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葛翠娥 《金卡工程》2009,13(7):62-62
由于精神病人行使知情同意权有许多特殊性,知情同意原则在精神病人中未能得到充分实施。通过介绍精神病人知情同意权的国际规则和各国立法,指出精神病人行使知情同意权的依据。同时分析知情同意在精神科的应用范围、精神病人的知情同意能力的评定标准以及评定主体,以期更好的保护精神病人的知情同意权。  相似文献   

赵颖 《金卡工程》2009,13(9):39-40
当前,我国遗传资源流失的问题非常严重,现有的法律存在较多的缺陷,无法有效阻比遗传资源的流失.因此,我国有必要遵照<生物多样性公约>的要求建立遗传资源的获取和惠益分享法律制度.我国应当采纳单独或专门立法的模式,未来立法应包括获取程序、事先知情同意和共同商定条件和惠益分享三个方面的核心内容.关键字:  相似文献   

沃耘  乔鹏飞 《征信》2024,(5):31-42
大数据时代,为充分保障个人的信息安全,我国相继施行的《民法典》《个人信息保护法》对此作出了较为全面的规定。考察相关规则的司法适用,发现我国个人信息保护存在个人信息与隐私权界定不清、损害赔偿威慑作用不足、公益诉讼制度效用未充分发挥、“知情—同意”标准不一且流于形式等问题。为解决上述问题,可通过构建可识别的场景化模式界定个人信息,引入情境脉络完整性理论判定隐私,审慎引入惩罚性赔偿,明晰个人信息保护公益诉讼的适用条件,构建“国家—行业—平台”三层规则体系实现实质同意,全面保护个人信息。  相似文献   

范庆荣 《保险研究》2023,(2):115-125
《民法典》《个人信息保护法》等法律法规的修立搭建了保险消费者个人信息保护的框架。基于保险行业的特殊性,个人信息保护的一般性规定适用于保险领域时需要进行具体解读。保险消费者履行如实告知义务并非无限度,它与个人信息自决也并不矛盾。基因信息作为特殊的个人信息被用于核保时需要审慎对待,应严格控制保险人获取基因信息后的使用范围和方式,并充分尊重保险消费者的选择权。保险人处理个人信息除了要满足“知情-同意规则”外,还要受到正当原则、必要原则的制约。在保险消费者个人信息保护的法律救济路径选择上,需要结合立法目的和个案情境加以判断,给予当事人以选择权。基于保险领域的特殊性,侵犯保险消费者私密信息与敏感信息的侵权责任的归责原则应当统一,且与非私密信息、非敏感信息加以区别,以弥合目前法律规定的责任承担轻重失衡的局面。  相似文献   

以我国上市公司为样本,对董事会监管下高管变更带来的盈余管理行为进行研究。实证结果表明:高管变更当年存在调减盈余行为;董事会监管程度与高管变更的概率有相关关系;董事会监管能抑制高管变更时的盈余管理行为。因此,我国上市公司应注重董事会制度建设,强化董事会监管作用,以规范盈余管理行为,促进我国上市公司健康、有效的发展。  相似文献   

情感计算是指以人类情感为机器学习对象,具有情感识别和情感分析功能的智能科技。情感计算不以信息主体的身份识别为前提,旨在通过对输入端生物反馈信息或状态的分析处理而输出情感信息。为应对情感信息不当获取与利用所带来的情感操纵风险,需以信息隐私理论为框架展开风险应对之探讨。然而,现行信息隐私规范却存在风险应对不足的问题。情感信息因其具体类型的多样性而难以划入敏感个人信息的保护范围;生物反馈信息因其情感识别而非身份识别的目的难以作为生物识别信息而被保护;作为信息处理之合法性基础的告知同意也因情感信息的特殊性存在被架空的风险。鉴于欧盟《人工智能法案(草案)》中规制情感识别的经验,我国可尝试在算法治理中构建“生物数据”的概念并以之为媒介展开技术风险的分级分领域规制,从而构建可信赖情感智能的数字环境。  相似文献   

随着社会信息化的程度不断提高,信息系统已深入到社会的各个领域。“并不是每一次变更都能带来进步,但每一次的进步都是由变更带来的。”为了使信息系统变更推动企业的进步,需要对信息系统变更进行审计。本文以信息系统变更审计的总体目标和具体目标为出发点,结合风险导向审计的理论和方法对信息系统变更审计的流程进行了梳理,包括风险评估、风险应对及对信息系统变更进行评价。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国经济由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,各领域对于消费者权益保护体制机制建设的关注度不断提高。近年来,旨在保护消费者合法权益的法律法规和监管规定陆续出台,对商业银行的产品和服务提出了新要求。其中,消费者个人信息保护、营销宣传行为管理以及第三方合作机构管理是关注度比较高的问题,有必要对相关监管要求进行研究并思考提升相关工作的路径。一、消费者个人信息保护的合法合规要求与提升路径(一)消费者个人信息保护的合法合规要求1.处理个人信息的原则与“知情-同意”规则。  相似文献   

陈飞  毛猛志  李有星 《征信》2023,(3):19-26
从个人生物识别信息处理协议角度,以实证方法对目前主流金融APP的个人生物识别信息保护合规情况进行系统性研究,包括“协议同意机制”“协议独立设置”“协议可保存性”以及“协议条款内容”。研究发现,目前金融APP广泛存在未获取用户同意、未充分告知用户信息处理相关事项等问题,部分应向个人作出告知的事项在相关协议中普遍缺失,折射出当前信息处理者内控的疏漏及监管的缺位。应当以夯实处理者与监管者法定义务为方向,探索“内控、自律、监管”相结合的三位一体合规路径。  相似文献   

赵静 《金卡工程》2009,13(5):71-71
公诉变更制度是现代公诉制度的重要内容,它对于裁判公正、诉讼效率以及被告人合法权益的实现有着重大影响。我国的公诉变更制度存在着法律缺位与解释不足的问题,应尽快确立我国的公诉变更制度,促进公诉变更的正当化运作。  相似文献   

The increasing number of master's degrees in accounting as well as specialist MBA's mean that an understanding of research methods is now an important part of the toolkit of accounting educators. In the literature there has been an increasing interest in qualitative accounting research. Whilst this interest has been mirrored by an increase in qualitative methods textbooks, less is known about the experience of undertaking such research. This presents a problem for educators, as they need material for students to work with and analyse before they are able to design their own research projects. This paper presents a case study based upon an extensive piece of qualitative research concerned with the use of accounting information in decision-making processes in banking. Review, exploratory and application questions provide a framework through which the case study can be used as a learning resource for accounting educators, supervisors and students.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe how 27 large UK case companies sought to adapt their City and stock market disclosure policies to cope with the changes brought about by the publication in March 1994 of the Stock Exchange's Guidance on the Dissemination of Price-sensitive Information. Legislators and regulators have long sought to define and regulate the corporate decision problem in the price-sensitive information area. This paper employs corporate case interview data to describe models of corporate behaviour and to investigate how the case companies have dealt with this problem area. The paper concludes by (a), considering the effectiveness of regulation in providing a clear boundary for corporate behaviour, and (b), by discussing the relationship between this research and another major field study of corporate disclosure management (Gibbins, Richardson and Waterhouse, 1990), developing the disclosure model that they present.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that institutional investors execute profitable trades based on private information about earnings and returns. We provide new evidence on the prevalence and sources of such informed trading by (1) testing for the creation and liquidation of positions based on private information, (2) introducing private information proxies that reflect the size and nature of an institution's position in each portfolio firm, and (3) using a methodology that examines multiple investor characteristics simultaneously at the institution‐firm level. We find that changes in ownership by institutions with large positions in a firm are consistent with informed trading. However, other previously documented proxies for private information produce results more consistent with risk‐based trading (e.g., investment style) or insignificant in the presence of other proxies (e.g., fiduciary type). We also find that informed trading is more prevalent in small firms and when the large positions are taken by investment advisers and large institutions.  相似文献   

Today's academic environment requires high levels of research from faculty to earn promotion and tenure [P&T], merit pay, summer research grants, and other university resources. Increasingly rigorous doctoral programs have increased the competition for publishing high quality academic research. Those individuals seeking faculty positions should recognize the varying research standards of different strata of accounting programs. Most P&T committees compare candidates' research productivity to that of schools in their strata (i.e., their peer or aspirational schools). This study thus examines the research productivity through 2009 for all Year 2000 graduates from U.S. accounting doctoral programs. Information is categorized by different strata of schools to highlight current research accomplishments, and, by implication, research requirements. These results should help faculty and university administrators make better informed decisions.  相似文献   

This paper reports an intensive case study of a soap manufacturing company in Bangladesh that was nationalised upon Bangladesh's independence in 1971 and privatised in 1993. Theoretically it is informed by Burawoy's contributions to labour process theory, especially how the consent of labour is manufactured through internal states, internal labour markets and games, and how regimes of control in less developed ex-colonial countries are transformed by state and production politics. How the role of accounting systems may shape and be shaped by these processes is traced. Nationalisation brought state attempts to manufacture consent by the methods described in Burawoy's depiction of hegemonic regimes. However, idealistic attempts to secure accountability, rational planning and control, and consent through bureaucratic means were subverted and transformed into a regime of political hegemony. Here control was secured by political interventions, often at the behest of trade unions, for party political rather than commercial ends. Detailed systems of accounting for control and accountability were maintained but became marginal, ritualistic, and de-coupled from operations. Privatisation brought changes consistent with Burawoy's prediction of coercive controls within a new despotic regime. New owners destroyed the internal state and internal labour markets and, following widespread redundancies, most workers were hired through internal subcontracting. The changes heightened worker divisions and rendered workers powerless to resist. Gaming was observed but this relieved the pressures of work intensification and proved functional to management. Significant changes to accounting controls were made. External reporting ceased in violation of legal requirements — financial accounting became the preserve of the owning family and was beset with irregularities. Budgets became more market oriented and were transmitted downwards in a physical form to reinforce coercive pressures upon managers and thence the shop floor. The paper concludes by relating the findings to a revised model of transformation of control regimes in Bangladesh  相似文献   

本文基于面板平滑转换模型及97个国家和地区的跨国面板数据,实证研究企业家精神对资本账户开放风险效应的影响。结果表明,一国的企业家精神越强,则越有利于防范和化解由资本账户开放引起的金融风险;反之,一国企业家精神越弱,则开放资本账户越有可能加剧一国面临的金融风险。以上结论在不同的稳健性检验下均显著成立。基于这一发现,本文认为,企业家精神是影响资本账户开放风险效应的重要因素之一,因此,我国应将资本账户开放与企业家精神的培育相结合,在推进资本账户开放的进程中大力培育企业家精神,以防范和化解金融风险。这同时表明,"大众创业、万众创新"对于我国资本账户开放具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the social implications of predictive genetic testing and its impact on the insurance industry. Although the Human Genome Project has the potential to improve the health of our nation, it also may serve as a means of highlighting genetic differences among individuals and ethnic groups. Thus, if we are to reach the full promise of the Project, society must address the public’s fears of genetic discrimination in insurance and employment contexts. Following an analysis of state and federal legislation on genetic privacy and discrimination, the paper concludes with a challenge to the insurance industry to work with the medical community and health care advocates to formulate a public policy approach that promotes informed consent and the fair use of genetic information.  相似文献   

We analyze a multi-period model of trading with differentially informed traders, liquidity traders, and a market maker. Each informed trader's initial information is a noisy estimate of the long-term value of the asset, and the different signals received by informed traders can have a variety of correlation structures. With this setup, informed traders not only compete with each other for trading profits, they also learn about other traders' signals from the observed order flow. Our work suggests that the initial correlation among the informed traders' signals has a significant effect on the informed traders' profits and the informativeness of prices.  相似文献   

中国资本账户开放次序的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用最小二乘回归及格兰杰因果检验,对我国1978~2005年间的金融发展、资本账户开放、经常账户开放以及制度质量等变量间的关系做了实证分析。结果显示:资本账户开放对金融发展具有显著而稳定的促进作用,但其总体效应受制度质量的制约;经常账户开放与金融发展存在显著负向关系;在资本账户开放与经常账户开放之间,经常账户开放能显著地促进资本账户开放,并且是资本账户开放的格兰杰因,反之则不成立。这一结果表明,加强制度建设,提高制度质量,并且逐步放开资本账户是保证我国资本账户开放平稳进行、金融持续有效发展的现实途径。  相似文献   

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