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朱明宣 《价值工程》2012,31(15):138-139
自格雷欣定律提出以后,经济学界主要关注该定律对经济的影响,对其成立的条件分析较少。目前对该定律成立条件的分析包括信息不对称、良劣币都具有价值、劣币数量足够多、良劣币交换价格相等或劣币可以按照面值流通等。但是这些条件都不充分,该定律要想发挥作用,需满足良劣币均为法币、货币超额供给、劣币可打折支付等条件。  相似文献   

反格雷欣法则,一直以来是经济学界关注和研究的焦点;本文先对反格雷欣法则的概念进行进行阐述,然后在此基础上对反格雷欣法则成立的条件进行分析并结合史例加以论证。  相似文献   

本文分析信用货币体系下良币驱逐劣币的成因及运行机制。着重指出正是由于复本位下反映货币真实比率的货币市场被开放经济,信用货币条件下反映货币真实比率的商品流通市场所替代,格雷欣法则变成了逆向格雷欣法则,并阐述了逆向格雷欣法则给一个国家的带来的弊端。在这些分析的基础上,提出了针对逆向格雷欣法则的政策选择——爬行带状汇率制。  相似文献   

王永华 《河北企业》2009,(10):64-65
高职院校人力资源管理中“格雷欣法则”现象 400多年前.英国经济学家格雷欣发现了一个有趣的现象,两种实际价值不同但名义价值相同的货币同时流通时,实际价值较高的货币必然会被收藏、输出,退出流通领域;而实际价值较低的货币,则会充斥市场.成为“主币”.经济学中称为“格雷欣法则”。  相似文献   

国有企业普遍存在"庸才"驱逐"良才"的"格雷欣法则"。文章结合实际分析了这一现象在国有企业中的体现,结合其逆反现象及人力资本的特点提出了对策,从岗级间、岗级内、绩效考核三方面对岗位工资的设计过程进行了改革,为国有企业遏制"格雷欣法则"提供了解决方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对格雷欣法则及其经济现象的解释,分析了企业选人、用人、留人机制中存在的"劣币驱逐良币"现象,并从人力资源规划、人才激励、绩效考核、薪酬管理等方面,提出遏制这种现象的对策.  相似文献   

国家质检总局局长支树平在中国质量(北京)大会上演讲时说,今后将通过加强事中事后监管,完善国家标准和质检法规体系,建立健全分类监管、黑名单制度等,不断优化质量发展环境,防止"劣币驱逐良币"。支树平提到的"劣币驱逐良币"现象,也被经济学家们称为格雷欣定律,是由16世纪英国金融家托马斯·格雷欣提出来的。当时,市场上流通的是金属铸币。在交换中,人们发现足值与不  相似文献   

400多年前,英国经济学家格雷欣发现了一个有趣的现象,两种实际价值不同但名义价值相同的货币同时流通时,实际价值较高的货币必然会被收藏、输出,退出流通领域;而实际价值较低的货币,则会充斥市场,成为“主币”,经济学中称为“格雷欣法则”。  相似文献   

要本文主要研究在格雷欣法则的影响下,企业员工的利己性知觉选择对工作绩效的影响,并以经济人假设理论[1]为基础,通过建立模型和运用相关理论,分析了员工内在满意度和人力资源管理强度的相关性在以上关系中所起的中介作用和调节作用,进而给出建设性的改善方法。  相似文献   

劣币驱逐良币原则是经济学中一个古老原理,它说的是铸币流通的时代,成色不良的铸币(金币或银币)与成色优良的铸币在市场上一样流通,外而外之良币会逐渐退出流通,转为储藏,而市面上流通的都是成色不良的劣币--劣币把良币赶出了市场.  相似文献   

Commodity money arises endogenously in a general equilibrium model with separate budget constraints for each transaction. Transaction costs imply differing bid and ask (selling and buying) prices. The most liquid good—with the smallest proportionate bid/ask spread—becomes commodity money. General equilibrium may not be Pareto efficient. If zero-transaction-cost money is available then the equilibrium allocation is Pareto efficient. Fiat money is an intrinsically worthless instrument. Its positive price comes from acceptability in paying taxes, and its use as a medium of exchange is based on low transaction cost.  相似文献   

路线方案的比选是公路建设项目前期的一项重要工作,直接影响着项目建设能否达到预期的目标以及项目投入运营中的使用效果,如行车的安全性、舒适性、快捷性等。进行路线方案比选时,要考虑路线的线形合理性、对周边地区环境影响,项目经济效益、施工难易等多种因素对影响。本文在分析路线方案比选复杂性的基础上,对多种决策方法进行对比,选择TOPSIS法作为路线方案的决策方法。算例的结果表明该方法应用的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a general equilibrium model with a finite number of divisible and a finite number of indivisible commodities. In models with indivisibilities it is typically assumed that there is only one divisible good, which serves as money. The presence of money in the model is used to transfer the value of certain amounts of indivisible goods. For such economies with only one divisible commodity Danilov et al. showed the existence of a general equilibrium if the individual demands and supplies belong to a same class of discrete convexity. For economies with multiple divisible goods and money van der Laan et al. proved existence of a general equilibrium if the divisible goods are produced out of money using a linear production technology and no other producers are present in the model.  相似文献   

We model the relationship over time between multiple good and bad inputs to the child development production process and the multiple good and bad outcomes which are generated. Doing this avoids several well-known empirical problems associated with construction and use of aggregated inputs and outputs, the assumption of separability among inputs and outputs, and the estimation of reduced forms. Using time-demeaned data for a balanced panel of families from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth?CChild Sample for 1994?C2000, we estimate an output-oriented directional distance function that simultaneously relates good and bad inputs from home, school, and environment, to good and bad outcomes, measured as children??s math and reading test scores as well as parent-reported behavior problems. We are able for the first time to compute partial effects among endogenous outputs. Recovering consistent estimates of time-invariant coefficients using a second-stage estimator, we find that some time-invariant variables are significant. We also measure productivity growth, technical change, efficiency change, and technical efficiency. Children??s productivity growth is highest at age 5?years and diminishes thereafter. Finally, we investigate the effect on these estimates of the choice of alternative direction vectors for the good and bad outputs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between firm performance and the timing of annual report releases in an emerging capital market. Based on the population of listed Chinese firms with A-shares for 1994-1997, we find that good news firms release their annual reports earlier than bad news firms, and loss firms release their annual reports the latest. Moreover, consistent with Chambers and Penman (1984) and Begley and Fischer (1998), these firms unexpectedly accelerate the release of good news and delay the disclosure of bad news relative to their previous reporting pattern. We also observe a significant price reaction to the annual earnings announcements for both early (good news) and late (bad news) reporting firms. Similar results are found for those A-share firms which have also issued B- or H-shares to foreign investors. Our study documents a systematic timing pattern of annual report disclosures, which is useful for investors to predict future earnings, especially in anticipating bad news in China's emerging market where information about future earnings is very limited.  相似文献   

由于每年降雨的冲刷,导致路基基床翻浆冒泥这一现象已成为影响铁路安全和运营的顽疾,每年需花费巨资整治路基翻浆冒泥,严重影响了线路的正常运营和铁路的大提速。文章在探求路基翻浆冒泥的机理的基础上,对现有病害探测和维修检测的方法进行了分析,并对现有路基基床翻浆冒泥整治技术进行了对比研究。对比分析表明:路基翻浆冒泥是多个影响因素共同作用的结果,但同时不同路基翻浆冒泥产生的原因也有差别,因此,在对路基翻浆冒泥病害的整治中应具有针对性。  相似文献   

通用汽车的高层和美国财政部官员在最近几个星期都已经清楚表明态度,他们希望这个汽车巨头尽可能远离《破产法》的困扰。而在幕后,通用汽车及其顾问一直在进行着一场战争——希望选择一种毕其功于一役的方式来拯救公司。目前来看,有一种设想已经在众多想法中脱颖而出,那就是将通用汽车一分为二:其中一个是“良好的通用汽车”,它包括目前良好的品牌和业务。  相似文献   

在中国拥有巨额外汇储备并急需寻求储备资产管理模式创新的背景下,本文以货币性外汇储备和资本性外汇储备的划分为前提,将多层次、系统的管理思想引入到外汇储备资产优化配置中。通过构建基于多层次需求的货币性外汇储备币种结构优化的AHP模型,测算出外汇储备货币性资产的最优币种权重。在币种结构确定的基础上再建立修正的资产结构优化AHP模型,并最终计算出货币性资产权重,从而实现了币种结构和资产结构优化的真正结合。研究结果表明:美元在币种权重中的领导地位还难以撼动,货币性存款在资产组合权重中也具有明显优势。因此,在货币性资产优化配置中,不宜将币种盲目多样化,同时应充分考虑货币性储备资产的功能和特性,选择流动性强、安全性高的金融资产。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relation between management forecasts and expensive perquisites. We investigate Yermack's (2006) conjecture that managers withhold bad news in order to receive expensive perquisites. We provide direct evidence supporting Yermack's (2006) conjecture. The frequency and magnitude of bad news release is greater than that of good news after the chief executive officer (CEO) first discloses aircraft perks. In addition, managers with greater numbers of disclosed perks are more inclined to withhold bad news. Additional subsample analyses provide further support for managerial bad news withholding behavior.  相似文献   

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