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The article considers the methodical and information problems of forecasting regional energy consumption, suggests the methods and complex model for forecasting the levels of energy, heat, and fuel consumption in interrelation with the development of both separate types of industries and types of activity and an energy source. The influence is shown of the probabilities of realization of the production prediction and the limits on energy supply on the formation of the prospective levels of electrical and heat energy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of assessing the performance of the forest industry complex of the Republic of Komi based on calculating the value added index. The value, structure, and dynamics of the index have been analyzed and intraindustry and international comparisons are provided. The specificity of the formation of the enterprise value that significantly determines the final economic efficiency of the forest industry complex has been revealed.  相似文献   

The investment forecast in the strategic development of the agroindustrial complex of the Northern region using the Komi Republic as an example is considered. The prospects of the agroindustrial complex and its functioning peculiarities are analyzed. The multilevel classification characteristic of a long-term strategic development is determined. The estimated characteristic of the investment forecast of the strategic development of agribusiness with regard to the uncertainty of socioeconomic conditions is given. The assertion is substantiated that the long-term course of the investment activity guarantees solution of the complex problems of the long-term development of the agribusiness in the region.  相似文献   

Methodological and modeling tools for the analysis and coordinated forecast of the development of a regional power industry and economy (the Republic of Komi) are considered. The information and model basis of forecast calculations is the regional product production accounts itemized by the cost elements of industrial outputs and the interrelations between the production and consumption of fuel and energy resources. The model is used for multivariate calculations of forecast dynamics and for obtaining a generalizing characteristic of the scenarios under analysis in aggregated indicators of economic growth and the energy efficiency of production.  相似文献   

1842-1984年湖北省经济管理演变的轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1842年以后,湖北省经济管理体制经历了指令经济型→市场经济型→计划经济(新指令经济)型→新市场经济型的变迁过程。指令经济型要求中央集权,市场经济型要求地方分权。  相似文献   

A number of general constraints to the economic development of less developed countries are also to be found in Transkei. They include political fragility, conflict between traditionalism and modernization, shortage of skilled manpower, lack of clearly defined economic development strategies, inappropriate economic policies, and a shortage of capital.

In addition, there are constraints particular to Transkei's development, such as recent socio‐political developments in South Africa, the absence of an organizational structure to facilitate the formulation of relevant policies, a decline in the inflow of private sector investment, and a shortage of technical and managerial expertise. The author proposes a number of principles to maximize manpower productivity in Transkei.  相似文献   


In the search for a “development theory”, during the 1950s and 1960s economists on the whole gave only limited consideration to the behavior of the state. Interest was mainly focused on the role of such factors as capital accumulation, education, transfer of technology, trade strategies etc in the development process. When the state entered the analysis, emphasis was usually put on its positive contribution to development: the state provides infrastructure and overhead capital, it corrects for externalities and designs overall development plans.1  相似文献   

郭景远  孔昭昆  曹正清 《特区经济》2006,211(8):330-331
本文将进口产品分成资本品类、中间产品类、能源与原料类和消费品类,并逐一分析他们各自对经济增长的贡献作用:进口资本品作为资本投入形成固定资产直接扩大了产出从而推动经济的增长;进口中间产品作为一种投入品最终将转化成制成品而为产出扩大做贡献;能源与原料的进口则为经济增长消除了瓶颈;进口来的消费品通过带来新产品、新思想和竞争而刺激国内的投资,从而间接的为经济增长做贡献。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the current state, problems, and prospects of the development of individualfamily sector of the rural economy in the Russian Federation by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The purpose of this article is to give a generalized overview of the measures adopted and implemented by the state for the years of reforms and their results, to identify the barriers and obstacles to the modernization of individual-family households, to justify a series of measures to overcome them, and to make the state support more consistent and systematic.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of managing municipal commonage land in the Nama Karoo, which is increasingly being used by black or coloured emergent farmers. Many of these live in the towns and have very little agricultural experience or knowledge, and some are unemployed farmworkers. The paper presents findings from a survey of emergent farmers who use municipal commonage in Philippolis in the southern Free State. It uses the sustainable livelihoods approach to suggest that environmental knowledge is a key asset for small farmers, and that suitable approaches to agricultural extension need to be adopted to promote ecological knowledge. It suggests that ecological knowledge needs to play a more prominent role in people-centred, participatory developmental approaches so as to strengthen municipal commonage management and prevent the rapid desertification of commonage land.  相似文献   

This article describes and analyses a relatively new phenomenon that has not yet been discussed in the scientific literature. Part-time farmers emerged in Russian agriculture more than 15 years ago and still exist in this sector in Russia. The article considers the issues of how they came into being; their roles and social functions; their strengths, weaknesses, and specialization; and reasonable measures to use the advantages of this type of farm. The analysis is based on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,市政路桥工程实际的施工状况能否达到工程建设的具体要求,关系着现代化城市的服务功能。在此形势影响下,采取有效的措施增强市政路桥工程的施工管理水平,确保不同施工阶段所要施工计划的顺利实施,有利于加快工程的施工进度,提高工程的施工质量。明确这项工程施工管理的特点,采取有效的措施消除施工中可能存在的安全隐患,对于市政路桥工程功能的不断完善及服务范围的扩大具有重要的保障作用。增强市政路桥工程施工管理的实际作用效果,有利于实现工程建设的各种发展目标,加快现代化城市的发展速度。基于此,文章对路桥工程施工管理的特点及措施进行了必要的探讨。  相似文献   

Ecological and economic models that relate economic and ecological parameters of territorial development are presented in the paper. They have made it possible to develop a prediction technique for the evaluation of the effect of regional economic development on the environment as applied to the Republic of Karelia and construct predictions up to 2020.  相似文献   

Using actual data, it is shown that the current practice of determining the volume of production on the basis of gross domestic product, which includes material costs in the form of consumption of fixed capital, leads to an incorrect evaluation of the volume, dynamics, and structure of production and the use of value added. Net domestic product that does not include material costs, using an estimate of fixed capital and its consumption at their replacement value, is proposed as the main indicator of national accounts in Russia. This will also help to obtain reliable data on national wealth, primarily of the value of its most active part, namely, the reproducible capital stock, which must also be determined by the replacement value. The data obtained from the determination of the gross domestic product can be stored for international comparisons, because currently not all countries have data necessary to calculate net domestic product.  相似文献   

农村公共产品供给体制(机制)创新   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
农村公共产品供给体制(机制)变革滞后所引起的农村公共产品供需矛盾突出是"农民真苦"的主要原因,其主要表现是:农村公共产品的供给采用制度外筹资方式,造成农民分担的成本增长过快;农村公共产品供给责任划分不清,乡村两级负担过重;自上而下的决策机制,使农村公共产品供给偏离  相似文献   

产品型号档案是商用航空发动机产品在研发、制造、适航取证、经营管理等各环节的有效记录,是保证产品生产过程的每一个环节规范、可控的有效证据。文章通过深入分析商用航空发动机产品型号档案特点,从体系建设、平台建设、精益管理等方面深入探索商用航空发动机产品型号档案利用管理举措,从而进一步推进商用航空发动机产品型号档案利用可靠性,最大限度地实现档案工作价值,为主线工作提供有力支持和保障。  相似文献   

李家克 《特区经济》2016,(5):155-156
2008年金融危机的爆发给全球经济造成了不可估量的影响,现阶段世界经济正处于等待复兴繁荣的时期,各国企业无论是在产品生产销售方面还是在企业内部管理方面都面临着巨大的压力,要想在这个非常时期稳健发展,企业必须在不断完善自身产品服务质量的基础上,做好经济管理创新才能够脱颖而出。本文对后金融危机时代下企业经济管理创新进行了探究,首先文章阐述了后金融危机时代企业经济管理的相关概念,然后讨论了后金融危机时代下我国企业发展情况,之后指出了这个非常时期我国企业经济管理方面所存在的不足,最后提出了一些建议,为企业可持续发展提供一定保障。  相似文献   

21世纪的我国经济安全——兼论邓小平经济安全观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
加入WTO将促使我国经济步入与世界经济深度接轨的新阶段 ,这将在很大程度上影响我国政府的经济管理职能和模式。因而客观上要求我国政府对经济管理制度和行政权力作用方式进行改革 ,规范政府管理经济行为 ,提高政府治理经济水平 ,以适应入世后的环境置换 ,发挥政府的积极作为  相似文献   

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