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Book Reviews     
Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Perkembangan Pemikiran Ekonomi, Buku I: Dasar Teori Dalam Ekonomi Umum [The Development of Economic Thought, Book I: The Theoretical Basis In General Economics], Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1991, pp. xxviii + 429

Selo Soemardjan, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Profile, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1988, pp. xi + 162

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Australia's Development Cooperation with Indonesia in the Agricultural sector, Volume 1: Main Report, Canberra: AIDAB, April 1991

Colin Barlow, Ria Gondowarsito, A. T. Birowo and S. K. W. Jayasuriya, Development in Eastern Indonesia: The Case of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990, pp. v + 110

Jan G. I. Palte, Upland Farming on Java, Indonesia, Nederlandse GeografischeStudies 97, Amsterdam/Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society and Geographical Institute, University of Utrecht, 1989, pp. 256

Thomas Schweizer, Reisanbau in einem javanischen Dorf [Rice Cultivation in a Javanese Village, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1989, pp. xvi + 718

Desmond Ball and Helen Wilson (eds), Strange Neighbours: The Australia-Indonesia Relationship, Sydney and Singapore: Allen and Unwin, 1991, pp. xiv + 268. $24.95

The World Bank, Indonesia: Family Planning Perspectives in the 1990s, Washington D. C.: The world Bank, 1990, pp. xxii + 143

Jan Breman, Labour Migration and Rural Transformation in Colonial Asia, Amsterdam: Free University Press for Centre for Asian Studies, 1990, pp. 82, Dfl. 19.50; £9.50

Kenji Tsuchiya, Democracy and Leadership: The Rise of the Taman Siswa Movement in Indonesia, Monographs of the Centre for Southeast Asian studies, Kyoto University, English Language Series, No. 18, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987, pp. xv + 230. US$16.00

BRIEFLY NOTED: Simme Veldman, Route Planning in a Centrally Assisted Liner System, Delft: Eburon, 1990, pp. 230

Richard Robinson, Power and Economy in Suharto's Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers, Manila and Wollongong, 1990, pp. iv + 207  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Inleiding lot die Bedryfsekonomie. Onder redaksie van F. E. Rädel en H. J. J. Reynders
Francis Hutcheson and David Hume as Predecessors of Adam Smith. By W. L. Taylor
Population Geography. By John I. Clarke
Redundancy and the Railwaymen. By Dorothy Wedderburn
International Liquidity: A Study in the Economic Functions of Cold. By Ian Shannon  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Huib Foot, Arie Kuyvenhoven and Jaap Jansen, Industrialisation and Trade in Indonesia, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1990, pp. vii + 552.

W.L. Korthals Altes, General Trade Statistics, 1822–1940, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Volume 12a, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1991, pp. 200.

Adrian Clemens, J. Thomas Lindblad and Jeroen Touwen, Regional Patterns in Foreign Trade, 1911–1940, Changing Economy in Indonesia, Volume 12B, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1992, pp. 104.

BRIEFLY NOTED: Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, Introduction to Government Administration, Planning and Budgeting in Indonesia, Canberra: Aidab, 1991, pp. xxii + 60.

Helen Hughes (ed.), The Dangers of Export Pessimism: Developing Countries and Industrial Markets, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1992, pp. xxvii + 446.

M.G. Asher el al., Fiscal Incentives and Economic Management in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Singapore: Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Research Centre, 1992, pp. viii + 133.

Hal Hill, Indonesia's Textile and Garment Industries: Developments in an Asian Perspective, Occasional paper no. 87, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992, pp. vi + 83.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Mubyarto (Main Editor), Seri Kajian Sosial-Ekonomi, Pusat Penelitian Pembangunan Pedesaan Dan Kawasan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 1990–91, 11 Volumes.

Lee Tsao Yuan (ed.), Growth Triangle: The Johor-Singapore-Riau Experience, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Institute of Political Studies, 1991, pp. xi + 119.

P. Alexander, P. Boomgaard and B, White (eds), In the Shadow of Agriculture: Non-Farm Activities in the Javanese Economy, Past and Present, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1991, pp. 154, index, Dfl. 39.50  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Donald Denoon and Philippa Mein-Smith with Marivic Wyndham, A history of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
John A. Mathews and Dung-Sung Cho, Tiger technology: the creation of a semiconductor industry in East Asia
Simon Ville, The rural entrepreneurs: a history of the stock and station agent industry in Australia and New Zealand
John Booker and Russell Craig, John Croaker: convict embezzler
Marion Diamond, Emigration and Empire: the life of Maria S. Rye
Granville Allen Mawer, Ahab's trade: the saga of South Seas whaling
Ann Millar, ed., The biographical dictionary of the Australian Senate
Lena Andersson-Skog and Olle Krantz, eds, Institutions in the transport and communications industries: state and private actors in the making of institutional patterns, 1850–1990
Maxine Berg and Kristine Bruland, eds, Technological revolutions in Europe: historical perspectives  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Dietmar Rothermund, The Global Impact of the Great Depression 1929–39
Edmund Terence Gomez and K.S. Jomo, Malaysia's Political Economy: Politics, Patronage and Profits
Susan M. Butterworth, Quality Bakers of New Zealand: The First 25 Years
A.D. Chandler, Jr., F. Amatori, and T. Hikino, (eds), Big Business and the Wealth of Nations
Doanld O. Mitchell, Merlinda D. Ingco, and Ronald C. Duncan, The World Food Outlook
Simon Marginson, Educating Australia: Government, Economy and Citizen Since 1960  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J.P.R. de Jonge 《De Economist》1998,146(1):159-167

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Anne Booth The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: A History of Missed Opportunities
Harry Lourandos Continent of Hunter-gathers: New Perspective in Australian Prehistory
Nicholas Tarling Nation and States in Southeast Asia
J. O. N. Perkins The Wallis Report and the Australian Financial System  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
book reviewed in this article
BAUTIER, ROBERT-HENRI. The Economic Development of Medieval Europe. London
DEAKIN, B. M. (in collaboration with T. Seward). Shipping Conferences.
HOOVER, EDGAR M. An Introduction to Regional Economics.
KIRZNER, ISRAEL M. Competition and Entrepreneurship.
THIAS, Hans Heinrich, and CARNOY, Martin. Cost Benefit Analysis in Education:  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
book reviewed in this article
BREACH, L. R. W. and HARTWELL, R. M. (eds). British Economy and Society, LAYARD, Richard (ed.). Cost-Benefit Analysis.
MYINT, Hla. Southeast Asia's Economy: Development Policies in the
TERREBLANCHE, S. J. Die Doelwit van 'n Hoë Ekonomiese Groeikoers.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Yoshihara Kunio, The Rise of Ersatz Capitalism in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Pang Eng Fong (Ed.), Labour Market Developments and Structural Change: The Experience of Asean and Australia, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1988, pp. 296 + xvii, index.

Michael T. Skully and George J. Viksnins, Financing East Asia's Success: Comparative Financial Development in Eight Asian Countries, Hong Kong: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 242 + xiii. cloth: $82.95.

Felix Schmidt Der Beitrag des Staedtischen Informellen Sektors zur Sozialoekonomischen Entwicklung Indonesiens. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Bandung [The Contribution of the Urban Informal Sector to Socio-economic Development in Indonesia: The Case of the City of Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Verkehrsproblemen in Industrie Bandung], Schriften zu Regional - und Entwicklungslaendem, Bd 45, Berlin: Duncker and Humbolt, 1988, pp. 295 + xix. DM 68,-.

Jennifer Alexander, Trade, Traders and Trading in Rural Java, Singapore: Oxford University Press/ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, 1987.

Colin MacAndrews, Land Policy in Modern Indonesia, Boston: Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain/The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 1986, pp. 119 + viii.

Wolf Donner, Land Use and Environment in Indonesia, London: C. Hurst and Company, 1987, pp. 368 + xix.

Robert Repetto, The Forest for the Trees? Government Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources, Washington: World Resources Institute, pp. 105 + viii. Cloth: $US 10.00.

Sjahrir, Kebijaksanaan Negara - Konsistensi dan Implementasi [Public Policy - Consistency and Implementation], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 230 + viii.

Mubyarto, Ekonomi Pancasila: Gagasan dan Kemungkinan [The Pancasila Economy: Concept and Possibilities], Jakarta: LP3ES, 1987, pp. 238 + ix.

M. Dawam Rahardjo, Perekonomian Indonesia: Pertumbuhan dan Krisis [The Indonesian Economy: Growth and Crisis], Jakarta: LP3ES, pp. 299 + xviii.

Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1460–1680. Volume One: The Lands Below The Winds, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988, pp. 275 + xvii.

E.E. van Delden, Klein Repertorium: Index op Tijdschriften met Betrekking tot Voormalig Nederlands-lndie. Deel 1: Tijdschrift voor het Binnenlandsch Bestuur 1887–1900, Amsterdam: Koninlijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1986, pp. 79.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
FRENKEL, J.A., DOOLEY, M.P. & WICKHAM, P. ( eds. ) Analytical Issues in Debt .
HULL, Richard W. American Enterprise in South Africa.
LEVACIC, R. Economic Policy Making: Its Theory and Practice.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
David Glover and Timothy Jessup (eds) (1999), Indonesia's Fires and Haze: The Cost of Catastrophe, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, and International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, pp. xviii + 149. Cloth: S$59.90; US$36.00; Paper: S$28.90; US$17.00.

Jeffrey A. Winters (1996), Power in Motion: Capital Mobility and the Indonesian State, Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY, pp. xvi + 241. Cloth: US$36.90; A$54.25.

Donald K. Emmerson (ed.) (1999), Indonesia Beyond Suharto: Polity, Economy, Society, Transition, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk NY and London, published in cooperation with The Asia Society, pp. xxviii + 395. Cloth: US$69.95; Paper: US$26.95. Not available in Australia and Southeast Asia.

Tulus Tahi Hamonangan Tambunan (2000), Development of Small-scale Industries during the New Order Government in Indonesia, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 218. Cloth: £37.50.

C.H. Kwan, Donna Vandenbrink and Chia Slow Yue (eds) (1998), Coping with Capital Flows in East Asia, Nomura Research Institute, Tokyo, and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, pp. xiii + 319. Cloth: S$78.90; US$49.90; Paper: S$49.90; US$32.90.

International Labour Organisation (1999), Indonesia: Strategies for Employment-Led Recovery and Reconstruction, Jakarta, pp. 404.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Stephan Haggard (2000), The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC, pp. xvii + 272.

Colin Barlow (ed.) (1999), Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia: The Context of Development from the 1960s to the 1990s, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. xi + 204.

Asian Policy Forum, Asian Development Bank Institute (Forum Secretariat) (2000), Policy Recommendations for Preventing Another Capital Account Crisis, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, pp. ii + 16.

Masaru Yoshitomi and Sayuri Shirai (2000), Technical Background Paper for Policy Recommendations for Preventing Another Capital Account Crisis, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, pp. ii + 85.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article: MEIER, GERALD M.: Leading Issues in Development Economics: Studies in International Poverty. G. S. BAIN: The Growth of White-Collar Unionism. D. P. O'BRIEN: J. R. McCulloch, A Study in Classical Economics (London: Allen & Unwin, 1970). R. M. GOODWIN: Elementary Economics from the Higher Standpoint, Cambridge University Press. SCHWARZENBERGER, GEORG: Economic World Order? A basic problem of international economic law. DEAKIN, B. M. and SEWARD, T.: Productivity in Transport. M. A. UTTON: Industrial Concentration. GEOFFREY K. INGHAM: Size of Industrial Concentration and Worker Behaviour. INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: Surveys of African Economies, Volume 3  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles: Labour and employment planning Human Resource Planning: The Asian Experience Rashid Amjad. Asian and Pacific fishing Fishing Industry in Asia and the Pacific Rice and development The Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Society Francesca Bray. Trade in services Pacific Trade in Services Edited by Leslie Castle and Christopher Findlay Alternative strategies CGE Industrialization and Growth: A Comparative Study Hollis Chenery, Sherman Robinson and Moshe Syrquin. Homelessness and shelter Shelter for the Homeless: Asian Pacific Needs and Australian Responses J.D. Conroy. Korean industrialization and politics Capitalist Industrialization in Korea Clive Hamilton. A village in West Java Land, Labour and Livelihood in a West Java Village , Joan Hardjono. Fiji after the coup Fiji: Opportunity from Adversity Wolfgang Kasper, Jeff Bennett and Richard Blandy. The Fiji Economy, May 1987: Problems and Prospects Rodney Cole and Helen Hughes. Ersatz capitalism The Rise of Ersatz Capitalism in South-East Asia Yoshihara Kunio. The mineral industries The Minerals Industries of ASEAN and Australia: Problems and Prospects Edited by Bruce McKern and Praipol Koomsup. Minerals Processing in the Industrialization of ASEAN and Australia. By Bruce McKern and Praipol Koomsup. Macro-economics of Hong Kong Hong Kong's Economy: An Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis Gavin Peebles. The politics of economic crisis Southeast Asia in the 1980s: The Politics of Economic Crisis Richard Robinson, Kevin Hewison and Richard Higgott. China's modernization and energy use Energy in China's Modernization: Advances and Limitations Vaclay Smil. Politics of co-operation Politics of ASEAN Economic Co-operation Marjorie L. Suritamongkol. Industrial reform in China China's Industrial Reform Edited by Gene Tidrick and Chen Jiyuan. Industrial Management and Economic Reform in China: 1949–1984 Peter N. S. Lee. Developing human resources Human Resources Development in the Pacific Edited by C. D. Throsby. General dilemmas of development Dilemmas of Development: Reflections on the Counter-Revolution in Development Theory and Policy John Toye. Green revolution in Malaya Peasants in the Making: Malaysia's Green Revolution Diana Wong.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
The Philippines: the political economy of growth and impoverishment in the Mairos era James K. Boyce
Poverty, Growth and the Fiscal Crisis Emmanuel S. de Dios and Associates
Rural Enterprises in China Christopher Findlay, Andrew Watson and Harry X. Wu
Rural China in Transition: non-agricultural development in rural Jiangsu, 1978–1990 S. P. S. Ho
China, Modernisation and the Goal of Prosperity: government administration and economic policy in the late 1980s Kate Hannan (ed.)
China: internal market darelopment and regulation
The Economic Growth of Singapore: trade and development in the twentieth century W. G. Huff
Challenge and Response: thirty years of the Economic Development Board Helen Hughes, Linda Low, Toh Mun Heng, Soon Teck Wong and Tan Kong Yam
The Political Economy of Agricultural Pricing Policy, Volume 5: a synthesis of the political economy in developing countries Anne O. Krueger
Indonesia Assessment 1994. Finance as a Key Sector in Indonesia's Development Ross H. McLeod (ed.)
Debt, Deficits and Exchange Rates: essays on financial interdependence and development Helmut Reisen
A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia in the 1990s Adam Schwarz
Approaching Suharto's Indonesia fmm the Margins Takashi Shiraishi (ed.)
Telecommunications Sector Reform in Asia: toward a new pragmatism Peter L. Smith and G. Staple
ASEAN-China Economic Relations: industrial restructuring in ASEAN and China Joseph L. H. Tan and Luo Zhaohong (eds)
China's Coastal Cities: catalysts for modernization Yue-man Yeung and Xu-wei Hu (eds)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
ATKINSON, A. B. Economics of Inequality.
CIPOLLA, C. M. (ed.). The Fontana Economic History of Europe: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
FINE, B. Marx's Capital.
HAZLEWOOD, A. Economic Integration: The East African Experience (Studies in the Economics of Africa).
HOLLIS, M. and NELL, E. J. Rational Economic Man. A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical Economics.
MILLER, M. H. and UPTON, C. W. Macroeconomics: A Neoclassical Introduction.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
book reviewed in this article
BROWN, B. The Dollar-Mark Axis.
BURKITT, B. and BOWERS, D. Trade Unions and the Economy.
CAIN, P. J. Economic Foundations of British Overseas Expansion
FISHER, D. Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy
FRANK, A. G. World Accumulation
HAWKE, G. R. Economics for Historians.
KUBICEK, R. V. Economic Imperialism in Theory and Practice: The Case of South African Cold Mining Finance
LALL, S. The Multinational Corporation.
LINDLEY, R. M. (ed.). Economic Change and Employment Policy.
MITCHELL, J. Price Determination and Prices Policy
TAYLOR, P. A. S. A New Dictionary of Economics.
WONNACOTT, P. Macroeconomics (2nd ed.). Homewood  相似文献   

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