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在我国开征社会保障税,如三除社会保障税与个人所得税的重复征税,是摆在我们面前亟需解决的问题,借鉴国外减除重复我部的方法,采用社会保障收支税务处理减除重复征税对我国较为适用,结合我国国怀,我国宜实行免税减除方式。  相似文献   

论对公司和股东的国内重复征税   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国普遍存在对公司和股东的国内重复征税,这不仅加大了公司运营风险.破坏了税收公平原则,而且不利于我国股市的培育和发展。我国应借鉴希腊等国的制度,采取免税法消除对公司和股东的国内重复征税。  相似文献   

2013年开始实施的上市公司股息红利差别化个人所得税政策引发业界对全流通时代股息红利双重征税的热议。税收优化理论带来了该问题的适用性考,即证券税制变革要坚持方向性、适度性和公平性的原则。通过国际比较,发现多数国家适用股息红利免税或低税制度,鉴于此,我国股息红利征税改革的最终走向是归集抵免法。  相似文献   

税收中性与国际重复征税消除方法的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苑新丽 《涉外税务》2003,(12):61-64
资本输出中性、资本输入中性和国家中性是税收中性的三种形式。与它们相对应的消除国际重复征税的方法分别为抵免法、免税法、及扣除法。各国在税收实践中对税收中性的选择常常比较灵活。  相似文献   

余淑明 《财会学习》2018,(18):164-165
2016年5月1日起拉开了全面"营改增"的帷幕,非贸付汇业务涉及的特许权使用费也由原来的缴纳营业税变为缴纳增值税,在企业的进口业务中,如果进口货物涉及特许权使用费的支付,该笔费用的支付如未经筹划或筹划不当很有可能会面临增值税的重复征收,本文重点讨论在何种情形下会出现重复征税及在现有的法律法规规定下如何操作可尽量避免被重复征税.  相似文献   

避免信托重复征税的基本原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重复征税是我国信托税制中存在的最突出的问题。构建信托税制、避免重复征税,必须坚持税制的一般原理与信托制度独特的基本原理相结合,以信托导管原理为理论分析工具,确立以实质课税主义为核心的基本原则。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国股息红利个人所得税的经济性重复征税问题,探讨了股票股利是否应该征收个人所得税,以及从上市公司与非上市公司取得股息红利个人所得税的税收优惠与税收公平等问题,提出了我国股息红利个人所得税改革的政策建议。  相似文献   

全球第四次税收改革浪潮的核心内容是将投资者个人所得税与公司所得税整合.作为投资者税收的重要组成部分,股息税成为各国税收改革重点关注的对象.纵观学术史,有关股息税经济作用的论述主要分为三种观点:传统观、税收无关观以及税收资本化观.这三种理论观点对现实税收政策是否废止股息税或者将公司所得税与股息税合二为一各有主张.本文回顾了有关股息税的理论观点、相关实证检验以及世界主要国家的股息税改革经验,最后提出了针对中国股息税改革的建议.  相似文献   

以2017年投入产出表为基础,编制了社会核算矩阵,通过可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型系统地分析了在不同碳税水平下碳税征收对能源-经济-环境系统的影响,进而揭示碳税政策的实施能否实现环境保护与经济发展的双重红利效应.研究结果显示,征收碳税能够减少化石能源的消费,促进二氧化碳排放量的减少,且随着碳税水平的提高,其降碳效果更加明显.同时,征收碳税有助于产业结构转型,但对经济增长、居民消费与企业收入具有显著的负向冲击.在短期内,碳税政策无法实现降碳促增的双重红利效应.因此,为实现环境保护与经济发展的双赢局面,在实施碳税政策的同时应该辅以合理的经济政策.  相似文献   

Green Tax Reforms and the Double Dividend: an Updated Reader's Guide   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper draws on the literature on the double dividend to explore whether an environmental tax reform yields not only a cleaner environment but also non-environmental benefits. In doing so, it investigates how environmental tax reforms impact welfare, the distribution of income, and employment. Also the political economy of environmental taxation is discussed.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new methodology to investigate the effects of the 1986 Tax Reform Act (TRA) on corporate dividend policy. The methodology employs a modified version of Rozeff's (1982) model to control for the potential effect of underlying influential variables. The empirical results show there is no widespread reaction to the 1986 TRA passage on the aggregate level of dividends and only modest support for an industry-related dividend effect. We also find that firm size does not play a significant role in dividend policy reaction to the 1986 TRA.  相似文献   

The Double Dividend of Postponing Retirement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Early retirement seems to plague social security systems in a number of European countries. In this paper we argue that delaying retirement may have two positive effects: it is likely to partially restore the financial balance of the system, and it may foster redistribution among retirees. To obtain such a double dividend, the benefit rule of the initial social security scheme must have the following two characteristics. First, it operates redistribution within generations. Second, it is biased and induces early retirement.  相似文献   

构建我国中性税制的设想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,我国财政政策已由“积极”转向“稳健”,税收作为财政的一个重要组成部分,应积极响应财政政策。我国现阶段通过以减税为特征的税种“中性化”来构建的“中性税制”,既符合市场经济发展的要求,又不会影响到财政收入,而且能积极响应稳健财政政策的实施。构建我国现阶段“中性税制”,必须“充分体现税收中性,并适当坚持税收调控”这一核心。  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes companies' capital structure and dividend decisions under distributed profit taxation (DPT), Estonia's corporate taxation regime since 2000. The sample covers 26,000 observations of Estonian companies from 1995 to 2004. The results show that the DPT system has led companies to pay less in dividends and retain more profits. Simultaneously, the importance of external financing in companies' total capital has decreased. The undistributed profits appear to be partially retained as surplus cash, instead of being reinvested into long-term productive assets. DPT seems to support companies' liquidity and sustainability; however, the allocation of funds is potentially inefficient.  相似文献   

当前,我国税权治理机制存在事权、财权和税权不统一,税权高度集中,地方税收立法权缺位等问题,不利于地方税系的健全和地方经济社会的发展。本文主要是通过公共产品的视角来阐述税权治理的理论依据,并借鉴西方国家税权治理的有益经验,进一步完善我国的税权治理机制。  相似文献   

实践教学作为本科教学中必不可少的环节,对培养大学生的实践动手能力有重要的意义,同时实践教学也是学校连接社会的重要桥梁。从社会需求来看,税务机关和企业都需要既有扎实的税收理论基础又有实际操作能力的税务人才。而目前高校税务实践课程的建设不能满足社会需求,也没有形成体系,笔者就这一问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that dividend initiations and omissions convey important information about subsequent earnings changes. However, this finding may be subject to a sample survival bias. We find that survivorship does not affect the positive relation between dividend changes and past earnings changes. Also, we find dividend omitting firms are able to generate significantly positive earnings one to two years after the omission. However, contrary to previous findings, firms' earnings are not significantly increased following the dividend initiation. The results suggest that survivorship tends to bias inference toward finding that dividends signal future earnings.  相似文献   

In examining the industry-wide implications of dividend omission and initiation announcements, this study finds distinct industry responses for these two events. Specifically, dividend omission announcements have a significantly negative impact on the valuations of industry-related firms. Factors influencing this industry reaction include the Herfindahl index of the announcing firm's industry, the two-day abnormal return of the announcing firm, and its trading status (Nasdaq or NYSE/AMEX). Unlike dividend omissions, dividend initiations evoke a competitive (or negative) response from industry-related firms. The degree of homogeneity in the announcing firm's industry, the announcing firm's abnormal return and its size affect this industry response.  相似文献   

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