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This article discusses the human resource implications of' business readjustment and advances in Hong Kong as its economy is restructured into a post-industrial centre of tertiary service industries. Corporate reforms are benchmarked against Western practices of exploring flexibilities and competitiveness which emphasize labour performance and cost savings. However, job security does not appear to have been eroded, possibly betraying an Oriental importance placed upon trust and commitment between employer and employee. As a meeting-place where Eastern and Western cultural practices interface, Hong Kong probably remains economically resilient by keeping its normative and institutional permissiveness in a hybrid mix of Western and Oriental practices.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's fair efficient legal system is the bedrock of its economic success. The practice of Western law underpins Hong Kong's entire free, market by providing a level playing field, due process, protection of property right and legal contracts. Mr. Lee, the Democratric Party of Hong Kong, warns of the potential harmful impact of Chinese sovereignty in Hong Kong after 1997, particularly through corruption and nepotism.  相似文献   

At one time, the top jobs in subsidiaries of Western companies located in Hong Kong were held by Westerners. Only recently have companies moved to fill professional positions with local talent. But as the localization process has speeded up, the once plentiful supply of talent is shrinking dramatically. Hong Kong Chinese professionals are leaving from fear of what repatriation with the PRC will bring.  相似文献   

香港经济一直在寻求转型的方向,随着内地贸易开放程度加深和香港产业结构变化,作为支柱产业的物流,其发展前景也倍受关注.当前,影响香港物流发展的外部因素是周边地区迅速发展,货源竞争日趋激烈.从内部深层次原因看,导致香港物流业萎缩的症结是香港制造业外移,境内物流环节减少.应充分利用香港海港和空港的基础设施,利用自身高效率优势,提供高质量、多功能、差异化的港口服务,承接内地企业对高端港口物流的需求,为香港物流业的持续发展奠定基础.  相似文献   


This research was designed to investigate consumers' attitudes towards professional advertising in Hong Kong. Three hundred consumers were surveyed on their attitudes towards professional advertising by accountants, doctors and lawyers practicing in Hong Kong. The results found that, in general, professionals in Hong Kong enjoyed a high image and consumers believed that advertising would not significantly affect the current favourable image enjoyed by professionals in Hong Kong. In addition, consumers believed that professional advertising could serve as a means to acquire information. However, they also believed that advertising would increase the cost of professional services.  相似文献   

In this contribution, the future market of business and management education in Hong Kong is investigated, bearing in mind that Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty. Hong Kong is expected to continue its prosperity, but the emigration of large numbers of Hong Kong professionals wanting to secure a safety net by acquiring a foreign passport has further created demands for better and more business and management education in an attempt to develop more professional managers. The study starts by discussing the current state of the Hong Kong economy and the phenomenon of the ‘brain drain’. In addition, it analyses a survey of the current state of business and management education in Hong Kong so that a market need can be identified to match economic growth. Finally, the study suggests a future research direction for Hong Kong's business and management education.  相似文献   

Ever since British-Chinese negotiations over the return of Hong Kong began in 1982, there has been a dialogue of the deaf about Hong Kong's future, Overholt provides a thorough overview of the historical, political economic, social and legal issues regarding Hong Kong's transition and of China's self-interest in Hong Kong's major functions as an airlock, entrepot, financial center, regional headquarters and manufacturer. Through his careful discussion of the foreseeable problems, Overholt reaches the conclusion that hong Kong is “useful pretty much the way it is” to China and doesn't see China disturbing the balance.  相似文献   

随着深圳物流业的崛起,深圳与香港物流业竞争力的比较越来越受到业界的关注。通过在生产要素成本、组织成本和要素质量三个方面对深圳和香港物流业的竞争力的实证分析,表明深圳的要素成本比香港有明显的优势,但是深圳的制度成本比香港要高。在生产要素质量方面,深圳与香港的“硬要素”差距不大,“软要素”差距比较大。深圳中低端物流业务的竞争力正在接近甚至超越香港,将促使原本在香港境内的此类业务向深圳、珠江三角洲等地区转移。  相似文献   

根据1961-2000年香港劳动人口变动的数据,分析人口规模、人口构成以及劳动参与率对香港劳动市场变动的影响。从劳动供给一方,讨论香港劳动市场的主要特征。  相似文献   

Being clear about the nature and demands of business ethics, particularly in the context of Hong Kong, means dispelling a number of popular myths. The author is Associate Professor of Management at the Asia International Open University, Matheson Centre, 3 Matheson Street, Hong Kong. She is also an Associate Editor of this Review.  相似文献   

参加WTO香港会议的感受与启迪   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者于2005年12月13日到18日参加了WTO在我国香港举办的第六届部长级会议。根据亲身感受写出本文。第一,描述了《香港部长宣言》的产生与内容,指出其重要性。第二,总结了我国在WTO香港会议中的作用和收获。第三,介绍香港会议期间有关WTO的国际研讨会内容,国内研讨与之相比的差距。  相似文献   

根据国际公约和各国法规的规定。船舶登记是取得船舶所有权和船旗籍,确认其航行权的必要程序,同时也是确定船籍港,建立港航行政机关对于船舶的管辖关系,使船舶依法享受权利,承担义务的重要法定手续。  相似文献   

Confronted with the rise of a new group within its organization, Small World, an international Christian kindergarten in Hong Kong, is being forced to reconsider its boundaries. The trend towards more applications to international schools by Hong Kong Chinese, adds an extra dimension to the already extensive cultural diversity among the kindergarten's staff, students and their parents. Describing the appreciation for cultural diversity amongst staff and parents, the strategies that are used to maintain harmony and the motives that (Hong Kong Chinese) parents have for participation in the school, it is argued that only one effect of globalization on the macro level can be identified on the micro and meso level, namely indigenization. The article shows how parents, staff and the organization all try to adopt attractive or useful elements of foreign cultures without giving up their own culture, and subsequently foster multiculturalism in an attempt to reach their goals, these being the cultural competence of their children for Hong Kong Chinese parents and success for the organization. The resulting demand for the incorporation of extra foreign elements in the curriculum is forcing Small World to reconsider its boundaries.  相似文献   

In 2007, China will celebrate the l0th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the mainland and the 8th anniversary of the return of Macao. What changes have taken place in past years?  相似文献   

July 1st, 1997–the date on which Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty, an event with a world-wide audience: Did the date symbolize the long-awaited end of Western imperialism in Asia? Or a retreat from freedom? Or, now that it's in the past, was the whole thing just a case of journalistic overkill? It all depends on your point of view. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

香港码头运营成本过高,特别是码头处理费(THC)全球最高,一直是困扰香港物流业运作的主要问题.如果THC问题不能尽快妥善解决,必将对香港的转口贸易、航运业产生严重影响,削弱CEPA实施的效益,拖慢香港的经济复苏步伐。为提高香港航运业的竞争力,特区政府有必要改革航运政策机制,考虑兴建新码头,并引入新营运商。  相似文献   

The economic success of Hong Kong—especially when compared to its much larger neighbor the People's Republic of China—has been a source of worry among business leaders in light of the colony's planned reversion back to China in 1997. Young managers in particular are nervous that, under the bureaucratic and repressive dominion of China, economic growth and opportunities will dwindle. How China handles its own affairs, as well as those of Hong Kong, may well affect the region's economy well into the next century.  相似文献   

Hong Kong consumers have embraced the web but appear reluctant to buy airline tickets online, suggesting that perceptions of risk outweigh perceived convenience. In this study we identify that both risk and convenience factors are associated strongly with willingness to purchase, particularly privacy, security and poor customer service, time savings, site usability and information provision. We identify further that the experienced shopper is only moderately satisfied and that satisfaction appears to be associated strongly with willingness to make further purchases. Overall, findings suggest that although consumers recognize a number of benefits, there is deep‐rooted resistance to buying this particular product online. The explanation may lie in a combination of the physical density of the Hong Kong market, love of the whole shopping experience and a desire to minimize risk. We conclude that to tempt consumers online airlines and agents must target the Hong Kong market with a clear value proposition which includes user‐friendly sites, streamlined payment procedures, on‐ and offline customer support, price‐related promotions and tailored offline services which reinforce online offerings.  相似文献   

In the past months, Hong Kong has warmed up for celebrating the 10th anniversary of its return to the Chinese motherland with all kinds of anniversary-related activities. Concerns from all over China and abroad are mainly focusing on what changes the Hong Kong economy has undergone in the 10 years since the handover and what are the external and internal factors affecting Hong Kong. Authorities from Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) have shared their views with China's Foreign Trade on Hong Kong's economic development in the past 10 years.  相似文献   

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