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邓安球 《当代财经》2007,41(12):80-84
目前,国内对文化产业政策中具有重要地位的文化消费政策研究比较缺乏.文化消费政策能够引导、支持文化消费取向、规模扩大和结构升级,推动文化产业发展,是文化产业发展的重要支撑力.综观湖南实施的文化产业政策,缺乏消费政策支撑,造成文化产业发展源泉、支撑力不足.要实现湖南文化产业做大做强目标,必须制定合理有效的文化产业消费政策.  相似文献   

文章基于三一重工变更注册地的事件,以政策性负担为切入点,探讨了其对民营企业行为的影响.研究发现,在财政分权制度和政治锦标赛激励下,为了实现政治目标,地方政府干预地方企业的动机增强,会通过政策性负担干预当地规模较大的民营企业.相对于国有企业,民营企业对于政策性负担的反应受自身发展规模影响.当发展规模达到一定程度时,民营企业倾向于主动规避地方政府的干预,寻求公平的市场环境.已有文献主要发现部分民营企业会通过主动承担政策性负担来建立政企联系,或者对于政策性负担持被动接受的态度.文章采用案例分析方法,考察了民营企业对于政策性负担可能存在的另一种反应,并从政策性负担的角度解释了民营企业与地方政府的互动关系.  相似文献   

In the context of emission trading it seems to be taken as given that people's preferences can be ignored with respect to the whole process of fixing emission targets and allocating emission permits to polluters. With this paper we want to reopen the debate on how citizens can be involved in this process. We try to show how citizen preferences can be included in the process of pollution control through emission trading. We propose an emission trading system where all emission permits are initially allocated to households who are then allowed to sell them in the permit market or to withhold (at least some of) them in order to reduce total pollution. This proposal tries to overcome the fundamental disadvantage of traditional permit systems which neglect consumer preferences by solely distributing emission permits to producers / polluters. In our system the property right to nature is re-allocated to the households who obtain the opportunity of reducing actual emissions according to their personal preferences by withholding a part or all of the emission permits allotted to them. Such a change in environmental policy would mark a return to the traditional principles of consumer sovereignty by involving households (at least partially) in the social abatement decision process instead of excluding them. Another advantage of admitting households to the TEP market as sellers or buyers of permits is that this increases the number of agents in the permit market and thus significantly reduces the possibilities of strategic market manipulations.  相似文献   

文化是旅游业发展的核心,民族地区的原生态文化是重要的文化旅游资源之一,是民族地区旅游发展之本.文章以湘西土家族苗族自治州为例对民族地区文化生态旅游展开探讨,首先阐述了民族地区文化生态旅游的内涵和特点,继而分析民族地区文化生态旅游业的发展现状以及存在的问题,然后提出相应的开发建议,以期为民族地区的文化生态旅游发展提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

文章以上海市金山区为例,采用景观格局方法研究农村宅基地空间分布特征,以期为大都市郊区农村宅基地规划和整理提供依据.金山区农村宅基地具有总量大、规模小、形状不规则以及聚集度和连通度差等景观格局特征,反映了农村宅基地空间布局分散、集约性差、用地浪费及基础设施不完善等问题.文章据此提出了科学编制新农村规划、创新农村宅基地整理机制及加强农村宅基地布局管理功能的政策建议.  相似文献   

叶慧 《技术经济》2009,28(7):32-37
基于当前影响农户生产行为的粮食补贴政策和生态退耕政策,本文构建了一个包含这两种政策的农户生产行为模型;根据模型求解结果,构建了衡量政策组多重目标的指标变量。通过对各指标变量进行比较静态分析,发现粮食补贴政策与生态退耕政策在农民增收目标上能够协调,但在粮食安全和农业生态环境保护目标上存在相互冲突和矛盾。基于此,提出了若干耦合多重政策目标的对策建议。  相似文献   

This study measures cost inefficiency of Kansas public school districts and applied both mathematical programming and stochastic frontier approach. The empirical study uses two-stage data envelopment analysis model and the cost inefficiency effects model proposed by Battese and Coelli (Empirical Economics 24:325–332, 1995) and applied to a panel data. The results found mean inefficiencies from these two models are very close. The results indicate that Kansas school districts, on average, exhibit cost inefficiency in their operations, however, there is a tendency for inefficiencies to decline over time. The study does not find any strong evidence for lower efficiency due to lower expenditure per-pupil. Instead, we found inconclusive evidences where lower efficiency for certain school districts could be assigned to unfavorable environmental cost conditions.
John PoggioEmail:

施佳颖  陈格  夏宜平   《技术经济》2020,(11):105
文化遗产景观正在面临城市化的挑战。为了解游客对城市背景下文化遗产庭园的认知,探索景观形态和游客认知之间的关系,对东京都内6个文化遗产庭园进行了游客认知的调查,并利用球面相机拍摄的全景图计算观测点各景观要素的视角系数。结果发现,天空、庭园、背景建筑的视角系数均与文化遗产庭园的安静感、尺度感、质感、构成感及开阔感显著相关,其中庭园的视角系数是对认知项目最有效的预测因子,并且其预测性不会因为游客国籍或性别的改变而有很大的变化。此外,园外现代建筑的视角系数与庭园的自然感、人工感及历史感均无明显关系。发现将景观认知研究拓展到文化遗产景观的空间形态领域,为文化遗产景观的评价提供了潜在的环境指标,亦是景观评价公众参与的一次实践经验。  相似文献   


The 2007–8 surge in oil prices has created concern about its impacts on poor and vulnerable populations in developing countries. Government management of the energy crisis was shown to be important in reducing adverse impacts. This study uses an applied general equilibrium framework to examine alternative policy and external shocks with the recent surge in oil prices in South Africa through a gender lens. Simulation results show that although the 2007–8 energy crisis contributed to slowing down South African gross domestic product (GDP) growth and reducing employment and earnings, the distributional impact between men and women has been neutral. This neutrality is driven by an increase in capital inflows, which has mitigated the exchange rate depreciation owing to the oil price hike. Without an increase in capital inflows, the crisis would have significantly depreciated the exchange rate and contributed to decreasing women's market opportunities and increasing women's workload as compared to men.  相似文献   

《Journal of economic issues》2012,46(4):1001-1016

The goal of this research is to demonstrate a significant importance of state policy of food prices supervision in Israel. The article begins with a detailed discussion of the healthy food basket’s components, based on the Israeli Ministry of Health recommendations. Next, we present the prices of the goods included in the basket, and a calculated estimate of the per capita cost of funding the basket. Based on this cost figure, we assess the economic ability of Israeli households to purchase the basket. The results show that two lowest quintiles would have trouble paying the price of a basic health food basket. Further, it describes the food prices in Israel and its significance, Israel’s food market and the major regulatory tools associated with the food market. In the end, we define the need for short-term and longer-term regulation of food costs, and the necessity of expanding competition in the food market.  相似文献   

基于凯恩斯主义国民收入决定理论 ,通过对H省经济运行数据的实证模拟 ,分析H省积极财政政策的执行情况 ,并结合H省省情和我国国情 ,我们得到了九个基本命题 :命题 1∶H省经济处于投资陷阱之中 ,因而货币政策无效 ,财政政策充分有效。命题 2∶H省的财政政策乘数为 5 596,投资需求拉动乘数为 2 3 945,消费需求拉动乘数为2 2 0 1 5,财政支出回馈乘数为 0 2 2 66。命题 3∶H省国债转贷与补助资金拉动的经济增长率为 :1 988年 0 6个百分点 ,1 999年 0 9个百分点 ,2 0 0 0年 0 6个百分点 ,2 0 0 1年 0 5个百分点。命题 4:乘数愈大 ,积极财政政策的效果愈大 ,但积极财政政策退出造成的负作用也愈大 ,总需求和经济增长对积极财政政策的依赖程度也愈强。命题 5,民营化程度愈低 ,投资的利率弹性愈低 ,货币政策愈无效 ,反之亦然。命题 6,民营化程度愈低 ,财政依赖程度愈强 ,反之亦然。命题 7:我国的积极财政政策必然会退出 ;退出的最佳方式是淡出 ;维持现有国债规模是淡出的最可能的形式 ,是一个聚点均衡。命题 8:H省的民营化程度低于全国的平均水平 ,财政依赖程度高于全国的平均水平 ,自主性增长动力尤显不足。命题 9:如果没有激励民间投资的有效措施出台 ,积极财政政策淡出将使H省经济增长速度下滑。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the political economy of budget balances and focuses on fiscal referendums. It specifically suggests – on the basis of theoretical arguments –that any analysis of fiscal referendums must take their spending thresholds into account. Thus, it claims that mandatory fiscal referendums can impose greater constraints than optional fiscal referendums. In conclusion, various recommendations based on this observation are proposed.JEL classification: D70, H72.  相似文献   

陈健生 《财经科学》2010,(2):107-115
面对日趋扩大的城乡差距,改变原来缩小城乡差距就是缩小城乡收入差距的既有思路,代之以还应包括缩小城乡公共服务差距的新认识。通过城乡公共服务的统筹治理,完善农村公共服务体系,增强农村公共服务供给能力,最终实现城乡之间的协调发展、平衡发展和平等发展。本文以国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区成都市为例,对城乡公共服务统筹治理与制度创新作出分析探讨,认为应从完善地方立法、改革地方财政制度、扩大政府购买服务以及调整政府政绩评价方法来推动城乡基本公共服务均等化。  相似文献   

财政支持是影响文化企业发展的重要政策因素.文章首先将企业家社会资本分为企业家政治关系资本和企业家商业关系资本 ,在此基础上使用178家江苏地区文化企业实地调研数据 ,构建计量经济模型实证检验了企业家社会资本对文化企业财政支持可获性的影响.研究结果发现:企业家政治关系资本对文化企业财政支持可获性具有正向影响 ,但在统计上不显著;企业家商业关系资本对文化企业财政支持可获性具有显著正向影响 ,且企业家商业关系资本的作用明显大于企业家政治关系资本 ,这表明地方政府在决定是否对文化企业给予财政支持时 ,明显淡化了以往侧重于通过行政权力主导补贴资金的传统做法 ,而更多地遵循了通过市场机制来配置公共财政资源的原则.  相似文献   

潜在产出、自然利率和均衡汇率是货币政策决策和效果评价的重要参考基准。通过状态空间模型对我国潜在产出、自然利率和均衡汇率水平进行联合估计,并在此基础上通过建立一个包含汇率因素的"混合型"泰勒规则对我国货币政策反应函数进行估计,结果显示,我国货币政策行为对通货膨胀、产出缺口和汇率波动作出了较为及时和稳定的反应,但货币政策的前瞻性有待提高。  相似文献   

随着目前国内经济的高速发展,文化旅游以其特有的文化内涵和文化氛围受到越来越多的游客重视和青睐。作为文化旅游的重要组成部分——非物质文化景观的多样性不断遭到破坏。科学合理的开发建设对于非物质文化景观的保护与传承,以及基于非物质文化景观的区域旅游发展尤为重要。以龙镇《红灯记》文化旅游区为例,根据区域旅游资源的评价与客源市场的分析结果,结合旅游规划AVC三力理论——即吸引力(A)、生命力(V)、承载力(C),分别从开发建设理念、产品体系的打造、意境流规划、旅游服务设施规划建设等方面提出了规划的方案和实施建议,为基于非物质文化景观的区域旅游开发和可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

陆文聪  朱志良 《技术经济》2008,27(11):54-60
利用灰色关联分析理论,对1990—2006年上海市的财政支农结构进行了实证研究,得出了上海市财政支农资金在现有财政支农项目中分配不甚合理、有限的财政支农资金未能实现最佳使用效益的结论;并提出了整合政府各条线支农资金、建立财政支农信息共享和决策互通机制、加强财政支农资金监管和开展绩效后评价等对策建议。本文在研究方法上借助灰色关联分析模型,较好弥补了现有文献利用回归分析研究财政支农结构存在主观经验因素过多的不足,提高了研究结论的准确性,同时也为政府优化财政支农结构提供了可量化的决策分析工具。  相似文献   

Based on the cost and content of individual calorie intake, I find evidence of son preference in food distribution in rural Bangladesh but not in the rural Philippines, which is consistent with the contrasting cultural norms of these two agrarian societies. Unlike in the Philippines, few females in Bangladesh, a male‐dominated patriarchal society with the strong presence of dowry and purdah systems, seem to participate in the labor market. Gender differences in wage rates appear to be prominent in Bangladesh as well, and the transfer at marriage from a bride's family seems to exceed that from a groom's family. In Bangladesh, the village wage rate of adult females is positively associated with a girl's allocation from the animal food group, while village wage rates of adult males are negatively associated. However, no such association is observed in the Philippines, which is characterized by egalitarian values between the sexes. In recent marriages in Bangladesh, a village's average value of transfers from grooms' families is also positively associated with a girl's allocation. While higher birth order children fare worse than lower birth order children in both economies, in Bangladesh a higher birth order girl does worse than a higher birth order boy, whereas this is not the case in the Philippines. The son preference does not seem to be associated with scarcity, as it is prominent in non‐poor Bangladeshi households but not in poor ones; the preference does not appear in either category in the Philippines. A Bangladeshi village's access to television, which I use as a proxy for liberal values, is positively associated with girls' calorie allocations.  相似文献   

主要探讨退耕初期不同类型农户响应退耕还林政策的差异及产生这种差异的影响因素。研究方法:多元线性回归模型。研究结果:(1)根据农户劳动力和耕地数量,可以将农户分为年轻多地型、年轻少地型、年老多地型和年老少地型;(2)四类农户参与退耕还林积极性由大到小分别为:年老多地型农户>年轻少地型农户>年轻多地型农户>年老少地型农户;(3)耕地面积是影响各类农户退耕决策最显著因子,而农户年龄是农户退耕决策影响力最大因子。研究结论:影响各类农户退耕决策的因素存在差异,针对不同类型农户制定差异化辅助政策有助于政策的落实。  相似文献   

通过比照2000年第五次全国人口普查和2010年第六次全国人口普查分县数据,发现人口净输入的东部9个较发达省市也出现了219个人口下降区,约占全国人口下降区总数的21.43%。这些人口下降区在形成机制、人口年龄构成、经济发展、空间分布及农村地区社会发展等方面具有一定的共性特征。借助人口发展预测模型对县域个案的分析发现,执行单独两孩生育政策仅能产生较小的短期效应,长期来看无法阻止人口下降区人口总量持续下降和人口老龄化加速的趋势。国家应高度重视正在扩大的人口下降区及其引发的社会经济冲击,进一步调整和完善生育政策,提升人口下降区中心城市的人口集聚能力,加速构建县域医护快速响应系统,特别是要重点解决好人口下降区留守儿童的教育问题。  相似文献   

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