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This article reports initial work in developing an improved consumer involvement measure that can be applied across a number of product categories. The intent was to develop a short, easy-to-use scale that practitioners could use in a variety of consumer research settings, especially field designs. Factor analysis was used to reduce a list of 22 items to a final list of 6 items. The preliminary evidence on reliability and validity is encouraging, and suggestions are made for further testing of this new scale.  相似文献   


This paper argues that what we do not want to consume is often as personally and socially important as what we desire. Are desire and distaste really two separate bodies of knowledge; do we keep separate mental lists of good and bad, of things to be sought out and things to be avoided? Or are the positive and negative aspects of goods always intimately related to each other, so that we learn a series of relationships between desire and disgust, or desired and detested objects?

This inquiry was prompted by a long term study of consumption in the Central American country of Belize. Survey data show that distastes, aversions, and dislikes are much more socially diagnostic than positive desires. I argue that dislikes and distastes are not the mirror images of tastes and desire, but instead provide very different ways for people to express identity and difference, to create senses of self, space, and personal and social time.  相似文献   

Retailers and brands such as IKEA, Home Depot, and Build-a-Bear encourage consumers to ‘make’ their products rather than be passive recipients. While a growing literature explores ‘why’ consumers purchase self-made products, it is less understood ‘how’ marketers can develop effective advertising and marketing communications to promote such products. Building on the functionalist framework of emotion, the present research explores the potential of a mixed emotional appeal – poignancy – that may be useful in enhancing consumer preferences for self-made products. Notably, this effect is mediated by a fresh start mindset and openness to learning. The effect is also attenuated among consumers with a low personal control. In addition to having substantive practical implications to marketers in developing effective communication strategies, this research offers a novel perspective on the effect of poignancy on consumer decision making.  相似文献   


This study investigates the influence of the customer-value hierarchy model and social network on the perceived economic value of high-tech consumer products. This quantitative empirical study was conducted among Finnish households in early 2008 using the form interview method. The non-probability quota sampling method was applied. The data consisted of 453 completed questionnaires. Hypothesis testing was conducted by linear multiple regression analysis. Goal-, consequence-, and attribute-level value perceptions were found to have a positive effect on the perceived economic value of high-tech consumer products. Attribute-level value had the strongest effect on the formation of perceived economic value. Although the network effect was found to contribute positively to perceived economic value, the opinions of others in the consumer's social network had a negative effect. Consumers seem to rationalise the buying decision with personal factors, while social factors have a background effect on value perceptions.  相似文献   

Prior research shows the existence of the construct “global consumer culture” and its related strategic implications for brand positioning strategies. However, the potential contribution of global consumer culture and associated positioning strategy to brand value would depend on consumers' susceptibility to global consumer culture (SGCC), a general trait of consumers that varies across individuals and is reflected in the consumer's desire or tendency for the acquisition and use of global brands. This study develops and validates a three‐dimensional scale that can be used to measure the conceptual domain of SGCC across cultures. Questionnaire surveys were conducted in China and Canada, and a three‐step structural equation modeling analysis was used to test the proposed scale for the two sample groups. Results indicate that SGCC is composed of three dimensions: conformity to consumption trend, quality perception, and social prestige. This scale could be used for empirical studies of aspects of global consumption behaviors. It may also help marketing managers develop a more focused positioning and communication strategy for global brands. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the revolutionary new right introduced by the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act 1993 for consumers to seek a court order to halt unlawful industrial action which disrupts the supply of goods or services, regardless of whether they have any enforceable right to the goods or services in question. Even more unusually, public funding is available to conduct these proceedings irrespective of the applicant's means where the industrial action is organised by a trade union. The paper analyses the nature of the right, locates it within the broader framework of remedies for the non-provision or inadequate provision of goods or services, and assesses the wider implications of the right for consumer policy.  相似文献   

个人消费信贷业务近年来以巨大的市场潜力和较高的预期收益成为金融市场竞争的热点.大力发展个人消费信贷业务,有利于扩大国内消费需求,拉动经济增长,其前景不容忽视.目前我国消费信贷业务仍存在诸多局限性,本文根据我国个人消费信贷现状,提出各项应对策略.  相似文献   

Economic nationalism has been identified as a critical component of nationalistic sentiment, influencing cognitions, attitudes, evaluation and purchase intentions. While a distinction is made between economic nationalism and other measures of national and international orientation (i.e. consumer ethnocentrism), previous empirical studies explore the concept in a ‘unified’ form. This study bridges this gap by developing a scale specifically tailored to measure consumer economic nationalistic tendencies. Scale generation, purification, validation and confirmation are achieved through four studies.  相似文献   


A major challenge for online vendor website operations is serving information that meets visitor needs at a given point in their purchase process. The problem arises from the complexity of human behaviour, as well as changing needs with the evolution of consumer knowledge and skills through the purchase process. The most difficult element, however, is determining the effects of information provided on the site, as well as from other sources that the consumer may access, and anticipating resulting consumer needs. This paper discusses the contributions and limitations of current modelling techniques and utility studies of online consumer information to model consumer needs in real time. An alternative basis for real-time customer need appraisal is proposed using clickstream and customer input data combined with online information utility to enable more effective information serving. This requires further academic research and changes in practitioner online marketing operations.  相似文献   

This article reports on empirical research that was performed in Japan with foreign multinational corporations in the consumer products industry. It identifies some critical success factors and pitfalls for developing a business position in the Japanese market, and presents evidence based on the experience of foreign companies that have successfully developed, in some cases leadership, positions in the Japanese consumer products market. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Newly created regulatory bodies in India are the site for emergent consumer politics around electricity. Forged as a means of attracting private capital, these bodies have nonetheless become potential spaces for consumer and citizen engagement around electricity. The nature of this emergent space is examined by developing three narratives around emergent regulatory institutions—apolitical and independent regulation, regulation as captured by the state, and regulation as contested political space. Recent examples of consumer and citizen action on electricity, and particularly protests over a tariff hike following privatisation in Delhi, suggest that regulation as an institution is poised between being absorbed into politics as usual and creating a genuinely new space for consumer action and political engagement in India.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is pleaded that consumer organizations ought to play a larger role in the development and execution of consumer policy at the national and international levels.The present environment in which government consumer policy operates is entirely different from that of one or two decades ago, and this necessitates the search for new avenues to pursue the consumer policy objective. Although government remains responsible for providing basic consumer protection, it should scrutinize its own organization in order to achieve a better integration of the consumer aspect in sectoral policies.Especially in the field of economic consumer protection, consumer organizations should start negotiations with business with a view to obtain, e.g., better contract terms and complaint handling mechanisms. If government maintains that the achievement of such goals is worthwhile from the consumer point of view and leads to a better functioning of markets, but wants to refrain from legal action, it should provide consumer organizations with the means to perform these negotiations. Consumer organizations are urged to accept this challenge.Further, the organization of EC policies and those of the Consumer Committee of the OECD are discussed. The roles of BEUC and IOCU within this framework are also dealt with.
Neue Entwicklungen in der Verbraucherpolitik: Eine Herausforderung an die Verbraucherorganisationen
Zusammenfassung Das Umfeld staatlicher Verbraucherpolitik hat sich in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten grundsätzlich geändert. Daraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, bei der Verfolgung verbraucherpolitischer Ziele neue Wege zu finden. Den Verbraucherorganisationen sollte bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung politischer Maßnahmen auf nationalem und auf internationalem Niveau eine größere Rolle beigemessen werden.Sie sollten insbesondere im Bereich des Verbraucherschutzes in Verhand-lungen mit der Anbieterseite auf bessere Richtlinien für Kaufvertrags-Abschlüsse und für die Behandlung von Reklamationen drängen. Wenn der Staat einerseits diese Ziele sowohl unter verbraucherpolitischem sowie auch unter marktpolitischem Blickwinkel für wichtig hält, andererseits aber in diesem Bereich nicht gesetzgeberisch handeln will, sollte er die Verbraucherorganisationen materiell und personell in den Stand versetzen, diese Aufgaben wahrzunehmen. Die Verbraucherorganisationen sollten diese Herausforderung unbedingt annehmen.Auch internationale Gesichtspunkte der Verbraucherpolitik im Rahmen der EG und der OECD werden ebenso wie die Rolle von BEUC und IOCU im Rahmen dieser Vorschläge diskutiert.

Joop Koopman is Director of Consumer Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, P.O. Box 20101, The Hague, The Netherlands.This contribution expresses personal views, which do not necessarily correspond exactly with official government thinking.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):819-830
As the Internet of Things (IoT) begins to dominate the technology landscape, there will be new products and services that will become technically and financially feasible. Internet technologies and advancements in social interaction tools have led to an increase in the use of the crowd as a provider of business solutions. Yet, we have seen a mere fraction of the possibilities of crowdsourcing technologies. This is because most of the development, discussion, and research around crowdsourcing has focused on active-input crowdsourcing. However, the real transformative pressure will come from passive sources of data generated primarily by developing and growing sensor technologies. This next generation of crowdsourcing will be a game changer for entrepreneurial opportunities. As crowdsourcing systems proliferate, more input will be acquired from sensors, artificial intelligence, bots, and other devices. As a result of this explosion, the variety of product and service opportunities will swell as entrepreneurs become more aware of technologies merging—such as the combination of crowdsourcing, sensors, and big data into a new type of entrepreneurship: sensor-based entrepreneurship. The purpose of this research is to contribute by (1) clarifying the next generation of crowdsourcing and (2) developing and presenting a framework to help sensor-based entrepreneurs plan, develop, and map their new products and services.  相似文献   

Historically, soil, land, climatic constraints and individuals’ skills all contributed to the characteristics of regional food. Food, however, is also subject to the influences of colonialism, immigration, cultural exchange, international trade, improved distribution and technology. British food is constantly evolving in order to fulfil the demands of each generation. Thus, the concept of an authentic British food product is becoming increasingly unclear. This paper therefore addresses what today British consumers actually perceive to be authentic British foods. Results of an exploratory qualitative study are reviewed. Five focus groups were conducted with individuals responsible for half or more of their household’s shopping. The groups incorporated consumers with a range of demographic and economic characteristics. The data gathered from the focus groups revealed that British perceptions of authenticity relate to both artisan as well mass‐produced, branded products. In addition, five dimensions affecting consumer perceptions of an authentic British food product were identified, including: uniqueness to Britain, a cultural or traditional association with Britain, characteristics of the production process, the presence of an authority and specific extrinsic characteristics of the product. The findings have implications for product differentiation and communication, for producers and retailers and also for independent trade associations.  相似文献   

In this paper the role of consumer products in contributing to accidental injuries and the need for concrete measures to improve product safety are highlighted. In connection with these measures, the importance of standards will be discussed, and in particular the need for a strong consumer input in the developmental process of new standards. Suggestions for strengthening consumer input in standardization work, in particular in the field of product safety, are presented.  相似文献   

Convergence in the electronics sector has allowed the addition of new functionalities to products (e.g., mobile television to a cell phone). It is proposed that the goal congruence of the added functionality (i.e., whether it has similar or different goals as the base product) would affect the relative gain to high versus lower quality brands. While lower quality brands would gain when a congruent functionality is added, high quality brands would gain from an incongruent addition. The former hypothesis was confirmed significantly and the latter marginally in two experimental studies.
Tripat GillEmail:

The most important findings of a research project on consumer organizations in the FRG point to the necessity for an alternative orientation in consumer policy in circumstances of economic crisis. During the thirty years of their existence, consumer organizations have specialized in educating the consumer about the rules under which the market operates and have requested the suppliers to comply with these rules. The organizations are faced today, however, with the situation that the process of interaction between producer and consumer functions only to a limited extent as an instrument for securing the satisfaction of wants. Many indicators show that the dynamics of economic development are taking a hold on more and more spheres of life and are jeopardizing the substance of natural and social living conditions. The inquiry shows that the consumer organizations, in contrast to the numerous initiatives of those affected, have gained no effective access to this problem. This reinforces the tendency towards an unfruitful polarization between grassroots-oriented forms of protest and traditional, in part publicly financed and institutionalized, interest representation structures.
Verbraucherpolitische Alternativen: Eine Untersuchung der Verbraucherorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik
Zusammenfassung Gegenstand des Forschungsprojektes waren Alternativen der Verbraucherpolitik und der Organisierung von Verbraucherinteressen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Innerhalbe eines kooperativen Arbeitszusammenhangs von 6 Forschungsteams bildet das Projekt einen Bestandteil des Verbundes EMPIRISCHE VERBRAUCHERFORSCHUNG. Die hier thesenhaft referierten Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf die Evaluation unterschiedlicher Verbraucherorganisationen in der BRD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher, Verbraucherzentralen, Stiftung Warentest, Stiftung Verbraucherinstitut).Die Verbraucherorganisationen stehen gegenwärtig vor dem Problem, daß aus dem Umfeld von Konsum und Reproduktion Problemlagen entstanden sind, die mit der traditionellen Orientierung der Verbraucherorganisation an Markt und Wettbewerb allein nicht mehr effizient zu bearbeiten sind. Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefährdung, Verknappung der Rohstoffe sowie die Zerstörung traditioneller Lebens- und Kommunikationsformen bilden Stichworte einer gesellschaftlichen Diskussion, die als Indikator dafür zu werten ist, daß die Dynamik der ökonomischen Entwicklung auf immer mehr Lebensbereiche übergreift und natürliche und soziale Lebensbedingungen in der Substanz gefährdet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen bisher keinen effizienten Zugang zu diesen Problemen gefunden haben und so die Tendenz zu einer unfruchtbaren Polarisierung zwischen basisorientierten Formen des Protestes und den traditionellen, teilweise öffentlich finanzierten und institutionalisierten Strukturen der Interessenvertretung verstärkt wird. Die Untersuchung geht daher der Frage nach, ob die für die gesellschaftliche Integration wichtigen intermediären Organisation so organisiert werden können, daß sie ihre Vermittlungsfunktion zwischen den zentralen gesellschaftlichen Entscheidungsprozessen und der Ebene alltäglicher Betroffenheit nicht verlieren. Dem stehen die korporatistischen Beziehungen zwischen den Verbraucherorganisationen und der Bürokratie entgegen, über die sich gegenwärtig die staatliche Option der Rückverweisung ökonomischer, sozialer und gesellschaftspolitischer Problemlagen an den Steuerungsmechanismus der Marktregulation auch in der Verbraucherpolitik durchsetzt. Ein deutlicher Hinweis ist die Tendenz zur Ökonomiesierung der Verbraucherorganisationen. Mit der zunehmenden Umstellung auf kommerzielle Angebote an Verbraucherinformation drohen sie zu Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu entarten. Der Alternativentwurf zielt darauf ab, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen, entgegen der bisherigen Konzentration auf Probleme des formalen Austauschprozesses zwischen Produzenten und Konsumenten, neue und u.U. konfliktäre Problemfelder des Konsumbereiches zum Selektionskriterium ihrer Tätigkeit machen. Soweit hierbei disparitäre Bedürfnisbereiche und nicht Marktprozesse den Ausgangspunkt bilden, wird die Orientierung der Verbraucherpolitik an Markt und Wettbewerb in Teilbereichen durch die Bedürfnisorientierung ergänzt.

Bernd Biervert is Professor of Economics and Reinhard Rock is Professor of Business Administration, both at the Bergische Universität — Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, P.O. Box 10 01 27, D-5600 Wuppertal, FRG. Kurt Monse is Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter at the same university.  相似文献   

The gains and losses for consumers as a result of ratification of the Treaty on European Union, agreed at Maastricht in 1992, remain in the balance. Article 129a widens the scope for strengthening EC consumer protection policy. A restrictive interpretation of the subsidiarity principle enshrined in Article 3b may, conversely, narrow the potential for Community action. A EUROBAROMETER opinion survey conducted on behalf of the Commission in March and April 1993 revealed that a narrow majority of EC consumers (49% against 45%) considered that consumer protection policy should be decided by national governments alone. Yet for a large majority of consumers — 67% throughout the Community — the Single Market was perceived as having made little practical impact. These findings suggest a dislocation between consumers' expectations of the Community and their practical experiences of its effects. A dynamic approach to consumer policy, based on Article 129a, is an essential pre-condition to building consumer confidence in the Community's programme of market integration. Subsidiarity can enhance the process by ensuring that EC legislation is the most appropriate means of achieving a high level of consumer protection. This imperative may, however, fall victim to differing perceptions of the national interest and a Euro-sclerosis which stifles initiative.
Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip: seine Implikationen für die Verbraucherpolitik
Zusammenfassung Vorteile und Nachteile, die der Maastrichter Vertrag von 1992 für die Verbraucher gebracht hat, halten sich in etwa die Waage. Art. 129a erweitert die Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung der EG-weiten Verbraucherpolitik. Andererseits schränkt die Interpretation des Subsidiaritäts-Prinzips, wie sie in Art. 3b enthalten ist, den Spielraum für Gemeinschaftsaktionen ein. Eine europaweite Meinungsumfrage, im März und April 1993 im Auftrage der Kommission durchgeführt, ergab, da\ eine schwache Mehrheit der europäischen Verbraucher (49% gegen 45%) der Ansicht ist, da\ Verbraucherpolitik ausschlie\lich in nationaler Zuständigkeit verbleiben sollte. Allerdings war eine deutlichere Mehrheit (von 67%) der Meinung, da\ der gemeinsame Markt nur geringe praktische Wirkungen gebracht hat. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Diskrepanz hin zwischen den Erwartungen der Verbraucher an die Gemeinschaft einerseits und ihren tatsächlichen Erfahrungen mit den Auswirkungen. Ein dynamischer Ansatz der Verbraucherpolitik, aufbauend auf Art. 129a, ist eine wichtige Vorbedingung für die Bildung von Verbrauchervertrauen in das Gemeinschaftsprogramm der Marktintegration. Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip kann diesen Proze\ beschleunigen, indem es gewährleistet, da\ EG-Rechtssprechung das geeignetste Mittel ist, wenn es um die Erreichung eines möglichst hohen Verbraucherschutzniveaus geht. Diese Forderung könnte jedoch ein Opfer unterschiedlicher Wahrnehmungen von nationalen Interessen und einer lähmenden Euro-Sklerose werden.

Consumers in the European Community Group (CECG), an umbrella body for 32 UK organisations concerned with the effects of EC policies and proposals on UK consumers.  相似文献   

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