原因的限制,高校现阶段的就业指导课中的法律教育课程远远满足不了大学生的需要。文章认为,要培养大学生的法律意识和运用法律的能力,就必须认识到就业指导课中法律教育课程的重要性,通过围绕课程性质,制订科学计划,改进教学手段和教学方法等对该课程进行改革和完善。  相似文献   

Knowledge workers are widely considered to represent the vanguards of a new employment era, characterised by a greater degree of balance in the relationship between the employer and the knowledge worker. This fundamental shift in power relations is expected to lead to the emergence of a new group of so‐called ‘free’ or empowered portfolio workers, who share boundaryless career arrangements and internationally ‘universal’ forms of flexibility. However, such propositions have been made without extensive comparative research. This paper therefore examines the organisation of knowledge worker careers and the nature of the temporal flexibility available to knowledge workers through an Anglo‐Dutch case‐study of a multinational consultancy firm. The data collected by this study provides little evidence to support the notion of free/boundaryless career models and demonstrates that national context has a significant impact on the construction of consultancy careers and the availability, level and form of flexibility offered to consultants.  相似文献   

The Navy is undergoing fundamental changes that will likely alter the nature of work and worker requirements. At the heart of their human resource management strategy are five distinct competency areas: professional development, personal development, leadership, certifications and qualifications, and job performance. These five areas, called “vectors” by the Navy, form the foundation around which the Navy identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities which Sailors need to succeed. As part of this HR transformation, the current research describes the design of a career development and advancement system. The primary component of the system is a weighting algorithm that links performance across all five areas to advancement to the next paygrade. The system is designed to compute an advancement score based on achievement of defined milestones across all five competency areas of concentration. It does so by defining the career paths associated with a member's development across these five areas; and identifying the advancement potential for recruit, apprentice, journeyman, and master-level personnel across every occupation in the U.S. Navy. In addition, this scoring system will be transparent such that personnel can view their own record at any time and assess what they might do in their career to improve their relative standing for future advancement. These results will also be used by future promotion boards to guide their selections.  相似文献   

王萍  常晓娟 《价值工程》2012,31(33):315-316
德才兼备的医务人员是医院可持续发展的生命力,而青年职工可以为这生命力注入新鲜血液,他们是医院的希望,是医院的未来。但青年职工面对的许多的问题:现实和理想,劳动与报酬,识别力及求知欲、事业和家庭等。这些问题都需要医院领导的深入关心和了解,要知道青年员工的思想与生活、工作与学习,了解并安抚他们的情绪,解决他们的难处,提高他们的待遇。真正让员工体会到,医院就是自己的第二个家,使他们从内心深处产生强烈的责任感、使命感,创造条件让青年员工在精神上、物质上、事业上、家庭上都蒸蒸日上。本文结合我院的工作实际,浅谈如何为青年职工的成长创造有利的条件,以维持医院的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

The relationship of mentoring and network resources, the two components of social capital, with career success was investigated in a sample of 113 Chinese white-collar workers. The findings suggested that the prevalence of mentoring in the Chinese workplace is substantially higher than in the Anglo-Saxon workplace, and that Chinese employees do not distinguish their network ties or Guanxi into expressive and instrumental. These results were in line with the presumption that mentoring is an integral part of the Chinese culture and with the view that network ties or Guanxi in the Chinese society cannot exist in a purely instrumental form. In contrast to hypotheses, however, the findings suggest a limited relationship between social capital and career success. In particular, the amount of mentoring, participants reported they had received, was related to their intrinsic career success but not to their extrinsic career success; and the amount of network resources or Guanxi was related neither to extrinsic nor to intrinsic career success. These results were largely at odds with the accumulated knowledge on the benefits of social capital for career success. The findings are discussed with respect to the changing nature of the Chinese business and organizational environment, and their implications for human resource practices.  相似文献   

Although the crucial role of entrepreneurs in the process of establishing firms is common knowledge in SME research, a major theoretical problem has been how to combine theories of ‘persons’ (entrepreneurs) with theories of ‘organizations’ (firms).

In this study I suggest that what is missing is a dynamic or processual approach to the study of entrepreneurs. Just as organizations change during their development, so do persons. In order to understand how in particular new firms come about, we should look more closely into the dynamics of personal change that lead certain individuals to commit themselves to entrepreneurial careers.

A study of humanistic entrepreneurs in Denmark indicates that the process of becoming an entrepreneur can be seen as a particular kind of career commitment. The emergence of such career commitments is analysed. Different patterns of entrepreneurial career commitments are presented and explained in terms of both structural conditions and biographical self–narratives.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a study that explored the links between career self‐management, management of the boundary between work and non‐work, and work–life balance, using a sample of young professionals. The findings show that individuals engage in different kinds of career self‐management behaviours, depending on their career goal. Management of the boundary between work and life outside work is identified as one such behaviour, with the consequence that, for some people, managing the career has a harmful effect on their work–life balance. The research adds to knowledge about the career self‐management process and shows how career stage influences career goals and career self‐management behaviour. It demonstrates how career attitudes and behaviours may be critical to the achievement of work–life balance and confirms that work–life balance matters to younger members of the workforce, regardless of their family responsibilities.  相似文献   

We conducted and analyzed interviews with 20 executives from the for‐profit sector who had transitioned into second careers in the nonprofit sector. Our qualitative study provides an in‐depth analysis of the critical events that triggered career agency and stimulated the change process. At each stage of transition, the executives revisited their personal brands, deciding how to best position their skills, knowledge, and values within the context of their new nonprofit organizations. This research contributes to academic and practitioner knowledge of new career paths open to mid‐ and late‐career executives and insights for nonprofit leadership, as many nonprofits can anticipate major shortages of qualified executives. Each stage in the career transition process provides opportunities for human resource professionals to contribute to successful nonprofit leadership change: first, by creating opportunities for “chance events” motivating transition, followed by career coaching opportunities before and throughout the transition. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯教育的目标与体系探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何引导学生开展职业生涯规划、提高学生就业竞争力,已成为高校职业生涯教育重要课题,但目前也存在着目标不清、定位不准等问题。通过调查发现,要提高职业生涯教育功效,需要明辨大学生职业生涯教育目标,构建以专业思想辨析、学习目标定位、成才目标指导和就业目标选择为主体的职业生涯教育体系。  相似文献   

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