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孙正道  田侃 《价值工程》2011,30(25):281-282
随着科技的发展,药品研究不断深入,质量水平越来越高,完善药品淘汰机制非常重要。本文通过对药品的三个不同阶段(上市前,上市后,被淘汰以后)进行分析、比较,为健全和完善我国药品淘汰制度提出一些意见。  相似文献   

目的:我国应建立药品召回制度。方法:通过对美国药品召回制度的介绍,探讨其对我国药品安全的启示。结果与结论:我们可借鉴美国的药品召回制度,完善我国的法律规范体系,全面推行药品召回制度。  相似文献   

目的:我国应建立药品召回制度.方法通过对美国药品召回制度的介绍,探讨其对我国药品安全的启示.结果与结论:我们可借鉴美国的药品召回制度,完善我国的法律规范体系,全面推行药品召回制度.  相似文献   

目的:我国应建立药品召回制度。方法通过对美国药品召回制度的介绍,探讨其对我国药品安全的启示。结果与结论:我们可借鉴美国的药品召回制度,完善我国的法律规范体系,全面推行药品召回制度。  相似文献   

近年来,随着缺陷药品问题的不断发生,我国已经初步建立了缺陷药品的召回制度,但我国药品召回制度并不完善,特别是在平衡企业生产成本和社会成本的问题上还有待于我们进一步探讨。本文从我国药品召回保险发展现状出发评析在我国建立药品召回保险制度的问题,并为药品召回保险制度的建立与发展提出相应建议。  相似文献   

药品分类管理制度的实施,有效地克服了药品使用不当和滥用药物造成的危害以及资源的浪费。药品分类管理制度实施以采,取得了显著的阶段性成果,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。文章对我国实施药品分类管理制度以来所取得的主要成绩和目前在推进药品分类管理工作中所面临的主要问题和困难进行分析,并就克服和解决这些困难和问题进行探讨,为更好地全面推进我国的药品分类管理制度提出一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

药品分类管理制度的实施,有效地克服了药品使用不当和滥用药物造成的危害以及资源的浪费。药品分类管理制度实施以采,取得了显著的阶段性成果,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。文章对我国实施药品分类管理制度以来所取得的主要成绩和目前在推进药品分类管理工作中所面临的主要问题和困难进行分析,并就克服和解决这些困难和问题进行探讨,为更好地全面推进我国的药品分类管理制度提出一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

以提升我国药品集中采购综合效益为目的,本文针对药品集中采购国际模式与经验,对药品周期管理要求与操作原则进行系统梳理,并重点分析英国、美国、澳大利亚等国家药品集中采购经验。结果显示,药品集中采购国际模式下的采购主体多元化、药物规律市场化、分类制采购方式、多维度综合评估、药品合理化竞争以及体系建设监管制度值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

徐继红  王晓 《企业导报》2012,(23):135-136
近几年,药品不良反应事件与日俱增,而我国目前对药品不良反应救济的适用原则尚无明确规定。因此,对我国药品不良反应损害救济的适用原则进行研究,有助于完善药品不良反应救济制度,保护受害人合法权益、规范药品生产经营者的责任、促进医药事业健康发展、维护社会公平正义。  相似文献   

曾令芝 《价值工程》2021,40(14):31-33
药品带量采购是通过集中招标保量采购药品来降低药价,从而进一步解决群众"看病难、看病贵"的问题.药品带量采购政策的试点正在全国范围内广泛铺开,本文通过对药品带量采购政策的内涵、实施过程中的问题与挑战等进行研究,旨在为优化制度设计提出完善建议.  相似文献   

国家基本药物制度与合理用药的方向和目标是一致的,且对合理用药的实践有促进作用。目前我国基本药物制度在推进合理用药的过程中,在遴选、推行、监管、评价、宣传等方面存在一些不足,基本药物制度的实施体系需要进一步完善,以更好地促进我国合理用药水平的提高。  相似文献   

Attacks on union finances are intensifying. These assaults, which come in various forms, have the potential to jeopardize the current systems of labor relations in the United States in both private and public sectors. This essay analyzes what might happen if the challenges are successful. Unions may shrink further in size or power, or alternatively, respond to new conditions in ways that strengthen them. Removal of union security might prompt legal change such as elimination of the duty of fair representation, elimination of the system of exclusive representation, or permitting the union to charge nonmembers for actual representation. These changes, if they occur, will be disruptive although they might result in a system more suited to today’s workplace. Regardless of the immediate outcome, it seems certain that labor-management conflict will not be eliminated, though it may be diverted for a time or changed in form.  相似文献   

本文对于药品的经济学特征进行阐述,从而分析政府调控药价难的主要原因。并总结药价调控方法,提出可进一步加强的措施为政府有效的调控药品价格,防止药价失控提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过对我国药品应急物流的特点和存在的问题进行分析,结合我国药品应急物流的现状,从应急物流的流程和药品应急物流的特点出发构建我国药品应急物流体系,并提出保障机制。  相似文献   

目的:解决质量控制管理中的难点问题,确保质量控制工作顺利开展。方法:建立医疗设备质量控制和医护质量考核相结合的管理体系。结果:通过一段时间的试运行,消除了制约质控工作发展的障碍。结论:通过建立有效的管理体系,才能确保医疗卫生装备质量、提高医疗安全质量。  相似文献   

郭书玲 《物流科技》2011,34(5):109-111
针对当前物流仓储管理中存在的工作强度高、速度慢、效率低等问题,介绍了条形码识别系统在仓储管理中所发挥的巨大作用,重点阐述了条形码技术在药品入库、药品保管、药品出库过程中的具体应用方法。与传统的仓储管理方法相比,条形码识别系统具有很大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

A primary goal of high-level domestic drug enforcement is to raise retail prices in the hope that this will, in turn, reduce consumption. Analyzing data from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration shows that there is no Granger-casual relationship between changes in enforcement and changes in cocaine and heroin prices except when enforcement is measured in terms of numbers of seizures. Even in the case, enforcement is not found to increase retail prices. Instead, evidence is found of a negative relationship. Why there might be such a negative relationship deserves further exploration.  相似文献   

This article examines judicial and administrative rulings and legislation involving or related to the issue of drug testing in the workplace. It discusses the rights of employees in the public and private sector: constitutional rights; federal, state, and local statutory rights; rights of unionized employees; and common law rights. It analyzes both the current state of the law and future directions the law may take, as courts and administrative agencies decide more cases and governmental bodies continue to pass drug testing legislation.  相似文献   

While many European justice systems distinguish between possession of and trafficking in illicit drugs, sentencing in drug cases in those countries tends not to depend (at least formally) upon the quantity of drugs seized from a defendant, but rather on the circumstances in which the defendant was found with drugs. Courts in the United States, on the other hand, penalize those convicted of drug crimes through an elaborate system of sentencing rules and guidelines. These sentences depend only upon the amount of drugs (possibly adjusted for circumstances) and the defendant's criminal history. Because of the enormous amount of work needed to determine drug type and quantity in each case, sampling the evidence and estimates of drug quantity have been accepted in most courts in the United States. During the last two years, several major developments in U.S. federal sentencing have taken place. It all started in June 2000 with the Supreme Court case Apprendi v. New Jersey , in which Justice O'Connor, in dissent, termed a "watershed in constitutional law". Prior to Apprendi , a judge would sentence a convicted drug trafficker to imprisonment using the preponderance standard of proof on the quantities of drugs seized. The affect of Apprendi is to make more juries decide the quantity of drugs by the reasonable doubt standard. Although Apprendi had nothing to do with illicit drugs, the implication now is that all federal sentencing protocols are under revision. Since Apprendi was decided, huge numbers of cases involving convicted drug traffickers have relied upon its reasoning on appeal, with the result that a ruling from the Supreme Court on further clarification of this issue is expected. This article discusses the impact so far of Apprendi on statistical issues involved in estimating total drug quantity and considers possible future directions under the changing protocols.  相似文献   

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